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The RPG Cast

Midi playing: Call Me Al

Hey, this is our current cast! If I left anyone out, please let me know. All players/characters deserve some credit. Now, the rules for characters. If you read the main page, you already covered them. Stay in character, though "tweaking" is allowed. Yes, you are allowed to make up your own character, or bring in a character not in the show, provided you fill out the Bio Form and send it to the Powers That Be for approval. As for the rest of the players's who is playing who.

The limit of characters one player is allowed to have is a limit of four {4}.

The characters who DO appear in the show, when all members have a bio page, will have "Character Established" typed up top. This means, duh, these are characters who are truly in the show a great deal of the time. Otherwise, the characters without are brought in by players.

Note To Players

Every bio page has a comment from the Powers That Be on what I've seen or thought of the character in play. But, it isn't limited to me. If you have opinion about any of these characters in the rpg as you've seen them, share them, and I will post them. Let me know what you think of how well the character is being pulled off. Do you like the character? Do they have a good personality? Do they interact well? Are there particular strengths and weaknesses you want to point out? Consider it a learning experience for all of us. Let your fellow players know what you think.

X-Men Players

madphilosopies - Scott Summers/Cyclops

Nagi-Oki - Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler

Scummbar - Evan Daniels/Spyke

Dontra - Rogue

Nagi-Oki - Sam Guthrie/Cannonball

Nomiwolf - Rahne Sinclair/Wolfsbane

Cmcle - Jubilation Lee/Jubilee

Dragonknight - Dr. Henry McCoy/Beast

somanyplaces - Jamie Madrox/Multiple

sean_tone - Bobby Drake/Iceman

Brotherhood of Mutants Players

Nomiwolf - Eric Magnus/Magneto

Arachne - Raven Darkholme/Principal Darkholme/Mystique

madphilosopies - Lance Alvers/Avalanche

madphilosopies - Fred Dukes/Blob

Wild_Rose31 - Todd Tolensky/Toad

Scummbar - Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver

Other Villain Players

El Kabong - Victor Creed/Sabertooth

Brought-In Character Players

harlock3 - Alexandria Maria Winters/Copycat

Vampi - Medea Riciglianesi/Bloodfyre

Vampi - Henri Riciglianesi/Ragefang

Nagi-Oki - Mirru/Maze Bakanetsu-Swallow/Eagle Vision

Dontra - Adria Smith/Switch

Nomiwolf- Naomi/Raven

Nomiwolf - Leanne Jackson/Sphinx

cmcle - K.C. Bellings/Changeling

Angy Kat - Finn/Mage

Dragonknight - Wysten Draco/Silver Bolt

Dragonknight - Shana Summers/Jedi Knight

Dontra - Talia Cummings/Griffin

Angy Kat - Mythian "Mythi" Quinitillo/Drachen

Cmcle - William Bellings/Elemental

Dragon Charmeruk - Theresa Chase/Wilderness

jakeishavoc - Clyde

If you are not yet a player, do you wanna play? We still have established characters who are idle due to lack of a player. As mentioned on the main page, here are the characters we need.

X-Men Vacancies

Charles Xavier/Professor X (Recently Taken)

Ororo Monroe/Storm



Robert DaCosta/Sunspot


Jean Grey

Ray Crisp/Berserker

Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat

Brotherhood Vacancies

Tabitha Smith/Boom-Boom

Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch

Other Villain Vacancies

Piotr Rasputin/Colossus

Remy LeBeau/Gambit

One last thing....anyone who is wanting to post to the group out of character, we hare trying to minimize what is sent to the group a if you have an off topic or OOC post you want to share...why not go OOC Group instead?
