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Midi Playing: Angel theme

Codename: Drachen

Real Name: Mythian "Mythi" Quinitillo

Template: X-Men

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Height: 5'9''

Weight: 140

Eyes: Silver-Green, no whites, no pupils

Hair: Streaked blue, green and gold, worn almost shoulder length in dredlocks

Other Distinguishing Physical Features: Her features are very angular, giving her a not quite human appearence, though she was still very beautiful. Her ears are slightly pointed, but no like elf ears. She has prominent canines-fangs, and blue talons on her hands and feet.

Her hands and fingers are elongated. She had blue and green scales on the back of her hands and arms, also on her feet and shins. She also has a line of small scales along the top of her eye.

Two small horns grow out of her head just above her temples, she usually keeps them covered with her hair. Has a tattoo of an ice dragon coiling around her upper right arm.

Clothes: Anything that's comfortable. She likes bright colors like blues, greens, yellows and reds. She wears gloves to hide the scales, though the talons are too large to hide, but she makes it look like the talons are part of the glove. Wears shades to hide her eyes.

Often wears a sweatshirt with a deep hood to hide her features.

Powers/Mutations: She is a morpher. She morphs into the form of a huge blue, green and gold dragon. In dragon form she can reach up to 45', but she can alter her size until she's the size of a large dog or anywhere in between.

As a dragon she has all the powers of a dragon. She spits a sort of liquid acid that ignites into flame on contact with air. She can also spit poisons or acids without fire.

She has a minor telepathy in dragon form, only enough to enable her to talk to others. Like a dragon she seems to have the skill to simply "vanish" or stay hidden even when in plain sight. Partly due to her chameleon ability.

She has a transition form where she can take on part of the dragons abilities and looks but still remain somewhat human.

History: She had lived with her parents in Canada until she turned 6 and her mother (who was a mutant) mysteriously vanished. Her father began recieving threats in the mail and on the phone, he never told Mythi who they were from.

They finally packed up and left, moving to Oregan. Mythi had always had the strange not quite human look going, (though the scales, fangs and claws wouldn't appear until the dragon emerged) and where she had lived in Canada had been fairly remote, since they had lived on a ranch. She had been accepted by the poeple around there and had had friends.

But in Oregan she was the new girl and her looks made her an outcast. Her dad had to take her out of school to be home taught because she kept getting in fights. (Most of which she won.) At age 13 she met up with a group of mutants who traveled around and caused all hell with the FoH. They worked sort of like a guirella squad, causing chaos when ever they could, but avoiding any major battles. She hadn't intended on joining them until they where attacked by a squad of FoH one night while out having a BBQ. Mythi had fought back, trying to save her friends, but when her best friend, a boy called Shadow, got shot and died in her arms the dragon inside her woke up.

She transformed into this huge scaled beast out of legend and laid waste to the FoH around her, burning up half the forest in the process. She had passed out afterwards and the remainder of the quirella squad took her back to her house. But when they got there it had been trashed, Mythi's father gone.

They knew they couldn't stay so they gathered what they could and left, taking Mythi with them. So she had stayed with the group from then on, working with them to stop the FoH, becoming a vital member. Finally she had had enough of the fighting and she left, taking her bike and heading out to explore America. At the present time she is a few miles out from Bayville.

Personality: Firey and active like the dragon. She loves to have fun and cause as much mayhem as possible. She is a very open person, always looking for new friends. Unlike most people she has no problem talking about her past, she's accepted it. It is now a distant event that has no holding on the events of now.

Favorite Music/Pastime: She loves to read fantasy of any sort, but she also enjoys adventure, horror or the occational sci-fi.

She listens to music like Blink 182, Linkin Park, LFO, Michelle Branch, occational Fuel and POD and various other artists. She loves taking her bike out for rides in the country. She is a die hard surfer, gymnist and fighter. Get on her case about this and she will tear you apart.

Quote: "For all those who say dragons aren't real haven't looked hard enough." or "Touch my bike on penalty of death by dragon fire!"

Quirks, Limitations and other wierd stuff: She hates bugs with a passion. As far as she's conserned the only good bug is a dead bug.

She has a pet falcon which she travels with. It's a strange looking falcon, it's much bigger than most and is a firey dark red with gold highlights. She doesn't know where it came from, but its followed her for years now.

She has a bike, it look similar to Logans except it's a deep green fading to midnight blue with a multi-colored chinese dragon on either side, and it's more streamlined. It's made from ultra light material and designed for speed. Top speed is around 185mph, but she still gets great gas milage. There are a small set of jets on the back for when she needs that extra boost. She's very protective of her bike and will let NO ONE touch it.

She can only stay in dragon form for a few hours, otherwise she starts getting stressed and she may pass out. It's also a little dangerous for her to stay in dragon form for too long because the dragon may take over.

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