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Midi playing: Rescue Me

***Character Established***

Codename: Spyke

Real Name: Evan Daniels

Template: X men

Age: 14?

Gender: Male

Height: Probably around 5'6" or so

Weight: Built decently, not a lot of fat on him...oh, 140 lbs or so

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Bleached blonde and in a fun little pattern.

Other distinguishing physical features:

Dark skin {he's black.}, still a very young and open face.


Tucks his shirt into his boxers...more into tanktops and 'jock' wear than the others. Cargo shorts.


Evan can produce and launch bony spikes from his skin.


We know he was in some high school where he played basketball, had parents, talked to his "Aunt Ororo" and competed with Pietro. He doesn't really like Pietro, and still doesn't. He was somewhat of a reluctant mutant because he wanted to "take care of things himself", but is now, surprisingly, a very steady and even naively trusting member. Probably because his buddies helped beat up his rival.


Evan Daniels is very loyal and doesn't seem to doubt his fellow X-men or Proffessor Xavier very much. Nonetheless, he is actively interested in displaying his powers at any oppurtunity and does still tend to want to do things on his own...generally with disasterous results. He is not very bright as far as common sense goes, although with some prowess in the technology field. He is very easygoing...unless he gets in vengence mode...and his most natural mood is happiness. He also, like the typical young teenage male, likes blowing things up.

Favorite music and pastime:

Evan likes...alternative, maybe the occasional rap, but not to the extent of 'gansta rap' or whatever. He loves to skateboard and mess around with computers and technology...he is also a movie buff...the fun violent ones anyway.

A Quote: "I really think Sergeant Hawk should be told I'm a city kid..."

Quirks, limitations, abilities, and other weird stuff:

Evan's intentions are good, but his tactical skill is pretty faulty. His well meaning plans to "help" more often go awry than not.

Player has done a very good job of taking a character that isn't considered all that popular and made him enjoyable to see in play. ~~V~~

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