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The guilty show no mercy (Chapters 26-30)
Malice Shaw

Chapter 26

She screamed loudly, her cries piercing the darkness. He was tempted to rip the necklace off her neck and hold her tight, beg for her forgiveness. Edea warned him it would be painful, that the feelings of having your powers stripped from you is much like losing a child, a deep part of yourself. Edea had felt this, along with the guilt of hurting her real 'children' and almost ruining their earth.

But now, as Rinoa thrashed around on the bed, tied eagle spread to prevent any damage, he wondered if it was the right decision. Tears streamed down her face as she cried, both in anger and in pain, cursing him to death, hell, and everything in between. Her words stung, but h tried not to let it show, just wincing slightly with each insult that was thrown at him. The ropes around her wrists and ankles scratched deep into her tender skin, causing rashes and scratches, almost to the point of freely bleeding. Squall had to bandage her up more then once as he waited for her red crimson eyes to finally return to their normal state of a deep chocolate brown.

"Are you through?" He spoke in a low monotone.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH! LET ME GO!" she screamed in demand, lunging her tied body at him.

Her eyes were now darker. Good. Her powers are almost gone. "No."

"YOU...You CAN'T hold me forever Leonhart. I can blast through these restraints...!"

"No you can't." Squall deadpanned. "Those straps where made for Adel's chamber by Odine. You can't break them."

Rinoa stopped struggling then, and just fell limp. "Why are you doing this to me, Squall? To us?"

He just stared down at her, and noticed that her eyes where sullen and a dark magenta. Good. Almost gone. Then I can take her back to the Garden. Or not. "I have to, Rinoa. I need to. I can't let you hurt anyone. Not anymore."

She stared back up at him. "I hurt someone?"

"Seifer? Quistis? You tried to kill them, Rinoa!" He spat at her. For some insane reason he felt like slapping her.

"Oh." Was all she said. She looked downwards, then back up to him. "You know.. this..this is a good idea. Keep me restrained. I can't hurt anyone anymore like this.. right?"

Oh Hyne.. "I don't know. Once we get you back to Garden and find out who it is who's controlling you then you can take off the Odine pendant. But not anytime before. You may have to be in suspended animation for a while... Urg, I don't know Rinoa! I just don't want to think. I have to..to do something."

Squall stood up an pulled a headpiece out of his pocket, placing it on his head. Dialing the right numbers, he heard the familiar sounds of the Garden's environment surfacing. Xu's voice rang on the phone. "Balamb Garden, Xu speaking."


"Squall? Squall Leonhart?! You've got a lot of nerve young ma-"

"Xu, shut up and let me speak with Quistis. Get her on the phone NOW." He almost screamed. He didn't really like Xu's new change in additude since Seifer came back. Hell, he didn't really like Xu herself.

"I...Fine. But I am reporting this call to the headmaster!"

He groaned. "Fine. Fine then. Just do it. And record this phone call as well and let the headmaster hear it."

"Alright." She spoke in a professional tone. "Traitor." She hissed as he heard a click and a few seconds later another ringing phone. It was three rings before it was picked up.

"Instructor Quistis Trepe of Balamb Garden SeeD command." Came a voice on the other end.

"Quisty, it's me." He spoke. He heard her slight gasp on the other end of the line

"Squall? How's everything going? Are you alright?" Her genuine concern was touching, considering how she was acting recently.

"....yeah. It went easy. Sort of. But.." He stopped himself. Don't say it. Just don't say it.

"I understand. I'll send Irvine and Selphie over with the Ragnorok. How is she doing?"

Squall looked back over to Rinoa, who ceased her struggling and was exhausted. "She's passing herself out by attempting to get away. But she is going to go willingly. I have her restrained now."

Squall heard another voice in the background, and immediately knew the owner as Seifer Almasy. Quistis spoke hastily into the receiver and passed it along to Seifer, who chided into his ear. "Squall, Puberty Boy when i get my hands on you.."

Squall smirked. "You hurt me and Quistis is gonna hurt you."

He heard a soft chuckle on the other end of the line. "I only wish she would.. and maybe she could wear that cute little black thing while she does.." Yelling was heard and the subtle thud of a pillow hitting a face. Seifer howled in mercy before resuming his talk on the phone. "Thanks a lot, Puberty boy, you got me in trouble! Ahh never mind."

Squall smirked and looked over at Rinoa, who seemed to be falling asleep. He still looked at her while he placed the receiver back to his face. "Sorry Seifer."

"Like I said, don't worry about it. By the way Quistis filled me in on the little plan you two incorporated. Pretty sneaky if you ask me."

"Yeah." Squall nodded. "It was mostly the Intructor's idea though."

"Well damn, then why am I congratulating you?"

