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Raven Darkholme

Midi playing: Aenema

***Character Established***

Codename: Mystique

Real Name: Raven Darkholme

Template: brotherhood of mutants, high school principle

Age: unknown

Gender: female

Height: 5'11 (unknown true height)

Weight: 115 (unknown true weight)

Eyes: yellow / brown (as Ms. Darkholme)

Hair: red / brown

Other distinguishing physical features:

She has blue skin naturally. As Ms. Darkholme she wears glasses.


Normally she wears a white sleeveless dress with white go-go boots. As Ms. Darkdolme, she wear a prim dress suit. Powers/Mutations:

She is a shapeshifter.


Nothing is really known about Mystique, except that she has been a follower of Magneto for many years.


Ever the master manipulator, Mystique will influence the young mutants -- good and bad -- by disguising herself as the principal of Bayville High. Like her own identity, she always has a hidden agenda.

Favorite music and pastime:

No one knows.

A Quote: "Please follow me to my office..."

Quirks, limitations, abilities, and other weird stuff:

It has come out that Mystique may be Kurt Wagner's mother. She claims that she is, but was not able to explain to Kurt what happened.

This is a very interesting character and must have a very talented player. The player must, as this character must be, witty and able to come up with schemes, as well as memorize a lot of personalities from teh Brotherhood and keep up with X-Men new and old mutants alike. First, I'd like the thank the player for taking her. She seems to be a vital part of the Brotherhood team to actually DO something. Also, the player has shown a great deal of personility for Mystique and plays her well. ~V~

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