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The guilty show no mercy (Chapters 21-25)
Malice Shaw

Chapter 21


Zell scraped the razor across his face, and tapped it into his ever present jar. Of course, everyone knew his unorthadox method of shaving, but it didn't bother him any. They all actually thought of it as funny. He scrapped and tapped again, eyeing the mirror and his tattoo. He remembered when he first got that thing, he was 16, but of course looked 18. His friends decided it would be funny to play truth or dare while on a drinking binge, and he was awoken the next morning with a burning sensation on his face and his mother's screaming and yelling. Afterwards, he had paid homage to the porcerlein throne. Zell chuckled. That was one great morning.

Squall walked in next, clad in a pair of sweatpants that hung off him slip hips. Zell always shaved in his Balamb fruit of the looms, he just issued it to be comfortable that way. As Squall laid out his pile of shaving gear, he lookwed over at Zell's jar, and moved it between the two men. Zell grinned at him from behind his soapy face and Squall gave him a half hearted smile. Bringing out his own supplies, he soaped his face and brought the razor down his cheek, tapping it on Zell's jar. In silence, they shaved, and Irvine walked in, wearing his shaving suit of a pair of shorts (which he slept in), and his constant companion (his hat, which people argues if he slept in) carrying a radio.

Zell looked at him with eyes in wonder. "Who gave you that?"

Irvine smiled as he set up his usual reptoire of shaving, laying out a towel first. "Heh, Sefie did. She said that I should use one to intune my guitaring some more, follow along the lines."

Squall looked down and nodded. "Plug it in Irvine. Let's see what stations it can get."

Irvine snickered and turned the dial to a famed Balamb station. The speakers blared out with the disk jockey's voice. "Heyyy and this is Loud Robbie here playing you some hits from back then that never went away! Everyone, let's see if you remember Right Said Fred's famed hit, "I'm Too Sexy!"

Zell's eyes widened with glee. "Oh man I LOVE that song! Turn it up Irvine!"

Squall groaned as Irvine flipped the dial, the volume escalating. The beats hit the bathroom walls as Zell started doing the Egyption dance and singing along off key. "Ohhh I'm, too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt, soooo sexy it HURTSSS....."

Irvine chuckled and poked Zell, who stopped singing. "Hey hey man, that ain't how it goes! It's like this!" Irvine pulled himself away from the counter, using his tooth brush as a microphone. He began to thrust his pelvis out, waving his arm John Travolta style, mimicking him in an old movie. ""I'm, too sexy for Milan, too sexy for Milan, New York and Jaaapppaaannnn...." Irvine proved this by licking a finger and running it down his chest, hissing, saying "Oh yeah I'm hot!"

Squall stood back and planted a hand on his hip, and looked at the floor, but even he had to laugh when he looked up to see Irvine practically dancing like a hula dancer with one of his well toned arms on his hat and another at his hip, and Zell wiggling his white clad bottom towards the mirror, looking back to slap it once. Squall couldn't take it anymore, instead shoving the two near-strippers aside.

"Man you guys..." He started, then a big grin began appearing on his face. He didn't know why, but something inside him told him to show them how it was done. "THIS is how you Right Said Fred!"

Squall proceeded to gently usher the other two aside, silently asking for some room. Picking up his tooth brush he continued to where the song left off, while attempting some sort of upbeat one handed version of The Swim. "Ohh I'm a model, ya know what I mean?! And I doooo my little turrrnn on the catwalk! Yeah yeah the catwalk, ohh the Catwalk YEAH! I shake my little tush on the catwalk..." Squall then proceeded to shake that little tush towards the mirror while the others bellowed with laughter, chanting stuff along the lines of "Oh yeah baby!" and wolf whistles.

After the song had ended Squall stood up, smiling behind his billowing soapy cloud of shaving cream on his face. Irvine clapped and whistled as Zell, still brought up from laughter, slapped Squall in the shoulder. "Man, that was hilarious! Never expected something like that! 'Specially from you! HAHA!!"

Irvine ceased his laughter too, and patted Squall on he shoulder. "Man, like Zell said, we didn't expect that from you. Man, you changed dude. But for the better."

Squall smirked and continued to shave his face. "I've changed huh? How?"

Zell shrugged as once again he tapped the last of the shaving creame from his face into the jar. "Easy man. You're way more outgoing. At least when it's just the three of us."

"I agree." Irvine drawled in his deep voice. "Like, you won't shy away from us anymore. You still can't sing worth a crap." He snickered as Squall gave him one hell of a dirty look. "But man, you're happier. You got your dad, and Rinoa. You got a whole new life man. And surprisingly, you're not pissy about something about it."

Squall shrugged as he tapped the jar with his razor. "Well. I just have a few more things to be happy about I guess."

Zell squirted his toothpaste onto the brush and proceeded to stick it in his mouth. "Maybe man. I hope this good stuff keeps happening. You're better off this way dude."

Squall pressed down on the valve, wetting his brush before putting any tooth gel on it. "I am are I?"

Zell nodded and spoke with a mouthful of toothpaste. "Yeah. Your vocabulary is bigger then three words."

Irvine snickered as he brought out his own toothbrush. "He's right Squall. It's more then just 'Whatever' 'none of your business' and 'i don't care' 'cause now you do care."

Squall spit into the sink, watching the used toothpaste drift down the drain. He flicked on the water spout before answering. "I guess you're right. I have changed. But hey, I like it. So get used to it."

Heavy footsteps were heard in the halls. Zell perked up a bit, listening in silence. "Okay, those steps are too heavy to be a barrage of girls again.. You think Seifer and Quistis are back? After only a few days?"

Zell's answer walked through the door, as a tired and discouraged looking Seifer almost fell inside, holding himself up by gripping the side of the door. Irvine wiped his face, and stared at him, as the others followed suit. All eyes were on him, staring, not knowing what to do. A few moments passed by before Zell spoke up. "Man you look like shit."

Seifer looked up at him and glared, not saying a word. Squall's thoughts crossed on the fact he wasn't wearing his jacket, but instead he cradled it on his arm. Seifer dropped it to the floor, and dozed towards the 4th unused sink, turning it on. He watched the water run down the sink before touching it with his burned finger tips, ignoring the questioning eyes on him. He hissed through his teeth, and gingerly, they noted, unbuttoned his vest to slip it off, letting it slide onto the floor. Seifer stared at himself in the mirror in silence, and wondered how he even survived the night. The others were staying away from him, for some reason. Possibly due to the subtle aura of his stay-the-fuck-away-from-me-please additude he was giving off. He realized he had brought nothing with him to the bathroom, and looked towards Irvine. "Can I borrow some of your stuff?"

Irvine nodded, stepping forward to his pack. He switched off the radio and pulled out another razor and another toothbrush, which was unused. Seifer looked down at it, then back up at Irvine, who smirked. "I have two of everything. It's a bad habit I have t'break."

Seifer nodded, and pointed towards Squall's toothpaste and Zell's shaving cream. Both complied in giving him what he needed, and Zell took a step back. Seifer continued with slathering his face to get rid of the rough blonde fuzz that covered his cheeks and chin, shaving in long awkward strokes. When he knicked himself, he didn't feel it, and didn't care as the blood mixed with the soap on his face. He noticed he was bruising on his chest and arms, where he remembered where the shocks tore through most painfully. He looked at Zell's jar and raised an eyebrow at it, while Zell sheepishly explained, handing the jar to him. Seifer tapped the razor into it, lifting a shaking hand up to his face to scrape off more of the rough hair that had accumilated there. He gasped slightly, as he stumbled, and he felt an arm grab his wrist and looked down to see Squall holding it.

"Hey. You're going to slice yourself up. Zell get a chair. Irvine, help me."

Zell left the room as Irvine came from behind to support Seifer's crumbling stance. Zell returned now, along with wearing a pair of shorts, with a stool that Irvine pressured him into sitting in. Seifer didn't protest, his weary body feeling the damage now that the numbing spell of curaga was wearing off. Squall took the razor out of his hand and tapped it once again into Zell's jar as the owner smiled. Irvine picked up the toothbrush and took some of Squall's tooth gel and squirted it on. Zell leaned against the wall, waiting for a command as Squall scraped Seifer's cheek with the blade, mumbling "How did the mission go?"

Seifer blinked and stared on ahead as Squall tapped the razor. "Not good."

Squall scraped another patch of his skin. "Oh?"

Seifer nodded when the razor was removed from his face. "Laguna's coming here. He wants to talk to all of you when you're ready. He's on his way."

"Okay. Anything else to report?"

Seifer let a huge breath out, holding his face still. He had yet to have stopped trembling. "A lot."

Squall tapped the razor again, removing the soap. "I'll ask Cid. Does he know everything I need to?"

Seifer nodded, letting Squall scraped the last bit of foam off his face. "Yeah. I..I can't talk about it."

Irvine nodded, handing Seifer the toothbrush. "So, how's Quistis?"

Seifer held still, staring ahead. He remained silent before closing his eyes and bringing his face to the floor. It was a while before he spoke. "She...she...wishs..she was..dead.."

