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The purest of pain

An incredibly sad Zelphie


“Sorry didn't mean to call you, but I couldn't fight it,
I guess I was weak, couldn't even hide it,
and so I surrendered just to hear your voice,”


I sat down at the edge of my bed with eyes puff red. Asking why? Simple. I’m in love and I can’t tell her at all. Don’t think I don’t tell her because I’m a wuss, it’s because I know she’s an impossible, I have no hope with her. It’s like if she was a star, so far for me to reach. She was the most beautiful girl…woman that I have met. Gorgeous brown hair, emerald eyes, that perfect smile that reaches inside of you sending a chill though your spine. Yeap, she was perfect…and taken. Makes me so mad. If Irvine never showed up, maybe I would of had a chance with her. But there’s nothing I could do now, she’s with Irvine and I’m…all alone. I try to forget about her by dating other girls. But so far it have been useless. Sure all the women I dated are pretty and smart but they just weren’t Selphie.


I turned to my right and saw my phone. All of a sudden, I got this urge to call her. I was like my heart told me that I would not regret it. I picked up the phone but before dialing any number, I hanged up. Man why can’t I just tell her, at least I would get this pain that is killing me off my chest. I sighed deeply trying to get a little more courage. I picked up the phone and dialed…

”I don't know how many times I've said I'm gonna live without you,
And maybe someone else was standing there beside you,
But there's something baby that you need to know,”




“Man, she’s not there!” I said with a little anger, hurt and pain in my voice. Just when I decide to call her, she goes out with Irvine.  Just when I was about to hang up I heard the phone being pick up and on the background, I heard some sobbing.


“Hello?” a soft, hurt voice is heard from the other side of the line.


“Selphie, are you alright?” I worriedly asked.


“Zell…” before she could say anything else, she burst into weeping.


“Selphie, Selphie are you o.k. What’s wrong?” I had never seen Selphie like this! This really concerned me. Man, I wish so badly I could go to her, take her in my arms and protect her from whatever is happening to her.


“Zell…can you come to my dorm?” she pleaded in between shed tears.


“Sure thing Selphy, be right there in seconds” I said and with that hang up. I stood up and left my room closing the door behind me.


“That deep inside me,
I feel like I'm dying,
I have to see you,
that's all that I'm asking,”


I arrived at Selphie’s room and softly knocked her door.


“Who is it?” Selphie asked from the other side of the door.


“It’s me Selphy” I responded. I waited for a while until she opened the door. When I came inside her room, my eyes snapped open of surprise. Her room was a mess. Vase’s pieces everywhere, broken papers in the floor, all her personal things thrown on the floor; but what really surprised me was when I looked at her large mirror. It was broke and with read liquid all around the broken boarder. It looked exactly like…blood. I turned to face Selphie and saw a piece of cloth wrapped in one of her hands. She broke the mirror with her bared hand. I moved towards her and took the handkerchief off of her hand to see how deep was her cut. If you want to know, it was really deep. I went to her bathroom and wetted the piece of fabric then returned to her bedroom and softly tried to stop her hand from bleeding. A soft smile escaped from her lips and so from mines. She moved past me and sat down on the corner of her bed.


“Sit down” she said a little more calm down, which made me relax.


I took one of the little furniture that wasn’t damage and sat down on it. I placed the little chair in front of her not too far but not too. The least thing I wanted to do was to scare her away. She looked at me with those precious big sea green eyes of hers, sighed and said:


“Do you really want me to tell you what happened?” I nodded for her to continue. She breathed hard and continued:


“I was at the training center this morning since I needed to train my new GF, when I heard a familiar voice coming from the secret area. I went to take a look and you would never know who I found there” Man, there she goes again, sinking those wonderful eyes with tears. I stood up and embraced her in comfort. She buried her face with my shirt and stared to cry softly.


“Hush Selphy, I’m here for you and I will always be,” I said as I gave her a little kiss on her forehead.

”Vida (My life),
Give me back my fantasy ,
The courage that I need to live,
The air that I breathe,
Cariño mio (My love),
My world's become so empty,
My days are so cold and lonely,
Each night I taste the purest of pain,”



She lifted her head from my chest and looked at me with those sad eyes. How I wish I could take her pain away; to be this close to her and to have her head resting on my torso for all eternities. But that was only my fantasy, my dreams…not hers.


“Zell the person I saw in the secret area was Irvine. He…he was talking to this girl and had a diamond ring in his hands” Selphie said. She stopped, swallowed and continued, “he was kneeling on one knee, took the girls hands and asked her to marry him” What? So because of him my Selphy was like this? I’m going to kill him.


“What? This isn’t going to stay like this!” I practically yelled.


“No, Zell wait!” she said trying to stop me before I kill Irvine. But it was no use. She is not going to convince me not to kill that bastard! I finally caught a sight of Irvine and directed toward him, ready to let him know who Zell Dincht was and what he’ll do for love.


“Hey, chill man what’s wrong with you?” Irvine said as I abruptly turned him around so he could face me. Selphie was a little behind me until she finally caught up with Irvine and me.


“Sup babe, how are you doing?” he asked with his usual smirk. I swear, if I would have had a knife with me, I would of ripped that grin from his face. What I did though was that I grabbed him by his shirt collar and raised my hand ready to punch him.


“Zell no what are doing?” Selphie said from behind.


“Taking revenge for what he did to you!” I said getting even matter at the fact that even after what he did to her, she stilled loved him.


“What did I do?” Irvine asked trying to sound innocent, yeah right, innocent my ass.


“Well let me remind you” I said still awfully mad “You were this morning at the secret area with another girl and you were asking her to marry her. Selphie saw you and got hurt because of you, bastard!”


“And who said I was asking her to marry me? If you didn’t know, her mother works in a jewelry store so I gave her the money and told her to buy me a wedding ring since I didn’t have enough time to do it myself because of all my training!” he yelled. I took my hands from his collar and prepared for the worst “And when I was bending down giving her the ring it was practicing so when I did gave the ring to the person I love, I would do it perfectly!”


He moved pass me and headed towards Selphie. Bending down, he took a little black box from his pocket and opened revealing a beautiful diamond ring with green emeralds surrounding it.


“Selphie…will you marry me?” he asked. Selphie gasp of surprise and without hesitation said:


“Yes, I do” I lowered my head and run to my room and cry the whole day.


“I wish I could tell you I’m feeling better everyday,

That it didn't hurt when you walked away,

But to tell you the truth I can't find my way,

That deep inside me I feel like I'm dying,

I have to see you it's all that I'm asking baby,”



Two weeks had happen since I witness Irvine’s marriage declaration to Selphie and when my heart broke in 1,000 pieces and still, it kept braking. In just one week it was their marriage. In one more week, I will loose her forever to the hands of Irvine Kinneas. At the thought of this, a tear slipped from my eyes. I quickly dried it since I didn’t want to cry and less in such a crowded place like the cafeteria. My eyes felt upon a little jumpy girl with yellow dress. She waved and skipped all the way to me.


“Here” she said as she handed me a little yellow envelop.


“What this for?” I asked as I lifted one of my eyebrows.


“My wedding invitation. Well must go; someone send me a letter to meet him there! I bet Irvine wrote the letter and has a surprise for me!” she squealed as she lightly kissed my cheeks and left the same way she came.


“I love you Selphie,” I said as my eyes filled with tears again. She turned around to face me once more waved and left again.


“I'm sorry didn't mean to call you but I couldn't fight it,

I guess I was weak and couldn't even hide it,

And so I surrendered just to hear your voice…”