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The guilty show no mercy (The left over bits)
Malice Shaw


Hair brush through long blonde hair. Beautiful hair. Honey gold. Pretty silky strands left on the hard bristles. The last of it, just hanging. Three strands. Three strands left. Beautiful, tiny rays of sunshine. All in a single hairbrush. In her room, where he usually spent his time. Lately. It hurt to even look at it, like it hurt to look at the sun. You want to look, you do, but eventually your eyes tear up and the sharp stabbing pain inside your temples makes you look away while you cry your eyes out. Because of the pain. The pain.

A knock on the door. Then it opened. A young man stepped inside and whispered. "It's time."

He had eyes of pain. Like staring at the sun. The sun. He had been staring at the sun. His eyes, before he looked away, told anyone who gazed into their ocean depths that.

"You ready?" The man asked.

"Yeah." Hands gripped on two wheels. The man went behind him, offering help, only to get a glare from two deep green, and obviously angry eyes.

"I can move myself, Squall. I have been for the past two weeks." he spat. The other man nodded and opened the door before speaking.

"Seifer. I know this is hard for you. It is. For all of us."

Seifer shrugged, and took one last glance into the mirror. His black suit, and dark greay shirt underneath, the jacket unbuttoned due to the slight heat they were having that particular day. He left his uncut, grown out hair untied from a ponytail, and tagged it at below shoulder length now. His pants, which held his unusuable legs, where as black as coal, matching the black boots he always wore. The outfit made him look pale, ethereal. Almost like death itself.

"Dr. Kadowaki says it might be possible for you to walk again."

Seifer nodded. "I know."


Rolling his wheelchair towards the door, Squall Leonhart closed it behind them, walking down the halls side by side. Fujin and Raijin where waiting by the front gate, with Fujin dabbing her eyes with a handkercheif while Raijin sniffled every once in a while. Seifer eyed them both. Fujin's silver white hair, now grown out, hung well past her shoulders in a layered fashion, while Raijin had opted for a buzz cut on his. His arms where crossed over his huge chest, while he eye'd the floor, wearing a black rendition of his SeeD uniform. The pants where hanging tightly across his huge calves, covering his long laced up boots. Fujin wore pretty much the same thing, except for a pair of black stalkings allong with a flaired skirt that hung to just above her knees. Around her neck she cradled a cross, and silently prayed.

Seifer rolled his chair to the Posse, who had stead by him through out these weeks. His shoulders became their crying ground, and they had soaked enough of his shirts to last a life time of floods. Fujin asked him, just one time, why he didn't cry over their loss, and he didn't answer, because he didn't know how. He didn't feel the urge to cry. Only the urge to be alone, wake up from this dream, wake up from this nightmare...

"Walk." A soft spoken voice said, not screamed, to him. He looked up into Fujin's unpatched eyes and nodded, wheeling his chair forward. Raijin and Squall trailed behind them, walking, waiting.

They reached the others, everyone's tears filling the grass. He looked up to see the Headmaster holding his sobbing wife's body, as she cried. He caught just a small bit of her conversation, her tearful cries of "My Quisty, my baby girl.." before she fell into yet another round bawling. On the other side, Treppies, so many Treppies. They flowered the Memorial like there was no tomorrow, crying, proclaiming love, screaming, and silently waiting by an empty grave. They were packed in the hundreds, Seifer guessed, and they all huddled together to shout praise for their fallen mentor. Squall leaned down to whisper "Excuse me" and walk towards a black clad Rinoa Heartilly, who screamed in anguish and pain, thusting her fists on first Zell's chest, as he murmered into her ear, before he gently pushed her to Squall where she continued her assault. Selphie and Irvine, together, huddled close, afraid that if even the slightest touch evaded them, they would be torn apart. Their hands clasped, Selphie's head on his shoulder, they murmered and whispered to one another before Selphie broke down, letting the water run through the dam behind her eyes. Irvine pulled her close, letting his own tears fall.