Understanding, Squall gingerly put a hand on Seifer's shoulder. "Cid knows right? I'll ask him. You, get to bed. Just go to sleep okay?"

Seifer nodded, thrusting the toothbrush into his mouth. Squall mouthed to Irvine and Zell to keep a watch on him while he got dressed. The two others nodded, and Squall left the bathroom.


"Edea.. I'm sorry, I didn't kno-"

"No, you DID know, but all you could think about was MONEY Cid Kramer! My little Quisty, raped and beaten because of a few dollars?! SHE'LL NEVER GET OVER IT!" Edea howled angrily at her husband. Cid stood still, letting her anger wash over him. Yes, he did do it for the money, and yes, he did know who was giving it. But he didn't know it would range so far, cause so much pain. He never would have done it if he knew. Edea turned her back on him, sobbing quietly. He came up behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders, and she moved away, not wanting to feel his touch.

"Edea. Look at me."

She remained unmoved.

"Fine. Then listen to me. Yes, the money is good. Yes, I knew who he was, but I didn't expect this to happen! I never wanted it to! But it did, unfortunetly, and now Quistis needs us to be strong for her! She'll get over it. And someday, I hope she forgives me. But we can't change it, Edea."

Edea's shoulders sagged, but she still refused to look at her husband. "My little girl.."

They both heard the elevator ping beforethey were able to wipe away tears or put on a poker face. Squall Leonhart, dressed in his SeeD uniform, stepped out, and raised his arm in the typical SeeD salute. His eyes misted over with confusion over the headmasters positions, as they set up to straighten themselves out. Cid waved a hand and muttered "At ease, Leonhart" in a low monotone of a voice. Squall relaxed and sat down, looking up at the couple. "Headmaster Cid, I'm here to listen to Seifer Almasy's report on the mission."

"Squall Leonhart, this isn't a time for formalities. There is no other way to say it but the mission wasn't a failure, but Quistis and Seifer both endured massive ammount of torture these past few days. I'm extending both of their time trials to a month, or longer if Quistis needs it."

Squall narrowed his eyes. "Why if Quistis needs it? When I encountered Almasy he seemed in bad shape." His brows furrowed together now. "Where's Quisty?"

Cid cleare dhis throat, looking at the ground. "She's in the infirmary."

Squall stood up. "What are the cases of her injuries, and what treament is she recieving?"

Edea turned and looked at Squall her, her violet eyes misty. "Squall, sit back down. Please." She continued when he did. "Quistis is currently revieving treatments for cuts, bruises, and an upgrade on her birthcontrol. And is currently taking the Morning After pill, I believe it's called, and treatment for a torn-"

"Wait, hold it hold it, right there, Matron." Squall stood up now, his eyes sapphire fire. "The morning after pill? Why? That medication is only for.." His face paled when he made the connection. Edea nodded, confirming his fears.

Squall stumbled now, his body filling with rage. "...SEIFER?!"

Cid shook his head quickly, walking forward. "No. Not him. The benefactor, he tricked them into falling into a trap he had set up by a new Sorceress. Seifer was tortured, horridly, and Quistis..was.." He couldn't contiue on, but Squall got the gist of it. He sat back down, angrily. "Why is President Loire coming here? What is his part in this?"

Cid sighed. "The Benefactor went through him to get SeeD Almasy and Instructor Trepe. He wishs to hire SeeDs as well to help exterminate the new Sorceress." Cid's face fell at the word 'sorceress' Squall noted. He stood up, and saluted. "Headmaster Cid, is the identidy of the new Sorceress of our knowledge?"

"Yes, Squall, she is."

"Who?! I'll lead the Squad to take care of her." He growled.

Cid looked up at him with sorrowful eyes. "Squall. The new sorceress threat is...Rinoa."

He felt as if a blow had struck him clear across teh face, then at his stomach. He did NOT just hear this right?! "Sir, you have to be mistaken."

Cid shook his head. "No. We're not. Both SeeD and Instructor have identified her, and she to them. We don't know what caused her change, but we do believe Mr. Kinneas's asumption over Quistis' attempt on her life a while ago is correct, about the sorceress taking control of her. And to be the cause of Seifer's nightmares during that time. She is the only one we know who could have done it. She was close enough to both of them to seize control with out anyone's knowledge."

Squall shook his head. "No, she's at her father's, she can't have done it, and she can't be at the D-District prison, then, or now!"

Edea came forward, picking up the phone. "Squall, call General Carraway, and see."

The young commander nodded, picking up the phone reciever. Clearing his throat he punched in the numbers to the mansion. "Ahem.. Hello, Squall leonhart calling for Rinoa Heartilly.. Oh hellow Genera Carraway.. yes.. We all are thank you.. May I speak with Rinoa please?"

Edea held her breath as did Cid, who wrapped an arm around her waist. Squall's eyes remained clear but his face paled as he mumbled an apology and a good bye before replacing the reciever.

"Squall?" Edea whispered.

He shook his head. "She..She's not there. Her and her father still aren't speaking.. Carraway has no idea about her ever being there."

Edeas face fell, along with Cids. She reached over to Squall and attempted to wrap him in a comforting hug, but instead he pulled away. "No, No time for that. Assemble everyone in here as soon as Laguna Loire lands. I'm going to the infirmary to see upon Instructor Trepe. Then to the dorms to see upon SeeD Almasy's condition." He saluted Edea and Cid and eft towards the elevator, his face cold and uncaring. Cid watched him go down as Edea buried her face in her hands.

Seifer Almasy. SeeD. Rank twenty. Trouble maker. Leader. Thoughtless. Caring. Hardened. Soft. Fearless. Scared.

He was all those things, and more. He was in love with Instructor Trepe. He wanted to live his life out with her, die next to her, and be buried next to her. Or thrown into the ocean to float next to her for all eternity, it didn't matter. As long as she was next to him, and h next to her.

His eyes traced the radio next to his bed. He flicked it on. A song. Of course. One that should reflect his mood.
"it doesn't mean much..
"It doesn't mean anything at all.."
"The life I've left behind me is a cold room..:"

He sighed. That was true.

"I've crossed the last line.."
"From where I can't return
"Where every step I took in faith betrayed me.."
"And led me from.. my home..."

He remembered this song now. He played it the morning after they had first made love. He remembered it well. It was then, that time, when he truely wanted to give her his whole.

"Are you an angel..?"
"Am I already that far gone..?"
"I only hope that I don't disappoint you.."

He did disappoint her. He let that happen. She was raped, beaten and tortured. He moaned into the silent room, as the tears tried to fall.

"It doesn't mean much.."
"It doesn't mean anything at all.."
"The life I left behind me, is a cold room..."

He could have stopped it. But he didn't. If he had just tricked the guard sooner she would be saved from that humilation. His form trembled as he resisted the urge to cry. "Please, Hyne, Quistis, forgive me.."

"Sweet surrender..."
"Is all that I have.."
"To give..."

Chapter 22

"Sqwawl! Come heah! Le's pway!"

"Quisty? No, I dun wan' play cards no mo'!"

"Why come?"

"I jus' dun wanna! Lemme alone!"

The young boy, his hair unnaturally spikey, walked away from the blond girl, who's eyes misted over like a cloudy ocean. He walked towards the raining porch, sniffling. He looked upwards towards the cloudy sky and the rain drops mixed with his tears.

"I'll be o-kay Sis. I'll be stwong. I'll see yoo again.."

Tiny foot steps where heard behind him, and he turned around, half expecting to see the Matron. But instead in her place, was Quisty.

"What yoo want?"

"Yoo miss Sis?"

"Yaw." He wiped his nose with the back of his hand. She giggled, and smiled, pointing good naturedy. "Boogies!"

He giggled then, with her. She looked back inside, then back at him. "I'll be yoo're sis if yoo want."

Squall snapped himself from the memory. It was the most recent one he could remember, from back then, of him and Quistis Trepe. Even as the Guardian Forces that paved their way into each of their minds by removing some memories of the past, talks with Ellone had jogged his haggard memory up. He looked down, and noticed his hand was clenched tightly around hers, her fingertips where turning blue. He released them, now, the bad colouring fading. When she had come back, she was catatonic, mumbling, before finally lapsing into a drug induced sleep, which was the only way anyone could touch her. All this happened in a matter of hours. How funny, Squall thought, how things can change so fast.

Seifer. Oh, Hyne, Seifer. What this was doing to his mind, his soul, was nervewracking. He wasn't wanted back, especially by Squall himself, but eventually, over the months, they al had warme dup to his changed additude, and even begun to laugh at his snide remarks. He had, over that little time, formed a union with them that delved deeper then friendship, almost the same kinship they all had for eachother at the orphanage. And he had also happened to catch bossy little Quisty's heart. They went good with one another, like fire to ice, both completly different but with the same intentions with one another. To never again feel the cold hand of lonliness, instead being surrounded by the arms of love. They were connected, Squall knew this. And they will always be connected. He envied that. He couldn't feel any connection to Rinoa at the moment. Might not ever again.


