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Midi playing: Land Down Under

Codename: Raven

Real Name: Naomi “Imoan” Wolfe, but mostly know as Imoan

Template: X-men

Age: 15 turning16.

Gender: Female

Height: 5ft 4”

Weight: 8 stone-ish

Eyes: Dark Brown/Black

Hair: Black and down to her waist.

Other distinguishing physical features:

A tattoo of a wolf on her upper right arm.


Trainers, flared jeans, blue long sleeve top and long black jacket. She always wears a stone pendant that is shaped like a wolf, and has an image of a raven in flight engraved in it. When on a mission thing, she wears a black suit, with an electric blue design down the right side, and a headband, with an electric blue x on the front.


She can fly and create portals to places she has been. She does both of these with her imagination, with the help of a little x-gene. To fly, she imagines herself becoming lighter, and being held up and pushed along by the air. Therefor, is she is caring something and flying, it becomes lighter too. To create a portal, she makes a firm image of the place she wants to in her head, and somehow opens a portal to the place. It only works if she has been to the place before, the portals are still a little unstable, and the portal can only open a few feet away from where she is. But in time, they will become more stable, and can be used to travel a greater distance. She can’t do anything else with her imagination, as she’s tried.


Her powers manifested at 14, where she joined a group in Scotland, that at face value was a lot like the institute. She made a very close friend there named Ferdinand Lance, who was French. Things got a bit suspicious when people began to disappear, sometimes never coming back, but sometimes coming back stronger. She left it at that until Ferdinand disappeared just after she was 15, so she went to try to find him. She found a way through to a science lab that she never knew was there. When she went through, she discovered that the man running it, wasn’t the guy she thought, but actually a mutant who went by the name Magneto. As she went through the lab, she came across some human genetic experiments, who she just managed to recognise as the people who had disappeared, as the experiment had gone horribly wrong, and they either had a major deformity, or a mental problem resulting from the experiment. She kept going, until she found a place to look into one of the rooms the experiments were performed in. As she looked through, she watched some scientist guy experiment with Ferdinand. The experiment went a bit wrong, but she got really angry, and found the part of the lab, where all the info was held, and destroyed it. She then found where all the main parts needed for the experiments were, and sent them through an unstable portal, which made them useless. Then to make sure the lab couldn’t be used for a while, she ran down to the basement, and opened a portal at the bottom of the wall, that pulled some of it through it. This made the lab unstable. By that point, the alarm had been set off, so she found Ferdinand, and managed to escape with him. They then just hid out near by, but the people working at the lab thought she had the information, instead of just destroying it. Her parents disappeared, and she never saw them again. They then put a price on their head, so a bounty hunter went after them, so they had to go on the run. They ended up in a fight with an anti-mutant gang, where they were separated. She didn’t see him again. She then ended up in America, and joined the institute. When she was 6 she saw a wolf in a forest in Scotland, and it always confused her, as they are extinct in Scotland.


She is friendly, and likes other people to be happy. She occasionally has nightmares about the lab thing, and she likes to keep her past secret. She loves music and art. She often daydreams. She’s a bit hippyish.

Favorite music and pastime:

She likes Radiohead and the Foo Fighters. She also likes The Byrds, The Beatles, and Bruce Springsteen. She likes to play her sax and her guitar, and fly to random places.

A Quote: Role with it man.

Quirks, limitations, abilities, and other weird stuff:

She often dances to music in her head.

A very well played character that is a delight to interact with. Her player does a great job with her. ~V~

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