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Midi playing: White Wedding

Codename: Magneto

Real Name: Eric Magnus Lensher

Template: Brotherhood

Age: uhm...old

Gender: male

Height: ???

Weight: ???

Eyes: blue?

Hair: white

Other distinguishing physical features:



He's always in costume. A purple and red suit with a purple cape and a helmet which blocks psychic attacks.


Magneto can control anything magnetic...this can include fields and tides. He can also manipulate the magnetic fields around him, creating a forcefield, enabling him to fly. A supermutant, highly evolved and very mysterious.


Eric's parents were killed during the holocaust. He survived, and discovered his mutant abilities. Since then, he has been horribly bitter with humanity. Not just for desposing of his family, but rejecting him as a mutant. In pure hate, he made the decision that mutants, being evolved, should replace normal human beings in the world. He is dedicated to recruiting and training as many mutants as possible and encouraging his ideas.


An in-the-shadows type of person. He doesn't often put himself in the line of fire. But, he is very capable of battle. He is bitter and very cunning. He has great skill in technology and biology and geneology, which makes him somewhat reclusive with his ideas. He's always creating and planning. He has a severe superiority complex....and THAT is genetic. (c;

Favorite music and pastime:

Magneto is often too budy trying to figure out world conquest to do much else.

A Quote: " We are the future!"

Quirks, limitations, abilities, and other weird stuff:

Magneto depends soley on his powers to manage. Mentioned in a Fantastic Four cartoon, without his powers, he is helpless as a man. He is a cowardly man behind that shield of mutation. But, he does retain a lot of genius. Magneto has at least three children in this game. The most known is Pietro Maximoff, or Quicksilver, his son. Pietro has a twin sister who is currently not in the show or game named Wanda Maximoff, who comic fans might know as Scarlett Witch. For the game, Magneto has acknowledged an older daughter....Mickey Goodheart.

Wow. Player does a spectacular job! I've seen Magneto in several cartoons and comics. And player does a wonderful job with that scheming personality. You never know if Magneto is being totally honest or not. It boggles the mind. TERRIFIC interaction!

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