Headmaster Cid walked up to the podium, donned in a black suit much like Seifers, and adjusted the mic. "Excuse me. Excuse me." He stammered out. The crowd silenced itself, staring up at the headmaster with interest. "This memorial is to remember our best Instructor, Quistis Trepe, who sacrificed..sacrificed herself to save.. our world." Even Cid is breaking up at this, Seifer thought. He still felt cold. Unbelieving. This dream is going to end, he thought, and I'll wake up, in her dorm, or my dorm, in her arms..

"Since..she was..swallowed into the earth.. we have decided that this empty grave will mark as a place to pray for her, close by enough for those who need comfort in her loss.. to visit..Squall, please, carry on.." Cid said, as his voice cracked and he brought a fist to his mouth. Edea shared in his tears, wrapping her arms around him as soon as he exited the stage. Commander Leonhart stood atop the stage, adjusting the mic.

"Everyone, we ask that if you cared for Instructor Trepe, in any way shape or form, take the rose from the table over there" He gestured to a large table of long stemmed peach colored roses. Her favorite, Seifer thought. "And place it in the grave, and whisper your thanks to the Hyne for allowing her presense to be with us for as long as she was, and thank the Hyne for blessing us with her existance." Squall cleared his throat, and stepped down, picking up a rose from the table. Walking towards the open grave, he closed his eyes and finally let the pent up tears fall, one by one, into the soft earth below. He prayed, for one of the few times in his life, and dropped the rose. "I love you, Sissy Trepe." he whispered, wiping the tears away from his eyes before walking away.

Rinoa followed his motions, gently tossing a rose down to lie down next to her lover's, as did Selphie and Zell. Amie came forward now, looping an arm around Zell's waist, and leaned into his warm body for comfort. All the Treppies followed suit, then filed back towards the garden, not bothering to hold back their tears. Neither did the SeeDs. His friends, his comrades, shed tears for their fallen Instructor, who had given up her life to save theirs.

Irvine was next to the last to go. He whispered to Selphie, who nodded and headed back towards the Garden, looking back every so often to look at Irvine. In his hand was a knife, gleaming in the sunlight. Seifer eye'd him, narrowing his lids as Irvine lifted his long pony tail upwards, and placed the knife at the nape of his neck. Pulling the blade upwards, the sound of tearing paper was heard over the silence of the memorial, each hair being cut fast, but separately. The blade, a clean cut, released his hair from it's prison, pulling through the reddish brown mass to come above it. The rest of his hair fell unevenly, across his face and the back of his head, as he pulled the ponytail away. Breezes picked up the air around him, making the longer locks in his face brush across his cheek bones. Picking up a rose, he wrapped it around it's stem, dropping both into the hole.

"Heh.. I alway's figured I'd only cut my hair for a pretty lady.. but you were beyond pretty, Quisty. You were beautiful. In every way possible. I love you, Instructor. Hyne bless you." With that, he walked to the Garden, alone.

He waited until they all had gone back to the Garden. He heard Raijin and Fujin offer to roll him towards the grave, but he only silently shook his head. Raijin went first, dropping a rose in the hole, and kneeling down, to kiss his fingers then to tap the dirt with them. Seifer barely heard his speech to her.

"Ya know.. we weren't always friends.. but you changed that.. Thank you, for believing in me.. even when I was rotten..ya know.."

Fujin squeezed his shoulder before leaving his side to rejoin Raijin, picking up one of the few roses left and lowering it into the grave. She whispered, "Goodbye," before looping an arm through Raijin's arm and walking them both back to the Garden.

He still stood there, waiting. It was dusk now. Headmaster Cid and Edea had offered him any help they could, but only when he remained silent and shook his head for the umpteenth time did they finally leave him alone. Only when he felt no other presense around did he roll his chair towards the opened grave, and reached for a rose.

