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Midi Playing: Crawling In The Dark

Codename: Mage

Real Name: Finn (no last name)

Nicknames: none

Place of Origin: unknown

Template: X-men

Age: 16-17

Gender: female

Height: 5'6''

Weight: 110

Eyes: solid amber, no visible pupils

Hair: silvery white, short, has a metallic shine

Other distinguishing physical features: She has three fingers, which are slightly elongated, two toes, and animilistic legs. She's covered in a thick layer of soft, dark blue green, two toned fur. She has a spaded, prehensil tail the reaches about 6'6''. She has retractable, claws on her hands and feet, and long fangs. Her face is more cat like, coming down into a short snout ending in a pink nose.

She's beautiful in a feline way. Her ears are very tall and pointed, and she's able to swivel them in almost any direction. She is very flexible and limber, with a flexible, spring like spine. This combined with her powerful legs makes her a very powerful runner and jumper. She's very slender and wirey, but solid muscle. She has three flexible spines on both shoulders. She also has a mild scent, sort of a spicey, rainy scent. Most people find this smell very attractive.

Clothes: She wears loose tan pants, long shirts/vests that button up the front and open up and flare slightly at the hips, they reach to her knees or lower. Black fingerless gloves, arm bands and leather choker.

uniform: She wears a black sleevless body suit over which she has a dark purplish-blue shirt that is open in the front and hanges to her knees. she has three black armbands on each arm, black gauntlets and shin guards. Attached to her collar is a medallion with the X-symbol.

Known relatives: (She has a twin brother, Griff, his where-abouts are unknown. no known parents)

Powers/mutations: She can create powerful energies. She can use this energy to make small energy bombs, or shoot it at objects. She can also release bursts of energy that creates shock waves strong enough to blow out a section of brick wall, though this takes some effort.

She has the ability to transfer energy through space and have it reappear back into this reality, but this is very difficult and she is only able to do it 3-4 times depending on the amount of energy used. She has to be close to her target and able to see it, she can't transport over long distances. But this power comes with a price. When ever she does an energy transfer it takes a lot of effort and energy.

But energy transfers don't always work, occationaly she will release the energy but it just disapears. Usually after several energy transfers her powers will temperarily shut down until they are able to rebuild and heal. She often has a hard time controling this energy, and occationaly she looses her hold on it and accidentaly blasts something. She also has to be careful because she can easily drain herself.

She relys on this energy to live, if her energy levels become too low she can slip into a coma until her power levels rise back up. Strong emotions also cause her to build up energy, and if she can't control it, it can cause a lot of damage. She can also transfer this energy from herself to others, though this is highly dangerous because she can't control the amount of energy the other person pulls from her and if she is unable to break the contact the loss of energy could her send her into a coma.

Her senses are very well developed, excpectially sight and hearing. her vocal cords are very advanced, enabling her to create sounds higher and lower than human hearing.

History: She was abandond as a baby because she was a mutant (though she looked different then than she does now). She was given over to science for genetic testing, which they did for the next several years, hence much of her current looks and much of her abilities. They were trying to create mutant assassins and so they did exstensive mind programing and behavioral modifications on her. She remembers some of this time, though it's a little foggy.

After she escaped them she was taken in by an abusive freak show host named Jacks who physically and mentaly abused her and displayed her in his freak show. He treated her no better than an animal, to him she was nothing more than his property, and a toy to take his sick aggressions out on.

Because of her fighting ability, strength, and violent nature, he often kept her chained up and put a collar on her which would shock her or strangled her if she rebeled or tried to attack. She was with Jacks for almost three years before the first of her powers manifested one day and she destroyed his freak show in a huge energy storm, leaving him severely scared, and letting her escape.

For the last three years she has been living on her own, mostly in the forests and non-populated areas, occationaly going into towns to steal food or other necessities. She has been very isolated from most of human society her whole life, so some of her veiws and understandings on things are a little warped, since all she's had to go by is what has been done to her and what she has seen.

She was taken in by another mutant named Talia McCuin. But she only stayed with her for a little less than two months before the threat of discovery became too great. So Talia sent her to Xavier, knowing that he could help her and keep her safe.

Personality: She has a sort of dark side and light side. Most of the time she's a happy, active, adventrous, fun loving, immature teen. Who loves adrenaline rushes and can be reckless, occationaly. But on the dark side, she often likes to be alone and she doesn't like to be around people all that much.

At times she can be anti-social and withdrawn, even violently hostile, especialy with the subject of her past, which she would rather not think or talk about. She also has a vicious temper, when aroused. She doesn't express the softer emotoins such as love, kindness, pity, etc... these are concepts she's not too familiar with and she feels very uncomfortable when anyone shows her any sort of kindness or pity. But in general she prefers to be an active, fun loving, good natured person.

Favorite music and pastime: She loves pop, rock, and a little Celtic. She'll eat just about anything edible. She loves to do outdoorsy things, listening to music, gymnastics, drawing and painting, using her powers, fighting, etc... (anything active). She loves animals, except dogs, she hates dogs. She loves to irritate people, she finds watching people get all worked up over little things very amusing.

A quote: "I hauve learned that only the strong survive in this world, and the veak are trampeled....some say it is different....i hauve yet to see this for meself..."

Quirks, limitations, abilities, and other weird stuff: She has some medical issues. Her body doesn't process man made medicines well, they often have a worse side effect than the problem they were taken for.

She can only take all natural medicines without suffering ill side effects. She's also highly alcohol intolerant, alcohol even in small amounts can have devastating effects on her. It makes her so ill she becomes incapacitated, enough alcohol can kill her.

She still acts very much like a wild animal at times, she has had no reason to surpress these urges and so often acts very animalistic, and occationaly she reverts entirely to a more feral mentality. Especialy when threatened, scared, hurt, or is caught up in the hunt.

She likes catnip, like any normal cat. She will endulge in it if she is able to find it. The programing and behavioral modifications they did on her in the labs warped her mind. It enhanced her feral, predatory nature and made her very violent. But the experiments had an unexpected effect. It created a powerful bloodlust in her that, added to her original programing, created a super-predator, a killing machine. But she has learned to keep this part of her dormant and under control, unless it is triggered by something, then it is difficult to get her back under control. Unfortunatly the bloodlust is active at all times, though it's weak until something triggers it.

A very well played character. Player does a fine job of showing someone not used to the normal scheme of things. ~~V~~

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