Squall looked behind him, seeing the whole disciplinary commitee standing in the doorway. Seifer included, who was holding his bandaged ribs. Raijin stood on one side of him, prepared to catch him if he fell, as Fujin's worried eyes traced across Quistis' still form.

Squall stood up, giving the traditional salute as Seifer waved it of with his free hand. "Knock that crap off, Leonhart. We're not infront of Cid. How's she doing?"

Squall shook his head. "Had to be drugged. She was catatonic when she was brought in. Cid filled me in, by the way."

Seifer nodded. "So you know?"


Raising his shoulders up as little as possible, he shrugged. "Okay. It won't happen again."

"I know. She won't be allowed to-"

"No. I meant, he won't hurt her ever again." Seifer turned his back to Squall, who was narrowing his eyes. He didn't like the sound and tone of the blonde man's voice.

"What are you talking about Seifer?"

No answer, as he began walking down the hall. Squall stepped forward now, his voice threatening.

"SEIFER ALMASY! Just what are you talking about?!"

Silence now, but he turned back to face Squall. His smile was crooked, evil, and Squall caught a flashback of the past, whenever he smiled like that, he did..something..

"I sent him back to Hell, Squall. Right where I'm gonna send Rinoa." Seifer took sluggish steps towards the Commander, and glared into his eyes. "The exact same place where I'll send you if you try to stop me."

The statement wasn't a threat. It was a promise. Squall held his ground, and nodded, as Seifer turned around again and left, calling out behind him "Laguna's here. Get your ass to Cid's office. I have to..go.."

"Go where, Almasy?" Squall chided to his retreating form. Seifer hung his head low. "..go..wash her blood outta my coat.." he spat, before disappearing behind the corner.

Squall sighed, and trailed his eyes back to Quistis' still form. He was mildly shocked when he saw her eyes open, staring at him with a bleak look. Her face mask covered her mouth and nose, and she had a hard time speaking, but she tried to mouth the words out. Her breath clouded over the plastic mask, as Squall leaned down to gingerly remove it from her face.

"Quisty? Instructor, talk to me."


He placed a hand on her arm, and her eyes went wide with alarm. He leaned in closer to hear her haggard breaths speak. "What? What is it?"


Squall pulled his arm back fast, placing it as his side. "Sorry."

She nodded, closing her eyes slightly, leaving them half lidded. Gulping, Squall leaned forward. "Quistis, was it her?"

She stared at the ceiling, as if memorized by the sight. The paint was swirled, and she let her eyes trail around each swirl, leaving to infinity. She turned her eyes to Squall's now, and her heart broke at the sight, of how he silently pleaded with her to say it wasn't. But she couldn't, and felt even worse as she nodded her head, the tears welling up in her eyes.

He kept his stature, as he lifted a napkin to catch the falling tears. "I have to go speak to Laguna now. Think you'll be alright?"


"You need me, just tell the doctor."


"Alright. Anything else?"

She nodded slightly, beconing him to come closer. Squall leaned down, his ear cloe to her lips.

"...dont...let...him...seifer.. blame..him..self.."

"Don't talk anymore." He stood up, tossing the napkin into the trash, Leaning down slightly, he replaced her mask. "I'll take care of everything."

She nodded,slowly bringing her eyes back to the ceiling. Squall stood up, and saluted the two standing in the doorway. Fujin and Raijin and nodded. Fujin came forward now, saluting him, as Raijin followed her lead, lifting a heavy hand to his forehead. Squall nodded, and stepped past them. "Let's go. She needs her rest."

They both followed Squall, while Fujin glanced backwards towards the sleeping woman. She shook her head, silently, feeling the most incredible sympathy for the fallen Instructor. Without saying a word, she turned on her heel and headed to Cid's office.

"Well.. everyone here is informed.. about the happenings on the mission.." Laguna stammered out, rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah, so get to the point." Seifer spat. He had come in late, of course, and was leaning against the wall. Irvine lent him a coat, which he wore now, as his was drying. The black duster along with the rest of his outfit contrasted with his whole demeaner, but he didn't care.

Laguna glared up at him, his features hardening. "Anyways, after finding out what had happened, we did some research on Rinoa and her powers. Did you guys know there are two types of sorcereses?"

Squall shook his head. "No. Continue."

Laguna smiled. "Oh okay. There are two types of sorcereses.."

"We know that bit already, get to the god damned point!"

Squall hissed at Seifer to shut up and mumbled an apology to Laguna. Clearing his throat, he continued on. "As Doctor Odine found out, the two types are a reciever, and a sender. Rinoa is a reciever, as Ultimecia was a sender. Ultimecia took over Edea's mind, during that fiasco back then, meaning that Edea is a reciever as well. When some of Edea's powers where transferred into Rinoa, so did Edea's recieving capability. Meaning, that if Rinoa isn't the woman you knew, and if this is nothing like her, then she has to be controlled by a sender. I HOPE" Laguna stared at Seifer. "That this wasn't too hard to understand."

Seifer snorted and looked away, while Squall questioned on. "So, what you're saying is that Rinoa is some sort of puppet?"

Laguna nodded. "When you gusy returned from the trip, did she begin her mind exercises?"

Squall shook his head. "What mind excercises?"

"The ones I sent to her house in Deiling, umm General Carraway?"

Squall groaned. "She doesn't live there anymore. She lives here."

Laguna's eyes widened, and he slapped his forhead. "Damn! Argh.. anyways, the mind exercises that Odine wanted her to do was to strengthen the mental walls around her brain, keeping intruders out and issuing them unable to be breeched. it takes five minutes, almost every day, every other day at the least, of thinking about swirls and designs and stuff, and imagining them being placed into walls. Over the time span of a month, the mind is almost impregnable, only having to do the exercise once a month for the rest of her life, a small price to pay if you ask me. If Rinoa had used them, no one could have taken control of her mind. But it's obvioulsy too late for that now."

"Hold it, Pre-si-dent." Seifer spoke up, glaring at him. "You mean, if Rinoa had just sat down for five flipping minutes a day and think about happy little balloons and cement then none of this bullshit would have happened?!"

Laguna nodded. "Yeah, Seifer." He sheepishly replied.

Seifer threw his arms in the air, stiffling a grunt of pain. "So, because your documents on everyone or address book with our flippin' names and crap in it was beyond screwed up and outdated, Quistis got raped and tortured by some idiot who was YOUR friend. Right?!"

Laguna peered at him, his eyes narrowing. "I never said Angustus Trepe was my friend! We only knew each other, Almasy. I didn't know what kind of sicko he was, or his relationship with Instructor Trepe. If I did I would never have introduced him to the SeeDs!"

Seifer scoffed, and faced away, crossing his arms over his ribs. "It doesn't matter. Or it does, and I just don't want it to. I just.. I don't care. I just want it to end. He faced the others now "Is that too much to ask for?!"

"No, it ain't, Seifer." Irvine chimed in, sauntering over to him. Tipping his hat, he continued. "We all know you love the girl. Hyne knows what I would'a done if the same thing happened t'my Sefie." He turned a smile over to Selphie, who grinned back. "Or to Amie, what Zell would do. But think, man, Squall's got the most to be angry about. We don't even know how to snap Rinoa outta her trance."

Seifer stared at the cowboy, and nodded. "You're right." he said, before turning back to Laguna. "Did the oh grand master Odine figure out how to snap the girl out of it?"

Laguna nodded, his face resembling Squall's when frustrated. "We've got two options. If Edea has it, we need the pendant that Rinoa tried to use on her in Deiling."

"It's not good." Zell spoke up. "The pendant doesn't work."

Laguna smiled. "Actually, it does. It's only half of it, which is the reason it didn't work on Edea."

Seifer looked up. "Now what are you babbling on about, broken pendants, Deiling. Will you just spit it out? You're sounding like that annoying doctor already."

"Well," Laguna hissed. "If you'd just shut up while I explain...!" Seifer just stared ahead. "The pendant is in two pieces. The one Edea has is the front part, the Dark Matter opal. The other one, well.." Laguna reached up to scratch the back of his head again, nervously.

"What? What is it?!" Zell shouted in frustration. Amie pulled him close, shushing him into silence, then looked at Laguna. "Please continue, President Loire."

"Thank you. The other half, we don't know where it is. I can tell you the look of it. It's a golden locket, on a long golden chain. Inside of it, it's supposed to hold the most dangerous guardian force of all time, Griever. The one who holds the locket with the ring inside and wears it controls Griever. Only a sorceress can touch the Griever ring after it's been activated, which is why the locket was made. To hold Griever. Of course, I have no idea where the Griever ring is.." Laguna replied sheepishly, embarrassed over his lack of knowledge.

The room buzzed around as Squall stood up. "Rinoa has the Griever ring. It was mine before I gave it to her."

Laguna narrowed his eyes. "How did you get it?"

Squall shrugged. "I don't really remember. I've had it since I was at the orphanage. I think Raine gave it to me before she died."

Laguna sadly nodded. "I...see. We still need the locket."

Seifer snorted. "She has it."

"Who?" Laguna inquired.

