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The guilty show no mercy (Chapters 16-20)
Malice Shaw

Chapter 16


I had a dream that I could fly...
I can feel each moment as time goes by ...
We'd never be too far away, ..
You would always be here, I heard you say....

She broke the kiss first. His arousal was eminant next to her lean stomach. She could feel his form even through his jeans, which he felt way too tight in at the moment. She lay on top of him, staring into his eyes, the dim light permitting not much to see, but enough. Shifting her legs to either sides of his hips, shaking fingers stroked his cheek, his neck, and finally his chest. Nimple, fingers lifted the black t-shirt higher, and higher still to reveal an almost hairless chest and near perfect flat abs, although laced with subtle scarring. Her eyebrows furrowed together as she eyed the scars, tracing each of them lighty with a well manicured nail. She looked up at him, confusion written in her eyes as well as lust. He brought his own eyes from the ceiling to face her questioning gaze, as his hand reached out to hers, explaining in forced breaths.

"An accident.. from when I was found.. don't worry, you won't hurt me Quisty.."

I never thought...
thought that it would be our last goodbye...
I still can dream...
That one day love will fall out from the sky...

She nodded, continuing her exploring. Seifer licked his lips and laid back down, feeling her, feeling him. Her fingers traced each line of his chest, pushing the shirt up higher. Seifer lifted his upper body just slightly, enough for her lithe hands to fully remove the shirt. The moonlight from the window cursed through, the beam highlighting Quistis' upper body. Seifer's hands, more still then hers, fell to her hips, stroking gently. The things he felt now, they were beyond just the touching, the intimate contact with her. The fact she was here, with him.. and she was just so beautiful..Hyne, he had known her most of his life, how could he not remember how absolutely incredible she was?

"You are the most beautiful creature.." he whispered.

Her hands went to her own body now, her face flushed from the contact they were making. Her breathing shallow and heavy now, she lifted her shirt over her head, her eyes closed. She didn't open them until she felt his hands on her first stomach, feeling her silky skin beneath his fingers. She looked down, to watch as he stroked her skin, gently, with smooth loving gestures. She still clenched her shirt in her hand, now, dropping it to the floor and she led his fingers to the back clasp of her bra, while her own fingers unbuttoned the button fly of his jeans. She did this, slowly, carefully, more to not scare herself away then to scare him.

"Thank you.." she whispered.

His fingers stroked her back, gently, before retracing their steps to the bra clasp. He fumbled around a little, unable to get the hooks off. His eyes narrowed in shallow frustration, until she arched her back forward, reaching behind to unclasp the unyielding hooks. She brought it forward, attempting to slide the straps of her shoulders. He stopped her hands, instead placing them on his chest while his own slid the straps down. The lacy bra slid forward, releasing her breasts from it's cofinements. Seifer pulled her arms away, silently asking her to let him gaze at her beautiful body. She was so feminine, so soft, that he had to stare to keep himself from dreaming. From her rosy race, to her swollen lips, to her perfectly shaped breasts, to her lithe waist, she was perfect, in each and every way..

Do you still remember all the time that has gone by?
Do you still believe that love can fall out from the sky?
If from where you're standing, you can see the sky above
I'll be waiting for you, if you still believe in love...

"Hyne, have you always been this beautiful?" Her eyes closed, in partial to his stares. She didn't know how to answer that question. She breathed deeply, remindng herself of who she was with, and gasped loudly as soon as she felt his hands on her chest. He looked up at her through lidded eyes, silently asking her if it was okay to proceed. With her nod of approval, he started to gently message her, as easily as he could. Her neck arched back as she leant into his touch, before she brought her hands upwards to coax his in the right motions she felt where most pleasurable. He micked her hands, following her lead, as she moaned, enjoying the manipulations he was placing on her body. In her mind, however, she was lost in thought, in the fact that this was Seifer touching her, not him..

One hand left her breast instead, to work on her shorts. She lifted her body upwards, to bring down his own pants, letting his member free from the prison of his denim jeans. her own cut off shorts where now being removed from her body, with her kicking them out of the way, along with both pairs of shoes and socks. Seifer slid his own jeans off, letting them drop to the floor as she hooked both of her thumbs into the top of her bikini briefs. She felt his hands cover her own as he leaned up, once again to capture her lips with his mouth in a deep sensual kiss, and she pulled her hands free to wrap her arms around his neck. He deepened the kiss, tongueing her mouth with extreme need as she did the same. Hooking her briefs with his thumbs, he gently pulled them down, and discarded them to the pile on the floor.

Find a way to bring back yesterday...
Find a way to love. I hope we stay...
When tomorrow becomes today...
Love will find a way ...

He moved ontop of her, gently, lowering his weight onto her body. He let a hand wander to one of her breasts, never breaking the kiss, and stroked it, gently, before replacing his hand with his mouth. She gasped and moaned as he tasted her skin, his lips moving from one nipple to th other, leaving it wet with his saliva. her hands wondered down to his member, pulling it free from his boxers, stroking it to a hard throbbing red. He gasped her name, moving his hands towards her nether regions, stroking her wetness. Her scream of pleasure shocked him, as he stopped and looked upwards at her, She whsipered, in her sultry voice, to continue, please, continue. He resumed his stroking and suckling, as her moans of pleasure became harder and longer, louder as each moment passed by. He found her opening, and as gently as he could, penetrated her with his finger. Her muscles clenched on him, as he stifled a moan, her own hands, working him into a frenzy.

She climaxed almost instantly, her voice getting louder with each gentle thrust his hand did, bringing another hand to stroke her free breasts. She archs her back to him, throwing her breasts into his face. Her body clamped on his finger, and he pulled it out, slick with her wetness. Her legs wide now, her hands still touching him gently, it was taking all he had not to orgasm right there. He moved her gentle hands away, pulling his lips from her body. Positioning himself as well as he could, he looked into her eyes. She wondered why he didn't fill her need right there until she realized he was waiting for her okay. She nodded, her lidded eyes misty with arousal, as he gently placed the head of his member near her entrance.

I'll be waiting for you, in my heart you are the one....
If I cannot find you, I will look up to the sun....
If from where you're standing, you can see the sky above....
I'll be waiting for you, if you still believe in love...

God he was in love with her. And she with him. He took her hands and placed them on his back as his went to her hips. Slowly, he inched in, her body arching with each inch that entered her. Her nails dug into his back, and he groaned in pleasure pain and thrust the rest of himself into her body. She gasped, moaning, as he stayed there, waiting for her reaction. When he saw no fear on her beautiful face, he proceeded to thrust, gently at first, until she gripped his hips and pulled him inside again, begging for him to go faster. He did so, thrusting over and over, feeling the pleasure build inside of his body, ready to come outwards. He grunted along with her moans of pleasure, reaching upwards to stroke her breasts. He could feel it, building up, inside his body, he knew he was going to cum soon.

She climaxed once more, screaming in extacy as he further enticed her body with his lips and tongue. Her body clamped down hard on him, causing him to moan outloud. He whispered frantically that he was going to cum, that he had to pull out. She placed a finger on his lips, indicating she was on birthcontrol. He nodded in understanding, and continued his thrusts into her body. Her groan of extacy echoed across the walls as she moved her hips in tuned with his. His thrust speeded up, as with a final groan he empties himself into her, as she climaxed once more, her body encasing in a sheen of sweat..

Do you believe?
Do you believe..?