His smirk grew into a grin. "I should be asking you. But never mind. Tell Quisty to fill in Zell and the others. And do me another favor."

"What is it?"

"Call Xu a bitch for me. I'm going to be too busy when I get back to do it myself and.."

"And it's more along the lines of something I would do, right PB?" He could feel Seifer's smirking grin on the other line.

"Exactly. How is Quistis doing? Just tell me in words she won't understand. Or answer yes and no."

"Alright. Go one."

"Is she close?"

"Yes. Very."

"Okay." Squall said in monotone. "Is she.. Allowing anyone to touch her yet? Or any breakthrough on that?"

Seifer sighed. "Sort of. Just once I was able to. and that was a while ago."

Squall nodded to no one in particular, keeping an eye on Rinoa. "When you mean while ago, was it yesterday? Or today?"

"Last night. It's doing better thank the Hyne. Allowing things to come close. Just not too close. Used to be very secluded, so that's changed. It's going for the better now."

Squall sighed, and smiled. "Thank the Hyne for that. She'll make it through. We've known Quisty our lives and we know she's the strongest of us all."

"You got that right Puberty Boy. We're looking to blue skies from now on."

He chuckled. "Oh, and Seifer, one more thing."

He heard an exaggerated groan from the other side. "ANOTHER thing?! Damn it, you are too demanding."

Squall chuckled. "Silence Almasy that's an order. I just wanted to say it's good to have you back. And thanks."

He could feel Seifer's smile growing big from the other end of the receiver. "Thanks man. It's good to be back. And coming from the head puberty boy that means a lot. When you learn to shave we're gonna celebrate."

Squall scoffed into the phone, a smile slipping his lips. "Oh? And how do you explain when I had to do that for you?"

Silence. Then he spoke. "My birthday?"

Squall let out a huge laugh at that. "Seifer Seifer.. I'm gonna go now. I have to get a few things ready. Squall Leonhart out."

"Good luck."


Squall replaced the receiver and went to the side of Rinoa's bed. She looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back, before placing a palm on her forehead and whispering "Sleep." Her eyes lolled and she blacked out. He noticed the color as he reached down and lifted the lid. A dark brown. He smiled. She was back now. And she wouldn't be able to remove the necklace either. He sighed, untying the restraints on her feet. She should have at least the ability to move her legs, tied down like this. Sitting down, he waited for the Ragnorok and watched his sleeping angel.

Seifer replaced the receiver and leaned back down on Quistis' bed. The Instructor laid down next to him, keeping a safe distance. He looked at her, a slight smile played on his lips as she stretched her arms upward, wrapping them behind her head. She looked peaceful, and smug, her plan seemingly worked. Seifer smirked at he, and she looked at him. "What are you smiling at?"

He chuckled. "You. Snort master. A cute Snort master, but nonetheless a Snort master."

Quistis bit her lip and scrunched up her nose in her cute way of trying not to smile. "You are never going to let me off are you?"

Seifer laughed, turning his head to face the ceiling. "Hell no. Well, someday. Maybe the day I get married. Maybe then I'll let you off that cute snort you do."

Quistis looked at him. "You've thought that far into the future of your life, about getting married?"

He nodded, becoming serious now. He turned to look at her. "Yeah. Haven't you?"

She shook her head, returning her gaze to the ceiling. "No. Never. All I ever actually thought of was.. well.. The Garden. My actions to the Garden."

"That's it? I think you're lying Instructor Trepe. Every little girl has a dream fantasy about their wedding."

She shook her head. "When I was a little girl I was more intoned to trying to stay alive."

"I see."

"What about you? Who do you see yourself marrying in the future?"

Seifer heard the fear in her voice, but from what? "I dunno. Just someone. Hopefully female. Someone... who believes in me." He shrugged, bringing his eyes to hers.

Quistis stared at him, and nodded. "I..I think this is kinda a bad subject to be talking about."


"A girl could get the wrong idea about it.." She muttered.

He hesitated. She could feel him shift his position to lay on his side. He tried to catch her eyes but they remained stitched onto the ceiling. It was a while before he spoke. "Maybe I want that girl to get the idea, but it sure as hell isn't the wrong one."

She didn't look at him yet. But she did talk. "Are you.. saying what I think you're saying?"

Seifer looked at her. She could feel he was dead serious. "Maybe. Not a full engagement now. But something like.. a promise. A promise ring, get it? Sort of. A promise to get engaged. Maybe. Why? How do you feel about it?"

Quistis blinked, bringing her eyes to his, finally. "I..Isn't it a bit too early..?"

"For what? A promise?"

She shook her head, and sat up. "No.. I.. I don't know. How long have we been going out?"

He snickered. "Including the time when I didn't know who I was, and when we weren't together?"


He nodded. "We've been going out for almost six months with out. With, around eight. But think of how long we've actually known one another. And I'm not asking or an engagement just yet. Unless.." He stopped, and sat up with her.