"Rinoa." Seifer turned to face the crowd. "I saw it. With Quistis. She has the locket and the Griever ring."

Laguna smiled. "Well, that makes things slightly better. We know that Rinoa has both of them. But does anyone know where she might be?"

Squall stood up, his face cold. "I do."


He shook his head. "The flower field. Whenever something is wrong, or right, she goes there. I usually go with her. It's by the orphanage, but whatever it is, she could be underground. It'll still be hard to find her."

Seifer spoke up now, his voice soft. "What about our other choice, President Loire. You said there were two."

Laguna nodded, his eyes becoming hard. "It's obvious. We kill her."

Squall fell back into his seat, a pained expression on his face. "We can't.. I can't do that."

Laguna nodded. He opened his mouth to speak, but the phone rining caught him off guard. He looke ddown at it as Edea hurried over towards it, picking it up. Easing it onto her face, she spoke in a hushed tone. "Headmaster office, Headmistress Edea speaking... Oh hello doctor.. she is? Splendid. Good. I will be down there in an instant." Edea hung up the phone. "Exscuse me, but Quistis is fully awake now, and off the breathing appliances. She wishs to speak with Squall and I." Edea held a hand out to Squall who took it and walked towards the elevator.

Seifer looked up. "What about me?"

Edea smiled warmly to him. "I don't think it would be alright for her to see you at this moment in time. You are still pretty beat up, for lack of a better term. Seeing you with so many bruises on your body would only stress her." Edea leaned forward to kiss Seifer's cheek. "We will speak later."

Seifer nodded, understanding her words before turning his attention back to Laguna. "So, Sir President, continue. Any ideas on how to save Rinoa?"

The infirmary seemed to engulf the young woman in the bed. She stared around, trying to regain her composure. Her head was clear, now, she was grateful for the clerity, but not for the memories that came rushing back. She took each one in stride, realizing that yes, it did happen, and no, she couldn't change it. She listened carefully, to the Doctor's pleasant humming, and soon the quiet conversation between unknown persons, she figured where Squall and Edea. Good. She had thought about it over and over in her head until she finally planned it out. Three pairs of footsteps entered her room, and she looked upwards towards the good doctor, Edea, and her former student.

"Hi." she said, in a weak voice.

Squall nodded, sitting down next to her bed. "Instructor."

Edea sat on the other side, attempting to grasp Quistis' hand. She elt hurt when the younger woman pulled away in fear, and Squall spoke up. "She doesn't like to be touched, Matron. Please understand."

Edea nodded. "Quisty, how are you feeling?"

Quistis looked up to the Matron. "Sick. Tired. The works."

"You can have all the time off you need. I'm so sorry, my little Quisty."

She shook her head. "S'okay."

Squall cleared his throat. "Quisty, we found out that there are two-"

"Two types of sorcereses, a reciever and a sender. I know."

"How?" He quizzed her.

"I always knew. I studied them to be an Instructor for SeeD. I also know about the locket, and the Dark Matter Opal."

Squall shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "Uh..okay."

Quistis leaned back a little into her bed. "I have a plan."

"You shouldn't be thinking or planning anything right now, my little Quisty." Edea spoke, but Quistis raised a hand to silence her.

"I have to think. I have to keep my mind off of it. Now, I have a plant. You may or may not like it, but I've ran it through my head so many times it's become an obscession. I know how to get Rinoa back." She looked at Squall, who's eyes betrayed the emotion of hope in his eyes. "As long as you are willing to let me command."

Chapter 23

It had taken Quistis nearly a week to get ready. Perfection was the key. Now, as she stood with the aid of a pair of crutches, she spoke to them, all of them, her eyes a glass like ice and her face, a scar running between her eyes. It was a deep gash, and no curaga could dismiss it from between her brows. Squall eyed it, it was a lot like Seifers before his was extended to his hairline. Her cheek held a faint discolouration, but nothing that was noticable immediately. The bruising had gone down quite a bit, and the swelling completly gone. She stared ahead at the group, eyeing each one before speaking.

"Alright. The problem issued at hand is Rinoa. Whatever you do, remember that death is the last resort. We want to save our friend, not cause a massacre."

She hobbled around, looking graceful even then. Everyone noticed that after the problems at the D-District prison, and what was done to her, she had grown cold, her demeanor completely different then from the sweet but strict Instructor she was before. "First off, I don't want any complaints. This is going to be hard. For EVERYONE. Squall has given me the temprary commander position." The group protested, stepping forward to her, proclai9ming that it was too early. She waved them off. "I'm fine. I can get around with out these things soon. And I also need a new warsuit. Mine was..lost."

Squall nodded, and stood up. "Amie might have a few things for you. Zell, go get her."

The tattoo'd one nodded, and saluted Quistis before leaving the room. Squall sat back down and watched the instructor as Selphie whispered to Irvine, the couple smiling. Quistis snapped her face to them and glared, hissing "You two can play footsie some other time. This is an important mission and we don't need any slacking little love birds!"

Selphie snapped her head up, her green eyes wide. They brimmed with tears as Irvine wrapped an arm around her waist, his expression blank. Quistis glared at them, in silence as Selphie regained her composure. "I-I'm sorry Quistis."

"In times like these, you call me Instructor Trepe." Quistis deadpanned. Selphie nodded as Irvine's hand squeezed hers. The Intructor turned around now, hobbling forward. "I have a few regulations for you to follow. They're personal, so don't ask any questions."

The group nodded. Seifer, who had remained a shadow in the corner, looked up now, saying nothing.

"The first one, you must always listen to me. When I tell you to stop, you stop. When I tell you to retreat, you retreat. I'm sure everything else is self explanitory."

The group nodded, as Quistis continued. "Also, no rash movements. Even if you think it's for the better. Unles I give the word, you don't go."

Silence, form the group, except for knowing nods. "Also, the last thing. Do not touch me unless you sincerally need to. Or I say otherwise. At the moment I can't stand the feel of someone else..so..please.. just don't."

Seifer blinked and looked up from his solitary corner. "Even me?"

She nodded sadly, as Seifer nodded with out saying a word, bringing his gaze back to the floor. Quistis looked along the wall of people and took a deep breath. "When Zell returns, I need someone to relay the message and the constrictions to him as well. Selphie, you and Irvine do it."

"Yes ma'am." Irvine muttered.

"Thank you. Alright." She raised an arm in a salute as the rest did the same, standing tall and proud, before she muttered a "Dismissed." They filed out of the room as Quistis leaned against the big desk. Seifer was the last one remaining in the room, and she looked up to face him.

"You know, Instructor, they only want to help."

"I know that." She hissed.

He cringed at the sound. "So.. you don't want anyone touching you, eh?"

"Right." she stared at the ground.

He walked forward to her now, his steps heavy. "Because of Angustus. Right?"

She looked up from the ground to face him. "Don't talk about that. It's over with. I'm over it. You better get over it too."

He snickered, the sound ringing in her ears. "Oh, you think I blame myself?"

She gazed him. "Do you?"

"No." He lied.

"You're a horrible liar Almasy."

"And you blame yourself for stupid shit that isn't your fault." Seifer snorted in reply. Qusitis refused to budge rom her spot, instead looking towards the elevator. "I wonder if-"

"I'll go find him." Seifer interrupted her sentense before she could finish it.

"How do you know who I'm looking for?"

"Zell. Who else? His girlfriend is the only chick I know of who has anything in your size." Seifer scoffed, making his way towards the elevator. "I'll send them to your room. Later."

Quistis nodded, waving him off with a limp arm. Standing up, she looked at her crutches and sighed, bringing them underneath her arms. Groaning, she made her way to the elevator, pressing the buttons to the dorm. This was going to be a long long day.

It pinged the first floor, and Quistis saw Zell, Irvine and Selphie through the glass doors. She waited until the happy love birds left before she called out his name after the doors slid open, and he turned his head to face her. He grinned again, and ran towards her, stopping full force before h could run into her. "Hey! Amie's in your room right now. Wanna go?"

Quistis nodded. "Yes. I need to find some suitable attire for combat. Does she have anything..?"

Zell laughed then, gripping his sides. "Are you kidding?! She raided her closet as soon as she heard. Amie loves playing Dress up, whether it's her, her cat, or soemone else." Zell smiled. "I am so in love with her."

Quistis smiled, a small smile. "She is one of a kind. Is she in my dorm now?"

"Yeah." Zell grinned. "She's there. With half her freakin' closet!" Zell turned around, waving her to follow him. "Let's go man before she dresses up your pillow."

When they arrived to Quistis' room, Amie was inside, sorting through the clothing sh had brought with her. Quistis was surprised at the girl's strength and endurance; there had to be at least a dozen different sets of clothing. She was rearranging the the outfits, not noticing the two standing at the doorwya until Zell grunted. Amie's bright face lifted and she grinned, running towards him. She wrapped her arms about his neck and kissed him hard on the cheek before seeing Quistis. "Instructor! Hey, come on. Sorry for barging in here but the dorm was unlocked and-"

Quistis lifted a hand to silence her. "It's okay. Let's just see what you have in store for me, why don't we?"