Chapter 17


Her deep breathing filled the room, the only sound being made. He gazed over to her sleeping form, nestled snuggly against the crook of his arm, her manicured nails laying on top of the bicep that held her around the waist possesivly. She looked so sweet sleeping there, finally, as if at ease. She looked even more beautiful still, now, rested, then as the blonde whirlwind she was when animated. Her sooty lashes rested easily on her cheeks as she rested in a deep slumber he didn't have the heart to wake her from. He reached over across her flat stomach, to her alarm clock. The time read nine fifteen A.M., more then enough time to them because of their leave. He wondered, half heartily, if it was right for him to push her like that, make love to her like they did the night before, even though he himself had no experience at all in the notions. It was pure instinct last night, for the both of them. And he wouldn't have it any other way.

He reached over again, turning on the small bedside radio she kept by her bed, putting it on the first station that came in clear. Sara McLachlan's voice rang clear now, belting out the lyrics to Sweet Surrender in clear serenity. Sara's voice reminded him of Quistis, in a way. Her voice was calming, soothing, and all around beautiful, just as Quistis was, and strong. Her strength was what kept him going, her friendship was when kept his spirits up, her love was what kept him alive. He realized now, why he didn't kill himself so long ago when he was shunned beyond hope in each town and each place for the longest time. When Fujin and Raijin left because they felt the need to be at the Garden, he had nodded and agreed with them, although losing his only friends didn't help. Then he lost his mind, and yet, this little blonde pixie pulled him through. He snickered at him own joke, little blonde pixie. A little blond pixie with the slightest hint of all that was beautiful, raging behind a beautiful flame of life.

Quistis stirred now, moaning lightly in her sleep. Seifer played with her hair, gently, staring into the silky honey locks, letting it sift through his fingers like golden grains of sand. He brought his eyes to hers, the misty blue serene and calm. He smirked, not the arrogant smirk he was so used to giving, but something of a happy smile. Sedated. Her eyes narrowed slightly, hinting at being playful. "What are you smiling at?" she asked, a smile tracing her own lips.

"You." He spoke, never faltering.



She reached up with an arm, dangling it on his neck and played with the tendrils of hair that grew on the base of his skull. "Because why?"

Leaning down, he kissed her, deeply, before pulling away. "Because you look calm, peaceful. Relaxed."

"I do?"

"Mm hmm."

Her smile deepened. "So do you, Seifer."

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh I do, do I?"

Her smile broke out into a big happy goofy grin now, making her face glow. "Gee I wonder why?"

Seifer chuckled at that, as did she, pulling each other closer, enjoying the comfort of each other's warmth. Faintly, they heard the power of their beating hearts, beating along to the tune of Sara's voice, proclaiming "...Is all I have...to give.." Taking a hand into his, he kissed the inside of her wrist, now moving closer to her to lean his head on her shoulder. He knew he shouldn't ask, but he had to know. "Quistis, do you have any regrets?"

She nuzzled the top of his head. "Mmm... no.."

Seifer lifted his head to face her. "You do know now, the difference, right?"

Her face never changed, a slight smile still playing on her lips. "Mmm hmm.. thank you."

His chuckle sounded as Sara's words ended. "No. Thank you."

Hands traveled past her waist to her hip, then traveling back up again as her hands did the same, giving him a gentle rubdown. "When did you go on the pill Quistis?"

He heard a contented sigh from her part before she answered. "I started when I became a SeeD. To make sure I didn't start on my period while on a mission. I've been taking them ever since, so it's okay."

He nodded again her shoulder, traveling his hands back down to her hips, to her waist, to her breast. He played with it, gently, not trying to arouse her, just to feel it, touch it, test it. He caressed it gently, enjoying the reaction he caused it's peak, even when she didn't want it to. Of course she wasn't complaining. He knew that there were..many..things they didn't do that night, and silently he hoped she would allow them to..explore.. one another sometime in the near future again. She mumbled something under her breath, and he looked up into her eyes. "What was that?"

"I said, so that's how it feels."

"How what feels Quisty?"

She gave him one of her best smiles. "To be loved."

Seifer smiled up at her. "You are one hell of a Fire Pixie you know that?"

She laughed at his choice of words as he chuckled, moving over her. Seifer covered her body with his own, leaning in to hover his lips just inches from hers. "I love you, my dear Instructor."

Quistis kissed him, deeply, before pulling away and smiling. "I love you too, my favorite student."

A smirk, an arrogant lift of his eyebrow and the corner of his mouth formed. "Oh, I'm your favorite student now?"

"Mm hmm... Would it matter if you were second best?" Quistis reached up behind him, to wrap her arms around his neck. His soft chuckle was heard from deep in his throat as he leaned down, closer to her body, molding it to fit his own perfectly.

"First, second, favorite or non favorite. As long as I can wake up next to you, be by your side forever, then little things like that doesn't matter."

She was about to speak, but instead resided with a huge grin on her beautiful face. He leaned forward now, his hand retracing it's step to her breast as his lips kissed and caressed her own. She retaliated by rubbing her hands on his back, kissing him with so much longing he could have stayed in this moment forever. He squeezed her breast gently, naturally, himself becoming aroused, until..

A knock on the door arose them out from their tender embrace. He pulled his lips from hers, gently hushing her as he got off her. Quistis sat up, groaning in frustration. "Yes?" She called out.

"Quisty? It's Selphie! You got a phone call girlfriend! But you're not picking it up, is your phone broken? The phone calls' been transferred to your room so many times now!"

Quistis blinked and looked at the phone. The ringer was off, damn it. She had forgotten to turn it on when she had shut it off so she could get some sleep. Reaching to the button that turned on the phone's ringer, she heard it ring once and shouted to the closed door "Selphie! I got it, thanks sweetie."

"No problem Quisty!"

The brunette's steps retreated away from the door now, growing fainter as she skipped down the halls. Quistis sat up, revealing her naked back to Seifer in the full light of the day as the rays of sun sifted through the parted curtains. He wolf whistled, and she turned around to face him, grinning beautifully in a sheepish way. Seifer's grin widened as he caught one hell of a view from where he lay, and smiled, knowing that she trusted him enough to let him see her completely unclothed. She picked up the receiver and spoke into it, feeling Seifer gently run a hand down her back.

"H-Hello? Instructor Quistis Trepe of command squad B speaking."


"Excuse me?"

"Who else ever called you Quistical, young lady?"

Seifer's hands came up to her shoulders, now, massaging them. He stopped as they tensed up, freezing along with the rest of her body. Goose flesh appeared on her skin, he could feel, and his eyebrows furrowed together. He sat up, pulling her body back into his, and was shocked to feel her as rigid as ice. Who the hell was on the phone? And why where they scaring her?! He wrapped his arms about her waist now, pulling her close to his body, trying to warm her. But she remained frigid, as her eyes went wide.

"What do you want?"

The voice chuckled harshly. "Maybe I want a piece of your ass again?"

She slammed the phone down, nearly breaking the cradle in half. She crossed her arms about her chest, and crossed her legs in a gesture of hiding. Seifer wasn't fooled by it, instead pulling her closer to his body, then turning to face her. "Quistis, what's wrong? Who was that?"

Her face filled with rage, and her eyes filled with tears. "No one, Seifer. No one."

"I ain't buying it Pixie. Who was it?"

As she opened her mouth to reply, the phone rang again. Quistis stared at it, her anger turning to fear. She reached for the receiver, but her hand was caught by his, gently placing it back in her lap. Seifer reached over and picked up the receiver himself, bringing it to his ear. "Seifer Almasy of command squad B speaking. State your business please."

A wicked laugh was heard. "Oh is this who Quistical is screwing nowadays? That's a good little slut."

Seifer's eyes flared with emerald fire. "Who is this?!"

"Why don't you ask my little Quistical? She'll tell you."

