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Maze & Mirru Bakanetsu

Midi Playing: Come Out And Play

Code Name: Maze-Eagle Vision Mirru-Swallow

Real Name: Maze Bakanetsu Mirru Bakanetsu

Place of Origin: Cape May, New Jersey

Template: X-Men/student/street fighter

Age: 16/Sophmore

Gender: Maze-male Mirru-Female

Height: 5' 3"

Weight: 190 lbs.

Eyes: Maze-Golden Mirru-Aqua Blue

Hair: Maze-Long, spikey, and green Mirru-Long, wavy, and pink

Other Distinguishing Features: Maze has a cocky grin and crafty look about him. Mirru has a gentle, soft smile and a very kind, sweet look about her.

Clothes: regular T-shirt, jeans, sneakers, fingerless gloves, and a bandanna

Known Relatives: Biological Mother-Karura Bakanetsu, Father-Otis Bakanetsu (9 other step moms...)

Powers/Mutations: The mutation is that the body can shift forms for the two, however... Maze-He has great stamina and endurance, he can take a lot of physical damage and still be able to fight. He is learning focus his energy to the point of giving him super human strength, speed, and agility but only for a short instant. He will do this up to six times before feeling fatigue when he finally gets the hang of it. He's inherited his father's strength and is almost as strong as Logan. He is currently experimenting with new fighting techniques including forced energy projection (through weapons), charging weapons with energy, and a breathing technique to triple a fighter's endurance.

Mirru-While Maze can manipulate energy internally, she can manipulate energy externally. One of her abilities if flight which costs her very little energy. She is learning to throw energy balls, disks, beams, and the like. She doesn't like using her powers as projectiles unless she has to. She can also form energy barriers extending around herself, she can project force shields around others but this leaves her vulnerable. She has learned that she focus her energies into regenerative and healing. She can heal cuts, scrapes, and minor boo-boos with little fatigue. But broken bones, deep lascerations, and ruptured or dammaged organs are out of her league for now.

History: At first, it seemed the Bakanetsus had a son added to their family. But as time wore on, they noticed their son would shift appearance, personality, AND gender without warning. Karura Bakanetsu, having several degrees in genetics, biology, and bio-energies, discovered that she had had a unique kind of conjoined twins. The two were connected in spirit (as are all conjoined twins) but shared a single body. She had seen similar cases but unlike the previous experiences, her child was able to change form consciously. She had anticipated that her children would have the X-gene, the X-gene had been in her family since the old times.

She did her best to raise her children as well as she could, but she couldn't prevent the two from communicating with each other in public. At first most people shrugged it off as a child with imaginary friends, but as time wore on Mirru and Maze found themselves as social outcasts among their classmates. As if that wasn't bad enough for them, Maze's father had started training Maze to be a master fighter at a young age. It mostly meant that Maze and his father would spar in a gym filled with traps. His father's objective was to push his son into one of the traps while fighting him. Maze became hardened by his father's training, even though he was a lot smaller and younger than his father he was able last longer and fight faster than him. Mirru on the other hand was a lot gentler and quiet, she excelled in cooking and singing. Mirru's voice was soft and sweet and she enjoyed singing, even if no one was there to listen.

Karura's research into mutants and history led her to believe that the myths of the ancient world were based on encounters with mutants. Of course, her theories and findings outraged most of the FOH groups. It was during a lecture tour that a large group of protesters blocked the enterance and refused to let her in. She came back driving a monster truck and drove up to the lecture hall. The protesters scattered and she had parked on the steps and walked into the lecture hall.

Maze heard of the trouble these FOH people were causing his mother so he decided to defend her honor. That and he was getting bored with beating up the high school wrestling teams for sport. His daring deeds and stunts earned him the title 'Terror of the East Coast'. He never killed anyone, his stunts were dementedly artistic. Once he fed 20 great danes laxatives and locked them inside a FOH leader's house. Another time he stole a septic waste truck and flooded a meeting of the FOH with rancid Port-O-John waste. Of course it was nothing compared to the time he rode a jack hammer on the cars of several FOH members' cars. Karura decided that perhaps the children would benefit from a stay at the Xavier institute. She had learned about it from Charles Xavier whom she met on a lecturing tour.

Personality: Maze-He's headstrong, cocky, and always ready for a good fight. He was raised to be a fighter and he lives up to it. He's clever and cunning, always watching his opponents to see what type of fighter he's up against. He is very overprotective of Mirru and will go out of his way to scare off any would-be suitors. He's a skirt chaser and loves flirting with women, even if they are older than him.

Mirru-She's a genuinely kind and loving soul. She's a pacifist and afraid of hurting anyone with her powers. She can be very eerily submissive at times and courageous the next. She is very friendly and willing to show kindness to anyone, even an enemy. She loves her brother dearly and would do anything to make him happy, even if it means being lonely.

Favorite Music: Maze-Anime music, Aerosmith, Queen, dance & techno (for training), Aqua, Guns 'n' Roses, AC/DC, and rock. Mirru-Enigma, Aqua, Meatloaf, Bon-Jovi, love songs, tribal songs, elizebethian music, a little dance.

Favorite Pastimes: Maze-Getting in trouble, getting into fights, cruisin' for chicks, annoying the FOH, collecting weapons, training, being a wise @$$, anime, clubbing, going to the local fight clubs. Mirru-Cooking, singing, reading books, fantasy novels, mythology, dancing, sewing, light gymnastics, pet hermit crabs.

Quote: Maze-Hey cutie! How 'bout a lil' date! Mirru-Our mutation has to be one of the more inconvenient ones.

Special Non-Mutant Talents: Maze-He is highly skilled as a fighter and he can read his opponent's moves to determine their attack patterns. Maze is also good with coming up with pop/fly tactics and attacks. He's very proficient with weapons like a zanbato (an 8' tall 2' wide sword), a reverse edged katana, even a wooden bokuken (A wooden katana), throwing weapons, staves, and even normal everyday items. Mirru-She is an exceptional cook and a magnificent singer, she is also into light gymnastics.

Quirks, Limitations, and Weird Stuff: Once a month the body will refuse to shift forms. So whether in boy or girl form, the body will not shift for a week but personalities and abilities can. If Mirru/Maze is out an about, sometimes a strange bird will follow them. It is a bizarre looking bird, big and colored pure white with blue and green highlights. The bird's eyes are the same shade of fuschia as their mother's eyes. (OOOO...mysterious and cool!) The twins are descendants of a mutant bloodline that reaches way back and involves ancient mutant clans. And there seems to be a hierarchy between six clans, although they are heavily shrouded in secrecy. One of Maze/Mirru's step mothers is an inventer and has loaned some of her inventions to the twins. Light Shield= Gloves with a miniature force-field generators in them. Able to deflect most projectiles, a 2' radius. Scanners= Visors with many functions, motion sensor, heat sensor, infrared vision, even measure for distance. Light Saber= A beam saber that can compact into a lip stick sized container. Two settings, stun and BBQ. ((Later in the RP, the body is deteriorating and breaking down, so eventually the body will give out all together.))

Mirru started out a little slow, but has really done well over play. Maze, however, nearly stole the show from the get-go. Overall the character is very well played and I'm looking forward to seeing where the player takes this character. ~~V~~

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