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Type: Valley Kat

Gender: Male

Base Colour: Orange

Age: 90 (Level 4)

Length: 5'6"

Height: 8'6"

Automatic Abilties: Sonic Scream 2, Illusion's Trick

Special Abilities: Diamond Blade, Spike Fall, Cloud Blade, Stun Fog, Long Run, Fear, Forget, Cloud Dragon, Itch, Many Kat, Mimic, Reflex, Ward, Silent Step, Razor Claw, Shackle

Appearance: Rawson has that sleek and lithe Valley kat body. His base color is Orange, which starts on his face and fades down his neck to his chest, over his stomach and up onto his sides. Most of his markings are a deep navy blue. That coloring starts between his shoulder blades and bleeds down his legs;it also runs back along his spine. There are a few navy diamond shapes over his cool green eyes and on his muzzle. His lips and cheeks are as pale as the whites of his eyes, with his glare stripe being dark gray. Something else unique about Rawson is he keeps his mane shaved into a mohawk and kats can see his fur fades from dark gray to navy blue

Going to the other end of him, Rawson's tail is a lighter, brighter shade of blue. This begins at the base of his tail and goes all the way to the tip.

However, when the puff part starts, the colors begins to change. The blue remains only on the the bottom third, while the middle is filled with that same orange and the top is shaded dark gray.

Wondering where his stripes are? Well, they're in his mane. Rawson keeps his hair short for a few reasons, but one is to show off the black, almost zebra-like stripes running vertically all along his mane. He also has 4 thin black stripes on his right shoulder. One could almost mistake them as claw marks, but they're just lines on his fur.