Footsteps on the soft grass were heard, and Seifer spun his head to his side, and saw a familiar figure sift through the grass like a sheepish oaf. Next to him, a tall, thin girl, with short brown hair, walked half heartidly towards the open grave. She wore a black showl over her black, sleeveless pantsuit, and her eyes were rimmed with red as she knelt by the grave, her own, white rose in her hand.

Seifer looked at her, and immediately recognized her. "Sis? Ellone?"

Ellone looked up at him, and smiled sadly, nodding. "Seifer.. " She whispered, before breaking down once again in a flurry of sobs. Ward and Kiros appeard, both dressed sharply in black, to comfort her. Both of them tossed in a white rose to the grave, and whispered their prayers before escorting the crying woman away. Seifer looked to another hand, that picked up a peach rose and combined it along with a white one that he gripped tightly in his gloved palm.

"President Loire.." Seifer whispered.

"Laguna, Seifer. Just call me Laguna."

The two men remained silent. Evening spawned, casting an eerie moon lit nocturne across the land. Seifer and Laguna remained that way, for,...hours..it seemed. Until Seifer finally moved his chair closer to the table of roses, and picked up the last one. He tore off the leaves, one by one, dropping them into the cold earth, before pulling out a bag from his pocket. Untying the twine, Laguna eye'd him as he lifted out a small golden band from it, turning it over in his hand. Lifting his left hand, he pulled off his glove and tore off his engagment ring, looking at the two bands in the moonlight. Reaching back into the bag, he pulled a burnt sienna hair clip out, the one she used to always wear, before his return, in an interesting little updo that showed off her swan like neck and framed her perfect face.

He opened the clip, and strung the two rings onto it, and picked up a peach colored rose. Looking down into the empty hole in the earth, he gently dropped the rings down, followed by the soft petals as he plucked them from the stem, one, by one, by one, until they remained at the bottom of the grave.

Laguna watched the scene happen, almost in slow motion before his eyes. Seifer's laid back style, how he fingered each petal before dropping the satiny soft piece into the earth. He wondered, about the rings, and instantly understood the connection between the dead Instructor and the paralyzed SeeD. The President pulled in his breath, when Seifer dropped the last petal into the dampened earth.

In silence, they mourned. The silence becoming uncomfortable, Seifer shifted in his chair and let his breath go in one shakey swoop.

"Laguna..." He spoke, his voice choked with emotion.

"Yes, Seifer?" Laguna asked, his own voice near the breaking point.

"When..Wh-when d..does it s...ss..stop.." The tears ran down his face now, glinting in the moonlight. He clenched his teeth, unable to hide the feelings of loss, anger, and resenting angst anymore. He clutched the wheels of the chair until his knuckles turned white.

Laguna kneeled down by the stricken young man, and pulled him close., cradling him like a father would a son. They remained there, that night, shedding mutual tears for the lost instructor, until, eventually, there were no more tears left to shed.

And all that was left of her, was the sun.

~*When the guilty show no mercy
~*For the lives they have destroyed
~*From across a thousand oceans
~*The pain is null and void
~*It will soon travel
~*Across the foriegn lands
~*When the guilty show no mercy
~*Tears fall, like grains of sand.

The Official End.
A/N: Phew, I'm done. This story is history, added now under Malice Shaw's thingamajig. Please, do review. For now, this gal's gonna take a break, but is free to answer any questions you want. Just email me.
Okay, now, explanations.
WHY I KILLED QUISTIS: She was originally going to live, but then I thought and thought about all the Seifer/Quistis stories out there, and pondered, how I could make a twist in the story. So that's why. There are incredible ones out there with much better endings, such as Zachere's Just a little sun and rain, and Allora Atwater's Whatever the cat's drag in and A Stab in the dark, and they were ended perfectly. They worked wonderfully in each story, and for that, they're great. The guy get's the girl, the girl get's the guy, and all of them in perfect sync with one another. If you haven't read those stories and you're a Quifer fan, SHAME ON YOU!!!
SEIFER IN A WHEELCHAIR: A tough battle has to have it's toll. The after affects are gonna hurt bad. The story would have more impact if this happened, I thought. It also leaves me more to work with in the future if I choose to do a sequal. It also shows that Seifer has lost not only Quistis, but the use of his legs as well, thus giving him more to try and strive for. Sorta. It works, trust me.
ME TALKING NOW: Quistis is dead, Seifer can't walk, the Treppies don't have their Goddess, and the Garden has lost their most coveted instructor. Hope and pray for their survival.

