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The guilty show no mercy (Prologue - Chapter 5)
Malice Shaw

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Chapter 1

The light shifted, blaring down into his eyes. He squinted them tightly against the glare, cursing something under his breath as he brought his arm across his face. Another hand pulled that arm away, bringing it down to examine the trickle of a warm wet fluid that drained from his forehead. He opened his eyes, very slightly, only to allow a few tears of pain to seep through and fall down his cheek. They glistened in the light as a soft female hand gently tapped the cut that lay on his head, extending the scar he already had to his hairline. He reach up and grabbed that hand, pulling it away. Peering, he whispered something in a choked breath before passing out.

"Instructor, how pleasant of you."

The woman regarded the young man before writing down in her notebook his condition. Stable. Better at least. When he washed ashore he was near death, broken bones in his arm, a compound fracture in his leg. He was tore up, to say the least. She flipped back her long blonde hair and stood up, ready to give the new information to the president. Looking back at him, she cocked her hair to the side and wondered to herself out loud. "Instructor?"

"An old friend of his, Dhari. How is he holding up?"

Dhari nodded, checking her charts. "Well after a few curaga spells and esuna, the pneumonia cleared and the breaks are healing dramatically. Except for the gash across his forehead, which i might add will give him one hell of a scar, he's alive. Coming out of the coma as well. You wish to speak to him?"

The older man nodded, his tired blue eyes tracing towards the young blonde. "Is he awake?"

Darhi shook her head. "No sir."

"Then wake him up."

She nodded, retracing her steps back towards the bedridden boy. That's how she regarded him, a boy. He looked so young, but the scars and healed fractures across his body told her that even as just a boy, he has endured the hardships of a man. Pulling a bottle of ammonia out of the drawer, she waved it under his nose lightly. The boy shook slightly, before widening his green eyes, then closing them, waving with his one good arm. "The lights, dammit, dim the lights!"

The older gentleman walked towards him, and fiddled with his ponytail, a goofy smile crossing his lips. "Wake up Seifer, you've kind of slept enough."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

He frowned, the lines in his ace becoming deep. "I said wake up-"

The boy sat up slightly, supporting himself on his good arm. Squinting at the older gentleman. "No, I said who the hell is Seifer?"

Now it was the older gentleman's turn to look surprised as he regarded the young man. "You're not Seifer?"

The younger man laid back down, staring at the ceiling. "Obviously not."

Dhari brought a chair into the room, and set it down next to the bed. The older gentleman sat in it, and stared at the boy. He had to be almost twenty, and fit the description. he looked upwards to Dhari. "Did the fingerprints come through?"

Dhari nodded. "Yes. It's confirmed, he is Seifer Almasy, last known residence, Balamb garden, but that was over a year ago Mr. Loire."

Laguna nodded, and looked at the boy once again. "If your not Seifer, then tell me who you are?"

The young man thought hard. The harder he thought, the more he couldn't understand. Still staring at the ceiling, he mouthed the answer.

"What was that? I didn't hear you." Laguna leaned forward to listen in.

The young man felt suddenly low. He sat up, supported himself on his good arm once again, and stared Laguna in the eye. "I said, I. Don't. Know."

Laguna nodded and stood up, taking Dhari with him. Whispering something in her ear, she looked at him and nodded reluctantly, tracing her steps out to the hall of her office. She looked across the Estar continent, seeing how it had expanded greatly since the SeeDs last visit. She shook her head and dialed the number to the Garden. Might as well get it over with. The patient wasn't exactly the greatest of company anymore now that he was awake.

Quistis Trepe walked along the halls of the school, a slight smile on her face. She endured the gasps and sheiks from all the other students, most of them males, and the questions that arose from the females, asking her how she was, and from the males, who she was dating. With all those, the simple answers where "Fine." "No one." and "Someday." After the crowd ceased, she made her way towards the cafeteria, sitting at the table with her friends. Zell kicked out a chair for her and as she occupied it, he spoke to her with a mouthful of food.

"So Quisty, what's new in the neighborhood o all the guys that seem to fawn over you?"

She smiled. "Nothng at all. So far it's just work work work now that I'm back to being the instructor again."

Rinoa smiled at her. "So how does it feel Quistis? I mean, being the head one around here."

The blond woman smiled and lowered her head. "Like I'm on the magic school bus minus the magic. I's hard, but I can't say I'm complaining. Just wish that some times.."

"That you can go out on the field and whip some sense into the enemy? No pun intended."

The group looked behind them and Rinoa's face lit up. Squall came by and sat next to her, giving her a kiss on her cheek before wrapping an arm about her shoulders. Quistis pinged with a subtle jealousy, not at Squall and Rinoa, but at the fact that yet another happy couple were joined in Garden. Aside from Selphie and Irvine's constant bickering and breaking up, coming together again and breaking up again, Squall and Rinoa were considered the 'ultimate couple' amongst all the other children at the Garden. She sighed and hung her head low on the table.

Zell spoke up, his mouth full of hot dog. "Sup Quistis?"

She was about to answer before hearing her name called over by the lady at the cafeteria, holding a phone. "Quistis Trepe! Call for Quistis Trepe!"

Squall's eyes narrowed. "Who would be calling during lunch time?"

Rinoa shrugged and Zell smirked. "Maybe Quistis has a new assignment: Wash Cid's underwear!"

The laughter around the table erupted and Quistis smiled, holding up a hand to silence them. She nodded into the receiver. "Hello, Quistis Trepe here."

The others at the table kept their eyes on her as her face went from peachy and full of color to a tint blow gray. She spoke in hushed tones now and placed the receiver down, rushing back to the table to pack her things. The questions came at once, from all different directions.

"Quisty? What's up man?"

"Quistis, is everything alright?"

"What's going on?"

After placing her things in her bag and attaching her bull whip Save The Queen to her hip she sped off towards the exit o the cafeteria. Squall planted a kiss on Rinoa's forehead and motioned for them to remain still as he followed her. "Hey! Instructor wait up!"

Quistis turned to look behind her, not stopping for a moment. "Not now Squall, I have something to do."

Squall grabbed her arm and glared at her. "What's going on? You can't just walk out like that. Is something wrong?"

Quistis sighed and let herself ease up a little. "No, nothing is wrong. I just got a message from headmaster that I need to be somewhere else right here and right now, and this place isn't where I'm supposed to be."

Squall crossed his arms over his chest and raised an eyebrow, a line creasing into the scar on his face. "Oh, a hush hush thing right?"


"Well alright. Give me details when you return. Take care." He walked back to the cafeteria, waving a hand at the departing blonde as she made her way down the hall and up to the office of the Headmaster and his wife Edea. Edea welcomed her with a hug and a smile as she entered the office. Cid was behind his desk, reading some faxes that where sent by Laguna Loire. Edea spoke softly, and Cid looked upwards as Quistis raised her hand in the SeeD salute. Nodding he handed the documents to Quistis, who eyed them. "What are these?"

Cid nodded towards the flimsy papers in her hand. "Those are detailed accounts of the past two weeks in the Estar Infirmery. Apparently they found a young man fitting Seifer's description and took him in. After finger printing him and checking up on his current situation, his last known residence was here. So of course President Loire called and inquired about him."

Quistis nodded and scanned the papers with her eyes. "Broken bones? Cuts and bruises? What happened to him?"

