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Midi Playing: Kashmir

Codename: Ragefang

Real Name: Henry Riciglianesi

Template (X-men, Brotherhood, etc): Concerned guilt ridden sibling and Brotherhood member

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Height: 5' 7"

Weight: 160lb

Eyes: Deep blue-almost violet with a tendency to flare electric blue when he gets upset

Hair: Golden Brown

Other distinguishing physical features: Has a face that says 'I'll listen to you.' He also has a hoop earring in his left ear and favors American Indian jewelry.

Clothes: Usually jeans and anything tye-dye with a pair of moccassins. Often wears an open dress shirt over his t-shirt

Powers/Mutations: Rapid healing ability that works on anything except chemical burns Heightened senses-an offshoot of the healing ability Demonic Form-when angry or upset his skin thickens into darkish scales and he sprouts fangs and claws strong enough to gouge concrete. His eyes also glow electric blue. He refers to this power as 'The Shape of My Rage'.

History: Medea's twin brother. As a child he believed he was a normal human and was resentful of his sister's differences, so he took it out on her by being cruel when their adoptive parents weren't around. Things got worse especially when Medea filled out early and came to a head just after their thirteenth birthday when in a particular nasty fight, Medea lashed out and clawed his face badly. His healing ability which had always been there was the only thing that saved him from losing an eye and being badly disfigured. Not long afterwards, his 'demon' form manifested as he was exceedingly honked off at his sister. But watching his adoptive family worry about Medea made him reevaluate how he behaved and he changed his life around. Henry buckled down in school, graduating early as well as doing tons of community service, but despite this he has decided to go find some word about his sister to make peace with himself. Personality: Too nice for his own good and enjoys helping people. He does his best to find the good in everyone and believes every point of view deserves to be heard.

Favorite music and pastime: Enjoys any new age type music, especially Enya and Clannad. He also loves the Grateful Dead, but that's one of his guilty pleasures. He collects folk tales as a hobby and lives for helping out in homeless shelters and other similar places.

A Quote: Karma is the only rule of life

Quirks, limitations, abilities, and other weird stuff: Henry is vegan, avoids all meat and their byproducts. He also refuses any medicines other than homeopathic remedies and avoids any drinking or smoking save for a sip of mead on wiccan holy days. Henry meditates a lot to keep an even temper, but when things build up he explodes. He shares a vague mental link with his sister and knew something bad happened to her when she nearly lost her leg. He has an uncanny knack of always getting under his sister's skin.

An interesting character. Who'd expect such a mousy guy to change into a raging scaled savage monster. ~~V~~

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