He slammed the receiver down on the cradle, with almost as much force as Quistis did. He turned his gaze to her scared form, bringing her closer to him. He held her shaking body tightly against his, whispering sweet words into her hair while stroking the golden locks. Her thin strong arms came around his waist, pulling him closer until her shivering stopped. He brought her face to face with his confused eyes, silently asking her the problem. But when she opened her mouth to speak, Cid's voice boomed over the intercom.

"Seifer Almasy and Quistis Trepe. Calling Instructor Qusitis Trepe and Seifer Almasy of SeeD command rank twenty, please come to the bridge. Out."

Seifer raised an eyebrow at her. "Talk later?"

She nodded. "Yes.."

He kissed her gently, his lips lingering this time, before stepping up to get dressed. Quistis did the same, her back to him as she dressed. Seifer pulled on his black t-shirt and yanked on his jeans, as she did the same, pulling on a pair of black slacks and a blazer coat with a halter underneath. Seifer sat down, pulling on the pair of discarded socks and searching for his boot, finding it under the bed. When he finished dressing, Quistis was ready, looking beautiful in a black pantsuit and white halter top. She buttoned the blazer, and flashed him a smile.

His cocky grin came back, ad he licked his lips. "I wish you'd flash me some other way then with that gorgeous smile of yours.."

Quistis stuck out her tongue as he laughed, smiling as she picked up a pillow and threw it at him lightly. He picked it back up and tossed it back to her, walking over to her. Wrapping his arms about her waist, he pulled her close, kissing her deeply. "Thanks for last night, my sweet Pixie. I love you."

Quistis smiled deeply now, gazing into the emerald depths of his eyes. Pulling him close, she rested her head against his chest, indulging in a quick hug before walking hand in hand out the door of her dorm.

Edea looked over the papers once more, eyeing them. Shaking her head, she set them down and looked upwards to her husband, who was standing in front of the desk. Shaking her head, she stood up, walking over to her husband. "Cid, are you positive that this is alright? They have at least another week off."

Cid shook his head, walking back towards Edea. "I know. But they were specifically requested specifically for this mission. Why, I don't know. There has to be a different reasoning behind all this. But, the pay is excellent, especially for just two SeeDs."

"They AREN'T just two SeeDs, Cid!" Edea spat, standing up. "They are my children and if something is too dangerous, I don't want them dispatched!"

"Hush Edea, they're here." Cid whispered as the elevator pinged to show the two's arrival. They were talking to one another as the door opened and Seifer stepped out, holding out an arm for Quistis. She snickered and walked out after him, smiling while walking to the way to the desk. They stopped in front of Cid, and raised a hand in the SeeD salute. Cid lifted a palm and with a slight nod of his head and the Instructor and SeeD relaxed, taking a seat. Seifer's eyes traveled to Edea's, who's face was clearly troubled He nudged Quistis who looked at Edea as well. Quistis spoke first. "Headmaster, is there something the matter?"

Cid nodded. "You two were specifically requested for this mission in Esthar. It should be simple, but after it, I promise you two another week off. My apologies for bringing both of you out of your vacation so early."

Seifer smiled. "Eh, it's alright Headmaster. I was getting a bit restless anyway, with no way to let loose around here, and the training center isn't much fun anymore."

Quistis reached out with her hand to his, gripping it with a knowing smile. He faced her and gave her a wink, which caused her face to grow a slight red. Seifer grinned then, and turns his attention back to the headmaster. "So when are we off?"

Cid coughed then and handed them a folder. "First, go see Presidant Loire. Squall is there now, and you can take the Ragnorok. Squall will return the plane when he comes back."

Quistis smiled. "He's talking to Laguna now?"

The Headmaster nodded. "Yes, yes he is. And he seem a bit more happier now. When I called there earlier this week, I could hear him smiling over the phone. He won't be accompanying you on the mission, but we do need him back here at the Garden. Once your mission is complete I'll send someone with the Ragnorok to bring you home. That is all. Prepare for the mission now."

The two SeeDs stood up and saluted, leaving the room. Cid turned to his wife who gave him an awful glare. "So. You send them out on a dangerous mission for what, Cid?"


"No! You know how this will affect Quistis! And Seifer! And what for! Money?! is money all you care about?!" Edea spat at him angrily, her fists clenched. "Cid Kramer that has to be one of the most cruel things you have ever done to me! And my children!"

Cid walked up to his furious wife and planted two hands on her shoulders. "Edea, I know. I'm sorry. but she'll have to come to terms with it someday. Why wait?"

Edea let out a small moan and cradled herself against her husband's chest. Cid heard sniffling before her tears came, and immediately, he regretted this.

Chapter 18

"Did you notice Edea?"

Quistis looked up from her readings. "Hmm?"

Seifer flicked the switched and pulled back on the lever. The engines of the Ragnorok burned to life as he brought the plane alive. "I asked if you noticed Edea's look. She was scared. What do you think it means?"

Quistis closed her folder and looked ahead. "I'm not sure. Maybe it means she's afraid of sending us off like this so early after.. I..."

Seifer sighed. She felt it before she knew. He was getting frustrated with her blaming herself over the accident. "Quistis, for the last time, will you stop it? It was an accident. Face it woman, I love you still and you're not going to chase me away."

"I know. It's just that..I don't know. I feel like it's my fault."

"It's not. Get over it already woman."

She looked over at him now, his smile on his lips. It was a simple gesture, as he brought the plane to the air, that proved it. She would still blame herself, in a way, but if they hadn't had the time off they woudn't..she wouldn't..It was too much to think about.

Her brain stopped working when she felt a warm gloved hand cover her own. She looked down at it, then to Seifer, who was busy working the Ragnorok with one hand. A smile played on her lips as he shifted it into autopilot, typing in the right coordinates setting them to Esthar. His body still faced forward, as his hand squeezed hers into his tight fist. It was a while before the silence was broken. "Are you sore?"

Quistis snapped her head up to look at him, as he remained in the same position. "Excuse me?"

His hand loosened a bit as he propped his feet on the control panel, careful not to disturb the coordinates. "Are you sore, I asked?"

"Oh." Was all she could say. "Not really. Just a little.. feeling... like.. an ache. Sort of. That's about it."

Seifer nodded, his hand still gripping hers. "Okay. I've heard it was hard for a woman the first time."

"Me too. How about you?"

He blinked, but still didn't look at her. "What about me?"

She cleared her throat. "How was it? Are you...sore? Or anything?"

Seifer's face broke out into a huge grin. "Only the skin on my back where you oh so lovingly clawed me."

Now she brought her gaze to his, and was shocked when she saw he was looking at her now. His emerald eyes were almost pleading with her to say something, anything, even if it was rejection. Quistis merely nodded, so he brought his gaze back towards the front.

"How was it?"

A regal dark blond eyebrow arched. "How was what?"

"You know. Last night. Damn it woman why do you have to make everything so hard."

"Oh." She answered. "It was good." How else was she going to answer?

A smile played on her beautiful red lips. But he didn't face her when he continued to talk. "Quistis."


Seifer pulled in a breath before continueing in a tight voice. "I really, REALLY liked it."

Quistis nodded, not saying a word. She looked down at the clasped hand, and placed her other one over it.

"I'd like to do it again. With you. Sometime."

Still no answer from her. "When ever you're ready. To do it, I mean."


"If not, then that's alright. I'll just sift through Irvine's secret stash of magazines, steal your hand lotion and head to the bathroom for fifteen minutes."

Quistis chuckled, the sound bringing a smile to Seifer's face. In her lap he stroked her fingers gently, waiting for her to talk.


"Yes, Pixie?"

"H-H-How was it.. I mean, for you..I mean.. how was I..?"