Cid sat back down in his chair. "No one knows, since Seifer is suffering from a mild case of amnesia. Doesn't remember who he is, or where he's from, nothing. His mind is a total blank slate."

Quistis felt Edea's hand on her shoulder. She shrugged it off. "Why should I be the one to go get him? Why not Squall, or Selphie?"

Cid's grim look gave her a slight hint of guilt. "Selphie and Irvine are on a different duty with the training of the SeeDs. Squall, Rinoa, and Zell, this remains between us, but I'm afraid they might kill him on sight. You so far, are the best one who might be able to handle this. With your past teaching skills and credentials you are the only one I can think of qualified with enough experience with Mr. Almasy to handle this with precaution, and not with a death threat."

Quistis nodded. She knew how Rinoa and Squall would react. Rinoa, angry with him for what he made her go through, Squall, the same, and Zell, the childhood years of torment never faded with him. She nodded at the headmaster as Edea handed her a ticket. "You will ride the train to Estar and use this," She handed her an envelope, "As the pass to enter the Presidential palace. There, Laguna will take you through the rest. Are you ready Quistis?"

She heaved a breath from her lungs and crossed herself. "As ready as I'll ever be, I assume."

With a smile, Edea hugged her for luck as Cid looked on. After Quistis left, he thought hard. Edea noticed and wrapped her arms lovingly around his neck. "Troubles my dear?"

Cid sighed and leaned back into his wife's arms. "Yes. If anyone can do this, Quistis can."


Cid nodded. "Quistis seems to be the only person he might remember, only slightly, not even her name. Just 'Instructor.' I feel that maybe Quistis won't allow herself to befriend him. The girl is one hell of a SeeD but sometimes her emotions..."

Edea understood him. She remembered long ago, bossy little Quisty. Sometimes the young blonde's ego came into play, her own setback. But, as Eda thought this over, if anyone can handle this, Quistis could. She makes an exceptional instructor and SeeD. She informed Cid of her thoughts and her husband remained silent. Edea smiled again, whispering into Cid's ear. "Don't be afraid. We raised her well."

"I know that Edea. I just dearly hope she can bring him back."

"I know dear. I know."

Chapter 2

The train stopped silently, the sound of a bell ringing the only clue that she had reached her destination. The sound startled her out of her lazy haze as she gazed at the documents Cid had given to her. Memory loss? Must have taken a whole mess of Curaga spells to cure his injuries. But she couldn't help but feel a ping of sorrow for him. The time when Edea took over his mind, praying on the weak little boy he hid inside his shell scared her more then she would admit. She wanted to make them understand, that what he wanted was to run and save them from whatever problem they would have encountered, not to try and sabotage their mission as they all came to that conclusion. In Seifer's own twisted way, inside, he just wanted to help. She sighed and waited for the bus to completely stop. Lifting her weary body from the seat she stepped off the train and sat down on the lift to the Presidential Palace.

The city was still a beautiful sight on tired eyes. The glass highways and shimmering almost ethereal buildings, all of it, was still enough to take the breath from her lungs. The technology in this place was wonderful, and Quistis found herself wondering if someway, some how, it would extend all of the world? Then again that might not be so pleasant. The ride was short, and she stepped off the lift. Walking toward the Esthar guards, they immediately stepped in front of her.

"Halt. You cannot pass with out permission."

"I have a pass."

"Show it."

She reached into her pocket. "Here."

Studying it, the guard nodded. "Please proceed."

Raising an arched eyebrow, she nodded and stepped inside. Outside the guards conversed with one another.

"Did you see her? Whoo! Whatta looker!"

"I agree. I wonder what she wants with the president?"

"You don't think Sir Laguna would...?"

"Would what?"

The other guard nudged him playfully. "Hey it's been almost twenty years since that Raine woman died. Maybe he's trying to see if the ol' pecker's up an' at 'um?"

This brought a snicker from both guards. Assuming their positions they continued their watch.

Inside the office, the ground beneath Quistis' feet lighted up with each step she took. This place is amazing, she thought. Laguna was thumbing through a Weapons Monthly magazine with his feet propped up on his desk. Ward was next to him, peering over his shoulder before lifting one eye and catching the woman in the room. tapping Laguna on the shoulder he motioned towards her, and returned to his standing position next to Kiros. Laguna placed the magazine on his desk and walked around to greet Quistis. Extending a hand and a goofy smile, he broke her out of her trance.

"Miss Trepe! Welcome welcome. Make yourself comfortable."

With a nod, Quistis sat in a chair Ward brought in. "President Loire, it was brought to my atten-"

Laguna waved a hand during her speech. "Please, please don't call me President Loire, Mr. Loire, or anything of the sort. Just Laguna okay? I thought I told you kids to call me that the last time I saw you."

Quistis nodded. "I'm sorry Pre- Laguna."

The older gentleman nodded and sat down, motioning or Ward and Kiros to sit down as well. "Sit down you two! Sheesh, rude aren't they?" He flashed her a goofy grin that made her lips curve upwards. She pulled out her glasses from her pocket and placed them on her nose. "Laguna, I you don't mind? I'd like to get to the problem here."

Laguna snorted. "Well I don't think you'll have a problem Miss Trepe. The boy is completely amnesic. He only made one assumption as to what he knows by muttering Instructor in his sleep. I sorta figured it out there."

Ward looked at Kiros and Kiros snickered. Laguna and Quistis both looked up at the two. Kiros cleared his throat. "Ward says that Laguna first thought it was a strange type of humanoid fish."

Laguna blushed. "Well geez, sorry guys but I had quite a bit on my mind y'know?! Anyways, Miss Trepe, He's in stable condition, but we've stripped him bare and kept him warm and he's almost healed. The fractures in his arm are still sore, and the bad one, in the leg, has been operated on and is knitting very nicely. Aside from all that, though, his memory banks have been robbed. He's completely empty up here." Laguna tapped his temple.

Quistis nodded. "How bad where the fractures?"

Kiros stepped forward. "I'll explain them. They weren't too bad, in the arm. Ward found him on the beach while going out for a jog. The broken bones in the arm were alright, easily fixed with a few curaga spells, but the leg had to be operated on. Apparently the salt water eroded part of the bone structure and caused the sodium intake in his blood to rise to a degree of high blood pressure. It can be controlled with a few doses of the medication we'll give to you once you leave, and after the bottle is finished it should be back to normal. The leg was damaged pretty badly, and will definetly leave a worse scar once it is completely healed, although it would be smart to walk on a cane for a few months."

Quistis nodded solemnly. "Seifer would never go with that."

Laguna said in a deep voice. "He may not have before, but he's changed, Miss Trepe. Like I said before, his mind is gone."

"Memories Laguna."

"Right. Like Kiros said, his mind is gone."

A groan escaped from Kiros and ward smiled behind his beard. Standing up Quistis straightened her skirts and placed her glasses back in her pocket. "Well, if you don't mind, I would like to see him now."

Laguna stood up as well, and motioned towards Kiros. "He'll take you to him. And come to me if you need anything! I'll inform the guards at the front to let you in freely."

"Thank you, Laguna."