Amie smiled, and nodded. Zell excused himself from the room after Quistis gave him the information that she wasn't giving a peepshow, and Amie gave him the Look. The rest of the afternoon was spent searching out the perfect battle gear. Most of it Quistis snubbed her nose at. Too short, "You can see my underwear in this, come on!" Too long, "I'm going to trip in this.. *OOMPH!*" Too loose "Won't do me any good where there's a lot of brush, I'll be strung up instead of being able to fight." Too tight. "I...Can't....BREATHE..." Too bright. "If the Ragnorok ever get's lost all they'll have to do is throw me in the air, it'll see me, along with half the galaxy." Too dark. "I look like a ghost in this, Amie." Too shimmery "Where on earth did they get this many sequins to make this thing?" Too dull. "I...nevermind." Amie sat down on the bed, groaning.

"Isn't there ANYTHING you like, Quisty?"

Quistis sighed, looking to the floor. Her eyes caught a sheer black shawl, fringed with glittery stranges on the sides, and interesting swirly patterns on it, ending in the three corners. Groaning she leaned down to pick it up, and turned it over in her hands. "What's this?"

Amie looked it over, and shrugged. "It's from an old costume I used to wear. It's kinda nice, actually."

Quistis nodded turning the fabric over in her hands. "I like this."

Amie threw her hands in the air and shouted with relief. "Finally! The Queen chooses a part of her attire! I will be forever humble to your actions, my Queen!"

Quistis shot her a scowl, then a smile. "You have anything that will go with this?"

The younger girl smirked, and nodded. "I have the perfect outfit. And you better wear it Miss Trepe."

"And what if I don't?" Quistis joked, raising an eyebrow.

Amie snickered. "Then the term 'Off with their head!' is going to apply real soon."

The cafeteria buzzed loudly with the soundings of gossip and laughter. At one table, Squall looked down at his untouched food, as Selphie and Irvine, along with Zell, babbled on and on about Quistis' blatent commands earlier. Squall looked ahead to the other table, where Seifer was munching his food with out any reason, while Raijin and Fujin talked in low monotones to one another. Seifer looked up every once in a while from his plate to either nod or shake his head, not saying a word. Irvine tapped Squall on the hand, as he looked up into the cowboy's face. "Hey man, Rinoa on your mind?"

Squall nodded. "Yeah."

Selphie shook her head. "Don't think anything bad, Squall. We'll get her back, I promise."

He nodded, and started to eat his food. Once again he brought his eyes to Seifer. "What do you guys think is going on in his mind?"

Zell shook his head. "No idea. Ever since he came back from the prison he's got his damned 'normal additude' up again. Sort of. Now he's quiet. Too quiet. Guess since what happened to Quisty hurt him bad."

Selphie sighed. "If the same thing happened to Amie you would do something drastic too."

The blonde boy nodded. "I'd go on a killing spree."

"Well, that's how you'd do it." Irvine chimed in. "That's the way you handle things. Seifer ain't like that no more, sorta. This is how he handles things."

Squall nodded, finaly speaking up. "I hope he'll still help save Rinoa."

The others nodded in unison with Irvine saying "He will. I don't know him as well as you all do, but he'll do anything t'save her. She's a friend, and he seems to take a liking to having friends."

"Maybe we should talk to him, Irvy?" Selphie whispered.

Squall shook his head. "No. Let him be, he needs to-"

The sound speaker came in now, calling out their names. "Xu speaking. Quistis Trepe, Selphie Tillmut, Zell Dincht, Squall Leonhart, Irvine Kinneas, Seifer Almasy, please refer to Cid kramer's office immediately. Please refer to Cid Kramer's office immediately. Xu, out."

Squall stood up, tossing his tray into the trash. "That's us. Let's go."

Cid regained his composure as he ran a hand through his thinning hair. This was going to be hard. He was sending his SeeDs after...a SeeD? Rinoa soon joined the Garden after the bout with Ultimecia, and excelled as a high priority projectile specialist. But now.. She was their enemy. He looked towards Edea, who was watering a plant in the corner with some of her Water magic. Her, the gentle, beautiful matron. He never expected to be fighting her. Or he did, and refused to comprehend it. She turned to face him, and smiled. She had such a warm, beautiful smile. Cid went to his wife and wrapped his arms around her, leaning his chin on her shoulder. His hands roamed her back as she softened into his embrace. He pulled back, soon, and stared into her beautiful violet eyes. Leaning forward, he kissed her, gently, sweetly, and she pulled back. "And what was that for my dear husband?"

He shrugged. "Just wanted to see if you were real."

She chuckled then, a lovely throaty laugh. "Real? Oh, I understand. You're thinking about Rinoa aren't you?"

Cid nodded, kissing her forehead. "Yes, I am. Squall must be feeling.."


He nodded. "Yes. Tortured. And Seifer.. I always knew him and Quistis were so well for one another. Even in the days of the orphanage I'd see them, just talking, even if it were just a split minute. They communed well. And now, Quistis.."

he silenced him with two fingers to his lips. "Don't say it, Cid Kramer. I couldn't possibly stand it anymore."

"I know Edea, I know."

The elevator rang, it's sound issuing that the called students had arrived. Cid moved away from his wife, while still gripping her palm in his own as he addressed the students who came barraling in from the lift. Zell, cocky as usual, strode in with pride and plopped into a chair. Edea gave him a stern look as his eyes widened in realization, and he stood up, lining up with the rest of them and saluted the Headmaster. Cid raised an arm to put them at ease, as they all relaxed. Seifer's eyes wandered the room, confused. "Where's Instructor Trepe?"

Edea spoke up. "She's in the fitting room at the moment deciphering a new costume. We will await her arrival. For the time being, let's discuss out strategies. Everyone, you do know that the sorceress is Rinoa. It is my fault for letting her recieve my powers, and my reciever transbility, so that is why I ask that you please, accept Quistis' unorthadox orders. I know she seems to be a bit out of character at the moment, but be patient, She has ordealed a lot."

Mumbling was heard from the back of the room, as the SeeDs looked behind them to see Seifer in his usual spot. He had changed as well. He no longer wore his vest, instead opting for a crushed velvet black shirt, paired with the trench coat Irvine gave him, and his black pants and boots, he looked pale, angry, decieving. His Hyperion hung at his hip, when it used to slither along his back. He had changed. Drastically, since his return to the Garden. The SeeDs parted like the Red Sea as Edea walked forth to him. "Seifer, speak up. We cannot hear you."

Seier brought his gaze to Edea. "I said, what a load of crap."

Edea raised an eyebrow. "Why do you say that, my dear?"

He pulled his breath into his chest, and let it out in a frustrated sigh. "She's been through a whole shit load of crap. None of it's ever bothered her before. Now this bullshit comes along and..I.. humph." He leaned back against the wall.

Edea waved a hand to her children, issuing them to step back and give Edea and Seifer some privacy. Cid grunted, and they crowded around him, pretending to ignore the pair in the corner. Edea leaned forward now, placing an arm on Seifer's.

"Where is your jacket my child?"

He closed his eyes. "I can't wear it."

"Why not?"

He brought his pain filled eyes to meet hers. "I..I can't get it out."

"Get what, my dear?"

"..get her blood out of it. My vest either. They have her blood on it..and..his..his.." he sputtered it out "His 'calling card' all over it.. When he used her as a jack off towel.."

Edea closed her eyes, nodding. "I understand, Seifer my sweet. But please do not blame yourself over this terrible tragedy."

"Then who, Matron?" He barked in a low voice. "I should have flippin' stopped it. He should never have gotten his hands on her again."

"So you know?"

He nodded. "Yeah. I know who Angustus Trepe is..was.. to her." He said the name like it was an acid, boiling his tongue.

Edea stood infront of him, placing two hands on his arms. "I'm sorry you feel this way, Seifer. I truely am. But for the moment, all we can do is support her, and show her how we feel about her, that we all love her."

He clicked his tongue in disgust. "How can I show her when I can't touch her?"

Edea opened her mouth to speak but Amie burst in, interrupting the meeting. She blushed and cleared her throat. "Quistis FINALLY picked a warsuit to work with. And she's not using those crutches anymore. Did you know that a Cura can heal an ache in the bones? Curaga does it too well, so it makes no matter, and cure isn't good enough so it.. Oh never mind. We're.. She's ready."

Zell came forward and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, kissing her cheek. Edea saw Seifer's eye twitch at the sight, and understood. She leaned forward and whispered in his ear. "We'll talk later, please?"

He nodded. "Yes Matron."