Alternate version

It's been five years now.
Has it actually been that long?
Has it, really?
It seems like forever.
But it feels as if only yesterday....

"No! Help! Seifer! Oh HYNE..."

Iron like grips grabbed at her feet, pulling her down into a dark abyss.


He ran towards her. She screamed. His body was lung backwards, towards time. In slow motion, he felt all feelings in his legs snap, and lose control. He lost control of his legs.

He should have been far far away from her. But instead, he could see her fear filled blue orbs, raging, pleading.

The voice..

"You..and me.. together.. in eternity.."

The ugly voice that haunted his nightmares to this day. It's cackling laughter. It's angry screeching. It's ear drum splitting sound.

He would have gone deaf at that moment if he had his way. If he could only block out her voice as well..

"Save your own life, Seifer... P-Please.." She was begging him.. begging him to do what?

Let her die?

He damned her at that moment, begging her in his own way to let him help. If he lost her, he would have lost himself. His hands gripped her firm flesh, her arms, in as many ways as possible, just to bring her to safety, by his side, forever, like it should be.

The voice was laughing now, and he looked down to it's source. It was becoming one with her?! One, with HER? His angel? His savior?

His life?

Her lips met his, in a hard, longing kiss. Her whisper of "I love you" was heard through the perpetual fireworks he always felt when they kissed.

She was begging his forgivness now. But why? He wasn't going to let her die, not unless he was dead first.

"Quistis? What?" Confusion...then realization. "QUISTIS?! NO!"

Falling, falling away, her lips moving in words he tried to understand, but shock didn't let him. Lurching forward, he almost fell in after her. Strong arms were holding him back as he babbled incoherently, screaming amd groaning, then a stinging slap stained his cheeck red as his vision cleared, and before him, he saw...

The cow boy. "Stop it! Leave it! It's done! We have to get the fuck outta here!"

You wouldn't be saying that if the messenger girl was down there with The Voice.

"Seifer...Damn it.. Can you walk?!"

Puberty Boy? PB? Pulling him away.. Away from her..

You wouldn't be doing this if it was your little sorceress down there with The Voice.

Messenger girl's tears. The little Sorceress's pain filled shouts. The plane taking off with them inside.

But The voice...?

Puberty boy speaks. "Seifer, what's wrong? Physically wrong with your body?!"

My legs... they aren't doing what I want them to do...


Seifer snapped himselfout of his funk and shook his head slightly, eyes narrowing. He was at the beach, hanging over the railing, his arms wrapped about her beloved. Their hands were clasped inront of her, as Seifer smirked and started tickling her. Her sounding laughter erased all thoughts of The Voice in his head.

"Has it really been five years?" She asked, leaning back into his form.

"I think so."

Her eyes narrows playfully as she looked up at him, smirking. "Think so? I should have know then to ask someone who always seems to forget our aniversary."

"Hmph, I still remember our wedding so hush." He smirked into her ear. "You looked so beautiful."

Quistis smiled, and leaned back into his embrace. "And you..you walked. That was the most wonderful sight I had ever seen."

Seifer chuckled, and pulled her closer. "I still can't believe they found you washed ashore in Esthar."

Quistis smiled. "Neither did I. Laguna it was the exact same spot they found you before."

Smirking he turned her around to face him. "Guess my prayers were answered."