The older gentleman smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his head. Leaning down on his desk he scribbled a note on a piece of paper and handed it to Ward. Uhh guys? Can you go outside for a few? I gotta ask Miss Trepe a few more questions before she departs. So please give this note to the guards out front? Thanks guys."

Handing them the piece of paper, the two gentlemen stepped out leaving Quistis and Laguna alone. He shifted uneasily at first, and Quistis thought he would soon go into a panic attack ad start clutching his leg. Laguna leaned backwards on the desk, his eyes never left the floor. He scratched the back o his head again, black strands of hair falling about his face. Just that insignificant sign made him seem young again. He kicked the floor with one sandaled foot and spoke before her.

"So. How's he doing?"

An arched eyebrow went up. "Excuse me sir?"

Laguna traced his steps back behind the desk, and looked out at his beautiful city. He remained like that for a while until he spoke again. "Squall. How's he doing?"

Quistis blinked before answering. "Oh, he's doing well."

Laguna looked back at her. "I mean, personally, how is he? How is he coping? Is he dating anyone?"

He slowed down his questioning after her eyes went wide. "No, Miss Trepe, I don't mean it in a bad way. I seriously don't. I just want to know how the boy is doing. He's what, nineteen now?"

"No, almost though."

Laguna nodded, never turning back to face her. "We never did have the talk I asked him for. He's so much a man now. He is, isn't he?"

Quistis suddenly felt a little uneasy. "Ah, yes Sir, he is. If I may be so blunt, but why are you asking me these questions about Squall?"

Laguna pursed his lips together and sat down in his chair across from her. Crossing his arms in front of his chest he refused to meet her questioning gaze. He looked at anything, everything but her eyes. "You know, Miss Trepe, Raine was a beautiful woman."

Quistis suddenly felt uneasy. Where was this going? "Was she?"

Laguna continued, his eyes misting over a bit. "I don't know why I'm telling you this. But it just needs to be out you know? Raine, God, was she beautiful. So gentle and warm, but with the right bit of, how can I say it? Spunk. Yeah, spunk. She had just the right bit of spunk to keep me tame. She was like that, beautiful and spunky. Perfect combination for me, you think?"

Quistis didn't know what to say. She just merely nodded.

Laguna continued. "I didn't wanna leave her. I never did. But I had to get Ellone back. For her as well as myself. For both our sanity. We would have gone insane if we couldn't see her, feel her, hold her voice inside our heads. Raine asked me to go, and I didn't even hesitate. All that time, I didn't want to, but I didn't even hesitate. In some ways, I feel like a monster for doing that, leaving her. If only I was there, she would still be... alive. She wouldn't have died if I were there."

Quistis sat in her chair, hanging onto every word. Laguna Loire was spilling his heart out to her now, and she wasn't about to interrupt.

"Raine is my heart, my soul. I hadn't felt like that to anyone, except for Julia. but something about Raine pried my thoughts away from Julia. Sure, maybe Julia and I would have been together, but she was a fleeting wind to me, unlike Raine. Like her name, Raine poured on me, softening me with her heart. And that damned spunk! Man I wish I could see her again. I asked for her hand underneath one of those Winhill nights, you seen them before? Those Winhill nights?"

Quistis nodded. She had once before, and would agree that they were the most serene and beautiful night skies in all of the continent. They were calming and sweet, the air was crisp all the time. Those were Winhill nights.

"First, she thought I was joking, haha, that lady. When she realized that I wasn't, she actually had tears in her eyes. She was so happy, and despite what the whole town said and whispered about, I knew that her and I were meant to be. Sure, they blamed me for her death, and sometimes, I blame myself. Damn, if only I had been there for her..!"

He slammed his fist into the desk, frustration building up. Quistis jerked out of her haze but still said nothing.

"Raine drowned, while I was away, searching for Ellone. I wouldn't have gone if I knew...knew she was pregnant. Raine was carrying our child while I was gone. She carried that baby to full term. Gave birth to that boy, crying my name. When I found out I had never felt so low in my life. I should have held her hand when all this was happening. When she drowned, trying to save another child from the waves, the boy was sent to an orphanage. I didn't find out she was pregnant, or...or dead until I went back to Winhill with Ellone. They shunned me, Winhill did, or most of them did. But they all secretly believed I was responsible for Raine dying, that if I didn't show up she would still be alive. I believe it too. But every time I think about it, if I could trade the beautiful time Raine and I had for never meeting her at all, would I? I think it over and over, and the answer's still the same. Never."

He stood up now, looking much like the legend the Shumi straddled him to be. He again stared everywhere but Quistis' eyes. Drifting back to the window of his city, he continued on.

"You know where I'm getting at, right Miss Trepe?"

Quistis slowly shook her head. Laguna took a deep breath before continuing.

"Raine's last name was given to our son before he was sent off. His birth name. I wanted to look for him, I did, but the boy was well near five years old by that time, and I figured he was adopted, with good parents, a daddy to be there for him, not an old moron like myself. He needed a stable environment, he did, to ensure his upbringing was better then anything I could give him. I never knew him. I regret that decision now. I just wanted to know him, see him, pray he was alright and alive. I never imagined meeting him again.. but my prayers were answered when you SeeDs came that time. I saw my son."

She shifted uneasily in her seat. This could not be happening. Laguna breathed a deep breath once more before continuing on. This time, he did meet her eyes, and looked at her with a melancholy smile. Taking in a breath, he finally asked her the question.

"Raine gave him her last name. Raine's last name was Leonhart. I need to know Miss Trepe. What is Squall's last name?"

Quistis blubbered out her answer, her face becoming ashen. "L-L-Leonh-h-hart. Leonhart."

Laguna let go of the air that he kept in his lungs. His head hung low, again staring at the floor. "God, he's beautiful. Just like his mother. He's grown up into the man his father never was."

Quistis was about to speak again before Ward and Kiros knocked on the door, and stepped inside. "Laguna, why are you keeping Miss Trepe for so long? She has to be in a hurry."

Ward made a motion with his head and looked at Kiros. "Ward says that maybe you got into talking about yourself again."

Quistis stood up and gathered her things. "Let's go. I'm ready."

Nodding, Kiros and Ward escorted the young woman towards the infirmary, leaving behind a shattered Laguna. It was a huge relief to finally get that of his shoulders, but also a huge pain to relive the fact he had abandoned not one, but two parts of his heart. His son grew up with out him, his assumptions that the boy would get a family he deserved where fucked. He was raised to be a soldier, not the life he wanted for him. he shook those thoughts out of his head, but they just kept returning, invading his mind. How was he going to tell him? Was he even going to make an attempt to? Talking about Raine opened a new scar in his heart. He felt the pain again, but he had to know.

He HAD to know. Didn't he?!

Laguna stood up and looked at his city, it's sparkling lights reflecting on his handsome features as two new tears formed in his eyes. They dropped down from his cheeks, catching every glint of light with them, like falling diamonds out of a pale and dark sky.

Chapter 3

Kiros led her down the long pathways to the infirmary with Ward in tow. She pushed Laguna's admission out of her mind, instead pursuing her most current position. Get in, see if it's him, get out, preferably with him if it came to that. She watched as Kiros typed in a code in the panel and the door slid open, revealing a landscape of a hospital, with technology greater then anything she had ever seen. The beauty encased her senses, as Kiros and Laguna went past her to speak with a chubby blonde woman who was cracking her gum. Whispering to her, she nodded and went to Quistis.

