Zeriko Crimsonthorne
Screen name: Zeriko_Crimsonthorne, Zeriko_Shocke
Full name: Zeriko Shocke-Thorne
Gender: Male
Race: Kindred
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 135lbs.
Body type: Short, and slightly built.
Hair Color: Gray
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: Pallid
Rainment: Blue jacket with an artillery belt that crisscrosses all the way to his waist.
His pants are short pants, which are black with flames at the bottom. He also owns death metal
Goth boots, the kind you would see at a Morbid Angel concert.
Et Cetera: Two guns appropriately named, and a relic that suppresses the sun's damaging rays.
Inherited Abilities: Speed, a Little RIFT magic and some Astral.
Learned Abilities: Assamite disciplines and skilled with various weapons
Useful Skills: Fights extremely well with guns
Trade: Professional Bounty hunter
Armor: None
Weapons: Two Magi-Tek guns and other hidden weapons
Magical Items: The relic that suppresses the sun and his Charm
Disabilities/Disadvantages: Lack of height and strength
Inherited Weaknesses: Reluctant to kill Members of the Faith
Drawbacks to Abilities: Physical fatigue from magic use
Old wounds: Anger of being Changed instead of dying
Family: Dexter Shocke and Matrix Shocke
Friends: Ayla Whitethorne, Caylina Burdensbane
Financial Affiliations: Whatever the bounty is worth
Enemies: The entire, or anyone affiliated with Nor.
No one really understands pasts of bounty hunters and why they must kill to make a living. Zeriko does not exactly enjoy killing every bounty head he receives from the main station on Ashr'alan. The main cities on the continent are Maxima, Danex and Nargath. It was not until just recently that Nargath became a major spaceport. There are several colonies in outer space now. When Zeriko was born, he was a Shocke. He grew up with two older brothers, Dexter and Matrix Shocke. Matrix lived his life as a RIFTer, and a Glitter Boy pilot and Dexter was the same, only his model was a Magi-Tek model from Nor. He was a bit sinister as well. So Zeriko grew up around battles, mostly. His father enjoyed fighting, but now he's pretty much a vegetable because "heroes" like he are no longer needed. His mother committed suicide when the war ended, when Zeriko was 12. She knew that she would not be needed anymore. Zeriko never really blamed her either. He cannot even remember being sad or if he cried. So he decided that if his brothers were pilots he did not want to follow that certain trend. By the time he was 14 there were already enough pilots in the world to make up a medium sized town. He fled to Nargath seeking any kind of other job besides a pilot. It turned out that Nargath was a major port city, accepting any kind of immigrants, including criminals. Eventually, Zeriko settled down in Nargath and it wasn't too long when a criminal attacked him. After this incident, he decided to become a bounty hunter. When he turned 16, he was very adept at what he did, until he took a job from the king of Maxima. He was forced to work with Malek Crimsonthorne to capture his new bounty. While they were hunting the bounty, Zeriko fought the bounty. Unlike any other "easy" capture, this was hard to catch. It turned out that Zeriko was mortally wounded during the fight, so Malek had no other choice to embrace the young man. Anyone on the edge of death usually does not refuse a Kindred's gift, so Zeriko was resurrected, but as a Kindred.
He started his life again, Dexter and Matrix had no idea that he died and cannot tell the different at any rate. After Zeriko was changed, Malek too the neophyte to Danex City to meet with the High Priest, here, he received his Charm. The High Priest engraved a "tattoo" into his forehead and told him that he needed to go to the High Priestess of Rayne to retrieve the relic that would protect him from the sun's damaging rays. So, only at nightfall, he would travel to Maxima to meet with her. Her name was Ayla Whitethorne and she gave him the relic willingly. So now he was protected from the sun, and he could go pretty much anywhere, in day and in night. It was odd for a Kindred to have kind of ability and he wondered why the Members of the Faith had treated him this way. Ever since, he has been reluctant to harm a Member of the Faith. Months after this event, Malek had passed on, a witch hunter had destroyed his life. Eventually, Malek's gem formed onto his body, in the form of a garnet, with souls kept in it. The gem is located on his chest, hidden under both his artillery belt and his jacket.
