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Wysten Draco

Midi Playing: Sadness

Real Name: Wysten Josheph Draco

Code Name: Silver Bolt

Age: 16

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Brown

Height: 5'10''

Weight: 160 lb

Template: X-Men (Former Guardian)

Other Distinguishing Physical Features: He has a young bodybuilder's appearance and looks pretty big and tough and is very athletic.

Clothes: Civilian Garb: All black leather/rubber and non-conducting attire including a rubber leather bandanna and non-conducting opaque black shades. Uniform: His is an all Silver outfit made of thing rubber with white boots, gloves, knee pads, elbow pads, shoulder pads, white helmet, and a utility belt containing strong batteries for emergency charging. From his outer wrists to his lower hips he has built in wings for gliding (Like Nightwing from Batman) and if wind currents get low he can shoot electric bursts from his feet for *emergency* propulsion. He may be an X-Man, but his costume has mostly Guardian symbols all over it with the exception of an X on his utility belt buckle and an X on the front of his helmet.

Powers/Mutations: Power: Ability to create and control electricity (Powerful). He doesn't have full control, which explains the leather rubber attire and if loses control of his Negative Emotions he loses control of his powers. Mutation: Has unusually rich golden semi-transparent hazels covering his eyes that glow in the dark or when he gets mad which explains the shades.

Personality: Dashing -&- Daring, Courageous -&- Caring, Faithful -&- Friendly, Powerful and Persevering, Magical and Mysterious, and fights for what's right wherever he goes and whatever he does. (Magical, I do not mean literally, just figuratively)

History: He has had a very hard life and a really painful past since he got his powers and he too was banished from his home like Trinity and was taken in by the Guardians an group where humans and mutants work together to fight the FoH LA Branch, which ordered him to leave LA for its safety as he was becoming a primary target of the FoH who wanted to use him to find the Guardian bases. Silver Bolt made his way across the country and settled in Bayville. Little did he know the FoH in LA wiped out all but five of the Guardians (He's one of the last five). He now lives in Bayville, NY, with his new team the X-Men, but the mental scars from his past in LA make him have realistically intense flashbacks of the street war between the Guardians the FoH LA branch from time to time. He doesn't trust any of the X-Men enough to talk about it with them yet. In his history, the limitation where if his body runs out of electricity, he'll slowly whither and die, he almost died twice before he came to the X-Mansion. One was where he first discovered this limitation and his fellow Guardians saved him by placing his fingers in an electrical outlet. The second was where he got so fed up with living in a world where humans hate mutants and the pain from it all, and tried to kill himself by purposely draining all his body's electricity, and he would have succeeded, but as he laid dying in the desert, his girlfriend game and recharged him with supercharged battery packs and nursed him to health again. She made him promise never to even think about trying to ever commit suicide again.

Favorite Music and Pastime: Country, Celtic, and some classic and modern rock music, and themes from various movies and TV shows both animated and with real people, and even some songs from Kids movies and shows either animated or with real people. (Too Many To Name) His most favorite song of all is When You Say Nothing At All performed by Ronan Keating.

A Quote: "I fight to protect something, never to destroy or obtain something."

Quirks, Limitations, Abilities, and Other Weird Stuff: His electrical powers short circuit when used while he's in water and he'll be completely drained. When his body runs out of electricity he'll slip into a coma, slowly whither away, and die. He has to recharge ASAP when low on power such as car batteries, telephone cables, generators, etc. He is still made of flesh and blood so he needs drinking water like everyone else. He'll back down during hostage situations involving friends and his other weakness is his strict vegetarianism, with the exception of eggs and dairy products, he'll literally starve himself to death before he even touches meat. Twice he almost died by running out of electricity. The first was when he first discovered this particular limitation to his powers and the second was when he was fed up with the pain of being hated for what he is wanted it to end so he tried to kill himself by purposely draining off all his electricity in the water, but his girlfriend, Trinity Summers/White Lighter (No Relation To Scott Summers/Cyclops) saved him with several car batteries and made him promise to never think of suicide again.

Player does a good job of showing a character with a paramilitary mindset. ~~V~~

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