"So, are you hear for Amnesia lad?"

"His name is Seifer, and yes, I am, ahh.."

She shook her head, holding up a hand. "Call me Dhari. Come this way Miss Trepe."

Quistis followed her towards the back to the recovery room. Opening the door, Dhari stepped aside and let Quistis in, following her and closing the door behind her. Kiros and Ward came in after her, opening the door. Ward gave Dhari a frustrated look and Kiros translated it.

"Ward says that you should have known that we were to be with Quistis."

"Hey how was I supposed to know? 'Sides I figured she would have wanted some quiet time with her boyfriend."

Quistis spoke up. "He is not my boyfriend. He was my student."

Dhari nodded. "Awful young to be a teacher aren't you? You can't be a day over nineteen."

Quistis pursed her lips tighter. "I'm twenty."

Dhari shrugged. "No matter. I can see it in your eyes. You're older in spirit then you can ever be in body."

Hitting her with a questioning gaze, Quistis was about to speak before she heard a groan from across the room. Turning around, she gazed at the slim figure laying on the bed. An arm was raised over his head, shielding his yes from the light while a blanket covered his naked self from the waist down. His left arm was in a sling and a cast protruded sharply under the sheets on his right leg. Even though his arm covered half his face she could see his eyes, they wren't the eyes of the Seifer she knew, but the eyes of a lost boy. A fresh new scar traced his forehead to his hairline, now. Quistis cleared her throat and transformed herself into 'Mighty Quistis,' a nickname Rinoa gave her when she observed Quistis' nature during a battle. As she walked towards him, he grunted, and the figure lifted his arm off his head, moving half his body into a better position to glare at her.

"Who the hell are you?"

She walked towards him and sat in a chair by his bed. "I see you haven't changed a bit."

He huffed a bit and laid back down. "Not funny, since I don't know who I changed from."

Quistis nodded, bringing out her papers. "Well I might as well fill you in." She made herself comfortable and crossed her legs. "Your name is Seifer Almasy. You trained and lived at the Balamb Garden since you were about seven. You were somewhat of a problem child, but some people, very few, saw much hope for you. Even though your pride often got in the way of, well, everything else, you were always a good student, and pleasure to have." A little lie couldn't hurt too bad, would it?

Seifer grunted and sat up, covering himself with the sheets and his good arm. "Is that so? And who were you? My teacher?"

"No, I was your instructor. Completely different."

He shifted, onto his side, wincing a little in pain. "How so?"

Quistis eased herself back into her chair and looked at him. "Well, i instructed you in the training of your SeeD candidacy, which, sadly you failed."

He nodded, his eyes never leaving her face. "So how come your an instructor? You can't be any older then I am."

"It just happened that way. I became an instructor and got my license for it two years after my I passed my SeeD exam. I lead you in your final SeeD attempt..." Oops. Wrong thing to say.

He glared at her. "What do you mean 'final'? Didn't I pass the stupid test?"

She shifted uneasily in her chair. "Well..no.. you didn't."

"Why not?"

"T-That's irrelevant.."

He reached out and grabbed her arm and brought her face to face with him. "I asked you. Why not?"

Quistis cleared her throat and pulled her arm away. "The last SeeD test you tried for, you were the Squad leader.."

"So you mean it was sort of an action test?"

"Yes. You failed to do your correct mission, and put your squad in danger."

His initial response was shock, green eyes going wide. He relaxed a bit more, the nature of his new information prying itself in his head. "You mean..I.. Could have gotten some innocent people killed?"

She nodded. He groaned and laid back down. "Man, I didn't know, Miss..?"

"Just call me Instructor."

"Instructor.." he let the name roll off his tongue. It was familiar to him, some how, but he didn't know exactly how. He looked at her and rolled his arm under his head. He relaxed a little bit, pulling the sheet past his waist to his torso. "What's your real name?"

"Quistis. Quistis Trepe."

"Quistis. That's a lovely name. So tell me, instructor, was I your favorite student?" He raised an eyebrow at her in a flirty way, a smile tracing his lips slightly in an arrogant smirk. She remembered that smile, and her eyes went wide. "W-Well I-I Ahh.. Sometimes, you could be."

He let out a small chuckle then and turned his head to stare at the ceiling, the smile fading from his face. Quistis looked at him, up and down. he added a few new scars to his body, she took note, but he was still in good shape. Her eyes drew to his soft chiseled features, the way his eyes drifted across the ceiling, his whole demeanor had changed. She smiled and relaxed more into her chair, getting comfortable with him.

"I must have been a bitch to handle wasn't I?"

She chuckled. "Yes, you were. But I have no regrets."

He turned his head to her. "You seem more relaxed."

She nodded. "I believe I am. So, is there anything else you want to know?"

He turned serious now. He looked into her deep blue eyes. "Why did I leave Balamb?"

She cleared her throat and looked down at her papers. "Well, ahh, the reason you left was.. because.. You had pressing personal matters that needed to be attended to, and you denounced the Garden."

He nodded. "I see."

"Anything else Seifer?"

"Yes." That smirk was back. "Was I popular?"

She smiled. "Very. But with your additude you weren't the good kind of popular."

"I see. Hey?"


"He shifted onto his side again and looked up at her. "To be a SeeD I know this much, you have to be a master of some sort of weapon. What was mine?"

"Let me think.." Like she would have to think. "It was the Hyperion Gunblade I believe."


"What is it?"

He looked downcast for a fleeting moment. "A gunblade seems to be two dangerous weapons in one."

"It is. But you were a master."

"Maybe I still am."

She didn't answer. Instead she gazed back down at her paperwork.


She looked up from her paperwork. "Yes?"

"I.. wasn't involved with anyone, was I?"

She cocked her head to the side. "Involved?"

"Yeah, like.. with a girlfriend of sorts."

She cleared her throat again. "Well, not with a woman.."

He looked at her, his eyes wide. "You mean I'm GAY!?"

"No! No, far from it! You were in a conflict, I meant, with another member of the Garden. But that was very long ago."

"Oh, I understand. Alright." He sat up now. "So, now what?"

Quistis reread her notes. "Well.. if you choose to, you come back with me. If not, you will be released as soon as tomorrow I assume."

Seifer nodded. "Well, if I return to this Garden place, then what?"

"You will continue to train for your SeeD."

"I see. So, does that mean I'll have to see you everyday?"

Quistis nodded. "Yes. I'll once again assume the position as instructor."

Seifer stared into her deep blue eyes. Raising his good hand to her cheek he cupped it gently. "In that case, Miss Intructor, I do believe I'll assume the position as your favorite student." He smirked a cocky grin and prepared to get up.


"What is it?"

"Seifer, your.. your not dressed."

"What? Oh, shit." He crawled back under the sheets. "Can you please ask those two over there to get me something to wear?"

Quistis turned around to see Ward and Kiros still standing near the door. She had completely forgotten they were there. Sighing she made her way towards them and asked them his request. Nodding Ward and Kiros left the room in search of his clothing as Quistis turned around and looked back at Seifer once more. "I'll come back once your fully dressed."

That arrogant smirk again. "Why, dear Instructor, are you sure you don't want to enjoy the show?"