This time he faced her, a serene smile on his face. "I still think you are the most incredible creature to ever live. You don't know how many times I want to wake up like that. After that. I don't know how in the world something so good could have been denied us for so long."

She lifted a regal brow. "Does that mean I was okay?"

Seifer blew out a breath and grinned. "No, it means you were unbelievable."

"And you ony just liked it?" She said, with a hint of humor in her voice.

He chuckled then. "Well what am I going to say? There were no words to describe it. I do think that you were meant for me, Quistis."

She smiled now, staring at him. She said nothing then, so he continued. "And I was meant for you, if you'll take me."

Quistis sighed, her chest heaving in relaxation. "Of course I will."

Seifer smiled, then his face turned serious. "Quistis, who was on the phone this morning?"

She froze up, tensing her body. Seifer took notice and left his seat, instead opting to kneel down infront of her. "Quistis, talk to me, who was it?"

She breathed a deeped breath before answering. "Father."

His eyes narrowed in hatred and disgust. "HIM?!"

She nodded. "Yeah.. him."

Keeping his temper in check, he gripped her hands in his. "What did he want?"

She shook her head in wonder. "He just... talked. I didn't ask what he wanted. Or I did, and he replied with his usual lewd comment. So I hung up."

Seifer leaned up now, kissing her sweet trembling lips. "When we get back to garden, let's him him and whatever number he used on voice block, so he can't call anymore. Alright?"

She nodded, and looked out the window. "We're here. Let's get going."

Laguna Loire and Squall Leonhart sat in the presidential office, taking turns. Squall laid down Laguna's card, and Laguna laid down his sons, smiling as he flipped over the piece of sturdy paper to claim it in pink. Squall hissed, and flipped it back with Edea's card, winning the game. Picking up his face card, he snickered as the older man infront of him gasped, then smiled, shaking his head in amusement.

"You win again, Squall."

"I don't lose."

Laguna shook his head. "Squall, I need a favor?"

He brought his eyes up to Laguna, confusion whirring in them. "What is it?"

Laguna grunted and filled his cup with some tea, and proceeded to refill his sons. Picking up a silver spoon, he spooned some sugar into his own cup and handed the goblet to Squall, who took it and spooned twice into his own. He stirred the dark liquid a few times, while Laguna wached him. The older man shook his head in amusement. His son was one smart smart boy, he could tell that. His charming good looks and piercing sapphire eyes (heh, MY eyes, thought Laguna) and as the young man stared at his tea, stirring aimlessly, Squall brought his eyes to his fathers, and frowned. "Is something wrong?"

Laguna shook his head. "No, nothing wrong."

"What was your favor?"

"Well.." Laguna's habd went to the back of his head, and he smied sheepishly. "Squall, you grew up with out me. I don't want that happening every again you hear?!"

Squall blinked. "What?"

Laguna sighed, calmed down. "If I knew about you before hand, I never would have left. I want to be a part of your life now. Just cause you been here a week doesn't mean you accept me back into your life I know that much."

Squall blinked, his face remaining emotionless, so Laguna continued. "Man.. Okay, look, Squall. I know you don't want me calling you 'son' yet, and maybe forever but, dammit, I didn't know! If I did, I woulda looked for you all over the damned world. But.. I'm sorry. I need more like your forgiveness other then a favor. but the favor's this: I want to know if I can be a part of your life, of your kids lives, the works. I need this favor, Squall."

Squall blinked again, remaining calm and perplexed. He nodded slowly. "Is that it?"

Laguna tilted his ead to the side. "You man that? That..That..That 'that's it?"

Squall nodded, and smiled. "Someone made me realize that I'm actually lucky. My friend's don't have their parents, except maybe Zell. But I'm the only one who actually has a parent. They didn't get the chance to know theirs before they died, and this person made me feel lucky that I have this chance."

Laguna grinned, and pulled out a cigarette. Squall's eyes narrowed. "I have this chance before my parent dies of Black Lung disease."

Laguna blinked and nodded, putting away the cigarette. "I guess I can deal with the shaking leg."

Squall nodded. "I bet you can."

A knock on the big doors was heard, as Laguna called out the command to open the door. Kiros stepped inside, followed by a bounding Ward. Kiros stopped, facing Ward, then turned to Laguna and his son. "Quistis Trepe and Seifer Almasy are here now. The Ragnarok landed about twenty minutes ago, and they are awaiting you."

Laguna hopped up, a smile laden on his face. "The Ragnarok?! Oh man that plane is so cool! Everytime I see that thing and hear it's name.. man!" He grinned now, his smile stretching from ear to ear. Squall snickered and stood up.

"Sorry Laguna, but I'm taking the plane back to Garden with me while those two do whatever you want them to."

Laguna smiled, his face somewhat meloncholy. "Oh, alright. I'll see Squall off while those two make themselves comfortable in here. Let's go son."

Squall froze the same time as Laguna when those words left his mouth. Laguna looked back towards Squall, who's face was somewhat ashen. Coughing, Laguna muttered an apology but Squall placed his hand on his shouder, shaking his head. "It's alright Laguna. Let's go."

The older man nodded, walking ahead. he came into the waiting room where Quistis and Seifer waited. They talked to one another, in hushed whispers, and Squall noticed Quistis' face blushed slightly, in a shade of red, as Seifer smiled broadly. Those two, he thought, are so close. Funny it never happened before. Squall cleared his throat and the two blondes looked up, then lept to their feet, saluting in the SeeD fashion. Waving a hand to place them at ease, he asked "Was the trip okay?"

Seifer smiled. "Yea, it sure was. Winds weren't bad at all."

Squall looked at Quistis. "How was it for you?"

She smiled. "The same. Actually was relaxing, finally being able to get out of the Garden."

Squall nodded. "Well, guys I'm headed back to the Garden now. Laguna, I'll give you a call. Later guys."

He heard the resounding goodbyes from everyone as he stepped out of the office. Laguna looked to the blonds and waved a hand, silently asking them to come into the office. They did, followed by Kiros. Stepping inside the office, the floor glowed, as Seifer's eyes widened with shock, looking downwards. His eyes were wide as he carefully took steps, still unsure of the flooring. Quistis gave him a questioning gaze and he shrugged. "I'm not used to walking on air, Quisty."

She smiled at that, and looked towards Laguna. "Sir?"

Laguna looked back at them and nodded. "Yes? Oh, right! here, have a seat! sit sit!"

Seifer waited until Quistis sat down before sitting himself. They both gazed upwards at the President, awaiting their instructions. Laguna sat up on his desk, and looked towards the door. Reaching a hand upwards to scratch the back of his head, he muttered under his breath "He should be here by now."

Quistis raised her eyebrows. "Laguna, who are you speaking of?"

The president smiled. "The man paying for you guys to help him out. Oh, well I'll explain it so once Ward get's him you guys will just be able to get it over and done with it as soon as possible."

Seifer nodded. "Continue."

Laguna frowned. "Well, your disposition improved."

Seifer smirked then, and shook his head. "Nah, it just got better. But let's get on with this will we?"

Laguna nodded shifting positions. "Well, anyways, I got a man here, he helped me a while back, asking for me to return the favor. He asked me about SeeDs and I told him what I knew, and then he asked about you, Quisty, and you, Seifer. Well he didn't exactly ask about Seifer, but he asked about the blonde boy who was found here a few months back with no memory. So sure, I told him yeah, about you guys, and told him your current positions, and he wanted your guys' help with this situation he was currently in. The D-District prison, I'm sure you two remember."

Quistis moved in her seat slightly, and Seifer became uncomfortable. Of course he remembered the D-Distric prison, where he tortured.. Squall.

