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So, you made it to 18/15 did you? Congrats!... If not 18/15 and just browsing out of interest, don't get your hopes up too high. It can takes years to get to the end of this chapter. That's the fun part of Drak, you're not done even when you think you're finished.


I could tell you to grunt nork dungeons n-7 and n-8, live in km-5, wipe out aleria 6 times a day, but i'm afraid the time has come to move to Cobrahn. Barbs may prefer km-5 until about 20/17 as may courageous paladins, but on the whole Cobrahn yields more faster.
Subscribe to Cobrahn and have a friend meet you at the entrance, for alone, uninformed, you will surely die. Don't wear any gear, unless you are a psiuser and have an uzi. Have your friend grab you a bd and some boots, sash and shield while you go to the store to buy 2 3/3 rings. Then go peek around the first corner of the timmy caves, and try to single out one or two crits for you to kill. Thus starts your first cob experience. You will gradually advance into the caves and find more gear like yellow robes, gaunts, helms, stat items... Once dressed go to tree town and do the first hitquest. Then on to desert town, hopefully, to do the second hitquest. Each quest gives an additional 100 hits that disappear when you leave cob and return upon reentry.
If you don't have any friends to help you, well, good luck. Steve will be enthralled. Still, wear your best combat gear to cob then, nevermind psi prots, and try to ruff it while you search for gear.

You will find each crit worth a nice amount of exp, and plenty around to kill at most times. The above mentioned timmy caves will be your home in cobrahn until the average 20/17. If you happen to come across a red and a gd scales from an overgenerous friend you'll be able to expand to the SW caves, possibly the forest floor.
You should now be in the vicinity of exp 25, considered by me to be 'advanced'.


Until skill 16 the timmy caves will be your best skill area since the others are too deadly. Once at skill 16 I assume you will have learnt enough about cob to have some friends and knowledge that will get you the gear needed to survive the second easiest areas in cob (SW caves, forest floor, timmy -1, Boris caves).
Up to skill 17-18 I suggest skilling on the small yeti's E NE from tree climb down. The ninja's in the desert give great skill too, even up to skill 18. After skill 18 the amount of skill points required to get to the next lvl remains the same until skill 23, so technically these areas will last you till skill 23. Practically though, the increase in skill (and exp) will allow you to venture into the psi tower, swamp, jungle and even attempt the keep entrance/doomtown on occasion, but that's up to you. Psi users will find the lack of skill appaling and will probably concentrate on finding psiscrolls instead.
At this rate you will have arrived at skill 23, and considered by me to be 'advanced'.


Once in cob, grab all gems you can carry, pop the rest on the hexes and bank the megs. When you're able to comfortly hunt the swamp (21/19 in my opinion), forget about the gems and gather eggs instead.
NO more needs to be said about coin from here on.


Cobrahn = gear. Let me elaborate.
The violant nature of cob forces you to rely on the protection from your gear as well as the bonusses that can be obtained. Not all gear can be, nor should be, handed out to all sizes of players. Just like nork and aleria, you have to earn your keep, which for some gear is simply impossible below a certain size. If a crit can't be hit below skill 18, there simply isn't much a player at skill 17.99% can do. Also the need for special gear doesn't come until you become able to hunt a specific type of area. Timmy+0 caves have no psi attacks, so don't beg for reds or ningi helms as long as you can't cross the forest floor. Don't ask for Lori gear when you can't hunt the jungle/swamp areas, especially if you are not a psi user. Some fighter classes can benefit severely from wearing Lori robes, but there are alternatives that allow fighter types to function perfectly while psi users are geared with Lori gear first. Vice versa for ningi gear.
There is a lot to learn about gear in cob, too much to begin typing here. As you grow you will learn, which is the way it should be.

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