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Midi Playing: Gel

***Character Established***

Codename: Multiple

Real Name: Jamie Madrox

Template: Xavier Gifted Student :)

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 100 lbs.

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Brown

Other distinguishing physical features: None, though you may not tell, he seems to "pop" up in a "lotta places".

Clothes: Typical 12-year old garb, always one to fit into the norm.....funny. :)

Powers/Mutations: Ability to multiply upon kinetic impact. A snap, a bump, a push.....working it out with help! :) Each multiple shares some of the personality of Jamie.

History: At 12 years old, who has time for a history, he's still trying to ride along with Sam, Rayne, Ray, Amara and the rest....

Personality: Trying to be one of the adults, simple. Not knowing youth in its best form, always trying to rush out of it.

Favorite music and pastime: Follows the others, they're in high school and must* know the best music and games.

A Quote: " C'mon.....just one* time?"

Quirks, limitations, abilities, and other weird stuff: Not known at this point. Though would go on into X-Force and X-Corps at a later point.

I've never really paid much attention to Multiple on the show or in the comics, but his player here has made him such an endearing character, it's a delight to rp with him. ~~V~~

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