Arthren Thorne
Arthren Redthorne
Name: Arthren Thorne
Codename(s): Gamma, Quick
Age: 26
9. September 72 A.R.(After Revolution)
Birthplace: Maxima
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 210
Eye Color: Gray
Other Physical Characteristics: Silver metallic razorsharp wings, a scar down his chest, and a tattoo of a dragon on the back of his shoulder. He also have razor blades that can retract from his gear, and sheaths than cirle his arms full of daggers. he himself resebles a blade, and is sharp as a razor.
Home: Danex City
Marital Status: Married
Profession: Professional Killer, and a record keeper for the Thorne Family.
Personal Quote: "Even at a man's most powerless, his life is never without meaning."
Weapons of Choice: Swords and Daggers
After he recieved his new powers, and new abilities, he now lives in Danex City. the once capital of the Dark Thornes. He and his family rule the land, and destroy other clans that get in their way. His mission is to destroy all good, and let evil rein. He is now the record keeper of the Thorne History, and has begun to study the mystery of his destiny, and the Maverick Thornes.