She placed a hand on his hip and grinned. "And mine too. You've been walking for how long?"

Seifer smirked, and leaned down, talking to her stomach in a googly baby voice that made her crack up with laughter. Seifer Almasy, talking like this? And too his child, she thought with a smile. He looked up at hr and recited the precise date in which his daughter would be born, and Quistis smiled, clasping her hands over his. "For four years and three months. Took me a year to relearn it. Mostly 'cause you wouldn't let me off until I did learn it."

"You can take her for rides in your wheels." She grinned.

Seifer smirked back up at her. "Since I don't need them anymore, I'll just give them to her."

Quistis laughed, and leaned back into his arms. "I love you Seifer."

"Still?" He grinned. She turned around and gave him a longing kiss.


The ocean lapped inself into it's own girth while they watched. Every once in a while the baby kicked, and Quistis smiled, placing his hand over her tummy. His eyes turned into a brilliant emerald with the golden flecks twirling around like a kaleidescope each time he felt the life that he had helped make. He brought his eyes to his wife, and smiled into them. "Quistis Trepe Almasy... You were right."


He smirked. "Those damned Treppies didn't change their name."


Haha.. surprised you didn't I?
This is an alternate ending. Hopefully it pleases the crowds. Your choice is which ending to accept as true or fake.
Good luck.

Authors notes

AUTHER NOTES ON: The Guilty Show No Mercy.
Now, I know. This series is old news, compared to some of the brilliant new stuff out there, sort of lame. But I decided to take a stab at doing some auther notes for each chapter I did. I must credit Zachere (NYAH!! NYAH NYAH NYAH!!!!!! erm I mean.. ignore that!) for the idea. Meaning: She did it to her own, so now I'm doing it to mine. Okay, now insert the NYAH!! bit from above :)

No one knows (whine) but the first chapter isn't connected into the whole storyline. It would make more sense if it was, but since I played around with the chapter system, it screwed up, and I only got chapter 2 through Alternate Vision in a whole. If you have't read chapter 1, go do that NOW. I'm demanding aren't I? The reason for my start on this story, was that since I adore Quistis/Seifer pairings (let's face it, those two rock) I wanted to create my own vision of the aftermath, show how each one of them, the SeeDs + Rinoa and Irvine grew together. How everyone changed after Ultimecia. Some said that Squall sort of acted on drugs, but hey, I've never actually attuned to Squall himself. I've always felt more of an attraction to Seifer, and since the story revolved around him, I just said "Squall, do this." And kept it that way. If you don't feel up to reading chapter 1, chapter 2 will suffice. I just wish I hadn't lost the 30+ reviews for it.

Laguna told Quistis about Squall and their connection. I tried my damned hardest to try and make it emotionally appealing. Laguna is an open hearted individual, who will tell you how he feels. Also, I see him as a sort of a good goofy guy, but with the heart of a lion, like his son. In the game, no one decides to tell Squall hey, look it's your daddy! so I knew this was a nice way to bring in Laguna. I liked Raine too. Sorta. We didn't get to know her very well, unfortunetely, but we do know that she gave birth to the Lion harted one we know today. I also decided to make everyone sort of.. well, stupid to the matter as well. I mean, come on, that wouldn't make very good show now will it?

Ah, the meeting. Brought it on a little too soon if I say so myself. Like I said before, i made the characters mature a little bit after Ultimecia. It takes place a year afterwards, so they've gotta grow up sometime. Seifer + Esthar works for me, because Esthar was such an enhanced city, due to the poor dude's wounds he would have to need some advanced care to live. Seifer's additude is still intact, well most of it throughout the story, and I tried my best to make him a polite amnesia lad. Near the end of the chapter, he mutters about feeling unwelcome. Instinct is a given. Use it.

