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Midi playing: O Blah Dee O Blah Dah

Code name: Nightcrawler

Real Name: Kurt Wagner {pronounced Vaugner}

Template: X-Men

Age: 15-16??

Gender: Male

Height: ???

Weight: ???

Eyes: Yellow {some pictures show him with slitted pupils.}

Hair: Indigo

Other distinguishing physical features:

Kurt has two fingers and an opposable thumb. He also has Two toes and walks almost animalistic. Kurt is also covered in a fine coat of blue fuzz/fur. He has pointed ears, prominant kanine teeth {fangs}, and a prehensile spaded tail at least three feet in length which can support, at least, his own body weight.


In his "human" form, he is often seen wearing baggy pants, with his green shorts hanging out, a burgundy/maroon shirt with a button-down shirt over it {which is always unbuttoned. On his right wrist is his holo-watch.


Kurt has the power of teleportation. He can, not only teleport himself, but objects and other people. Due to his dark color, Kurt seems to blend into the shadows making him seemingly invisible to a degree {though he isn't invisible}. He is very agile, posessing a cat-like spine, which enable him to sit in damaging positions for a long time comfortably without harming his posture. To a degree, he can suspend himself from walls and cielings, though most often, he likes to hang by his feet on the chandelier.


Kurt was obviously a mutant at birth. His mother, Mystique may have been involved in the genetic testing performed by Magneto while she carried him. At birth, he was deformed and Mystique ran with him, but she dropped him into the river...where he was later fished out by a German traveling circus and adopted. He was raised as a performer and his adoptive family gave him the best they could, loving him with no prejuduice. He was soon sent, in an attempt to better his life and abilities, to Xavier's intitute. He's been there since.


Kurt is one of the best characters when it comes to compatibility. He gets along with just about anybody and has an outstanding personality. He is, though he doesn't let on, very shy and very very sensitive about his appearance. He often hides under the cover of his holo-watch. He makes friends easily, and is quite comassionate. He's also a die-hard goofball and enjoys entertaining his friends. what do you expect for a boy raised in a circus?

Favorite music and pastime:

movie soundtracks, Barenaked Ladies, XTC, techno (he can't help it, he's German) and (with a passion) all things Beatle. His pastimes include movies (DVDs), Drama Club, JV soccer, JV gymnastics, skateboarding, video games.

*Information provided via X-Men Evolution Official website.*

A Quote: " Burgers! Ah, the breakfast of mutants!"

Quirks, limitations, abilities, and other weird stuff:

Kurt, for being rather tiny, enjoys food. Growing up in Germany, he has a great love for Pork and Beef. He is definately a meat-lover, a carnivore by nature and choice and will eat almost anything. Kurt's sense of humor is amazing and he's a horrible flirt, however, when he, as himself, becomes the butt of the joke, he tends to become aggitated. As for Kurt's powers, the extent of teleportation on a horizontal scale is about two miles. The more wieght he teleports with him, the shorter the distance he can teleport.

I've seen many Kurt players in the games. Most do the heavy accent in the dialog and skimp on the personality or do the reverse. In this game, Kurt's player has done a phenominal job of doing both, making Kurt a delight to interact with. ~V~

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