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Midi Playing: Chop Suey

Codename: Bloodfyre

Real Name: Medea (Real Last name Secret, but often uses 'Doe')

Template (X-men, Brotherhood, etc.): Former Street Punk/Biker Wannabe/X-man In Training

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 115-120lb

Eyes: Deep Blue-almost violet with a tendency to flare electric blue when she gets emotional (i.e. angry, scared, attracted to)

Hair: Black, worn very long

Other distinguishing physical features: Rather 'developed' for her age, walks with a slight limp favouring her left leg due to a motorcycle spill that didn't heal right. She also has a tattoo of a vampire skull with an 8pt star on it's forehead on her right shoulder (Hellrider's symbol).

Clothes: Favors anything black, usually jeans, t-shirts, and boots. She will occasionally wear something in a primary colour such as deep red or midnight blue or have it on as an accent. She always wears a black leather trenchcoat irregardless of the weather. Her X-man uniform is a sleeveless form of the bodysuit with the top a midnight blue, the pants black, and the boots deep red with some extra armour for her bad knee. She wears black leather bracers and a dark gray bandanna with the 'X' symbol as well. Her trenchcoat is also worn with the uniform.

Powers/Mutations: Telepathy, at current skill level she can easily pick up emotions, but only really strong thoughts can be heard. Her own emotions can block her using this power and she doesn't have the skill to use at the same time as her other mind powers. Gross overextention of this power will cause headaches and profuse nosebleeds that will block this power for the duration of the headache. Telekinesis, at current skill level she can lift about thirty pounds easily and punch with equal force. No fine manipulation is possible yet and she lacks the skill to use with her telepathy. Gross overextention of this power has the same effect as with the telepathy. Wallcrawling, an offshoot of her telekinesis, kind of a mental clinging to the wall for dear life. She can't carry anyone yet and anything affecting her telekinesis affect this as well. Rapid Healing Ability, works fast enough to heal a broken leg in three days depending on the severity and first aid given. Allows her to chain smoke and drink heavily at parties and clubs. She cannot heal burns from fire or chemicals and she cannot regrow lost limbs. Heightened Senses, an offshoot of her rapid healing. Any suprise attack against her senses will take her down for a while. Fangs and Claws, strong enough to tear flesh and gouge bone, but nothing like metals or hard plastics. She wears gloves to hide her claws and to protect others from getting cut. She also doesn't smile showing her teeth to lessen the chance of the fangs being seen.

History:Medea was raised by a neopagan couple who found her and her twin brother, Henry as infants in the grove they worshipped in. As Medea's always had the eye/fang/claw thing going on, her adoptive parents had her home schooled lest others not understand. Medea found all this coddling chafing and the older she got the more restless she became. After a fight with her brother, she ran away at 13 and lived on the streets of Chicago, never looking back. For a couple of years she survived mostly on her own until she eventually met Al, a former biker called Rattman from the Hellriders Motorcycle club. Actually she had been stealing his Harley and spilled almost losing her leg. He took pity on her and took her in, teaching her that one could be hard and still care for those around them as well as there was more to life than just surviving. Her mental powers surfaced while she was with him, and he told her if anything happened to him that she should head to Bayville where she could find what was missing in her life. After Rattman was killed in a barfight, Medea headed for Bayville. Her initial opinion was that the X-Men and the Brotherhood were gangs and Bayville the turf they fought over. Deciding that a lone operator would easily get killed by one of these 'gangs', she approached the X-Men as they seemed wealthy and more successful. Professor Xavier took her in and enrolled her in Bayville High where she's toughing it out with a little help from her new friends.

Personality: Cynical with a heart of gold

Favorite music and pastime: Loves all types of music except country-western, boy bands, and teen divas. She tends to listen to Rap/Metal, Hip-Hop, and Techno-Dance more than most. Medea is almost addicted to club dancing, well, any dancing and rarely passes up a chance to go.

A Quote: What point to living is there if ya can't just go howling once.

Quirks, limitations, abilities, etc: Medea needs to relearn how to be a teenager, the streets have made her older than her years. Underneath the hardened exterior is a shy girl who hasn't much experience in being a normal teenager and will get tongue-tied around a guy she finds attractive (Yes it makes for some interesting moments). She is fond of playing up as a vampire to unsuspecting rubes and loves Mexican and Chinese food. Medea also owns a high quality fake ID to get her into clubs.

Character has changed from her arrival over play, going from rather reclusive to opening up to those around her. As she's currently pregnant by her boyfriend, it's really clear she's overcome the shyness part LOL ~~V~~

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