Code Name: Copycat

Real Name: Alexandria Maria Winters

Template: Student/thief

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 115 lbs.

Eyes: cat green

Hair: dark brown w/light brown streaks(at the moment)

Disinguishing Physical Features: All over Alex are scars from her 'active' childhood

Clothes: Black sleeveless shirt, jeans with holes in knees, usually wears a baseball cap or bandanna (androgynous look)

Powers/Mutations: To copy powers that she sees. (she can't always control these powers though, like Cyclops's eyes, she'll use it, but can't shut it off always)

History: Her family (her twin brother Jordan and her mother who she can't remember much of) moved from Ireland when she was four, to escape the fighting in Northern Ireland. They moved to New York were she spent most of her childhood happy with what her family had with their small budget. When she was eleven, her mother got a job working for an agent in California, so they moved there. Her family was happy until her eleventh birthday when they were driving home from the beach. Well on a cleft, her mother swerved to not hit an oncoming truck and crashed off the edge. When Alex came to, she was wet, cold, and alone on a beach at night. From there, she was moved around from foster care home to foster home until she came to the Ramsey's house when she was fifteen. Her foster father was an alcoholic who flew off the handle easily and she became his personal punching bag. After her seventeenth birthday, she took off hitch hiking to New York, where she hooked up with some of her friend! ds in a gang. She became their spy on the rival gang because of her strange ability to follow people without being seen. She didn't realized she had powers till a gang fight when one of the rivals members used some type of "magic" to blast at her gang. In return, she went to punch the member, and the same "magic" came from her hand. Since then, her gang says her job to watch people, to learn new "magics" as they call it. With that, she tries to stay in local, populated areas during the day, people watching or she works in a busy restaurant.

Favorite Music: CoAll except country and Jazz/blues.

Favorite Pastime: She enjoys mostly spending time with herself and spying on others, as well as acting and singing.

Quote: Alone in Darkness/The night falls as if slain by the sun, Entwined are we./The salvation for which you pray/Flares once, then dies,/Swept away by madness./All hope must die./Your soul thrives no more./How could you not understand?/Angels surround us, crying,/We are fallen

Quirks, Limitations, Abilities, and Weird Stuff: She tends to get depressed and when she does, she talks in poems and rhythms. She is known for making poems up on the spot, hoping to try and get people to understand her, yet she wont get close to anyone in fear. She is a street fighter and tends to show this through toughness and not allowing anyone to hurt her, without them answering in pain.

Player has done a wonderful job of taking a character that we really haven't seen much of on the show and transform him into a three dimensional character. ~~V~~

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