"I can tell from your faces that you do. Well, the prison district is being used once more by a sorceress, and since he is the D-District prison guard, and this sorceress is pretty much low level, he only asked for two SeeDs to get rid of her before she gets too powerful. So, you two are pretty much the best handled for it, right?"

Quistis nodded and Seifer shrugged, confused. "So we go in there, sieze the sorceress, and go out, right? Sounds simple enough."

Laguna nodded and was about to speak when Ward burst in, nodding. Kiros looked at him and spoke. "Ward says that he's here and would like to speak to the SeeDs."

Quistis and Seifer nodded, standing and and issuing the traditional SeeD salute. The man, an older gentleman in a black suit stepped in. His upper lipped held a curled mustache, in the area of an aurburn red. His hair, streaked with gray, was slicked back, and almost the same color of his mustache. His face, withered with age, held two sparkling beady eyes, the color of ice. He turned his face towards the two awaiting SeeDs and a smile grew on his face as a sinister glint held in his eyes. Quistis's face paled as her hands went to her hips, gripping her Save the Queen tightly. Seifer's eyes shifted towards her as she stepped back, about to pull her weapon out. Seifer stepped infront of her, his eyes full of questions. "Quistis? Damn woman, get ahold of yourself what's wrong?"

The gentleman smiled at her, and held out a hand. "Quistical, I assume? My oh my you grew up to be such a pretty woman."

Seifer froze. Quistical? Where had he heard that before..

Quistis became animated once more and shoved Seifer aside, casting a hateful glance in the direction of the older man. Pulling out her whip, she cracked it in midair and was about to attack the mustached gentleman before she felt strong arms around her, gripping her from behind and bringing her to her knees. Quistis screamed a flurry of insults before looking back and seeing her attacker as..

"SEIFER?! Let me go!"

Instead, he just gripped her harder. "No! not until you tell me what the hell is going on inside your head!"

Quistis broke his hold on her, and stood up, smoothing her skirts. Looking at the redheaded man, she hissed, through clenched teeth.

"I never thought I'd ever see you again, you bastard."

He just merely chuckled and Seifer brought himself to his feet. he watched as the older gentleman came to her and placed a hand on her cheek, only to get it savagely bit. The man yanked his hand away, cursing in a low voice, and looked up at her with hate in his eyes.

"Quistical, is that anyway to treat the one who took you in when no one wanted you? You filthy bitch is that the way to treat your FATHER?!"

Chapter 19

"Okay. I understand. I know why you freaked out like a Red Dragon came up and torched your ass. But did you REALLY have to go as far as to knock ME out and attempt Degenerator?!"

She sat back and crossed her legs, her face holding a sour look. Quistis looked everywhere but at the ranting Seifer, who paced back and forth infront of her. He was holding an ice pack to the back of his head, soothing the aching bump she had caused him. He still paced back and forth now, his ranting the only sound that filled the room along with his heavy steps. She looked at him now, his face filled with a mix of anger and sympathy now, as he gritted his teeth. She stood up and faced him, her own eyes still serene.

"You know what he did to me. You know I had to-"

"Yeah but you didn't have to attempt to send him into oblivion!"

Quistis clicked her tongue and turned her back to him, tilting her head into her usual stance of I'm-right-so-don't-argue-with-me-or-you're-next. Seifer looked at the delicate curv eof her back through the peachy pink war suit she always wore on missions, and competly understood why she did what she did. That man, if you could call him a man, raped her on a daily basis over a time span of years and abused her until she was just a whithering stick of nothing, and from that nothing she grew hardened and angry, an untrusting barrier she formed aorund herself that the Garden spent years chipping away at, trying to find the Quistis Trepe that had been trapped beneath it. But, with the return of that slug she was starting to rebuild it, surround herself with it once more. Seifer shook his head in wonder. "You've changed."

"So have you!" She spat.

"Yeah, but like you said, for the better. But what about you? You've never been this irrational before."

"People change."

Seifer nodded. "That's right. After what you went through almost two years ago made you change in a hurry."

Quistis turned to face him. "You mean with time compression?"

He nodded. "Yeah. We all changed after that fiasco. Hell, I mean even Squall's smiling. Sort of. Well, he's a little happier. Kind of. At least with Rinoa around he smiles more. And he even found his dad. How wacked out is that?"

Her chin tilted, and she stared at the floor. "Zell's even a bit relaxed. Maybe that's because of Amie. And Selphie, Irvine.. We're all acting a bit out of character lately.. since Time Compression."

"Exactly." He lifted her chin with the crook of his finger so he could look in her eyes. "Hey. Let's get going alright? We both have to let these stupid things go. Don't let him get to you. Let's just finish this mission and get the hell out of here."

She curtly nodded, pulling away. "The old Seifer would have killed him on the spot."

Seifer shrugged. "Exactly. But someone with much better virtues then I have changed that."

She raised an eyebrow. "And who was that?"

Seifer rolled his eyes and grabbed her hand. "Like you have to ask. Let's get going Pixie."

Dragging her back into the presidential office, Laguna raised an eyebrow at the couple. "Is she calmed down finally?"

Quistis glared at him and spat out "Yes, I am. Now let's get our asses in gear already."

The gentleman snickered, putting himself infront of Seifer and as far away from Quistis as possible. "The name's Angustus Trepe. I gave Quisty here my last name before she decided to denounce our family home." He winked at the angry blonde who intune narrowed her eyes. A soft chuckle escaped his lips. "I see she's still the fiery one."

Quistis stepped forward with her hand upon Save the Queen but Seifer held an arm out, holding her back. "Mr. Trepe, we are the SeeD and Instructor you requested for the D-District prison mission. We're set to go" he glared at Quistis who glared back. "Aren't we?"

Quistis hissed out an answer in agreement before Seifer let her go. Standing tall and firm, she put on the her "Mighty Quistis' mode and iced her face. "So. lt's go."

Laguna smiled. "Alrighty. You guys can borrow one of Esthar's flying devices for the mission, and just be sure to bring it back. In one piece. Umm.." His hand went to his pony tail. "And.. Good luck! yeah, that's it.. Good luck!"

Kiros led them outside towards the plane hanger and showed them their flying vehicle. A simple three seating plane, small compared to the Ragnorok, but made up for it in speed. Seifer climbed in first, and held out a hand to Quistis who took it and let him pull her up to the second seat. He sat down in the first one and placed his communicating headset on top of his head, looking back to see if she had done the same. Flicking the switch to communicate he looked back behind Quistis to see Angustus climbed in behind her, and strapped himself in the similar fashion. Pulling the steering into place, he started up the small plane's engine and spoke into his communicator. "Quistis Trepe, can you hear me?"

"Yes. Am I comming in clear?"

"Clear as day Pixie. Mr. Trepe can you hear me?"

"Yes, boy, I can." The older man hissed. Seifer sighed.

"I can hear you as well. Alright let's get ready for take off in five, four, three, two.."

The engines roared to life as they blasted fire and sulphur behind them, and soon they were in the air. Seifer's face held the joy of eminant battle as he flung the plane into action towards the D-District prison. Quistis widened her eyes in subtle shock and she held her breath as he flung the plane into high gear. Going at mach ten speeds he shouted over his communicator to Quistis "Damn this thing is faster then the Ragnarok! We have GOT to get a few of these for the garden Pixie!" Her grunt of disapproval brought an even bigger smile to his face as he neared the district. Angustus' voice trailed over the speakers, making Quistis' skin crawl. "Land in far, near the entrance, boy, we don't want to get spotted!"

