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When Devours Souls and Cerria Blackheart (my parents) looked down at their first born pup, they had no idea that they wouldn't be there to guide her through her Change. You see, someone had it aranged that I be stolen and taken away. The whispered conversations behind the backs of my family, strongly suggest that the Howl of the Last Stand are responsible. This is the pack of Black Spiral's that Devours belongs too. I guess I did too, until I learned better. They, being what they are, seem to have lost sight of the big picture. I'll explain more on that later.

I was raised in the Umbra where I saw things in a different light. Certain experiances I had will forever be with-held in my own memory. Others will be exposed when the time is right. Untill then, let me tell you what has happened since I escaped my captors.

I returned to this land some call the City of Blood, others call it Ayenee. I stood back and watched my so called pack, and not a one of them seem to have any ability to think left in their heads. They seem to have gotten it into their minds that their purpose for being is to breed with each other and produce as many metis offspring as possible. That is fine for them, but its just not my thing. For one, I have very little tollerance for men, for another I want to do something with my name. I want to be remembered to be reborn and hear of my own ledgend. Not too much to ask. Maybe its the human side of me, what ever it is Im greatful for it if it keeps me from being like the rest of those f**k-ups.

I have been in contact with a certain Pentex oprative that will remain nameless. I was recruited to join the team in Brazil. When I got there I wasn't surprised to see the how the Gaians were to busy fighting amongst themselves to notice the progress that Pentex was making right under their noses. They never can figure out who should be in charge or what tribe would be the best. All ways the same story. In the mean time Pentex along with the Fomori and Black Spirals they have invented or hired, have plenty of time set traps and plan attacks and make defencive stratagies. It was here that I finally became recognized for my skill's, and it was here where I became of the Hell's Thunder Hive. Many battles and a few years down the road, I am back in Ayenee. I'm here to let the howl know that I no longer want to be associated with them. If it costs my life, so be it. It is worth the price to not carry their mark. They have made my father and I outsiders, called us betrayers. But always behind our backs.

Letters to her Father.
Dear Father,

I am bitter, I know things Father, that I should not. One day soon I will tell you these things. I know who is at fault for what happend to me. I had no one to hold me when I was scared, no one to guide me through my transformation. I know its not your fault Daddy. You were tricked. I know when they stole me from our home, you came looking for me. I know the battles that went on in the darkest parts of the Umbra, you trying to get me back. I grew up Daddy, watching the spirits travel back and forth. I saw things they thought were hidden, and I was punished severly. At a young age I knew that I, the Daughter of Devours, could not die a victim of this conspiracey.

I learned of your ledgend through whispers in the darkness. I knew that I had to get out of there. That I needed your guidance. So I snuck away from them, and I ran. But as you well know, the Umbra is tricky and I ended up falling into a void. Here strange things happend to me, my body aged quickly. Hours became years, but I was lucky once again. It turns out Daddy, that I caught the eye of a of a Jaggling, and she had watched me for some time, and could tell. After all the ages past, she could still tell that I was her Kinain.

When she noticed the scars all over my body she knew, with out asking she knew the abuse I had suffered. She took my hand Daddy, and led me from the Blight. She handed me a gunny, and told me to hide it in a safe place where no one could find it, and to not look inside till she came to me agian. I promised her loyalty.

I was to never speak of her to anyone but you, and when she made the moonbridge to send me back to you, she whispered on the wind. " Do not seek revenge till the time is right." I didn't know then what she meant, but I do now. Daddy she is comming soon, and she will aide us against all that did us harm. All thoes who kept us apart, and all who have made us outcasts will pay the price with thier hides. I see the way the pack acts towards me, and I hear roumors about you and mom from places they think I wouldnt be able too. Im writing you this letter Daddy because I am thinking of leaving. Im not sure just where Im going yet, but there are plans in the making. Ill let you know soon.

I love you Daddy.
your lil' girl...

Dear Father,

Since I have been away Daddy, I have learned a few things about our pack. The Howl of the Last Stand is nothing more than a joke. All they think of is inbreeding its like they have lost all scense as to what is really going on around them. They have forgotten that there is greater work to be done.

Daddy, I have made up my mind where Im going. I dont know if you have heard of it, but there is a raging war deep in the Amazon. I have been instructed to go there. The Wyrm is making her move and I am going to aide her in anyway I can. I have been in contact with a Pentex operative for some time now and will be meeting him in the lab just off of the Maderia river in Brazil. He says there is some one here I should meet, One Elap Yllino. I have heard this name before, He is well Honored and Respected amoung the Black Spiral Dancers. I will be led to the Hell's Thunder Hive to meet him. I will miss you Daddy and think of you always. by the way... hows mom?

I love you,
your lil' girl

Dear Father,

You wouldn't imagine all the different and terrible things I have been privladged to see. Elap is hiding something, Im sure of it. He tries his best to avoid all other Black Spirals. It was days before I was allowed to see him, and then he was fidgitty as if I were making him very uncomfortable. When I informed him I was from the Howl of the Last Stand his eyes seemed to laugh at me, like he knew that our Hive is a joke. I am embarassed to say I am one of them. The war is raging on as I write this letter. I can hear the desprate howls and whimpers of the comming end. I am also learning things Daddy.