She walked into the room, her steps light and airy. She was wearing a pair of flat heeled boots that reached to above her knees, where Save the Queen was looped on a hand sewn loop on her left leg. She was dressed in a deep dark purple, almost black, velvet pair of stretch pants with a matching sleeveless zip up vest. Her boots where of a darker color purple, contrasting nicely with her new outfit. It was form fitting, but she could move with ease, not too tight yet not very loose either. Her hands held dark gloves, that reached to her wrists. She had left her feminine muscluar arms bare, due to the injuries she had at the moment. Even though the bruises where still there, they were a faded yellow now, almost unoticable. Around her slim hips was the black shawl, tied and knotted, finally fitting off the outfit perfectly. To those who didn't know her, she'd be some sort of Amethyst Goddess. But to those who did, she was still the beautiful Quistis Trepe, only now a scar trailed her cheek and between her eyes. Her face held only determination, as she took the glasses off her nose and placed them onto Cid's desk. The usual two locks that fell down to frame her angelic features where no longer there, instead being pulled back into a strict pony tail at the crown of her head. She let her eyes trail to everyone's face before speaking.

"Well... What do you think?"

Squall smiled and nodded, as Zell congratulated Amie on her dressing skills. Irvine stepped forward and grinned, slinging a lewd comment to her before Selphie smacked him upside his head, his hat nearly falling off. Everyone giggled at the sight, before Edea came forward and smiled. "You look lovely Quistis."

"No she doesn't."

Everyone looked back towards Seifer, from where the comment had come from. He lifted himself from the wall, his face emotionless as he stepped forward, closing in on the blond instructor. He looked her up and down, walking a circle around her, before finally stopping infront of her standing form. "She looks just like she always has."

"And what's that, Seifer?" Quistis whispered.

His face still held no emotion as he continued on. "Still like the most beautiful creature alive."

Quistis's lips turned upward in a small smile, as Seifer nodded. He turned towards the other SeeD cadets, his demeanor serious. "Alright people. Instructor Trepe leads us from this point on. We listen hard, and we listen good. Because this fight is gonna be the last one we ever have against Rinoa." He walked towards Squall, who's eyes held the fear and anguish in their deep saphhire pools. Seifer placed a hand on his shoulder and spoke mostly to him then the other SeeDs. "And we're gonna bring her home."

Chapter 24

A gloved hand shoved a small rose colored pouch into his. He brought his eyes to it, and nodded. His job was to be done. It had to be done. To save her.

"Okay everyone. We're here. If you want to back out now, say it now. This is the last chance I'll give you to let it go."

SeeD after SeeD looked towards one another, nodding. Zell stepped forward and saluted the Instructor. "No way. We're gonna do this. All of us."

Quistis smiled. They were going to be by her side. Now until the end. She turned to Squall and nodded. "Last chance Squall."

Squall looked up at her, his eyes frozen. "I can't, Instructor. You know I can't."

She walked towards him, keeping a safe distance. "I know, Squall. But it has to be done."

His face blanched as if he was going to hurl, but he quickly regained his composure. Standing tall, he nodded. "I'm ready."

She closed her eyes and kneeled down into the flower laden dirt. She felt a body creep up next to her side, then another on her other side. Both were keeping their respectful distance, like she had asked. She turned her head to the left. "Be careful in there Leonhart."

He nodded, with out saying a word. Green eyes bored into the back of her head from her right, and she brought her own to them. "What Seifer?"

Seifer shook his head, and smirked. "Nothing, Instructor."

Quistis glared at him. "Whatever it is your not telling me will have to wait until after we deal with this, Almasy."

He grunted and turned away, staring ahead. Quistis wondered what had gotten into his mind lately. Since the scenario at the prison he had grown vastly cold, and she felt at fault for it. It wasn't his fault. He had to know that. But as the delicate lines in his face became deeper in agitation, she felt she was at fault for it. It was her fault. She had to think of something else. What to think of? The mission. Keep your mind steady.

"Instrutor Trepe?" A deep drawl was heard, belonging to Irvine Kinneas. "How shall we proceed?"

She shook herself out of her funk and stared back at him, laying low on her stomach. "We wait until the opportunity arises, Kinneas. Now sit back and hold tight."

She watched as he nodded, and a strong hand clasped the tiny shaking one of Selphie. This was taking it's toll on everyone, with Rinoa being a sorceress. She could kill them all with one fell swoop. Her eyes traveled to Zell, who was picking blades of grass from the ground, and flicking them forward. He wanted to be with Amie now, she could tell. Envy reared it's feeling inside her. She wished she could be like that, carefree and happy with the ones they loved. But the thought of hands... HIS hands.. on her body revolted her, even if those hands belonged to Seifer Almasy. a strong wind came up, floating her tight back blond locks into her face. Yet when one of the blades of grass Zell decided to pick was flown into the wind and landed on her shoulder, Seifer absently reached to brush it off.

All she saw was the raise of his hand as she turned to him, her eyes glowing furiously. Hissing, she stopped her attempt at Lazer eye when he saw her eyes, his own wide with subtle fear. He lowered his hand, and glared at her. "Sorry."

"You KNOW my instructions, Almasy!" she whispered under her breath. It was meant to phase him for a few seconds, but all it did was bring his face into an angry scowl.

"Of course I know. Everyone knows, In-Struc-Tor." he spat out each syllable angrily. "Just don't be begging me when a Ruby Dragon is taking a bite out of your ass."

She glared at him, her temper losing control. "I won't have to. I'd have taken it out by myself."

Seifer snickered evilly. "Yeah. Right. Once it hit's you with breath you'd be out cringing on the ground screaming my name."

Seifer almost regretted his statement when he heard her teeth grinding. Yet her face still held no emotion as she looked ahead. "Fuck you, Almasy."

"Already did that, remember?!" He hissed at her through clenched teeth, bringing his face to her.

That was the statement he did regret, as she faced him. Her lovely faced was flushed, and her mouth hung open slightly, disbelieving he had said something like that to her. Seifer's features softened then, and he looked away. He slammed a fist into the dirt and shook his head, blowing out his breath. "I didn't mean that. Don't take it the wrong way."

She did. Is that what you're thinking, Seifer Almasy?! She thought, over and over. That's what you're thinking about? Is that it?! You're horny?! Her mind raged angrily over these thoughts. She was to him just what she was to Angustus. That was it. She hissed something unintelligible under her breath to him, and he frowned leaning closer. "What did you say?"

"I said, I'm not your WHORE, Almasy!" She hissed in a loud whisper. Squall looked towards the two and saw Seifer's confused look, and grew angry. Why was he agitating her? Oh well.. I can't get involved. Whatever it is it's him who has to face her wrath.

"I didn't say that Quistis! I just said-"

"Shut up Almasy. It's time to move out." she said, raising a hand to cast Triple on him. "Put them to sleep. Now." Dropping the hand, she pointed towards the newly found guards. She dropped another hand, and he was surrounded in a pinkish glow. Closing his eyes, he concentrated hard, and flung out an arm, casting sleep on the unknowing guards. They collapsed in a drowsy heap, as Irvine rushed forward to tie them up on Quistis' command. Selphie kept watch, as did Squall, as Seifer handled the locked door with frustration.

"it won't OPEN.." He groaned. Lifting Hyperion, he pressed it against the slip in the door and dragged it down hard, slicking the lock and the door jam free. Smirking at his work, he turned his black clad form to the others. "Come in."

"Said the spider to the fly." Quistis murmured before walking past him into the sorceress's realm.

"Pipe down instructor. Be glad we're getting through this with out having to TOUCH your delicate form." He growled, and she turned to face him.

"Shut up, Seifer. We don't need this. Right now, we need to infiltrate the pro-"

"Yadda Yadda Yadda blah blah yeah yeah we know the damned swan song, Quistis. So let's get this stinkin' ball rolling already." He spat, walking past her. Quistis glared at his retreating form, and motioned for the rest to follow her into the parlor.

Everyone gasped at the surroundings. The structure in the middle of the flower field was definitely not Rinoa's style. It was dark and dank, in many shades of red, mostly blood, whilst Rinoa's would be in the shades of the sky. Figurines, mostly of Energy Crystal, traced along the steps in the shapes of animals, many of them taking the form of a fluffy dog with the wings of an angel. Irvine picked up a few of them and tossed them to Zell to refine. "I need some Pulse Ammo, do that will ya?"

Zell, stumped out of his stupor, nodded. "Yeah, sure man."

Selphie gazed at the wooden carvings, astonished. They were of demons, ugly demons, much like the ones that had attacked her during the President's fall in Deiling.. Her eyes widened as she whipped out her Strange Vision, hoisting into an attack position. Seifer turned back to look at her. "What's your problem messenger gi-"

He didn't finish his sentence as the statue he had his hand on came alive, pouncing atop him. Seifer yelled as he threw it off his fighting form, and Quistis screamed for everyone to arm themselves as she executed Degenerator on the screeching beast. Squall turned to his left as the statue he stood by, a Ruby Dragon, flared to life, cracking off it's coated shell. His Lionhart glowed, as he back away, throwing Aura on himself. Seething with energy, he ran towards the screaming beast, executing his famed finishing maneuver, Renzokuken. Irvine did the same after Zell tossed him his pulse ammo. His Exeter cocked into position, he eliminated the living statue of a Hexadragon, it's cries screeching into the darkness. Selphie dwelt with the poised demons who thrashed about her with The End, a rare ability she almost never had the concentration for.

