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Midi playing: I'm Too Sexy

**Character Established**

Codename: Quicksilver

Real Name: Pietro Maximoff

Template: Brotherhood

Age: 16-17?

Gender: male

Height: ???

Weight: ???

Eyes: blue

Hair: white/silver

Other distinguishing physical features:

Pietro is quite tall and thin, a good feature for his mutant ability. He also posesses a fine taste in dress, being somewhat neater in appearance than his co-horts.


Neat. His common atire is a pair of blue jeans {without holes in them} and a maroon/burgundy/purple shirt. {Depends on the picture, really.}


Super speed. Pietro has the ability to speak, run, think, and read at superhuman speeds. His max is 175 MPH, and the limit of that power, if he were to run non-stop, would be about four hours. After that, he'll have to slow or stop. Like most teens with high adrenaline, he talks fast, though slightly faster than a normal teen. Another feature, which is useful during his run, is the ability to take in the environment around him as though he were walking it. He can see every turn and every detail. His talent can be used also to dodge objects coming towards him, the most amazing were the bullets of a machine gun. {Sorry, that part of the bio came from the comics.} Pietro can also create with his speed a cyclone. During the run, it is more like a whiplash, but, when off the ground, he can create a twister using himself.


Pietro {from what the show has said} has grown up side by side with Evan Daniels, his rival. After a final disagreement, the two parted ways, becoming not only rivals, but enemies. He was brought into the Brotherhood by his father, Magneto.


Competitive. Very very competitive. He loves a challange and especially likes to win. He gets along best with those who make him look better. His ego is huge and he likes to toss it about. He is very proud and is not easily intimidated.

Favorite music and pastime: He likes competition. If there's a challange being offered to him, chances are, he'll take it.

A Quote: " Oooh, sounds like a challenge."

Quirks, limitations, abilities, and other weird stuff:

The ability to run at top speed is a limited power. He can keep his speed for up to four hours tops, if he went non-stop. After that, he'd have to slow down and/or stop.

Player does a phenominal job of pulling off the personality and ego of Quicksilver, while avoiding the cliche of lumping the words together without spaces to convey Pietro's rapid speech. ~V~

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