"Unless what?" She stammered out, looking at him.

He smiled now, a warm smile. "Unless a full engagement is what you want."

She was still under the fuse that this had to be some sort of joke, but he was getting too serious now for her to even consider this a joke. "What if it is?"

Seifer shrugged. "I'll wing it."

Quistis' eyes went wide as the realization set in the reality of the concept. She finally realized that he was actually serious about.. about what? What he was talking about? Or just the promise ring, then an..engagement? She stood up from the bed and went to her dresser, picking up her Save the Queen. Seifer watched her walk a little uneasily around the room and he raised an eye brow in confusion. Standing up, he looked at her, watching her finger her whip, and picking up an oil box. She sat down on the small sofa leaned against it, opening the box and picking up the silk linens and the Hyne's oil to nutrient the whip. Seifer smiled slightly, just the corners of his mouth turning upward. "You know, you did that yesterday."

"I know." She whispered, soaking the linen.

"It only needs to be done once a week, Pixie."

"I know.. but..I..usually do it more then once.. yeah.." She mumbled, gently lifting the scales to clean them.

"I think you're just avoiding what we were talking about." Seifer smirked.

Quistis looked up at him, her eyes narrowed, but pleading. "Are you.. serious?"


She placed the whip in her lap and leaned back. "But why? When did you know?"

Seifer sat down on the bed, and folded his hands in front of him. "Why? That should be obvious by now, Quistis. I'm in love with you."

She went back to polishing the whip. "When did you know? When did you realize..?" she mumbled under her breath, furiously stroking the lines of her whip.

Seifer stood up and sat down next to her, carefully removing her whip from her grasp. "When did I know? When we were at the orphanage. Think back, Quistis. Remember when we went down to the beach?"

"To set off fireworks? And the Matron caught us?"


The beach was cold that night. Seifer had taken a few fireworks and sparklers, one for each of them (aside from Zell) from the supply hut, and Irvine had gotten the matches from Cid's desk, where he smoked the occasional pipe. Squall and Irvine were holding most of the stuff their little arms could. Quistis sat down in the smooth sand and watched, while Selphie insisted on doing most of it herself. Seifer had shoved her out of the way, and glared at her.

"I got dem so I'm gonna light 'um!"

"No fair!" Selphie wailed. "I wanna! I wanna!"

"Quiet! Yoo are gonna wake Zell!"

As if on cue, the young boy barreled down the stairs, screaming. "Hey!! Dat's dangerous! I'm gonna tell on yoo!"

Irvine glared up at him. "Shut up, cry baby Zell!"

Selphie grinned at him. "Yeah! Cry baby! You always cry!"

Zell puffed out his chest. "I do not! I'm gonna tell on yoo! Yoo are gonna get in Twouble!"

The group of children glared at him, even Squall. They started to protest and scream at him, until Quistis stood up and shoved past them towards Zell. Standing in front of him, her sparkler in hand, he looked at him and smiled. "Zelly, if yoo don't tell I'll gib you my sparky-ler."

Everyone stopped bantering to look at the two blondes, as Zell smiled and nodded, snatching the stick from her hand. He smiled, his eyes lighting up his face and he whispered. "Thank yoo Quisty!"

Quistis smiled at him, and sat back down to her little spot on the sand. Zell bounded next to the others, watching intently as Irvine once again lit a match and set the fuse, not letting either Seifer or Selphie attempt to. The first one blew up into the air, showing off a string of lights that illuminated the whole star filled sky. The children laughed with joy, screaming highly as Irvine lit another match and began lighting everyone's sparklers. Zell bounded with joy as his flew to life, waving it around and almost burning Selphie, who screamed and redounded to chase him across the beachedSquall actually smirked, and waved his around with Irvine, playing sword fight.

Seifer was about to light his, but he saw Quistis sitting in the sand, her legs crossed underneath her, her hands balled into fists while her head was resting in them. He felt a tinge in his chest, and he sat down next to her, holding out his sparkler. She lifted her clear blue eyes to his pretty green ones with a questioning gaze. Seifer sat down next to her, and continued to hold out his unlit stick.

"Want it?"

"Yoo sure?"

"Yeah. It's for babies any ways. I'm too big too play wiff dem."

Quistis nodded. "Wanna share it Seifer?"

He hesitated before nodding, letting his hand rest over hers as she asked Irvine to come over and light it for them. It flared to life, bursting with light as the two children gasped, holding onto one another with their free arms. Quistis looked around at everyone else's sparklers, then back at theirs. "Hey, we haff the only gween one!"

Seifer nodded, staring at the others then back to the one he and Quistis were holding. "Yeah. I like gween."

"Me too!"


