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Midi Playing: My Own Worst Enemy

Codename: Crimson

Real Name: Jason Parks

Template (X-men, Brotherhood, student, politician, street punk, etc.): X-Men (if that includes characters who will eventually become X-Men)

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Height: 4'10"

Weight: 112 lbs.

Eyes: Brown (when not manifesting his powers)

Hair: Dark Brown, with many strands Crimson in color

Other distinguishing physical features: A tattoo on the backside of his left hand, with the letters V.T. entwined in barbed wire.

Clothes: Jason is only just getting used to dressing 'normally', and gets by with a white t- shirt, a pair of jeans, and a worn-in pair of grey sneakers. He wears a fingerless boxers glove on his left hand, to conceal the tattoo. Jason will often wear a hooded windbreaker, when he wants the concealment that an oversized hood will give him. On either wrist is a gold-colored armband, smooth with no markings, and no apparent clasps. They don't seem to come off.

Powers/Mutations: Jason has a technologically-based power as well as a naturally- inherent mutant power. The armbands which he wears are actually concussion rings, energy buzzsaws which grow and spin around his wrists. He can throw punches with them, which also carry a concussive force. The rings can also leave his arms, and fly around like shuriken, which Jason can control up to 10 feet in any direction by gesturing with his arms. The rings themselves can cut through steel.

His mutant power is much less refined or controllable. When Jason becomes enraged, he changes forms, his anger manifesting itself in the form of a giant rabid were- creature...specifically, a fox. Jason has a great deal of trouble controlling this form, since he was never taught how to control it. The fox still has use of the rings, but without a great deal of mental control, it can become a menace to its allies as well as foes. Until Jason truly learns how to control his rage, and Crimson, he's a loose cannon. However, when he learns to control it, he'll be able to acheive a middle ground state. If he controls his anger, it will give him crimson hair, and Crimson's enhanced agility and strength.

History: Jason has never had it easy. His father was a compulsive gambler who later came to manage small-time mutant fighters in the underground Mutant Fighting League. Mutant pit against Mutant, the battles were often ultra-violent, and brutal...the combatants reduced to the status of fighting cocks for the sake of wagering. Mr. Henry Parks had decided to put his money where his mouth was, and sponsor a fighter: Ichor. Ichor was a mutant with a knack for evading otherwise devastating blows, by melting into his shadow, and slinking behind his opponents. Indeed, Ichor was bringing Henry some good money. But Ichor wasn't an ever-lasting money-machine.

Henry and his wife Jennifer were in a few 'parental disagreements' over the raising of their only son, Jason. Jennifer, herself a mutant, was concerned about Jason's exposure to this dark side of the world, and as she concealed her powers from her husband, hoped to keep Jason's possible powers a secret as well. Jason wasn't as well-versed in it, however, and his first power manifestation was ill-timed and ill-fated.

Ichor was fighting a mutant named Dreadlocks, and it wasn't going too well for Henry's boy. Henry had ignored Jennifer's pleas not to bring Jason to the fights, but they went ignored; Henry wanted Jason to enjoy a 'night at the fights' with his old man, a father- and-son outing. The fight was going poorly, with Ichor being beaten down. Using his powers, Ichor slinked out of the ring, amidst boos and jeers. Henry was furious, and began to push and poke at his waning fighter, calling him worthless. Ichor didn't like this, and when the anti-mutant slurs starting pouing out of Henry's mouth, he found himself being faced by more mutants than he could handle...especially as a normal person. As Henry was crowded around, and a physical altercation ensued, Jason was subsequently smacked and pushed about, and as he saw his father go down, something in the boy snapped. He began to quake, and fill with an uncontrollable rage. Suddenly, the boy exploded upwards, growing from a scrawny little kid, to a massive monstrosity of teeth and claws. The creature tore through the crowd, laying waste to everything and everyone in sight. No mutant left that night without medical attention...those who still lived. Many caught off- guard were ripped to shreds. But Henry, seeing his son's amazing powers, saw only dollar signs. When Jason reverted to his normal form, and collapsed, Henry carried his son out past the carnage. That's when everything changed.

Jennifer saw less and less of her son. Henry never told her where he was going all the time, and it was pushing them towards divorce. That's what Henry wanted; he knew she'd never approve of what had become of Jason. Henry had his new money-maker, and it was in his own son. In order to control Jason's horrific temper-induced changes, a device was attached behind Jason's ear, which would inhibit speciifc brain activity, thus rendering Jason catatonic at the push of a button. When Jason appeared to be a threat to his father, Henry could simply turn Jason off. It was perfect., but for one flaw: Without constant mental activity, the synapses in Jason's brain would soon begin to atrophy...without some intervention, he would eventually become brain damaged. But Henry didn't know, and he didn't care, apparently. Meanwhile, he hired the best sparring partners for Jason, and made sure the boy could fight. Since Jason was rather scrawny without his fox form, Henry had the concussion rings installed. A little extra insurance. And to make certain everyone knew that Jason belonged to Vega Team, the name his father gave to his group (albeit small as they were), the boy was branded on his left hand. Jason saw his freedom and humanity drained from him...locked in small rooms and cages when not training, Jason became nothing more to his father than property.

It wasn't until several years later that Jennifer managed to receive word of her son's whereabouts. By now, Jason was nothing more than a fighter, stripped of his free will, and expected to lose all control in the ring. His powers perversed, Jason never learned to gain control of Crimson. Frantic over the condition of her son, Jennifer attempted to reach the one individual who might be able to bring Jason back to his senses: Dr. Charles Xavier.

(NOTE: Jason will get better as time goes on, but he'll need help. As long as characters rally around him at the Institute, he will probably recover a lot faster, and begin on the path to normalcy...that is, whatever is normal in a world full of angsty teenage mutants)

Personality: Once Jason gets away from his father, it will be a long journey to repair the damage. To start, Jason no longer realizes the concept of freedom, and he expects that all things must come at a price, including friendship. What he's willing to pay for, and what he's not is at his discretion, though he doesn't even seem comfortable with the concept of making his own decisions. This often makes him seem slow and confused. He's a fierce fighter, but he's searching for something to fight for. It's not that Jason doesn't have a wide range of emotions, but he's never really needed them. Anger always leads to Crimson, and anger comes so easily to him...

Player does very well showing the level of believability of a character who has literally gone through hell and truly wants to change. ~~V~~

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