Seifer grunted in agreement, landing a good half mile from the prison. He stepped out, and after offering Quistis a hand, helped Angustus down. He jumped down from the wing, landing in the dirt with a heavy thud, and stood up, brushing his coat off. He looked towards the entrance and sighed. "Nice place. I remember it well."

Quistis came up to him and place d ahand on his shoulder. "I know. Just ignore it. That was then and this is now."

Seifer nodded. "I know. But..nevermind. The guards are outside. Only two of them. Think we can take them?"

Quistis nodded. "What magic are you holding?"

He checked his mind, concentrating. " Ifrit. Mostly curagas, lightening, a lot of waters and a few full lifes. You?"

"Just a few status and a bit of ice and my Blue. And Shiva. I gave Leviathan to Selphie, but Irvine gave me Doomtrain. Just haven't junctioned it yet." She whispered.

"Alright." He looked back at her. "Junction it, and try to cast sleep on those two. Might as well sneak in."

Quistis nodded, and closed her eyes, concentrating. She lifted both her hands outwards, muttering under her breath "Sleep!" The two guards looked around themselves, confused, as one yawned and fell to his knees. The other one looked down at him, his eyes widening before closing down in a deep slumber. Seifer smiled, and stood up. "Alright people. Let's tie those two up before we go. And draw their magic before casting them in Silence."

Quistis nodded as they ran towards the sleeping pair, Angustus stepping towards them his gun drawn. Summoning the Draw scroll, Seifer and Quistis both drew their fills of Curaga and Lightening, as well as a few Drains. Angustus watched with surprise, noting how grown up this girl was. And beautiful. He smirked to himsel, thinking an evil thought before Seifer turned to him with blazing emerald eyes. "You didn't happen to bring any rope with you, now did you?"

Angustus snapped out of his daze. "No. I hired YOU not myself."

Quistis stood up and shrugged. "Neither did I."

Seifer sighed, and checked his pockets. "Hrm.. Quistis, I forgot to give you this." He pulled out a long leather whip and handed it to her. "Not a very good time to give it back, but you think you could give it up to hold these two?" He placed the Red Scorpion in her hand. Quistis' eyes went wide at the sight of it, shocked.

"W-Where did you get this? I've been looking for it for months!"

Seifer chuckled. "I found it in the training center, when we broke up. I know you love it, but you think you can give it up?"

Quistis nodded, pulling the Red Scorpion wide. Stretching it to it's confirmed mobility, she gestured with her head towards the two fallen guards. "Put them together. Back to Back."

Seifer leaned down to pick up the bigger of the two guards, and motioned for Angustus to do the same. The older man leaned down and picked up the smaller guy, and placed them back to back as Quistis leaned down to deftly tie them up in a round of red leather. Angustus watched her do this, and his mind drifted back to dirty thoughts, of her when she was younger, of feeling her tiny body.. He thanked the Hyne that these two didn't have the ability to read minds. Or the big bloke with the Gunblade might slice him up. If the sexy little kitten he had as a foster daughter didn't kill him first.

"Hey wake up."

Angustus blinked and looked upwards at the disgusted face of Seifer Almasy. "What was that?"

Seifer glared down at him. "I said, wake your sorry ass up. We've got a mission to complete."

The older man nodded, standing up. "Sorry. I was just admiring the view. You ended up being a beautiful woman, Quististical."

Quistis snorted. "Don't talk to me like that. I want nothing to do with you after this mission. Understood?!"

Angustus laughed, an ugly, taunting laughter. "Of course. But if it's any consolation, Quistical, you were the best."

She turned to glare at him, her blue eyes raging with the anger of an ocean. "Don't you DARE call me Quistical. I HATE that name you bastard. And no, it's no consolation! I just want this over so you can get the fuck out of my life! Forever!"

He laughed then, the same, taunting laughter. "I see. Let's go now, Quistical. We have much to do."

Quistis glared at him angrily before turning on her heel into the prison. Angustus snickered but silenced himself as Seifer placed the tip of Hyperion on his neck. H turned his eyes towards the angry young man and gulped.

"She means it. When we're done, so are you. Understood?"

Angustus nodded, slightly. Seifer pulled his gunblade away, sheathing it to his side. He walked ahead, after Quistis, and caught up to her, taking her hand in his own. She turned to him, and smiled, gripping it hard. He gave her a nod before finally entering the halls of the prison, with Angustus in tow. They soon reached the center of the prison, and kneeled down, on top of the catwalk, watching a cleaked figure speak with the head of the District. Qusitis pondered, why hadn't they been attacked yet? Or encountered any problems? When she whispered these concerns to Seifer, he shrugged, and just spoke as if it were good luck. Angustus chuckled, and Quistis spine tingled uncomfortably once more. I hate him. I seriously hate him, she thought.

"Mistress, are the preperations ready?"

The cloaked figure nodded, speaking angrily. "Yes. They are. No one will know. No one does now anyhow."

The head of the prison nodded. Seifer's eyes narrowed, as did Quistis. He looked at her with a confused look on his face, and saw her face mimicked his. "Seifer.." she whispered. "That voice, of that woman, it's so familiar. I can't place it, but I know. How about you?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Shh let's hear it out."

The cloacked figure walked across the room, picking up a pendant. She walked back to the district officer and handed it to him. "There. For your cooperation."

He opened the pendant and a silver ring fell out, clinging onto the floor. Leaning down to pick it up, he was kicked aside by a strong thin leg of the cleaked woman, who instead leaned down and picked it up. "You idiot! Only a sorceress can touch this ring! It's been enchanted already. And used."

The leader picked himself up from the floor, brushing his shirt off. "What do you mean used?! I don't want damaged goods!"

The cloaked woman glared at him from under her hood. "It's been activated. It holds the most powerful of it's kind now. Give me the locket. I must place it back."

Once the locket was in her hands, she struggled to open it with nimple fingers and placed the ring back into it's confinements. She looked back at the leader and laughed. "It's been too long, now. So long since I've been this powerful... This pendant, you will hold it for me until I command you to use it. Understood?"

He nodded, simply. "Yes sorceress. Anything for you."

Seifer nodded to Quistis. "Seem we have another sorceress on our hands. How do you think we should proceed?"

As she was about to answer, another laugh erupted from Angustus from behind. "I know excatly how." Standing up, Seifer tried to pull him down to hide him better but was shocked when he anounced, in a high shrieking voice. "SORCERESS! I HAVE THEM! HERE!"

Quistis stood up, angrily. "YOU MORON! How could you?!"

Seifer followed suit. "No time now! We have to.."

He never got to finish his sentence as a bright pair of wings erupted from the sorceress' back, and a thin arm flicked a bolt at him. Seifer collapsed in a cry of pain over the railing, alling fast. Quistis yelped and screamed, casting Float on him to soften his fall. A pair of wings surrounded his falling form, bringing him hovering to the cold ground. She looked over the railing then back at Angustus, seething "How could you?! You bastard!"

Angustus just merely smiled. "Look at your little loverboy Quistical."

She turned around to the railing, watching as Seifer's weak form barely moved, his groaning eminent throughout the prison. She heard Angustus' laugh, and felt a swat on her butt before his arms threw her over the ledge. Screaming another Float spell on herself, She landed in perfect harmony next to Seifer's fallen form. Unleashing her whip, she checked his body and felt relief wash over her as he stirred awake, his eyes bleary.



A flash of light was seen along with the sound of Quistis' scream of pain. She fell beside the white knight, er body falling on top of his. She couldn't move, but she could see, and talk, and listen as the cloaked woman came forth now, lifting her cloak to show her face, grinning evily. Quistis' eyes widened, as did Seifers, as she said the last thing she could remember before anothr burst of light completly knocked her out.