They sat there, in silence as the stick burned itself out and Irvine and the others attempted to light the rest of their stock. They didn't notice the beautiful black clad Matron serenely coming down the steps, giving them a disappointed stare..

"You remember, Pixie?"

She nodded, smiling at the memory. "I still resent Zell for taking my sparkler." She chuckled.

Seifer grinned, shaking his head. "You're weird."

Quistis looked up at him and smiled. "How about when you realized?"

Seifer scratched an eyebrow. "Well we don't share this memory, but it was when I got reprimanded for beating up Ennis Trianburg."

Quistis frowned. "That was before even Ultimecia."

He nodded. "Yep. He was talking about how he had gotten you into the sack, so I went up to him as the disiplinary committee and told him to tell the truth. He did, after I broke his face in." Seifer shook his head. "I didn't know why I did it, I mean, I figured the reason I did it was to uphold the stature of the Garden's best Instructor."

She turned her head to the side. "Oh?"

"Yeah. I thought about it later, since I've let others bad mouth the other instructors before, hell I even joined them. I figured out the reason I did it was because I was jealous."

She chuckled then, leaning back into the couch. "Jealous? You?"

Seifer nodded. "Yep. Jealous I tell you. I was jealous over that little twerp bragging out and about at how he actually got the untouchable Trepe, and the morons believing him. And angry. I was pissed off at how dare he even refer to you like a piece of property to uphold. That stupid scrap of monkey shit."

"Why didn't you.. tell me?"

"Well. You were kind of too busy fawning over and taking care of Leonhart to seemingly care. So I retaliated in the aspect of calling you mediocre, lousy, the works. Just to try and shove my own feelings away." Seifer shook his head, and leaned back into the couch as well. "Stupidest mistake I ever did. Best feeling I ever got was sitting next to you on the way to Dollet, but even then you were the prim and proper Instructor Trepe. I wanted to talk to you. But hell I was too busy agitating my team mates to do so."

Quistis nodded. The SeeD mission she led where Zell and Squall became SeeDs. The night where she first lost her instructing license. Was it all that long ago? She wondered. Almost over a year ago. "I understand."

Seifer shook his head. "Man.. I never thought I'd be here."

"Here?" A regal blond brow arched.

"Yeah. With you. Just.. Now I can't hold your hand. But this is nice too."

Quistis smiled, and nodded. She held her breath, and held out her left hand to him, still gloved. Seifer looked down at it in surprise, then a frown encased his features. He placed his right hand under it, and let her lower her palm into it. Quistis released her breath and sighed, looking at the hands. Seifer lifted his right hand to his mouth, and using his teeth as a leverage, ripped the glove off his long fingers, and placed it at his side. She never noticed, but on his hand held a ring on his pinky, a lot like Squall's, but instead it had a... Hawk? Engraved on it. Not a lion, but a hawk, a bird of strength and beauty. It was also made of gold, with a tiny diamond set into the Hawk's eye. He pointed this ungloved hand at her, silently asking her to take the ring off. She did, with a bit of struggling, and handed it to him. He took the ring and lifted her fourth finger gently, placing the ring easily onto it. Seifer looked up at her and smiled.

"Quistis Trepe. Can I ask that you will be promised to me?"

Quistis looked down at the silver ring, and frowned. "But what about you..?"

"Oh, I'm wearing the original, this is one I begged Zell to make. For repayment he had me clean up his room." Seifer noticeably shuddered. "Damn, that boy is the messiest person in this damned Garden. The mold in his room was either trying to kill me or communicate with me, begging for release.."

Quistis chuckled and scooted closer to him, using her hands to remove his other glove. The original ring was an exact replicate of hers, beautiful and shiny, winking in the light. The only difference was his held a black opal instead of a diamond. "Where did you get this ring?"

Seifer shrugged. "I bought it. With the first paycheck I got from being a SeeD. I know, quite selfish, but I thought it was interesting to say the least. Fujin pointed it out to me first, the Raijin said I needed something that'll last for a while, and to consider it a gift to myself ya know." Seifer flinched, the well heard saying escaping his lips as Quistis smiled. "So, well.. here."

"I see. It is nice.."

He cleared his throat, leaning towards her with a sheepish smile on his face. "So, I ask again, Miss Trepe, will you become a promise to keep?"

Her eyes drifted to the ring, then back to him. Her other hand lifted his ringed one to hers, looking at them, comparing both hands. She pulled her limbs away, as Seifer watched, and removed her gloves. Lifting her finger again, she replaced the golden hawk onto her hand once again and smiled.


Chapter 27

"No, it's NOT an engagement ring, it's just a promise ring. Stop getting in over your head, Selphie."

"But Quisty!" the young brunette whined. "It IS! Not even Irvy has given me a promise ring!" Selphie thought on that and growled. "I'm gonna have to change that."