First bathroom scene. The story needed humor. Something to laugh at, cry at, love. It's a daily part of normal life to laugh and have fun, so it had to be included. All the guys were acting out of charactor, but I digress, remember my words about them maturing and learning from their adventure. Zell always seemed the kooky cool one outta the group, so I gave him his shaving cream fetish. Squall, of course, Mr. Lone Wolf, I hope I stead in his own way. Irvine, well.. Come on people. He's cute. He's adorable. But the way he treats women? He's male scum. But the cute and adorable part make up for it.
Seifer arrives. Everyone mad. Some said that Rinoa wouldn't exactly want to kill him, but the chick grew balls during Ultimecia. She'd kill him. you know she would. Zell, of course being Mr. hot head, irvine scared outta his wits (I forgot, Cute, adorable, perverted, AND a chicken!) and Fujin and Raijin, although back in Garden, relieved to see him alive. Squall gives ultimatum. Seifer confused in his own sexy way. Yay.

Week after incident,. Squall still at the Garden. Who me, make the Lone Wolf walk out? not like him, of course, so he stayed. 'Sides, who doesn't love Squall? Anyways, Seifer shows some compassion here, which I like him showing. I wrote this chapter this way because I liked the way it came out. Quistis finally beggining to understand Seife rhimself more, and the human nature of things. I made Seifer get frustrated during her questions, because hey, even though you don't remember a damned thing, would you want to be constantly reminded of how much of a screw up you are? I know I wouldn't. Of course I KNOW I had Zell in character here. Well, somewhat. I even added Selphie in here making a crude joke. Hehe.

Bring on the romance. It still feels rushed. But it works, apparently. I don't like this chapter much. It still doesn't flow with me. It did the job, however, and so far so good. Seifer finds the files Quistis left behind while talking to him the night before. Damn, forgot the part. Ohwell, all anyone cared about was the kiss. I admit, it was my first time ever writing a romantic scene, so it shows, and it wasn't easy. Trust me.

Garden Festival building day fun. Judging Quistis' character I frowned a little, wondering on how she would react for expressing herself so freely like she did. And that's what I came up with: Pass Amnesia Lad onto someone else. Running away from the problem. A minor one, but still. The confrontation with the rest of the SeeDs and an apology was quite boring, so I wrote it that way just to get it over with. Fujin and Raijin need to be in here SOMEWHERE, so since I like them so much, I tossed 'em into the festival, since they simply had to get somewhere, anywhere near Seifer to talk, I made 'em helpful little munchkins. Work my little monkeys. Hurrah!
But, since this is MY story, and I wanted to write a Quifer, I tossed Seifer back with Quisty the easiest way I could.

Seifer had to relearn his skills sometime. So why not now. After aknowledging that he had spent some time in Esthar, I figured the boy could have learned a little from that magical Wizard of Oz like continent. Toss in an earthquake and you've got magic, even with out the ability of a GF. I made the mistake there, but I reasonably like how this chapter came out. The discussion on the kiss I thought was semi alright as well. And the brand new clothing he recieved.. Seifer never packe dhis bags before turning scape goat on Garden. Where did his wardrobe go? Into storage. Attempting a couple in the making, I made those cute lil' kids go at it again in the end, making Quistis finally realize it. And what better then a personal new years from the Garden? 20 years in the making baby!

Laguna reveals to Squall. I still don't know if I played this chapter right. When I read it, I tilt my head to the side and go "Oh." I always wondered Squall's reaction. I've seen Hatred ("No! How could you! Asshole! I hate you!") and Love ("Daddy!") but neither of those seemed to fit well. So I did a lil mixture. Toss in a ittle bit of Seifer being the guidance counciler and Quistis' hopin' for a permanant change and you got chapter 9. I still don't like it much. But it's my first FF story. So far, so good.

Gave Laguna bad habit. Made hm talk to Seifer. Brought the REAL Seifer back. Wondered about how I could keep this a keeper/quiefer with out breaking up my favorite couple, so I planned this one out for a few days before actually putting it down in wordpad. Toss in a little mystery and let simmer for a few days, bring in new enemy. Boom, you're done.