Quistis' face turned a deep shade of red as his haughty chuckle escaped his throat. To her, it was a nice, pleasant sound. Exiting the room, she read her notes and the papers she had brought with her.

Amnesia, surgery, scars, bruised, however it happened, she knew that lurking inside that young man in there was the original Seifer Almasy. That thought scared her more then she would have wanted to admit. She traced the corridor for the waiting room, and let the time pass before Seifer and Laguna emerged. Seifer, clad in a black T-shirt and a light blue pair of jeans, was being wheeled out by Laguna, who was off babbling to himself on and on, about himself, while Seifer seemed to die of boredom. Quistis stifled a chuckle and went towards them.

"So, how are we doing? We ready?"

Seifer grunted. "Ready as soon as I ditch this stupid wheelchair for my own damned feet."

Laguna let loose another goofy smile as his hand went back to his head. "Yeah, I understand man. That reminds me of when I-"

Seifer let out a shout. "Oh GOD don't let him start again! Instructor, take me out of here! Now!"

Quistis let her laughter get ahold of her as Laguna glared at the young man "What was that supposed to mean?"

Seifer looked up at him. "It means, that all you've done for the past few moments I've been getting dressed is talk about how the Badamb fish gave you the trots for two weeks. That's information I would have preferred you kept to yourself!" he spat.

"Well geez, that's the LAST time I ever save YOU! Quistis take him out of here will ya?" Laguna said through a smile. Quistis complied by wheeling Seifer out to the trains.

"Instructor, nice to see you again." He said with his usual smirk.


"So, to Balamb Garden. Hmph."


Seifer shook his head. "It's just a feeling. A feeling that something within this Garden isn't going to be happy about my return. Or someone."

Quistis stopped rolling him and kneeled down in front of him. "Now that's not true, Seifer. Whatever happened in the past, is in the past. It doesn't matter now."

He lifted his head and stared into her eyes. "And what, my dear Instructor, is this 'past' you've been avoiding to talk about?"

Quistis sighed and lowered her head. "When the time is right, Seifer, I'll tell you. But for now, let's make sure you recover. Alright?"

He nodded. She wheeled him onto the train and latched his wheelchair so it wouldn't move. She looked down and didn't mention they removed his cast and sling, but on his arm was another huge ugly scar, much resembling the huge red crosses that used to encase his old leather coat. Now, Seifer, they're permanent, she thought inside her head. She wished she had more time to talk to him, but after informing the Garden of their arrival, she prayed the train ride would last longer, forever, at least until she could figure out some way to break it to the others about their enemy's return.But, like dreams, the train ride didn't last long. As it pulled to a stop, she unlatched Seifer's wheelchair and rolled him out, despite his objections and pressure to let him at least use his legs. As she and him walked in silence towards Balamb Garden's open, yet seemingly unwelcome gates.

Chapter 4

The alarm clock sounded loudly in his ears. No matter how many pillows he pulled over his head, the loud clinging still rang. Groaning, he lifted one large fist to smash it, then decided against it remembering how much Gil he invested in the new state of the art technology. Getting up, he looked at the sharp red letters that said the time was 10:00 am. Letting out his breath, he pulled himself away from his bed and carried his tired body to the bathroom. He turned the corner to see an old friend of his in the shared bathroom, shaving, wearing only a pair of black boxer short, and he almost burst out laughing.

"Hey Squall, shaving eh?"

He turned his brown head to look at him. "Yeah. So?"

He snickered and leaned his muscular form against the door frame. "Well, it's just that you're doing it all wrong."

Squall tapped his razor against the sink loosening the shaving cream that had accumulated there. He turned his lithe body towards Zell and glared at him through his Santa Clause like beard. "Excuse me?"

Zell snickered and came in, placing a jar on the counter top. He pulled his Balamb brand of Fruit of the Looms up a bit to his waist and took Squalls' razer from him. Alright. Now, a Lesson from Zell Dincht on the art of Shaving. First of all, man, don't tap your razor against the sink man. That's some good expensive stuff! Save it!" He tapped the razor against the jar and let the good fall into the jar. "Second of all, man don't use so freakin much! You look like your about to get down a bunch of chimneys in a few. "Zell reached up and scraped half of Squall's face off with his hand. Squall flinched away. "Whatever, Zell."

Zell snickered a bit and generously brushed on some of the shaving cream he had scraped off of his friend's face onto his own. Squall reached in his bathroom pack and pulled out another razor and continued on with his shaving. Zell glanced back at Squall again and groaned. "Man, you are doing it ALL wrong!"

Squall leaned on the counter and glared at the blond man. "NOW what?"

Zell posed and showed him. "Look dude, see you shave UPWARDS. it gets all the hair off and leaves you as nice and smooth as the butt of a baby! The girls will be calling you baby face in no time man!" Zell continued to shave his way as Squall groaned. Heavy footsteps were heard, and a tired looking Irvine came in with sleepy bedroom eyes, wearing nothing but a worn in flannel robe. Smirking at his friends he made his way to one of the three sinks in the bathroom and turned on the tap, placing his hat in the corner. "Top o' th' mornin' fellas."

Both guys mumbled a reply as Irvine readied himself, placing things in a simple order. Squall glanced downwards at the display. "Irvine, why do you do that?"

"Do what?"

Squall pointed to his shaving supplies and toothbrush. "That. I never could never understand why you do that."

Irvine looked down and put his arms across his chest. "Me neither. S'just me ya know? Hey lemme ask you a question now."

"What?" Squall moved to tap his razor in the sink, caught Zell's eyes on him, and tapped it lightly in the jar.

"Well, why do you need Zell to shave you?"

Squall chuckled slightly. "Like I'd listen to scarface over here."

Zell glared at the two of them. "It's a TATOO for the last damned time!"

All three of them chuckled lightly and continued on with their manly morning rituals in silence. Just as Irvine was about to paint his face white with a faux soap beard, he heard light footsteps from the halls. He stood still and listened hard, and Squall noticed. He tapped the cowboy on the shoulder and Irvine hushed him with a finger to his lips, and motioned for Zell to do the same. In silence, they listened as the sounds grew closer and closer still, until Zell broke the silence in a whisper. "Did Cid just give us new roomates with out us knowin'?"

Suddenly the bathroom door burst open and all three guys screamed and yelped in surprise. In came two giggling wraiths weilding a video camera towards them, shouting and whooping. Squall wished he had his gunblade with him at the moment until he rcognized the dark brown hair of Rinoa and the simple yellow sundress of Selphie. Irvine started laughing as Zell tried hiding himself behind the two other men. Squall crossed his arms over his chest and looked at the floor. The two girls yelped and giggled, pushing their camera in their faces, while pointing and laughing. Squall was the first one to speak up. "Will you two ladies please get the heck out of here?"

Irvine shoved Zell behind him and mumbled something under his breath. "Out girls, or you'll be sorry!"

Both girls giggled as Rinoa pushed herself infront of Selphie. Planting her fists on her hips she leaned forward and stuck out her chin in her usual 'I dare you' look. "And what if we don't?"

With a slick smile irvine reached over and grabbed his hat, putting it on his head. Smiling, he stepped infront of Squall and Zell, with Zell cowering behind Squall like a scared elf. tipping his hat at them, his smile continued. "Well, y'all asked for it ladies."