Quistis groaned, leaning back into her chair. Selphie was the nearest thing to a girlfriend she ever had, and she was the only one she felt she could secretly tell. But that was wishful thinking, as Selphie bounded and jumped around in her seat happily, as if she was the one...getting..married? No, she told herself. It's just a promise ring. Nothing too special for now. She figured the Quad was a nice quiet place to sit until Irivne and Selphie came..back? Wait..

"Hold on, Tillmut I sent you to get Rinoa and Squall. Where's Irvine?"

Selphie scowled. "Irvy went by his lonesome. He said to me," She puffed out her chest for an added affect. "'Selphie, this might be too dangerous for you. Stay here and talk to Quistis. I'll explain it when I get back.' Whatta meanie huh? Like I can't handle myself!"

Quistis shook her head and smiled. "Sounds like Irvine. What sort of punishment should I take on him when he returns?"

"Umm.. No sex for a month?" Selphie said wonderingly. Quistis burned crimson and Selphie chuckled. "What? What is it?"

Quistis shook her head, and brought her face in close. "You mean, you and Irvine.. have...?"

Selphie looked at Quistis like she was some sort of ghost. "Well yeah. I mean, I love him so much and he loves me, so it just seems right."

"So you guys do...?"

"Yup." Selphie said defiantly.


"What's wrong Quisty? Does it bother you?" Selphie inquired, leaning closer to her friend.

"Well.. no. I just.. don't.. know... Was he your..first..?" She couldn;t believe she was actually asking these things. No way would Selphie tell such personal infor-

"No, my first was in Trabia, with my first boyfriend. He wanted it, and I really didn't want to be alone, and I thought everyone did it for their boyfriends, so.." She trailed off, stopping completely.

"You two DID discuss this before hand right? Irvine didn't force you did he?" Quistis asked, trying to sound professional.

Selphie shook her head. "No, Actually, I was the one who asked for it." She snickered. "Would you believe, that even though Irvine is this big time ladies man like he claimed..." Selphie leaned in close. "That he was the big V before me?"

"Are you serious?" Quistis asked, semi shocked at the realization.

"Yup. He didn't know WHAT he was doing. He kept going 'Geezus this is strange' throughout the whole damned thing. Poor guy. But now he's getting better." Selphie released a pent up chuckle. "Everyone thinks I'm such an innocent, but I can be a bad girl if I want."

"I see." Quistis spoke in a monotone, smiling at the young girl. Selphie's grin washed from her face as she leaned forward again, whispering under her breath. "Hey.. Have you and Seifer..?"

Quistis closed her eyes and nodded. "Just once. Before.. you know."

"Ohh.." Selphie nodded. "Was he your first?"

Quistis nodded. "Yeah.. and only.. same for him."

Selphie tilted her head to the side, a goofy grin on her face. "Aww.. that is..soooooooooo sweet.. I think I'm gonna cry..." She lifted her wrists to her face to wipe away a tear.

"Oh hush up, Selphie. It's not going to happen again. Ever." Quistis hissed defiantly. Selphie looked at her confused.

"Why not?"

"Because.. I.. I can't stand it. All I can think of..is.." Quistis shook her head, clearing her thoughts. "You understand right?"

Selphie nodded. "Yeah, I do. But Quisty, it's not the same. When that asshole did that to you, it was forced and angry. When you and Seifer did it with one another, I don't know how it was, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't the same."

Quistis smiled, leaning back into her chair. "No.. it wasn't the same.. it was.."

"It was..?" Selphie pressured.

"...breathtaking.." Qusitis smiled bigger now, grinning. "It has to be one of the most memorable moments I've ever had."

Selphie grinned. "See? Quisty, it's different. He sorta showed you the way, I guess. I know it's been about 2 weeks since then, but you need to take a big step after something like this. At least kiss him. I know he's getting frustrated lately. I mean, he still loves you. THAT'S obvious. But he's getting mad at himself because he thinks he's not doing enough."

Quistis opened her mouth to speak again, but Selphie reached out and gripped her wrist. "But you're not exactly helping. And yes I know I'm touching you but you CAN handle it. It's not your fault about what happened. It's that bastard's fault for letting it happen. What I'm saying Quisty, is that if you don't show Seifer anymore trust, then you two are screwed."

"I..I DO trust him. I do." Quistis blurted out. Her attempts at getting her wrist back from the spunky brunette proved futile. Selphie leaned forward, closer to Quistis and deapanned. "Then prove it."

Quistis stared at the now matured brunette and nodded. She opened her mouth to speak but heavy footsteps where heard as the one they were talking about came forward, sitting down next to Quistis. "Hello Ladies." Seifer said in a low voice.

Selphie giggled and grinned at him. "Quisty showed me!"