I'm sorry. This chapter made almost no sense in the making, but for some reason it fit.I didn't like how I broke the two of them up with out an explanation, but I did it because Seifer for some reason feels unworthy (poor fool) and feels that somehow he'l hurt her. She see's it as a rejection, and takes it like a pro. Made Quistis drop Red Scorpion, her old whip for a reason that tells itself later on. I even made Raijin and Fujin nice. And they are kinda cute aren't they?

Dragged time along two months. Heh! But anyways.. This chapter was one of the HARDEST to write. Dragged Edea and Cid into it, because they noticed a change in Quisty, and it wasn't good. Fujin+Raijin=good couple. Some have claimed them brother and sister, but nooo way. Made their 'love' blosson here. Gotta love it. Some people said it wasn't like Quisty to shoot herself. But as with all my stories, the chapters will hold a cliff hanger in them some where, and unanswered questions. I liked this chapter. Seifer made SeeD in it. I didn't feel like writing out a whole damned Field Mission.

Shocked you here, didn't I? I know I made Seifer too sappy. But I liked this chapter. Made Irvy have a damned brain too! One of my fave's. Maybe.

Human nature is a sexual one. And this story needed some spice to it. So I tossed in Seifer doing that thing. I always had it planned out, Quistis' past life. From wathcing her, and thinking hard, I put together what exactly happened. I posted it in a review, so I'm not going to bother to repeat it, but it all fits the signs of sexual and physical abuse. So I made it. And I don't regret it. It made the story more real. And it got to the point.

I don't like how I did Seifer's reaction in the beggining. I just didn't exactly know how to make it. At this point, I was seriously wondering on whether or not to continue Guilty. But I decided Oh alright. I liked how I made Quistis tell him though. Lights out everyone, and let's speak to the K/Night..

One simple word. SEX. Nuff said. No, that's not it..
I ried to make it beautiful and pure, like making love should be. But instead it got a lot of raunchy repose. But I didn't mind. My story. Nyah.

I don't know how people react after sex, so I did it strictly from the movies *snicker!* Gave Quisty BC. Made Seifer call her the new nickname. Aww's here people. I wanted some action, so I gave some spice into it, but didn't want to reveal anything, so I made the caller call her Quistical. I also figured out some bits ahead of the story, so I decided that I needed some way to bring it about.. and did it.

What DO people say after sex? Especially for two virgins? I think I LOVE how I handled it here. I hope I did. And I do wish people got the "Irvine's magazines and handlotion" joke. I thought it was kinda funny. About Quistis' reaction. when coming to Esthar: Put her in your place, and imagine yourself with those kickass Blue magics. I'd do the same thing.

Seifer doesn't understand. He couldn't possibly. Sure, he hates the guy for what he did to his woman. But he's more practical now. And besides, Quistis hit him. And I've known for a long time what i wanted to do with Rinoa. Mweh heh heh!

I hate this chapter. Purely for it's content. But I like how I wrote it. I know a LOT of people hate me for it. But guess what? All the flames, the angry people who yelled at me for it make me happy, simply because I now know I hit nerves with it. It touched them, and that makes me proud. MonCapitan, thanks dude.

Bathroom scene! I like bathroom scenes, don't you? I even got Squall into the act, even if he was OOC. Poor Seifer though. I knew what I wanted. And I wrote it. This is one of my favorite chapters. Except for the end part...a bit tooooo mushy. But ah well. People change.

It was hard to write in the emotions one feels when confronting a friend who has been hideously scarred and raped. But I loved the flashbacks I've seen in some other stories, and decided to include some here. I wanted to show Squall's feelings for Quistis, like a younger brother acting like an older brother. And Seifer's demeanor I thought was sort of excellent. How do you react whe something like that happens to the woman you love? And I made Quisty strong in spirit, if weak in the body. Cool.

