Strength: 10
Ability: 9
Rank: 10
Intelligence: 10
Speed: 6
Firepower: 9
Endurance: 10
created durring the reign of the insane decepticon leader Galvatron, by his troops, MegaScream was made, to replace him, MegaScream brought glory once again to the decepticons, apon one of his quests for a new home world he found something, no one could believe, a second matrix, but this one was diffrent, it had an aura of 'evil' so hed called the decepticon matrix of war, unlike its brother, this one made anyone into a warmachice, so when opened in a fight to retake cyberton for the glory of the decepticons MegaScream was reborn into GalvaQuake, the most fearsome decepticon made, a match for any prime easily, he has tooken of the title of Decepticon warlord after and rules his men like Megatron did.
Futuristic Space Jet & Mobile Cannon