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Midi playing: All The Small Things

Real Name: Robert Drake

Code Name: Iceman

Age: 18

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Brown

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 170 lb.

Template: Not-Affiliated

Other Distinguishing Physical Features: He is average built and has a very typical centre-parted hair style. At times, his hair 'freezes', and is streaked with lines of blue on the edges.

Clothes: Dressed in all black, much like a typical triad. Loves black jackets, black jeans and has an obsession with black A-wire Oakley's.

Uniform: No uniform at the moment. But I suspect that if he does, he'll probably be clad in black attire. Much like on X-Men the Movie, as well as a mixture with the Iceman in the comics (circa 2000, with the shades and jacket).

Powers/Mutations: The ability to manipulate water molecules and other liquids. Also, is able to manipulate the water molecules within himself and hence transforming himself into a being of pure ice.

History: Was a normal student at high school. But during his final year, his powers evolved and became apparent. He kept freezing and unfreezing water bodies around him, without his control. However, he is lucky that no one knows about this other than his parents. One day, Professor Xavier came to visit his parents to invite Robert to the Xavier Institute. Eventually, Robert ran away from home and is now residing in the Institute in hope to control his powers.

Personality: Uncannily Witty, Suspiciously Sociable, Hot-Tempered and has a bad sense of directions!

Favorite Music/Pastime: Lives on music of all genres, goes to the gym and socialises.

A Quote: "Freeze! haha. Just kidding!"

Quirks, Limitations, and Other Weird Stuff: Being unusually witty, Robert gets in trouble with his mates nearby. Mutation wise, Robert is unable to control his powers and hence causes many "accidents". Fire does not necessary harm him, unless he is transformed into a being of ice. As of yet, Robert hasn't used his powers extensively nor has he used it to its full capacity, and thus, has not been exhausted from over-working. His bad sense of directions could also bring to his downfall (!).

Others: Robert loves and lives on socialising, and handles rejection badly.

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