I saved a BSD named Dreaded Haunting, he is a Theurge and insists that he is in my debt. I might bring him back with me when I come. He is an odd sight, I tower over him and out weigh him but at least 60 lbs. He is never seen with out war paint on, but he has great magic. He is teaching me alot, like how and where to draw mana from. He also gave me a gift. A pathstone, I havent made up my mind if I will keep it or not. Lately he has been working on something very private. I have a good idea what it is and can't wait to show you when I get home.

And Daddy... She came to me in a dream. She said that you had made the first stand, and that the pack betrayed you once again. Im torn between my commitment here and returning to you to help you, for I will always be loyal to you Daddy.

I love you
your lil' girl

Dear Father,

I know its been some time since I have contacted you. You would have been proud to see me in battle Father. I have made many allies here. They have made me part of their pack. I formally Denounce the Howl of the Last Stand and I am now of the Hell's Thunder Hive. I sincerly hope this does not anger you, some how I have a feeling it wont.

The Gaians are dropping like flies. I left one hanging upside down from a branch, skinned alive his blood running in torrents from his body. I think I saw Invasion here Daddy. I just caught a glimpse of him though. A mountain of a man with guns as big as his arms, ripping up Gaians like they were nothing more than suffed toys. Yes, im sure it was him.

I have not acctually been made a team member for Pentex, but they have offered a position should I choose to fill it. The truth is, I can't think of not comming back to you. There is no telling where they would want to station me. When I return to you Father, I will not be the same. I will know more than what I should, and I will have gifts and rites that I have earned from my pack. I am rank three here Daddy. One step away from becomming the leader of my camp if I want it. I am also learning something else here Daddy. Honor, I have the respect of the BSD here but I also have gained respect for myself. I can hardly wait to see you again.

I love you Daddy
your lil' girl

Dear Father,

Some of the other Sprials here are going against Pentex orders. They are ruled by a Theurge who never lets anyone know his true name. I, since I have made so many connections have been asked to find out who this man is. This would mean several things, one... who would I be betraying if I were to do this task?

I wish you were here Daddy. You would be well honored here, and I believe that the knowledge I am your daughter is working to my advantage. There are too many questions in my head, not to mention the voices of.... I wish she would come to me again. Ive grown to depend on her and perhaps I shouldn't. Maybe that is why she hasn't contacted me. I think I will go for a walk and try to clear my head. The battle seems to have quieted since the battle of the Mud. Another story to tell when I return home. I love you Daddy and think of you all the time.

your lil' girl

Dear Father,

You wouldn't believe what happned the other day when I was doing a light recon mission. I heard Invasion speak! It seemed so unreal and surprised me greatly, him being fomori and all. I have yet to learn just what or how I have attained this ... power... or gift.. or what ever it is, but Im sure that Dread has something to do with it.

Invasion and I were talking about the Howl of the Last Stand. He too believes them to be in need of a good ... pruning, for lack of a better word. It turns out that the Howl was just a mission for him. Anyway, I'll tell you more about it when I come home. I have to go now because there is a moot in just a while. I often watch the Moonbridge expecting you to come striding through. I miss and Love you Daddy.
your lil' girl


Dear Father,

How you must be worried, I know its been several months since you have heard from me. I admit there is good cause. After my last rite, I was captured by the Skin Dancers.

Yes, they are of the Wyrm also. It seems my reputation has caught the eye of their leader, one Samuel Haight. You can't imagine the things I went through but I learned the game quickly. This man is very powerful Daddy. He was tring to get me to become his, not as his mate, but his puppy. I swallowed my new founded pride and fooled him into thinking I would serve him. As re- ward for my loyalty I was given a gift, A fettish - a Shedding the Spirit Skin. Its acctually a necklace, mummified snake with bizarre runes. I believe he took it from a Black Spiral that he has killed, for it has the markings. I doubt the previous owner would have given it up short of his own death. I was told by our Kinian that it will allow me to travel into the umbra as if I were a spirit. I still am not sure this is something I want. I am axious to find out what you think of it.

Sam started to trust me, he grew lax in his efforts to keep me under gaurd, his mistake. I escaped with help of Hell's Thunder, and Invasion whom has made quite a name for himself, they call him "the Nailer" ,he has become a renown sniper. However, despite the efforts I was injured badly durring the escape. The only thing that saved me was Dread and his magic. It seems his debt is paid. He and I have become good friends. I think of him as my brother and he seems to think that he is the some one has to keep an eye out for me. It seems that I have become known as quite a Dare Devil around here. But I can't see how. I am growing tired now Daddy. I will explain more of my injury when I return home. I have decided as soon as I heal, I will make the trip. I have much to tell you. I am bringing you a gift as well.

I love you Daddy.
your lil' girl