At his last word, Irvine gripped the sides of his robe and flung it open, revealing his naked body, girating his hips. Squall's eyes went wide with shock and laughter, as Irvine shouted at the top of his lungs, "YEEEEE HAWW!!!!!" Rinoa and Selphie looked downward, their eyes wide, and screamed, running off leaving their camera behind. Irvine closed his robe, and leaned over to pick up the camera. Pressing a few buttons, ISquall and Zell heard the sound of a tape being erased as Irvine made his way back to his sink. Zell and Squall both looked at him, their eyes wide. Irvine flashed them a smile and smoothed some shaving cream onto his face, as all three of them broke out in resounding laughter.

Rinoa and Selphie ran through the halls, screaming. Awakening, Quistis stepped out of her room and grabbed Selphie and Rinoa as they passed by. "What's going on with you two?"

Selphie and Rinoa babbled on about the experiance and soon had Quistis laughing. The girls stopped and stared at her. "Whats so funny?" Selphie inquired.

Quistis shook her head. "Oh..oh nothing Sel. Just... Don't go to the men's ward again, alright? I might have to write you up on it young lady."

Both girls moaned and nodded their heads. The continued on with theri giggling as Quistis returned to her own room to dress. She thought of them, their carefree additudes, and how they could start off the day with a laugh, and envied them. She forced herlself to grow up and become a SeeD and then to an Instructor. Sometimes, she regretted it, and other times she felt superior. She smiled to herself, she was still young. But the accomplishments of a SeeD come first. Shaking her head she pulled her uniform over her head and latched her belt. Time to get the ball rolling.

It was already half past eleven when the sound of Cid's voice echoes throughout the Garden, calling in Squall, Selphie, Rinoa, Irvine, and Zell. Zell plunked down his third hot dog and made his way to the elevator, catching Fujin and Raijin there as well. "Hey, what're you guys doin'? The headmaster only called me and the gang!"

"THEY GO UP." Fujin told the astonished blonde.

"You mean they went up to the Headmaster's already?"

Raijin broke into a fast paced speech. "Ya know?! Yeah they went up a few minutes ago ya know? An' Cid called up up too, ya know?! So like, we're gonna be joining you, ya know?"

Zell shook his head and shrugged. Pressing the elevator button and waited. The doors opened and Zell let Fujin in before he stepped in after her. "Ladies first.


"Don't mention it. Hey Raijin, are you comming or not?"

"I'm comin' I'm comin' ya know?!"

As soon as Raijin stepped in, Fujin let out a screech. "SLOW!" and kicked him sharply in the shin. Raijin yelped in pain and limped inside the elevator as Zell chuckled. They waited in silence as the elevator pinged to the top floor. The others where chattering to themselves, while everytime Irvine winked at Selphie she turned pale which brought a rich laughter to his throat. He turned back to Squall as Selphie chattered away to Rinoa. The three in the elevator stepped of, with Zell leading. "So, Cid, where's the fire man?"

The headmaster cleared his throat as Edea sat in a chair, and waved for them all to sit down as well. Oberying, Zell looked around and realized there was someone missing. "Hey, where's Quistis? I know she wasn't called so I assumed she was here already."

Headmaster Cid cleared his throat and walked infront of his desk. "As you all know, Quistis was sent on a mission alone yesterday."

"Yeah, she left in a hurry. Is she alright?" Rinoa piped in.

"Of course she is! We saw her this morning!" Selphie informed her. Rinoa nodded her head but continued. "I know Selphie, but she didn't seem like herself. I wonder what she's keeping?"

Edea stood up now, and addressed everyone. "I see everyone is here, and yes, Quistis is here as well. But it is not the right time for her to reveal her mission."

Squall spoke up. "Why not?"

Cid looked at him with slight sorrow in his eyes. "Quistis' mission will change each of your lives greatly. For the good, if you let it, for the bad, if your feelings get in the way of your judgement."

The group mumbled. "I don't like where this is going." Squall spoke on behalf of them. "Why don't you just spit it out already?"

"YES. HURRY." Fujin sounded.

Cid looked uneasy as his wife placed a smooth hand on his arm. She looked up at him with her violet eyes and nodded. "It's time dear."

Clearing his throat, he pressed a button, opening a compartment. Quistis stepped out, holding her head high and her shoulders back. Rinoa giggled. "Mighty Quistis!" She silenced herself after meeting Quistis's gazed and coughed. Quistis walked back into the compartment and seemed to be speaking to someone. Irvine strained to hear, since he was the closest, and his eyes went wide. "Oh my God. I know that voice."

The others stood up as irvine's face fell with fear. He backed away, fast, as Quistis stood in the compartment. "No, it can't be. Quisty, c'mon, tell me your JOKING."

She stood in her stance, and opened her mouth to speak. Her voice sounded strained, worried. "Everyone, please try to contain yourselves, but, I present to you, for lack of a better term, Seifer."

On this, she turned around, and wheeled the wheelchair bound blonde man out of the alcove. Everyone stared, simply staring at him. Seifer shifted uneasily in his chair, feeling uneasy at the gaping mouths and the intakes of breath. He prused his lips together and looked at evryone, one at a time. Each face, so familiar, yet not so. Where the hell has he seen these people before?!

"SEIFER! ALIVE!" A loud voice from the back of the room sounded.

Seifer lifted his head to see a silver maned girl, with a patch over one of her eyes running towards him. Tears formed in the one eye she exposed, and her strong arms wrapped around his throat. He pulled away slightly, yet she didn't notice. He saw a dark skinned man bounding towards him as well, shouting things such as "You're alive, ya know?!" over and over again. He gently pushed Fujin aside and wrapped his arms around him in an awkward bear hug.

"JERK!" was heard from the silver haired one and then a thud, as the dark skinned man yelped and limped away. The silver haired girl kelt by him, placing a hand on his knee. Before she could speak Quistis spoke. "Seifer, that was Raijin, and this is Fujin."

Fujin's eyes went wide. "REMEMBER?" She blinked when Quistis shook her head.

"No, Fujin, he doesn't. Seier has amnesia."

"WHAT? NO!" she screeched. She looked back into his eyes and pointed to herself and Raijin. "POSSE?"

Slowly, Seifer shook his head, staring at her with a foreign look on his face. He looked at the others again, noting their fear and anger. The tension was great in this room and he gripped his head, trying to remember. What was with them? Was he being rude? He looked up at them and waved a tired flip of his hand. "Hello, umm.. "

One of them stepped forward, a strange sword unsheathed. He went straight towards him before Cid and Edea grabbed him from behind. Seifer looked at him, the confusion gripping his body and mind. In Squall's eyes raged an anger, so intense it cut into Seifer like a knife. The girl in blue, stood back, scared, as did the one in yellow, trying to comfort her. The cowboy was trying to hold a man with a sinister looking tattoo on his face back, and seemed just about to let him go. All of them never let their eyes wander from him. The one who came at him with the sword dropped it and shrugged the Headmaster and Edea from his body.