Seifer grinned, and turned to the blonde commander at his side. "You did eh?"

Quistis smiled. "Yeah. I didn't think you would mind.."

"I don't. I think it's interesting."

"How so?"

Seifer shrugged. "Spreading good..news.. is always interesting Pixie. Anyways, I came here to tell you that Rinoa and Squall are back, along with Irvine. She's in Cid's office right now, along with the cowboy and Puberty boy. They're waiting for you."

Quistis nodded, standing up and smoothing her amethyst colored pants down. "Thank you Seifer."

He stood up as well, pulling his jacket over his chest. "No problem."

Seifer turned to leave but felt her hand on his arm, and stopped, turning to face her. "Yes?"

Quistis looked up at him, he violet tinged lips being chewed at a furious pace. She had borrowed this shade from Amie and happened to like how it went with her outfit, so she bought the same kind for herself. Seifer watched as she uneasily moved her arms around his neck, and inched her lips towards his. Carefully, gingerly, she kissed him, lightly as his initial shock wore off. Pulling away, she leaned into his hard body, holding him close, and whispered. "Thank you.. For.."

She felt his hand stroking her hair. "It's okay. It's no problem, Pix."

She pulled away, staring into his eyes, smiling. She pulled back again, and looked at the ground, still tingling from his subtle touch. Amazingly how intuned to one's skin she could become if she didn't feel another's for so long. Seifer's felt like iced fire to hers, and smelt of a fine musky aftershave along with his own natural smell, coming together as a perfect mix. She liked that smell. "I'm going up to Cid's office. Wanna come?"

Seifer shook his head. "No, well.. Yeah. I'll be there. In a few."

Quistis nodded, and waved to Selphie as she walked away. Seifer looked down at the spunky brunette and shook his head. "Big mouth."

"Hey, I adore Quisty, and you're pretty cool too. You deserve to be happy."

Seifer sat down. "I know. But I told you that in complete privacy. I'd never want to leave Qusitis, but this..locking me out phase. Sometimes I can't stand it."

Selphie sighed, leaning over the table. "But at least I got her to kiss you didn't I? It's a start."

Seifer nodded. "Yeah. I can't tell you how long I've been waiting for her to do that. It feels like forever since she kissed me."

Selphie giggled. "I can tell your lips are purple!"

"What? Oh shit." Selphie laughed as Seifer started swiping at his mouth with the back of his hand, grumbling. After he was through he grinned at Selphie. "You know, Messenger girl, you are one busy bodied person who loves to delve into another's personal territory."

Selphie's face fell. "But.."

"I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you." With that he turned on his heel and left for Cid's office. Selphie smiled.

"You're welcome."

Quistis and Squall both sat in chairs in the office, and a subtle ding was heard as the elevator doors slid open. Seifer sat in the chair next to Quistis and gingerly placed his hand over hers, careful not to spook her. She clenched and unclenched her fist underneath his palm, and decided to turn it over, grasping his hand. Seifer smiled, knowing that maybe this 'Don't touch me' theme was almost gone.

Rinoa was standing with Irvine, her hands shackled and the necklace that donned her neck shining in the light. Squall felt a pang of guilt, like always, that it had to come down to THIS of all things. His angel was tied up like a steer, looking so downcast everyone's hearts could be heard breaking. She didn't deserve this. She was possessed. And even though it was easy to take her down due to simple thinking, they still had another sorceress to contend to, the one who took her over. They knew that she was still out there, and it was another force to be stopped.

"Well.." Cid coughed. "Who here thinks that Rinoa should be reaccepted as a SeeD?"

Squall spoke first. "I do, sir."

"Why?" Cid asked.

Squall stood up and walked to Rinoa, wrapping an arm around her waist. "She was possessed. Same as Matron Edea, and if we can forgive that, we can forgive all. And Rinoa is the only one we know who can give us any lead to our new threat, the sorceress who took control over her. I say we reinstate her as an active SeeD and remove this.. blasted necklace." He fingered the round opal in his hand, staring into Rinia's deep brown eyes.

Cid nodded. "Seifer? Almasy SeeD, your plea?"

Seifer scoffed. "Personally, for what she let happen to Quistis, I think I should be able to rip her apart with my Hyperion." Squall glares at him, but Seifer continued. "But, since it generally isn't her fault, reinstate her, but not as an active SeeD. And keep that blasted necklace on her. I don't want the same shit happening to any other SeeD, Instructor," He queezed Quistis' hand. "Or any body in this Garden."

Quistis cleared her throat, asking for her word in the conversation. Cid looked at her and nodded. "It actually comes down to you, Instructor Trepe. What's your assumption?"

