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Midi playing: We Will Rock You

I HAD to! I just HAD to!

***Character Established***

Codename: Avalanche

Real Name: Lance Alvers

Template: Brotherhood

Age: 17??

Gender: male

Height: ???

Weight: ???

Eyes: brown/black

Hair: brown

Other distinguishing physical features:



a black shirt with a vest. A pair of jeans with the knees ripped out.


Lance can tremble the ground. He can make it a light tremor, or a full blown earthquake. He can do some real damage.


Lance was placed from foster family to foster family. No one took the time for him because of his mutations. One day at school, he met Kitty, and tried winning her over. But, the whole attempt failed thanks to the X-Men and Kitty's parents. After destroying a section of his old school, he was confronted by Mystique who enrolled him in Bayville high. He is currently a member of the Brotherhood. He's one of the oldest {official} members, and he often trades leadership spots with Pietro.


Lance has a balanced personality. When he wants to, he can be thw sweetest guy you could ever meet. But, being a loner by nature and a bully, he prefers to be rude and mouthy. He works pretty well with his teammates, though is quite comfortable working alone.

Favorite music and pastime:


A Quote:

" How about a ride on the concrete coaster?"

Quirks, limitations, abilities, and other weird stuff:

Lance only has so much energy. Though very powerful, he can only hold up his ability for a limited amount of time. Also, he may be a little clumsy with his gifts, though he doesn't let on.

I think the player for Lance does a good job. Instead of corny one-liners, the player brings in some food for thought. Still keeping Avalanche's charm, but making him more sophisticated.

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