"LET ME GO! Damn it!" He screamed.Cid and Edea back away from him, as he turned his head towards Seifer. "YOU! What the hell are you doing here?! You BASTARD. You think you can just come back anytime you fucking want?!" Seifer and the rest of them flinched at his choice of workding. Edea pushed him back, trying to calm him with whispers. At that moment the blonde one with teh marred face jammed an elbow into the stomach of the cowboy and ran towards him, kicking over his wheelchair. Seifer screamed in pain as his leg got entangled in the spokes of the wheels, tears of fire enticing in his eyes. Zell approached him, ready to pounce until he was shot backwards, suddenly, with a beam of light, throwing him across the wall. His form left a dent in the wall, as his unconcious body smoked and fell forward. Everyone looked back at Seifer, then to Quistis, who's smoking eyes doused themselves. She replaced her glasses on her face and flipped back her long blonde hair. "Now, there will be time to talk about this la-"

"My fucking ASS Quisty. Why is he here?!" Squall's voice rang. "Don't you remember what he did to Rinoa?! Or are you that much of a fucking DUNCE?!"

She holds her own and doesn't say a word. Squall looked around, trying to force an answer from someone, anyone. He picke dup his Gunblade Lionhart and sheethed it back to his side. Turing his burning glare towards Headmaster Cid and Edea. Through slick lips, he spat at Seifer and screamed at the headmasters. "If HE stays. I GO. I don't care what the hell is wrong with him. Just because the fucking guilty show no damned mercy doens't mean he can come back and live with us! If he stays under this roof, I'm GONE." Squall ran towards the elevator and slammed it opn, not once looking back. One by one, the others followed him, with Irvine picking up Zell's groaning body. Only Fujin and Raijin remained.

Raijin picked him up as Fujin fixed his wheel chair. Seifer groaned as he was gently lowered into the chair. He looked up at Quistis, obviously upset. "What the hell did I do to make them hate me so much?"

Quistis pursed her lips together and sighed. For one of the few times in her life, she felt helpless.

Chapter 5

Irvine strummed the guitar nervously. His usual nimble fingers refused to make out a tune now when he needed to most. The new Garden Festival was up and going at 2 weeks from this day, and Selphie had begged him to help out with the band. But now he felt he wouldn't have been any help with anyone with the way his feelings resounded in his head. He strummed the strings once more. Their useless sound echoes across the walls. In tune with his stomach's growling. When was the last time he had eaten? Now soon enough. Irvine stood up, and took his hat from his bed. Lunch time.

He carried his tired self from his room, winking wearily at a few ladies, before settling himself in the cafeteria. He noticed Zell and Squall sitting together, speaking to each other in hushed tones, and Seifer and Quistis at a table, not too far off, as Seifer's plate was loaded with about four hot dogs, all uneaten. Rinoa and Selphie where no where to be found, possibly at the sight of the Garden festival, eating there. He went towards the cafeteria lady before Zell called out to him.

"Hey! If your lookin' or some hotdogs, don't even try. Apparently HE took the last one." Zell jammed a crooked thumb towards Seifer.

Squall looked up, his ace somber. "Qustis made him. She said he needs his strength anyway."

Zell groaned. "But look at him! He's just letting them go to waste! Pff! Man, those Hotdogs were..."

Irvine tipped his hat and placed it on the table. "Well, maybe if you had gotten here sooner. Anyways, What's up fella's?"

Squall leaned back in his seat. "Nothing."

Zell sat forward. "Same here, except I want a damned HOT DOG!" He shouted loud enough for Seifer to hear. Quistis turned her head his way and glared at him, her blue eyes giving him the chills. Seifer remained unmoved. Irvine noticed he was still in his wheelchair and hunched in, speaking in a low voice. "So, what, he can't walk now?"

Zell hiss. "No, he can walk, but not until he's done with his meds. Man, this fucking sucks. I need a hotdog and he's got FOUR."

Squall glared at him. "Are you still on the damned hotdog issue? Man just let it be. He's as harmless as a freakin' chicobo now."

"Oh yeah?" Zell returned his glare. "Thats now what you said a week ago. Man you were ready to bust outta the garden like Ifrit torches your ass."

Squall thought on this for a moment. "Yeah, maybe, whatever."

"No maybe's about it man. You were PISSED! Why aren't you halfway to Balamb now catchin' fish?"

Irvine chimed in now. "Maybe 'cause he finally realized that Seifer's name is Amnesia lad.Sure, he doesn't remember anything, but hell, non of us are perfect. So why are we fretting on it? Lookit the boy. He's harmless. He can't even get around with out his wheels anymore. And if he gets pissed off with out taking his meds just once and he's gonna have a heart attack. He's helpless, at least for now."

Zell sat back in his chair, miffed. "So what meds is he takin' anyways?!"

Irvine smiled. "High blood pressure ones, and some blood thinners 'cause of his leg. And he can't use either of his legs until the bad one's healed up. After that, he's usin' a cane when he's tired."

Squall turned his eyes from Zell to Irvine. "And how do you know all this information?"

The cowboy snickered and planted his feet on the table, flipping his hat on his head. "Easy when you're me."

"Seriously now."

Irvine sighed. "Quistis told me. Since I'm pretty much the only one who isn't afraid of him."

Zell snickered. "You mean the only one who won't attack him in the middle of the night 'cause your a scared shit."

Irvine glared at him under the tip of his hat, as the corner of Squall's mouth twitched upward. All three of their eyes drifted toward the far off table. where Quistis was speaking to Seifer, in a low voice so no one could hear. Seifer crossed his arms and his face held a sour look. Every once in a while, she would look up from her reading and glance at him, eyes hopeful, until he would slowly shake his head. Each time her face fell and she continued on with her reading. After the next paragraph, she seemed to beg him to remember, and re resounding with a slam on the table with his fist and a scream of "No! I DON'T remember? So why even fucking try?!"

Zell jumped up, and Irvine grabbed his hand "Where you going?"

Zell yanked his arm away. "Look at him! He looks like he's about to pounce! I'm gonna go help her out."

"Zell, that's not a good idea." Squall deadpanned. "Quisty can handle herself."

Zell clicked his tongue and crossed his arms over his chest. "Yeah, man, sure I know that. I just want to be a little more helpful, okay?!" With that he walked over to the table. Irvine leaned in closer to Squall. "I didn't notice, but does he have his gunblade with him?"


Irvine nodded. "Yeah."

Squall shook his head, and Irvine rushed with relief. "The guy's got a chance if Seif there doesn't resort back home."


Zell walked toward the table in a mighty stance, but faltered a few feet away. Man, that guy DID look helpless. He could feel Seifer's frustration actually, it was so great, and Quistis' feelings of helplessness. He could hear her now, in a low voice, repeating what she had written.

"Seifer, listen to this okay?"

Seifer mumbled a "Fine."

Zell watched as Quistis straightened up. "Alright. Your more current attempt at becoming a SeeD ended poorly because why?"

Seifer stiffened and opened his mouth to reply, but nothing came from it. He closed his eyes and shook his head. "I don't know."

"...Because you didn't follow the rules and put your comrades lives in danger."

Seifer glared at her. "Trying to make me remember how much I fucked up isn't exactly going to put you on my good side, Miss Trepe."

Quistis raised an arched blonde eyebrow. "What will you do if I keep going?"

Seifer laid back and thought for a moment and shrugged. "Put you on a list, or something." His eyes narrowed at Quistis' smile. "What? What miraculous thing did I fucking do now?"

She leaned on the table, linking her hands together. "You said an old phrase you used to say all the time. Where did it come from?"