She reminded herself to breath. "What's done is done. For personal reasons, I feel that she is an excellent SeeD, but after the matters that..occuired.." She stammered out the last word, as Seifer held her hand, stroking it with his thumb. "I don't feel it would be.. right.. for her to be on my Squad. Or for her to remove the necklace until the threat of the sorceress is done with. Over all, reinstate her, let her be active, but for Hyne's sake, keep her in control with the necklace." She brought her gaze to Rinoa's quivering face. "It's not too uncomfortable is it?"

Rinoa shook her head. "No.. it's not.."

"Good. Because you're going to be wearing it for a while."

Rinoa nodded, looking at Cid. The headmaster cleared his throat and nodded, smiling. "Well.. Miss Rinoa Heartilly, you are now an active member of SeeD. But the necklace stays, if you don't mind. For precautions. Other than, you are here by reinstated to Squall Leonhart's squad as of tomorrow."

Rinoa smiled, her face lighting up. Squall broke out inot a grin and hugged her, thanking Cid and gently eased her out of the room. Seifer and Quistis where still in their seats, staring ahead. Quistis had gone cold while Seifer raged with white hot anger. They were a clashing pair, those two. Edea stepped forward, and sat down infront of them. "My children, what is on your minds?"

Seifer brought green fire to her eyes and hissed "I can't believe I actually want her back in the Garden."

Edea faced Quistis. "And you?"

Quistis shook her head. "I...feel the same way."

Edea nodded, standing up. "Why? Seifer?"

Seifer groaned, shaking his head. "For the simple fucking fact that.. that... She.. She did it. She could have stopped it but she didn't."


Quistis shook her head and looked up at the Matron. "I need to go. May I be excused?"

Edea nodded, stepping back as Quistis stood up and leaned down to kiss Seifer on the cheek before exiting the room. He rubbed his eyes in frustration as he leaned back, crossing his legs. Cid nodded towards Edea as he returned to his Desk, and Edea leaned down to Seifer's side. "She's doing better."

"Yeah. She is."

"Her demeanor has changed as well. She's more like her old self now." Edea wistfully sighed.

"Uh huh."

Edea pressed on. "Seifer, why can you not forgive Rinoa?"

He stood up, angrily then, and paced the room before speaking. "Why? Why? She got into cahoots with that son of a bitch Angustus Trepe," He said the word like a swear. "Made me lose my memory, my life, for almost three months, then decides to give it back. THEN, she decides that fucking with MY head isn't enough, so she enrolled in the help of that sick fuck to screw with Quistis. In the end, I'm tore up, and my fiance is raped, and won't let me fucking near her for two weeks, and I have to beg and plead-"

"Fiance?" Cid chimed in. Seifer looked at him and glared.

"Yeah. Fiance. Well not totally. Promised. That's more like it." He sheepishly replied, running a hand through his long hair. He wondered half heartedly if Quistis would give him some of her hair bands so he could tie the back.

Edea came form, smiling. "My Seifer, I contgratulate you! I'm so happy for both of you." She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him, while Cid came around and patted him on the back. Wow, Seifer thought. This is a change in the mood.

"Seifer Almasy, this is great news. I'm very happy for the both of you." Cid spoke, smiling. Edea wrapped an arm around her husbands' waist, and smiled.

"You mean you don't think this is too soon?" Seifer inquired. This wasn't exactly the reaction he expected.

"No, my dear boy, of course not. As a matter of fact," Edea looked up at Cid with a warm loving stare. "This man took almost too long to ask for my hand."

Cid's eyes widened. "Well dear, we were engaged for such a short period of time."

"Oh?" Seifer smirked. Edea laughed.

"Yes, my dear, we were engaged.. for about twelve hours. We eloped the next day. Before that we were dating for about a year. But you and my Quisty have known one another almost all your lives. I think it's beautiful."

Seifer nodded. "If you don't mind, I have to excuse myself. I'm going to go find the lil' lady and ask her for some of her hair care products." He saluted the headmaster and headmistress before exiting the room. Edea looked up at her husband, as he looked down at her.

"My wife, you know I asked you a lot sooner then that."

Edea laughed, pulling herself closer to him. "True. But I don't think it would be very professional for the children to know when and how we got married."

Cid laughed as he remembered that day fondly. They hadn't known eachother for a year, like they said. he was eighteen and she was seventeen, they had gone on their first date, and two days later they were married. And going strong each day as it came by.

Chapter 28

She was smiling for once. That was a change. Since Rinoa's return about a week
and a half ago, she walked taller, smiled more, and warmed up more. She was
still the beautiful Quistis Trepe of Balamb Garden. She just happened to have
one nasty scar tracing her face. But eventually the Treppies and the others
warmed up to it, calling it just another beautiful mark on her body. She was
even talking to Rinoa again, everything seemingly forgiven. Rinoa sure had
apologized enough, through tears and frustrated bouts in the Training center.
Right now, they had to work on something new. Destroying the new sorceress.