Seifer and Quistis were out of Aura's as they faced a high level T-Rexuar. She poised with her Save the Queen as the others regenerated themselves and encased in another combat. Zell was too busy pounding on an Iguin to notice them, and screamed in his Different Beat maneuver. The instructor concentrated hard, casting sleep on the bellowing lizard in front of her, as Seifer threw himself into the battle. His forehead was covered in a thin sheen of sweat as with each lunge grew heavier and heavier with weariness he was feeling. One of the beasts had cast slow on him, Quistis noticed, so she instantly changed her tactics to instead protrude him with a Haste. Seifer raised an eyebrow in gratitude as he thrust his Hyperion into the Lizards gut.


She heard the scream too late as the T-Rexuar lunged at her, his teeth dripping with saliva into her shoulder. She screamed in pain, desperately trying to keep the world from blacking out on her. Heavy footsteps rang, as she saw a blurry Squall rush past her and thrust the beast into the air with his famed Lionhart. Seifer let go of his Hyperion, still embedded in the creatures gut, and prayed it would last the fury of the Lionhart as he knelt near the fallen Instructor, careful not to get too close. She was shaking, he noticed, more out of frustration and anger then in fear. Her blood was losing itself quickly, dripping onto the hard metal floor. Seifer looked up towards Selphie's scared form. "Messenger Girl, over here! Full cure, NOW!"

"I-I-I o-okay. Stand back." Selphie lifted her weapon to the air and muttered a chant as Seifer stepped away from Quistis' shaking form. He turned his back on the sight, instead focusing on the slashes Squall laid into the fallen beast. His Hyperion fell from the sky and clanged noisily to the ground, as he walked towards it, lifting it into his grateful arms. Checking it over and insuring that it was indeed still intact, he smirked, then turned to face the fallen one and his comrades. She was groaning, pulling herself from the floor. Selphie reached forward with hands to help her but she shrieked and pulled away, standing by herself. Brushing off her purple outfit, she thanks Selphie hastily as she walked onward. Selphie nodded and stood up, stepping close to Irvine.

Zell walked onwards, past Quistis to a glowing ball near the center of the room. "Hey, what's this?" He reached out and placed a hand on it.

Almost immediately, he screamed in pain, his body jolting with electricity. Seifer's eyes widened as he body slammed into Zell, hard. Both boys where thrown away, and crashed into a wall. Selphie shrieked out their names, and ran towards them throwing an Aura on herself before casting two Phoenix Downs and a Full Cure. They arose, grunting, Seifer holding Zell upwards. Quistis back away, pulling her whip out to crack open the orb.

"Everyone, stand back." She shouted. The light from the bulb screamed, growing brighter with each second that passed by. Searing into their ears, a pained scream then a screeching laughter Quistis and Seifer both instantly recognizing it.

"You made it." A soft, sweet yet hideous voice told them from behind.

Each of them turned, facing their nemesis. Rinoa stood there, floating into the air a good six feet, clad in her cloak and blue war uniform, the hood brought down from her head. She smiled, a sinister grin at the group. "You made it."

Qusitis stepped forward, her whip in hand. "Right. You're not the first Sorceress we've ever had to face."

Rinoa raises an eyebrow as Quistis stopped moving. Her feet were almost glued to the ground, unmovable, as Rinoa laughed haughtily. "Pathetic. Who next?

Selphie raged with fire as she ran towards the blue glad angel, screaming angrily as Irvine trailed behind her, begging her to stop. She lunged at Rinoa, who intune lifted a slim hand to catch the young brunette in the air. With a flip she flung her into Irvine, as both of them crashed into the walls behind them.

Zell slammed his fists together, and ran up to her, fast. The young woman lifted both hands now, holding the Zell into place with a bubble as he angrily thrashed inside, screaming obscenities as she flung him into the glued down Quistis, both of them thrusting into the statues that had, thankfully, remained in stone.

Only Seifer and Squall remained, poised, ready to fight. Rinoa looked at Squall. "Squall?"

He faltered a little. "Rin...Rinoa?"

She smiled, her old smile, on her new face. "I..I thought you were my knight.. My love. You.. and I, Squall. We can be together. We can.." She stepped down from the air, invisible steps forming of ice. Each step melted as her foot left it, her arms outstretched towards him. Squall's blade faltered then, he was losing his composure.

"Squall.. I know you're scared.. of losing me. I'm not lost. I'm here. For you. Please, come with me?" Her hands reached his shoulders now, wrapping them in her familiar embrace. Seifer saw his face, his eyes lighting up, and reacted immediately.

"NO!!" Seifer shouted, lunging at Rinoa. He swiped her down as she fell back with a shout of anger. Landing on her back, she glared up, her former dark lovely eyes now a menacing red. Seifer stood before her, lifting his blade above her.

"Rinoa, I'm sorry. Please forgive me.. HMPH?!"

He felt the air being sliced before the blade hit his back, throwing him to the floor. He landed frontward, feeling his nose break on impact. Groaning as a stream of blood fell from his face, he looked upwards in anger at the perpetrator, swearing a colorful line of insults before his vision cleared and he saw who had made the blow. Another stab, into his horridly injured leg from when he was found, ceased him from attempting to get up. Shock formed from beneath the blood on his face as his steel green eyes flashed with anger and fear.

"SQUALL!? What the FUCK do you think you're doing?!"

Squall smiled dreamily at Rinoa, who's hands were now outstretched towards him. Her face held the same smile she gave him at the SeeD graduation, so sweet and innocent. Seifer cursed at him, Crawling towards the retreating boy who swayed dreamily towards Rinoa. The evil girl stayed there, her hands outstretched, as his encased hers, pulling her to her feet. She smiled up to him, now, before bringing his face closer to hers, kissing him. Squall pulled away suddenly and looked towards Seifer.

"I...I'm...I'm sorry.."

Seifer flew another round of colorful language at him. "PUBERTY BOY?! Get your head outta your ass! She's got you under her control! Stop! Don't go with her! Remember what happened to me?!"

Squall wrapped a limp arm around Rinoa's shoulders, before rolling his eyes back into his head and passing out. Rinoa's healing bubble lifted him into the air, before making it vanish. Seifer screamed at her, his voice choking. "RINOA!!! STOP!! Where is he?!!!?"

She cackled, once again, grabbing her sides. "It's so funny.. You were a knight before.. and now I have my own now... he didn't abandon me...." Her hands traced the necklace, touching it, gripping it. "I need him..."

"RINOA! STOP IT! SNAP OUT OF IT! Damn it woman you're insane!"

"...He's mine now.."

Seifer grunted, pulling himself towards Quistis' fallen form. "Quistis..?"

Rinoa swayed to unheard music, a sinister smile on her lips. She lifted a hand and pointed towards the fallen instructor. "...She's going to be next..."

Seifer pulled Zell's groaning form away, and pressed two fingers against her neck, feeling the pulse. Thanking Hyne for this one miracle, he glared back up at Rinoa. "What? What are you bitching about?"

Rinoa grinned, her look sinister now a her eyes folded into red orbs. "She's next... HAHAHAHAHA...."

He recognized that laugh now. From the flashback in Balamb. He knew it now. Rinoa was the one who.. no, it couldn't be. Rinoa? "Leave her alone or I swear I'll.."

Rinoa stopped laughing then and glared at him. "You'll do WHAT?! Save her? Like you, the pathetic fallen White Knight.. Like you did with Edea?! She's next in line, Seifer Almasy. And you... You.. You are the next one to fall..."

Another flash of white. A scream in the dark as the White Knight fell beside the Queen. Her breathing was labored, now, as Zell stood up, looking around the room with interest. He was awake now, and noticed that someone was missing. He shook his head to clear out any cobwebs that might have happened and he looked down at the unconscious QUistis Trepe along with a near death Seifer Almasy.

"SEIFER?! Oh man, come on, get up! We have to get everyone outta here! Where's Squall?!" He babbled on and on as he fished a Phoenix Down from his pocket, pouring the bottle on Seifer's black coat. He listened, hard as he heard the last words Seifer spoke before once again adjourning to the darkness.


Chapter 25

Heavy air filled the room. Along with the emotions of regret and frustration. Zell sat on the couch in the corner, his head in his hand as he stared angrily off into space. Selphie had her head on Irvine's shoulder. sighing wistfully as he stroked her hair, whispering into her ear. Seifer laid on the bed, his hands crossed over the back of his head as he stared off into space, the ceiling taking up his interest as he sipped from a water bottle he had brought with him. Quistis was the only one standing, her arms crossed over her chest as she stood a serious stance.

They had gone straight to her room, the only place where they felt they could have some solitude after reporting to the headmaster about Squall's betrayal. With one another, they just needed time alone together, sharing in each other's failure in silence. This connection kept their sanity, as well as their feelings in check. Until the doors were closed did they finally vent their frustrations.

"I don't believe it.. SQUALL man!" Zell muttered. "How could he do that? How could he? He knows how much we need him!"

Irvine looked up. "You'd do the same thing if it happened to Amie Zell. You know that." He deadpanned in a low voice.

