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Midi Playing: Allstar

Code name:Switch

real name(changed):Adria Smith




weight:to quote her"None of your gosh dang bussiness"

height: 7 foot

other features:glasses braces

Hair:with wig:brown Without wig:dark brown with white and electric purple stripes

eyes:Contacts:dark brown all natural:half electric purple half electric blue

clothes: Street:overalls or jeans with tye-dye shirt and decorative jean jacket sometimes elec. purple cowboy hat. Cowboyboots or tennis shoes. uniform:blackgoalie like unifom with elec. purple tiger stripes and elec. blue leopard spots.has headband to hold glasses and shin guards and goalie gloves and moccasins with X sign.Shinguards have hidden compartment for inhaler.

powers:shapeshifts into animals, telepathy ,telecenetics, small healing power

Limitations:TP and Tk give out when healing powers go and vice versa/into needs to eat A LOT if she uses her powers is also very confused mentally after shapeshifting, but only for a minute or 2.Gets athsma attacks if she holds a form too long.

reletives:Sabertooth mother unknown .

History:was child prodigy until kidnapped by canadian goverment.before that Magneto tried to give her an admantiam skeleton at age 2.

Was rescued from lab when Logan escaped.Professor X had to lock her memoriesin her subconcios because she was so scared.Powers went dorment becauseof fear.

Years later, her powers retured at a soccer game.

Personality:tough and tomboyish at first, but is kind and caring when you get to know her

Quote:"Viva Las Vegas!"

Hobbies fav. music:Reading soccer, photagraphing animals,Smashmouth,A*Teens,Michelle Branch,movie sound tracks and suprisingly love songs.She loves to play her white tiger striped air guitar and write songs for it.

other weird stuff:dances ballet,and would be VERY embarressed if anyone found out.Has 2 blackbelts in martial arts.Talks like a cowgirl Is terrified of:Snakes,crowds,snorkling and scuba diving. Logan is like a father to her.Plays guitar.

Switch is certainly one of the more memorable characters in this game. ~~V~~

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