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Team CBR (Chocobos & Buster Rifles)
The crazy guys who gave Team CBR's Final Fantasy Life


Cloud612 a.k.a. Cloudie

The walking definition of EWCC

Real Name: Zach McCoy
Aliases: Cloudie, Slim Pickinz, Kame Sennin, Westside Lil Z
What he does: He runs the site, he updates things, {The founder and CEO of Team CBR.}
Height: 5'11"
Weapon: Ultima Weapon
Limit Break: Credit Slash, Hmm Foo Splash
Favorite game(s): FFIV, FFVI, FFVII, GTA3
Favorite movie(s): The Crow, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Air Force One, The Fugitive, The Matrix
AIM s/n: LiquidKorea
Yahoo! ID [Chat and messenger]: jediknight612
MSN Messenger:
LiveJournal username: cloud612
Napster ID: avalanche612


Real Name: Tyler Selig
Aliases: Too many to count... Most popular ones being Cobra, and T
What he does: Not a hell of a lot
Height: 5'9
Weapon: [dunno]
Limit Break: He Bitch Man Slap
Favorite game(s): Metal Gear Solid 2, Metal Gear Solid, Gta3, PE
Favorite movie(s): Rocky movies

Tyler is one of my best friends, and this man is like the Terminator, so watch out. See his limit break? You don't wanna mess with this crazy muther fucker, or you'll end up in the hospital. His comics are hilarious as hell, although he kinda takes second banana to Phil, YOU SHOULD CHECK OUT TYLER's DAMN YA! All right then, word out G. Tyler, I love ya like a brother man.


Real Name: Justin Robar
Aliases: Vulcan, The Fat One
What he does: Writes Fanfics, Throws out random ideas
Height: 6'4"
Weapon: Katal
Limit Break: Climhazzard
Favorite game(s): FF series, Suikoden Series... any RPG really
Favorite movie(s): The Mummy Returns, FF: TSW,
Major Payne, Spaceballs
AIM s/n: none as of press time
YAHOO s/n: justinrobarski
Bolt s/n: Vulcan_Klimtog

Justin is one of the craziest guys you will ever meet, and im serious now! He and Tyler keep it real around here, with J supplying the writing, and T supplying the comic relief with his fantastic doodles. Justin runs The Planet Vulcan so you best go visit it, or else this man will kick your ass, and im not playing!


Real Name: Phil Ahn
Aliases: Flipper ; Fillder(dont ask)
What he does: Draw draw draw and ......draw
Height: 5'7''
Weapon: .30 Caliber with 1000 rounds
Limit Break: none cause I'm just a fricken comic guy... with a gun....
Favorite game(s): FF4-9; Metal of Honor series; Half-Life; Red Faction
Favorite movie(s): Saving Private Ryan; Rush Hour 2
AIM s/n: anestheticminds

Phil became a staff member after we had a talk about comics on AIM. He is the "official" comic creator of Team CBR, not to take any credit away from Tyler, but this man has some serious skills.

Dark Beauty

Real Name: Vanessa (Sorry Folks Last name a secret)^~
Aliases: Dark Beauty, DB
Partners in Crime: Cloudie, Garnet and Seph (ehe^^;)and not to mention my imaginarary
FF assistant, Ala, also the entire crew off FF9.
What she does: Ah lost of things, essay writter, and editor of the FF year book
Height: Oh wouldn't you like to know ^_^
Weapon: Double bladed Staff
Limit Break:
Favorite game(s): FF7, FF9, Chrono Cross, Crono Trigger,
Favorite movie(s): The Mummy, Lybrinth(gotta have David Bowie!!),
Legend(Old movie not to metion odd, But it had a young Tom Cruise ^^).
AIM s/n: none at the moment

D.B. is an amazing writer, and is chock full of absolutely amazing ideas! Watch for the Final Fantasy year book, its all her idea!


Real Name: Jonathan A. Domenech
Aliases: THE JON, Sephiroth, Sephy, Asshole, Dumbass, Zidane
What he does: Runs and maintains Team CBR Gaming; advises Cloudie
Height: 6'1
Weapon: Broad Sword
Limit Break: Dark Wave
Favorite game(s): Final Fantasy VII; Kirby 64
Favorite movie(s): Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within; Super Mario Bros.; Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz
Napster ID: sephiroth12886

Mainly on the team because I needed an assistant... just kidding he's a cool guy and he knows alot about Gundam Wing and DBZ, both which will appear on Chocobos and Buster Rifles(hopefully). More to come soon. THE JON is my real life best bud, back from our Woodside days, and he is smart as mess! He's really funny too.


Real Name: Drakhen
Aliases: He likes to call himself "da man"
What he does: game reviewer, and he stars in comics
Height: 5'5
Weapon: his firey fists of rage, with diamond studded gloves
Limit Break: Vicious Nut Kick
Favorite game(s): Metal Gear series
Favorite movie(s): Gladiator

Drakhen is one of the tougher guys in the group, don't mess with him, or you run the risk of getting your ass killed, mutha fucka!


Real Name: Merk
Aliases: Stupid, Dumbass
What he does: game reviewer, stars in comics
Height: 5'11
Weapon: runs away, he can't fight for shit
Limit Break: Gets Drakhen to fight
Favorite game(s): Mario Series
Favorite movie(s): Super Mario Bros. and Ever After(just don't tell anybody) oops!

Poor Merk is always getting picked on by Drakhen and Mr. Wang Dinger, and surely this font color won't help! But he stars in the FinalTrigger saga comics, and is an avid game reviewer!

Mr.Wang Dinger

Real name: Mr. Wang Dinger
Aliases: Mr. Wang (get it?)
What he does: Game reviewer, comics, panics about nothing
Height: 6 feet
Weapon: Pool Noodle
Limit Break: Throws his hat of mass destruction... oh wait, that's on mortal combat, so sue me.
Favorite Game: Final Fantasy 9
Favorite Movie: Final Fantasy: TSW

Mr. Wang Dinger has a very nice pointy hat, and he is sort of the leader of the bunch that includes Merk, Drakhen, and himself.


Real Name: Brutice O'neil
Aliases: Brute, Big O
What he does: He's kinda the "guard sheep" so-to-say..
Height: 3'4"
Weapon: His Skull, and sharp hooves
Limit Break: Baa Ram Ewe (Duo with Chuck)
Favorite game(s): FFVII, Sheep
Favorite movie(s): Babe, and believe it or not, Silence Of The Lambs!

Brutice is Chuck's best friend, these two have been together forever... Maybe soon I'll have their story posted!


Real Name: Chuck Widmer
Aliases: Charles, Charlie, and Ramlin
What he does: Brutice's buddy and helps people get cheered up
Height: 3'2"
Weapon: His Skull, and sharp hooves
Limit Break: Baa Ram Ewe (Duo with Brutice)
Favorite game(s): FFIX, Catz
Favorite movie(s): Emperor's New Groove

Chuck is a little more fun-loving than Brutice, but they get along very well, and have been friends since they were little.


Real Name: George W. Bush
Aliases: George, W., Captain Kirk
What he does: He just sits around and does odd jobs every now and then
Height: 5'8"
Weapon: Inventing new words and stupifying people
Limit Break: Hanging Chad
Favorite game(s): Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
Favorite movie(s): Lonesome Dove

Our beloved pal loves to hang out 'round the site, especially when we're having BBQs! Look for alot of Dubya on this site!

art by fins