Zell grunted. "Yeah. And the same with you and Selphie. And Seifer over there" He jerked a thumb to the other blond man. "If Quistis was in Rinoa's place...but MAN you guys always use me and Amie as an example. Stop that!"

Irvine smiled slightly, and leaned his head on top of Selphie's. Seifer looked towards Quistis, who was looking at him. He mouthed out the words 'sit by me' and waved his hand to her and she nodded, accepting the invitation. He scooted back as she brought herself to sit on the edge of the bed, her hands folded in front of her. Seifer whispered something under his breath, and Quistis brought her eyes to his.

Seifer sat up, resting himself on an arm. He stared at her, enjoying her form, and whispered "I'm sorry." She smiled, slightly, and nodded, silently accepting his apology. He nodded, and leaned back onto the bed, adjusting the pillow. Selphie turned her head towards Quistis. "Instructor?"

She sighed. "Just.. Quisty, Sefie. We're not on the field now."

Selphie smiled. "Okay. Quisty, do you know what we do next?"

The blonde Instructor nodded sadly. "Yes. First me must choose a secondary leader. Any suggestions?"

Selphie looked confused. "But why? You'll never leave us."

Quistis nodded. "I know. But what if I fall during combat? We can't have anyone argue about the choices to make."

Everyone mumbled in agreement, and relaxed back into their depression. Seifer looked at each face in the room, not used to their feeling so resentment and anger towards their adversary, and the feelings of failure enthralled any feeling of hope for Squall. He stared at them. Is this how they felt about me?

He brought his gaze towards Irvine. No. Too much of a cowboy, and too much for the ladies. He'd leave Quistis, himself, and Zell out in the cold, dying of frostbite in open wounds to save Selphie if she got a paper cut. And Selphie. He looked at her and furrowed his brows. She was the same way about her Irvy. She was also too temperamental, and believed that fighting was the only way out of predicaments, even if it would be a stealth mission. Me? he pondered. No fucking way. I can't lead. I'm not ready to. Yet. If not the cowboy, the messenger girl, or myself, then whom?


"Yo sup?" the tatoo'd young man faced Seifer.

"Chicken-Wuss, I suggest you as back up leader incase Quistis falls." Seifer smirked.

Zell's eyes grew wide with anger. "I SAID DON'T CALL ME...what?! You mean.. huh?!"

Seifer chuckled. "Man, you learn to control your damned temper and you'd make a great leader. Damned Chicken-Wuss."

Zell looked shocked for a moment. "Seifer, you're.. actually standing UP for me? Why?"

He shook his head. "I ain't standing UP for no one, Zell. You're good. You can lead. Your tempter keeps your ass screwed from becoming an official leader, but other then that, you're cool. You can handle bad situations, and you've actually got brains other then that of a damned bird. You'd be good. So I suggest you."

Everyone looked at Zell, not protesting. A smile grew over his face as he stood up and looked down to Quistis. "It all comes down to you, Quistis. You think you'd let me work under you?"

Seifer smirked, but kept his sly comment to himself. Quistis looked up into a pair of ice blue hopeful eyes, and nodded, smiling. "I'd be honored to, Zell Dincht."

He grinned, his smile taking up most of his face. He jumped around happily, punching the air and doing a back flip into the wall. He knocked down a few paintings, and fell down on his butt to the floor, groaning. Selphie looked at him in shock while Irvine started laughing. Seifer smirked while Quistis kneeled down beside him. "Zell, Zell, are you alright?"

Zell blinked and grinned. "I'm BETTER then alright! Hey! I gotta tell Cid! Then Amie! And celebrate! Man, secondary leader of SeeD! Ohhh Quistis, I don't know how to repay you!"

He jumped up as QUistis stood and pumped a fist into the air Slephie style. Before anyone could stop him, he grabbed her in a bear hug and spun her around the room. He put her down and ran out the door, leaving it open. Quistis fell to her knees, her breaths heavy. Seifer stood up, staring at her with worry in his eyes. Selphie ran to her, keeping a safe distance, repeating her name over and over, asking her if she was alright. Irvine groaned, and looked out the open door, then to Seifer. "Should I catch him?"

"No.. d..d-d-don't..I'm..I-I'm o-okay.." Quistis gasped, clutching her throat. She stood up and brushed herself off, pointing to the water bottle Seifer had been sipping on. He rushed towards it, and handed it to her, and she gulped from it, catching her breath. "I'm fine. I just need.. I'll tell him to watch it next time. I'm sorry."

Irvine walked close to her, his arms held out in a shrug. "Ain't your fault Quisty. We know the guidelines. And we'll follow them until you're ready." He turned to his girlfriend and nodded. "Let's go catch up to Zell Sefie. Quisty, we'll talk to him for you."

The instructor nodded, and thaw two left the room hand in hand. She sat down on the bed, as Seifer sat down next to her, taking the water bottle from her hand. He waited until the door was closed behind the other two before speaking. "Quistis. I'm sorry about the mission."

She nodded and looked to the floor. "Don't be. Squall's betrayal was shocking, to say the least."

Seifer groaned and glared forward. "I don't mean that. I meant about what I said."


He ran a hand through his hair then, looking forward. "I didn't mean it. At all."

"Then why did you say it?" She asked, looking at him.

"Remember when you asked if I blamed myself and I said no?" She nodded. "Well, I do blame myself. I should have fucking stopped that pervert, Quistis. It should never have happened again."

She crossed her arms and legs, pulling herself into a shell. "It's alright. I'm okay. Now I am. I think."

"No, you're NOT alright." He spat at her. Standing up, he faced her. "You won't let anyone touch you, you're cold, you're almost insensitive now, Quistis. It's like Mighty Guard seeped into your brain or something."

She glared at him through half lidded eyes. "I can't HELP it, Seifer. Anytime someone.. touches me.. I can feel his hands in their place. His blade on my skin cutting it. It burns, Seifer, it feels like ACID. I can't stand it."

He faced her now, and leaned against the wall. He took the borrowed coat off and threw it on the sofa. With out looking at her, he whispered "I thought I showed you the difference." He hissed.

Quistis stood up now, moving closer to him, but being careful not to be in touching distance. "I know. You did, I swear it. It's just.. right now, I need to be alone. With myself."

"You want to stop dating?" He asked, looking at her now. She stepped back, facing away from him.

"No. I don't want to. But I don't know how you could stand not having someone you could touch."

Seifer shrugged. "Easy. You buy me hand lotion and Irvine lends me some of his magazines."

Quistis turned to face him, her mouth gaping open before she started laughing. Seifer smirked at her, his uncut blonde hair falling in front of his eyes now. She wondered if he would ever get a haircut, then immediately decided she would use Pulsar on him if he ever did. It made him look stronger, then his former buzz like cut he used to always wear. The slight bangs covered the extended scar across his eyes. She smiled slightly, now knowing that her face held that former scar. He stopped smiling and held a hand out to her, gloved, and perfect. She always liked his hands. Slender fingers, perfect lines, hard working hands but.. in a sense.. romantic hands.

"Quistis." He whispered, holding his hand still in front of her. "I'm always going to be ready. And waiting."

She still stared at that hand, and nodded, lifting a shaking one of her own into his. Those slender fingers closed around her palm, gently, discreetly, and remained that way before she slowly pulled herself free. "Thank you."

"No problem."

"Seifer?" she choked out, her eyes filling with tears.

"Yes?" he asked in a concerned voice.

"J-Just..I..I love you." She looked to the floor.

"I love you too Pixie. Now what?"

She shrugged, letting her hands fall to her sides. "We think on our next actions. I guess."

Seifer nodded, and pushed himself away from the wall. "Right. Let's go calm down Zell and cast him with Slow so he'll actually sit semi still for a while."

She danced around to room with him, his strong arms encasing her body. His perpetual smile, which almost only appeared because of her presence, was illuminating, She grinned back up to him, her eyes full of love and respect for the man dancing with her.

"Thank you."

"What for, my Angel?"

She chuckled and snuggled into his body. "For being here. With me. I want the world. I want to give it to you."

He pulled away, looking at her. "You don't have to do that. Just having you by my side is enough."

She smiled, her eyes brimming with happy tears. "I love you."

"I love you too." He grinned. His eyes went wide then, and he pushed her away gently. "Oh, I have a surprise for you."

She pulled back away from him now, jumping in the air in anticipation. He pulled out a red, rosy colored sachet and opened it up, pulling out a red sash, wrapped around an object. Her eyes glittered with joy as he unwrapped it, a beautiful shimmering black stone winking in the light.

"It's to add onto your jewelry. I was going to give it to you.. until..."

She lifted a finger to his lips, hushing him. "It's okay. I know. Here." She took off her necklace and turned her back to him. He saw her, looking vulnerable, trusting herself to his hands. He took the black opal like gem, and snapped it into place on the pendant, and hesitated on putting it on her slim neck. Breathing deeply, he did, snapping it into place. He felt her hold on him falter, but his love for her did not.

"I'm so sorry." he whispered, as he lifted the vase on the table and crashed it down onto her head.