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Midi Playing:Princes Of The Universe

Codename: Volt

Real Name: Christiana "Christy" Alyssa Lorion

Template: Student/ Soon to be X-Men

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Height: 5'11"


Eyes: Green

Hair: Brown with a green streak on the right

Other distinguishing physical features: Freckles, scar on her left hand (see history)

Clothes: Lime Green tank top, Black mens work shirt (unbuttoned), Boot cut black jeans, Black combat boots. Alternately, Black gas-station coveralls in place of jeans with top half tied around her waist and red patches on the knees. Occasionally (when she's nervous), rubber gloves.

Powers/Mutations: Limited Electrokinesis, Telepathy

History: Christy doesn't remember her parents. At the age of three, the Government of Georgia left her on her Aunt Maddie's doorstep. For twelve years, Christy suffered from unspeakable treatment (put delicately, she's no longer a virgin) and feared her Aunt's wrath everyday. One day, after running home with a six-pack of beer for Maddie, Her aunt startled her and her powers emerged. She slammed her hand onto the aluminum table and the resulting electrical shock caused the cans to explode. Luckily, the only injury was a deep cut on Christy's hand, but in her terror, she packed what little she owned and fled to the Xavier Institute.

Personality: Christy is amazingly cheerful and outgoing for some with her past. She tries to make friends with everyone, but fears that her oddities will chase people away. She loves music and always has her C.D. player with her.

Favorite music and pastimes: Rock, Pop, Techno, Kickboxing, Mechanics, Playing Drums and Guitar, Singing

A Quote: "If you can't stand the voltage, drop the lightening rod!"or "Look, precious, you've got two choices: You can bug off muy rapido, or I can make your life a living hell. Your choice."

Quirks, limitations, abilities, and other weird stuff: VERY slight Southern drawl Fights with an Admantium Baseball Bat Has to be touching someone or something for powers to work (hence the bat)

Player really makes this character believable as a newbie just encountering the unique world of the Institute. ~~V~~

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