In Kingdom of Drakkar, as in most other games, terms not frequently used in real life are commonplace. Many of those have been shortened for ease of typing. I doubt many will open their browser to this page when they come accross an unfamiliar term, it's much easier to simply ask the one using the term. Still, some will find use for this page i'm sure.
Here it goes...
AB = Auto Balm, term used for the automatically drinking of an IH by a zerked Barbarian.
ABS = Absorption, mentalist discipline that protects some damage from all psionic attacks.
AFK = Away From Keyboard
AH = Auto Heal, Healer disc that allows you to automatically drink an IH when under 30% of your hitpoints
AS = Anti Stun, strong protection angainst being stunned by a hostile disc.
ASS = Abominable Stan's Swallower, name associated with Gabagimli
BD = Black Dragon
BF = BoyFriend
BG = Big Grin
BJ = Black Jack, name of a huge mentalist with an even larger heart
BL = Bandit Lord, lair crit from aleria
BNR = Black Ninja Robe, robe that adds +2 agility
BS = Back Stab, thief ability to do great damage
BASTARD = Expression used to refer to someone who refuses to help you while in need
CC = Crit Cure, restores a player from the dead.
CH = Club House, area for higher lvl players who finished the king's quest
COB = cobrahn, another section of the game for exp 18 and up players
Cya = see you later
CRAP = term used for items on the ground no one will ever pick up.
DISC = Discipline, refers to mentalist and healer skills.
DL = DownLoad
DP = Death Pile, the gear and items of a player that was killed and stripped.
DT = Dark Tower, place in frore.
DZ = DizZy, term referring to the feeling after going on large hunts for 4 hours straight.
EC = EarthCrush, mentalist and healer disc.
ENMISS = energy missile, ment disc.
EP(s) = Energy point(s), mentalist and healer limit to cast discs.
EQ = EverQuest, another game to which most of ex drak players have gone.
ER = Easter Robe, cool robe from a special event at easter.
ES = Energy Shield, ment disc that protects from physical damage.
ESPEAR = Energyspear, ment disc that does more damage than enmiss.
ET = Extra terrestrial, term used to describe a person who went afk to make a phone call.
EXP = Experience, amount of points gained from fighting
FB = FireBall, or FireBreath, ment area discs.
FG = Fire Giant, lair crit
F/M = Fighter/Mentalist, only drak dualclass
FP = Full Plate, good armor
FS = FireStorm, healer area disc
FU = Fuck yUo, reason to call sysops
FURY = guild name, also barbarian zerk round at high lvl
FYI = For Your Information
G = Grin
GA = Go ahead
GD = Gold Dragon, friendly dragon in frore, mean dragon in cobrahn. (see moon, i got it right this time!)
GF = GirlFriend
GG = Good god! expression of surprise, or Good Going, expression of appreciation
GJ = Good Job
GK = Goblin King, lair crit
GL = Good Luck
GS = GreatSword
GU = Gee yUo, expression of not knowing what to say
HG = Hally Giant, lair crit
HH = happy Hunting
HP = Hit Point, amount of damage you can take before you die
HS = Holy Smokes, Camel cigarettes
IC = I see
IH = Instant Heal, bottle that raises HP to near max. Also a term used to remove all such bottles from a lair. Also a term used to drop such bottle in the lair to heal the crit to obtain more skill.
IP = Internet Provider.
IV = Infra Vision, ment and thief disc
IQ = I Quote, term used by people unable to communicte in their own words
J/K = JoKe
K = Okay
KM = King Mino, lair crit. Also the dungeon in which KM lives.
LMAO = Laughing My Ass Off
LOL = Laughing Out Loud.
LS = LongSword
LUV = Life Under Vengeance, term used by players who were offending others, and who are now being shunned.
MA = martial Artist, class
MAE = Maeling
MF = Mother Fucker, reason to call sysops
ML = Multi Lair, area in frore with 9 dragons
MR = Minor Restore, bought disc that restores a crit as soon as it dies to prevent from being stripped
MT = Mass Teleport, ment disc.
MY = The word 'my' in capital letters
N/A = Not Available
NM = NeverMind
NO = term used to tell beggers they won't get the help/gear they want
NP = No Problem
PA = Prot Assault, healer disc.
PC = Personal Computer
PI = Prot Idiot, disc on every class's wishlist
PK = Player Killing, strictly forbidden in the game of Drakkar
PM = Private Message
PS = prot Stun, healer disc
PWD = PowerWord Death, healer disc
PWH = PowerWord Heal, healer disc
PWS = PowerWord Stun, healer disc
PWZ = PowerWord Zap, healer disc on healer wishlist
RB = Ratburrow, town in nork dungeons
RL = Real Life
ROFL = Rolling On the Floor Laughing
RR = ReRoll
RU = aRe yUo?
RW = Real World
SF = Steel Flower, nork hangout, area of many disputes
SNR = Silver Ninja Robe, robe that gives 200 fire and ice prot
SS = ShortSword
TC = Take Care
TKD = largest player in the game, MA class. Also, Tired of Karma's Dumb jokes.
TP = TelePort, ment disc
TY = Thank You
TYVM = Thank you very Much
VT = Volcano Town
WW = Winter Wolf, roaming crit. Also it's cloak for alerain quest
YW = You're Welcome
More to come when the brain kicks in.
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