Blood on his coat. Scars on his soul. It's almost as bad as if he was the one violated. Poor Seifer, feeling so helpless. So he drudges back into his shell. Since he is acting like such a doofus, Squall fears for the mission. And his OWN loved one. But we needed a sweet ending. So I gave it. Awww.. And Quisty needed a new war suit. I like purple.

Seifer acts like a total unrelenting ass, as if pressuring Quistis the way he did with Squall.. Squall betrays the team. I needed to throw the readers off. And I did. In the beggining, the pouch was handed, giving the reader sort of a teaser. And Rinoa pinning Quistis as the 'next one' to die, live, be forgotten, etc.. who knows until next chapter? or if ever? Fight scenes are hard for me to write. So feel blessed I even wrote this one.

Little team deception here. Frustration and guilt all rolled into one sweet little bun. I think I portrayed this chapter pretty alright. Quistis and Seifer's talk I liked writing. They're a cute couple. Don't disagree. SOme where confused about the ending of this chapter. That made me smile. They didn't know who hit whom :) Mystery is such a spice in the variety of life.

Give two kids who are in love fireworks and whatta ya get? Cute flashback! I like how I did the flashback here. Not much to say. Except Squall reveals his true side. Seifer and Quisty promise, which I thought the timing was right for.

Selphie talks to Quisty. I wondered at first who will be the one to slap the girl's head outta her ass, and thought, why not Selphie? And toss in a little Selphie background material/embarrassing Irvine material and I've got a good chapter. Bring Rinny back. Decide her fate. I liked how I did that :) And the flashback with Cid and Edea was sort of my good work. Rally-kupo, kupo, rally-kupo.

Kept it sorta short and sweet. I looooved the flashback with Squall talking about it. I seem to like flashback scenes and writing them In this scene, however, Quisty is obviusly be more afraid of her mother then father. I didn't want it that way, but then I thought and wondered how to make it work. So I just kept it as it was. Again, I loved the fashback scene. Sometimes I shock myself.

Seifer finally pops the question fully. (well not finally, after all, it's only been a week.) I thought it was relitivly touching. Now. Fight time. I wondered for an hour about how to do this. It came so easily, I was smiling: By insinct.

You don't know how badly I wanted to write this one differently. But I couldn't. It came to the point where the story had to end, and I chose this one. I thought on how to end it, and then I realized it. The perfect way, actually. The only way, to grab people's hearts and thoughts, something they didn't expect. So, I did tis. The fight scene is my best work yet. Yep yep yep..

I didn't want it to end this way. But it seemed the best way to go forth.. It was more.. catching that way. Touching, I guess you can say. Made you wanna kill me in every way possible. But very few people got the connection between Laguna, Ellone, Ward and Kiros' usage of the white flowers. Just because of that I'm not going to tell you. If you want to know, e-mail me. And yes, I own that poem. Unless noted, I don't use any one else's work in my fics.

I don't like this chapter at all, but then again, I do. Vendrin was absolutely correct when she wrote that I only wrote it to please the masses, and she was right. I made a mistake when I wrote Alternate Vision, but in some ways, I'm proud I did. I did the second most important thing: Pleased the readers. But the first most important thing is for the auther to be pleased with her own work. So this chapter is a teaser, to let the reader choose his or her own ending, or both if they wish. I like having choices, so for now, I'm going to give the reader a choice on how they want the story to end. Either way, I'm happy, they're happy, and the world is full of roses again.

Thank you for lsitening to my Author Rant and reading my Author Notes. This is Malice Shaw, signing off to write up the next chapter to Day of the Strong, the sequal to this little diddy I did. And that you, to everyone who reviewed for doing so. Each review made me work hard on the next chapter of The Guilty Show No Mercy, and kept me going until I saw the end to it. Thank you. If it weren't for you, none of this would have happened.

Au Revior! (That ain't spelt right..)