Chapter 20


She awoke to screams of anger and frustration. And soon a bellow of pain, sidelined with a couple of curses. Seifer?!

Quistis tried to move but found her arms tied above her head. Seifer howled again, and she blocked the sound from her ears. She couldn't help him, not now, and probably not ever. Moving her legs was impossible, she noted. They were tied in a spread eagle position and she seemed to be suspended in the air. It was uncomfortable, and horridly drafty in this room. And dark, except for a small glint of light protruded from an even smaller hole in the wall. Steps, outside the room, she could hear talking as well. She knew one of the voices as Angustus, and the other as Rinoa. Rinoa, how could you..?

The door open and a bright light flashed into the room.Quistis closed her eyes against it, cursing under her breath. Foot steps where heard closing in on her as a stinging slap to her face brought her out of her sleepy trance. She looked up straight into the eyes of Rinoa.


The younger woman's face scowled. "Don't call me that! I despise that name!"

Quistis glared at her. "What the hell has gotten into you? Let me go!"

Rinoa smiled now, the saccrine turn of her lips making Quistis sick. "No?"

Quistis lunged at her, trying to, but being tied in such a precarious position proved useless. Instead she opted to look down at her feet. "Where are my clothes?!"

"Right here, my sweet Quistical." Angustus came forward now, holding her peach pink combination in his hands. "I always thought you looked better naked."

Quistis spit at him, and he moved out of the way before her saliva could make contact. She flung a string of angry curses at him, which he just laughed off. Rinoa slapped her again, leaving a red imprint on her cheek. "Knock it off, you blond bimbo."

Quistis brought her face to Rinoa's. "Why? Why are you doing this?!"

Her face gave another ugly sweet smile. "With this much power, why do you think?! Edea could have ruled the world. Ultimecia damn near changed the world, and Adel used me as her main source of power. If I'm that powerful, then why didn't I try to rule the Garden? or all of Balamb? Or the whole damned world?" Rinoa laughed now, hard, gripping her sides. "Oh man. I should have known. I could be the next great Hyne. I do have the power of three sorceress's coursing through my veins. I can make things right in my eyes! I can own you..." She pointed to Quistis. "And him." Her finger trailed to the wall behind her. As if on cue, Seifer's howls escalated once again. "I can own this land, this world. Mine. ALL of it. And you pathetic SeeDs can't do anything about it."

"What makes you think we can't?! We killed those other sorceress's you so wonderfully took the powers from." Quistis hissed.

Rinoa grinned now. The grin reminded her of a pit bull with rabies. "You honestly think Squall will?"

Shit. She hadn't thought of Squall. He is the commander, he leads the attacks against the sorceress, he wouldn't dare harm Rinoa. Or would he? Squall is Rinoa's knight. He couldn't kill her. He'd find some other way to release her from this evil she's become, and in the end may die for his efforts. Quistis' face fell and Rinoa's laugh rang again, once so cheery now full of hate and disgust for the fallen Instructor before her.

"I see you're thinking about it aren't you? He wouldn't kill his.." Rinoa's face contorted to the former beauty she was, soft and sweet. "Precious Rinoa. Oh please, Squall, it's not really me! help me! Please!"

Quistis shook her head. "You are one sad case, Rinoa."

The sorceress smiled. "Let's see who's the sad case after this. Angustus, she's your prisoner. Do with her as you will. I have to contend to... other matters."

Quistis watched as Rinoa walked away, and shouted "Rinoa! Please! Don't go! Don't leave me with him!"

The sorceress stopped, suddenly. She stood there, listening to the blond Instructors cries, then left the room, as quickly as she came. Quistis' howls slowed down, and she turned her head towards Angustus, who was removing his gloves. He dropped them to the floor, staring at his foster daughter with a hungry glare in his eyes, followed by his hands unlacing his belt. "W-W-What are you d-d-doing?!" she stammered.

Angustus looked up at her, his eyes full of lust and vile contempt. Snickering, he pulled his member out, as Qusitis let out a high shrill scream. "I'm gonna enjoy you, Quistical, like I always did when you were my little fuck toy. I was your first, and I'll be your fucking last."

Her eyes widened in fear as his stinging slap stopped her screeching. Moving was futile, her restraints kept any notion of that. He advanced on her now, touching her, feeling her, but not like Seifer. His touch was harsh and foreboding, the feeling of being dirty coming back full force now. Seifer made her feel beautiful. He squeezed and probed her with his hands and tongue, leaving bruises and scratches all over her body. She bit hard on her lip, drawing blood, staining her white teeth pink as the old man pulled away, wiping his mouth with his arm.

"I'm gonna enjoy you, Quistical. Real good." he muttered, pulling out a small stiletto knife.

He penetrated her resisting flesh then. Hard. Bad. Tearing. Bleeding. His spit and saliva feeling like acid on her skin. Scarring.

Scarring. Worse then on the body.

Scarring. On the soul.

Holding it all in. Don't scream.

Holding it..

His first thrust and grunt released her pent up anger and fear, the feelings of uselessness and being a disgusting creature exited through her throat in a high pitched scream, sounding like a lost child, a dying shadow in the world of holy light.


He heard her screams. Another jolting shock cursed through his body. He held it in. Don't scream, Seifer, remember what Quistis taught you about torture. Just take it and become one with the pain. Don't worry. It'll be over soon. Another jolt shot through his body as the platform moved into a laying down position, and he opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling. He heard the light foot steps of the sorceress and he turned his head, facing her. She came over to him now, running a hand on his arm. He recognized this platform, the same one he tortured Squall on so many years ago. It had been tinkered with, obviously, to include the little revolving table. At the controls was another one of the prison cronies, handling the torture session. Seifer looked up at Rinoa and glared at her.

Smiling, Rinoa brought her face close to his. "Hmm? No questions? no pleading?"

Seifer replied by spitting at her.

She wiped her face with her cloak, and scowled down at him. "I see. Your Quisty was much more compliant then you."

"Quistis? Where is she? What are you doing to her?!"

Rinoa raised an eyebrow. "She's just enjoying some time with her daddy, Seifer. Family reunions are so sweet."

Seifer pulled against the restraints, his actions proving futile. Rinoa laughed at his efforts, and trailed a line down his bare chest. "Your coat and vest are over there. Don't worry, after tonight you won't need them." she pointed to the corner, where his clothing resided. "I do wonder how Qui-"

A scream, muffled by the wall, was heard again, as Rinoa's laughter chimed in. "I guess I shouldn't have asked."

Seifer grunted against the restraints a few more times in vain. He looked up at Rinoa, seething. "I always knew you were a bitch."

She lifted her hand to slap him, but then lowered her arm. "And you were always the screw up, Seifer Almasy. I should have known the only reason you ever became a SeeD was by screwing the teacher."

Her cackle made his blood boil. She turned on a heel, her back to him, and lifted a lithe arm to the crony handling the device. She exited the room, and the crony came forth, leering at him. "Boy, you're a pathetic one. I remember when I was takin' orders from YOU!"

Seifer looked up at him. "So do I."

The crony sneered at him now. "Heh, NOW look where you're at. Bein' tortured while your whore's gettin' her pussy ripped up! Pathetic man, just like the Mistress said."

Seifer burned with rage over the little cronies words. Instead he shook his head and looked away. "You know you're sort of pathetic too."

The crony looked at him, anger in his eyes. "WHAT!?! What did you SAY?!"

Seifer's smile further infuriated him. "Too wussy to stand on your own two feet. Can't fight me like a real man. Pathetic wuss."

The crony's face burned red as he jumped up and down, hissy fitting. "WHAT?!!?!?!!?!?! WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?!?!"