Seier gripped the back of his head, his features softening. "Look, Miss Trepe, I'm not in the mood for you to be filling my head with my life and filling my stomach with these..these.. "He picked up a hotdog, looked at it, and put it back on the plate. "Things. I can't take it anymore, Instructor!"

Quistis hurried on. "When Edea took contr-"


She looked up from her notes. "..What?"

Seifer held his hands on the table, gripping them hard until his knuckles turned white. "Instructor Trepe, if you don't mind?"

She shook her head.

Seifer continued. "Over the past week you have tried to fill my head with all this crap about who I am and who I'm supposed to be. But all you'v ever said is all the bad shit I used to do, my fucking temper, my stinking workmanship, my lousy ability to lead. Just what the hell was I doing at this place then? Making a mockery of what you all stood for? Just tell me ONE good thing about me, Miss Trepe, just ONE, and I won't get out of this stupid wheelchair and just plain walk out."

Quistis pursed her lips together. "If you walk out where will you go then?"

Seier brought his hand to his weary head. "The answer to that is the same as to all the others. I don't know. But it will be at least somewhere where I won't be reminded of what a screw up I was. For whatever it's worth, I'm sorry. I'm fucking sorry. And if who ever I hurt in the process can hear me, well, I'm sorry as well because I can't change the stinking past but I can try to make the future better."

Quistis was about to open her mouth to speak but noticed Zell hovering over them a few feet away. He had a blank look on his face, with his eyes wide. "Uhh.. Hi."

Quistis narrowed her eyes at him. "What can I do for you Zell?"

Zell coughed and stepped closer. "Uhhmm.. I was just wondering.." His eyes searched the table, tracing from Seifer's angst pose and Quistis' pompous look. "Are you gonna eat that?"

Seifer looked up at him and blinked. Picking up the plate he was about to hand them to Zell's greedy hands before Quistis grabbed his arm. "Seifer, do you remember him?"

Seifer looked at Zell with confusion. He peered at him, frowning before shaking her hand loose. He handed the plat to Zell before shaking his head in answer to Quistis' question. Zell scooped up one hot dog and munched into it and moaned as i he were in Heaven.

"Hey thanks man!"

Seifer nodded. "Don't worry about it. I prefer chicken anyways."

Zell stopped in mid chew and stared at him. Swallowing hard, he nodded and retreated back to his table where an Irvine was smirking and a Squall was as usual deadpanned. Irvine snickered and turned to Zell. "Get your damned hot dog fix buddy?"

Zell nodded and sat down in silence, as he turned his head towards the other table. "Guys, something is seriously wrong with that dude."

Irvine plopped his feet back up on the table. "Well no shit buddy. He's a cripple at the moment."

Zell shook his head. "No, I mean seriously. I think some how he's trying to remember but doesn't want to, you know?"

Squall nodded. "Maybe. But it doesn't matter. Let Quistis do her job."

Zell shrugged and downed another hot dog. Irvine went up to the counter to order something to eat while Squall watched Seifer out of the corner of his eye. He watched as his frustration over trying to regain something that belonged to him was futile no matter what Quistis' attempts did. He saw Quistis' form sag a bit, as Seifer's brain refused to accept anything that was thrown at him. Irvine returned, placing a salad in front of him and began to chow down. He looked at where Squall's eyes where and nodded, swallowing his food before saying anything.

"Pathetic. It's enough to make you actually feel kind of sorry for him."

Squall nodded. Time compression had wracked his brain until he felt he couldn't think anymore, and suddenly passing out in unknown territory had scared him straight out of his usual angry brooding self. It wasn't until he woke up, not knowing where he was, that he was staring into the face of Rinoa that he knew he was alive, and her as well. He had his memories to tell him of what he was and what he just did. Seifer didn't even have that luxury.

"Hey! Earth to Squall!"

Squall snapped up. "Huh?"

Selphie was behind him, tapping him on the shoulder. "Man, if I didn't know better I'd say you making googly eyes at SEIFER! Oh what shall I tell Rinoa?"

Squall snorted and stood up. "What do you need, Sel?"

Her perky smile lit up her whole face. "Well, Irvy needs some time off so he can practice the guitar, and the festival stands still need to be built sooooo if you don't mind?"

His first instinct was to run, like Irvine and Zell did, since they weren't htere anymore. He looked around, and noticed that Seifer and Quistis were preparing to leave as well. Nida, not here. That conceited SeeD, nope, he was gone. No one to point to and say ask him. He turned his head when Selphie made a noise in her throat.


"I SAID that there is no where to hide this time. So, are you coming or are you gonna break my heart too!"

Squal tensed up, and muttered an agreement. Selphie shouted and pumped her fist into the air and hugged him. "Thank you thank you thank you! Okay now for who else..."

"Selphie! Can you come here for a moment please?"

The short brunette looked over at Quistis, who was waving her hand in the air. Her companion Seifer held his own tired arms on the wheels of his chair, looking somewhat down cast. Selphie whispered up in Squall's ear. "Please don't make me go alone."

Squall nodded and followed her heavy steps towards their Instructor. Quistis smiled up at Selphie and motioned towards Seifer. "Seifer's been feeling a bit restless, so I was wondering, I know you need some help on the Garden estival, and in a few days his leg should be healed enough for him to get out of that contraption. So, Selphie, I know can count on your to let him help you?" Quistis' eyes made her answer correctly before she had time to say no.

"Umm.. Sure! We have a lot to do in two weeks, so.. Okay! And Squall is gonna help us too!"

Quistis smiled, and turned her attntion to Seifer. "There. Now you can get some of that energy out."

Seier snorted. "Very well. As long as I don't have to go through this stupid ritual of yours every lunch hour."

Quistis narrowed her eyes at him, but softened as he flashed her his usual arrogant smirk. "I didn't mean it in a bad way Miss Trepe."

Selphie chuckled. "MISSS Trepe? Since when where you so formal Seifer?"

Seifer broke out into a grin and opened his mouth to reply, but soon his face became down cast. He looked towards the floor. "I don't remember."

That was the wrong thing to say, Selphie thought to herself, and chose to walk away, mumbling goodbyes. Squall remained where he stood, looking at his enemy and rival. The guys where right, he was a pathetic sight. So much different then who he used to be, albeit an asshole, he always stood hs ground, and he could never lie, so this amnesia thing wasn't a lie. Over all, Squall had to admit, he was a complete and total jerk, but he had a good heart. Maybe this amnesia thing was a blessing in disguise? Quistis seemed to think so, and whatever she said, everyone was damned sure to follow.

"Can I help you?"

Squall snapped out of his trance. "What?"

Seifer looked up at him confused. "I asked you if you needed anything. All you did was stand there like a stuffed doll. can I help you?"

Squall traced his eyes to Quistis who's hand was readying itself on Save the Queen, then back to Seifer's pondering gaze. "No. I'll see you in a few days. The garden festival."

Seifer nodded. "Alright. Later." He wheeled himsel away while Quistis lifted hersel from her seat. She stood directly infront of Squall and planted her hands on her hips. "Only warning Squall."


"I said only warning. Don't you DARE mess this up for him, or for me. Understood?!"

Squall slowly nodded his head, and watched as she sauntered away. Running a hand through his hair he mumbled under his breath, and picked up his Lionhart case.