Seifer smiled bigger now, his face showing the usual arrogance. "I said all that. And one more thing..."


"Your breath STINKS!"

The crony screamed, rushing back to the controls and issuing them to release the prisoner. "THAT'S IT!!! NOW You're gonna get it!!! I'll kick your ass you son of a bi-"


The crony fell to the floor almost immediately as Seifer climbed off the table, his aching muscles protesting every movement. Concentrating hard, he whispered "Curaga!" into his aching bones. It actually worked, he snickered. "I guess the prison eliminated the anti magic force field." He searched the crony for anything, and found a set of keys. Stretching his aching bones, he stood up, and cracked his neck. The loud popping sounds echoed across the quiet room, as he leaned down to pick up his vest and snapped it into place. He put his coat on last, and hooked Hyperion at his side. He smiled to himself and headed towards the door until a soft crying sound stopped him

"Quistis?" He breathed. He knew his next stop.

Angustus pulled away from the crying girl, pulling his pants back up. He had a sly smile on his face, the evil grin he always wore after a night with his little whore. A whore, a sick little whore was all she would be in his eyes. His little toy, his towel to masturbate in. Except now she was a woman, a nice, volumptious woman, with firm breasts and a tight hole. If only she would just stop that pathetic crying and just enjoy it, like he did. ANd probably will as the night went on. Angustus Trepe pondered, for a moment, of asking the Sorceressif she would let him keep this honey blonde trinket for his own pleasures. Of course she wouldn't mind. Sorceress Rinoa had no qualms about this..this.. beauty.

Angustus looked at her up and down again. "Still a great fuck, my little Quistical. Stop that crying. Stop it!" he shouted, as he slapped her face again. Quistis ceased her bawling, refusing to look at him. "Except this time you have one hell of a body." He whispered, his hands roaming over her torso. He pinched her nipples painfully, as she squeaked out a pained gasp. He laughed, and slapped her hip. You were always the best. So resisting, and so tight.." Angustus felt himself growing aroused again, but one look at her bloody body and bruised nether regions soon made him rethink on violating her again. "I'll send someone in here to clean you up, Quistical. Then the real fun will begin." With that, he left, taking her war clothes with him.

Quistis could feel her body pounding in pain. But that was no match for her soul. She felt once again, like a used toy, only for another's pleasure. Her mind drifted towards Seifer now. His screaming stopped. Can he be dead? No. He can't be dead. They wouldn't kill him, they couldn't. She would have known, they would be bragging about it to her by now. She let her mind drift, taking away from the pain in her body. It was so different with him, so bad with Angustus yet so good with Seifer. But now she didn't know if she'd ever want anyone to touch her again. No, never. Don't touch me, her mind cried before the tears fell from her eyes.

The sirens wailed now, all over the prison, issuing that someone had escaped. Quistis' heart leaped at the sound, silently praying it was Seifer who had escaped. Her body felt numb, the cold air drifting through, icing the wounds on her body. Angustus had decided that a little blood wasn't such a bad thing. Her scratched body grew cold now, as she hung there, like a lifeless doll. Silent tears ran from beautiful blue eyes. Her mind ran a million miles a minute, begging the icy fingers, Please, don't touch me, just don't touch me..


"I have to woman, to get you out of here. Hyne you are complex."


"Shh..I got you Pixie. Don't worry."

He had walked through the door, half expecting what he saw. But no thought could ever prepare him for the sight before him. her slim body, streaked with red from bloody cuts, Bruises where forming, slowly, on her body, as one puffy eye looked upwards to see him. She looked like a dead human marionette, tied up as she was. Her beautiful honey golden locks matted with dried blood and dirt. A red hand print was almost tattooed on her cheek, the other one housing a slice in a downward motion. A deep cut, mimicking his own, crossed between her eyes. Seifer's rage boiled in his blood, and he seemed almost unable to contain it as he lifted a shaking hand to whisper "Curaga.." A healing blue light engulfed her, and most of her cuts healed, along with some of the bruising. Reaching up with his Hyperion, he cut the ropes that held her in place, catching her in a strong arm as she fell forward. Gingerly, he shifted positions and took off his coat, wrapping it around her slender form while slicing at the ropes that bound her feet. Seifer stifled a groan of rage as he heard her gasp of pain, Quistis, trying to pull herself to her feet.

"Dear Hyne.."

"..don't..say it.."

He nodded, wrapped his coat tightly around her shaking form. Her knees buckled as she collapsed, to her knees, unable to bring herself up. Kneeling down, Seifer took both of her arms and slung her gently over his shoulder. She protested in her weak voice, but he ignored her, instead, remembering where the nearest exit was. Lockdown was happening now, he heard, all the doors locking themselves in. Oh well, he figured. He would let out anyone they crossed with who seemed innocent enough. It seemed everyone had vacated the prison anyhow, it was near empty. He passed by the torture room and heard discreet screams from the inside. Peering closer, he recognized them as Angustus Trepe. Praying to the Hyne that he was wrong, or so help him, he set Quistis down on the floor, carefully, as he unlocked the door, brandishing his weapon.


"Almasy?!" the older man said. "Get me out of here! this instant!"

Seifer glared at him. "And why should I?"

Angustus angrily pointed to a shapphold in the room, where a door was. "See?! that's the only way out! All the other doors are locked but I don't have the key! This place is going under fast, and you owe me now, I paid for you! Now get to work!"

Seifer looked at the door, his eyes cold. "Angustus, that's not the only way. That way is covered in sand, you old fool. The only way is to be carried outward on the table here. But only one can go at a time. Since you ARE the one paying the dues," Seifer hissed. "I'll allow you to go first. But wait for me at the top. Got it?!"

Angustus snorted. "Aren't you going after your little girly friend?"

Seifer shook his head. "No. She's dead. I saw her anyways. 'Sides, I got what I wanted from her." He smiled, a sinister grin. "And she is the best."

Angustus grinned at the younger boy and sat on the table. "Alright, now, tell me what to do, boy."

Seifer nodded, walking around the table. "Put your feet there" he pointed "and your arms here. Yeah. That's right. I'll shackle you in and itll carry you to safety. The shackles will unlock once you're sae but operate it above for me. Will you?"

Angustus placed his hand sin the right way and let his feet drop into position. "I understand. Why are you doing this young man? You could have made one hell of a mercenary."

Seifer placed the last shackle into place and grinned evily. "No. I wouldn't." He walked towards the controls. "I'm a SeeD. Not a mercenary. And you? You're now gonna become a permanant part of this prison."

Seifer typed in a few controls and pulled a lever. Angustus screamed in pain as the first jolt of electricity coursed through his body. "AHHHHHH!!! BOY WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!! AHHHHH!!!!"

The blond cadet saluted the older man as anothe painful jolt ripped through his body. "I'm doing this just to make sure you never harm my girl again. Now.. to put it in auto so it just goes on and on... and..oops." Seifer lifted his Hyperion to slice off the lever that shut off the machine. "Uh oh. It broke. Thanks for showing me the way out, Pops." Seifer ran towards the open door and picked up Quistis. "Sleep," he whispered, and her eyes closed into a deep slumber. He walked back into the torture room, and once again saluted the screaming benefactor, and laughed as a flurry of insults was thrown at him by the screaming man.

"Seeya later, Pops. I'm going home."

He leaned down to pick up Save the Queen, Quistis' constant companion, and laid it down in her hands. Fishing the keys from the coat Qusitis was wrapped in, he unlocked the door and left with her cradled in his arms, listening with joy as the screams of Angustus Trepe becomeing quieter and quieter until they were no more.