"Rinoa, you have to remember. Please, just tell me."

Rinoa held her knees to her chest, wearing her usual blue outfit. In Squall's
dorm, she felt a safe haven from the Garden's staring eyes, the Treppie's angry
glares and words of "Bitch" and "Slut" heard all around her. They had become
fewer and fewer, she thanked the Hyne, but they were still there. Talking.
Speaking. Claiming. Blaming. "I can't Squall. I don't want to remember." She

Squall sat down next to her, staring into her wet brown eyes. "You have to
Rinny. Do you want what happened to Quisty happen again to someone else? Or to
you? Amie? Sefie?"

She pulled her hands up to her ears, moaning "No! I don't wanna remember!
Squall, stop it, please!"

His temper grew short, and he lunged at her, yanking her hands away from her
head. "Rinoa, TELL ME. You HAVE to know!" He shook her lightly, screaming into
her tear ridden face. Rinoa only bellowed out in a tearful cry, repeating what
she knew, that she didn't know. He let her go then, only to pull her into his
arms and tell her it was alright, that he wasn't going to hurt her, but that
they had to know. She cried into his arm, her howls of pain becoming louder and
louder as each second passed, as he cradled her closer until the settled down,
but where still loud. He was pushing her, too hard again. A loud knock was heard
on the door and Squall looked towards it.

"Yes? Who is it?" He asked, while Rinoa blew her nose in a napkin.

"Ah..Ugh.. Squall? It's me, your fath-" The figure held his tongue for a moment.
"It's Laguna."

"What do you need?"

"Squall, you can stop pestering Rinoa now.." Came the muffled reply through the

"You're not taking her back, Laguna. Not to the Sorcereses' memorial." Squall
deadpanned. Laguna hastily rejected the idea.

"No, Squall, of course not. It's just that we've found the Sorceress who had
taken over Rinoa.."

The door opened now, and Laguna almost fell in. He caught himself just before he
did, and lifted his face to meet his son's. "Uhmm well good news?"

Squall nodded. "Rinoa, let's go." To Laguna he said "Let's talk in Cid's office.
Everyone has to hear this."

They traced their steps towards the elevator, lifting them into Cid's office.
Quistis and Seifer where there already, talking, joking around with Edea, while
Cid filed some papers. Selphie and Irvine where sitting on the couch chatting
one another up, while Zell was writing down a letter. Squall looked around,
holding Rinoa's hand as he took a seat. Quistis looked up from her chat with
Edea and smiled at them, as Seifer nodded, wrapping an arm about her waist.
Squall smiled at that delicate gesture. Quistis was learning to be felt again,
feel someone's loving touch. At least she was getting better after her atrocious
bout three weeks ago. I wonder, Squall thought, is she still attending those
counciling sessions with Edea? He looked at Seifer. A few wipsy bangs of golden
hair slid infront of his face. The rest was pulled back into a strict pony tail,
about four inches long. A contrast compared to Quistis' usual pony tail, yet now
her hair hung free, like a golden aura over her shoulders.

Cid noticed Squall and Rinoa's entrance and smiled. "You're here already? Good.
Laguna has much to discuss."

"So what exactly is going on, Headmaster?" Squall asked, shifting in his seat.

Cid looked at laguna and nodded. "President Loire will tell you. He can explain
it in much better words then I, I'm afraid."

Laguna smirked, easing infront of the SeeDs. "Well, as everyone knows, Rinoa was
possesed by a sorceress. We now know who that sorceress is."

Seifer nodded, and spoke up. "Who is it? And what do we have to look out for?"

Laguna nodded at him. "Oh. Seifer. You're going to let me continue this time?"

Seifer smirked, wrapping his other arm around Quistis' waist and leaning his
chin on her shoulder. "We all know how you drone on and on President."

Laguna reache dup and scratched the back of his head, a shy smile claiming his
lips. "Oh, I know how much you love my stories. But I'll spare the rest of these
people the punishment." He grinned, continueing on. "Now, to keep going, this
new Sorceress is apparently new, but did have a life before this event happened.
She was married, with an adopted daughter, but was arested for child abuse and
sent to jail. Her husband ran off that day." Laguna cleare dhis throat and
looked towards one face in his audience who had grown increasingly fearful.
"And.. that man was Angustus Trepe.."

Quistis' grip tightened on Seifer's arms painfully, as did his on her waist. She
leaned back into his chest, and looked at Laguna. "Her name?"

Laguna gave her a saddened smile. "Her name is Raquel Trepe."

A small cry pierced the room before Quistis realized her throat was the one
admitting it. She fell to her knees, sliding out of Seifer's grasp, and clutched
herself around the waist. Seifer kneeled down beside her, stroking her hair out
of her face. "Quisty?"

Her bottome lip trembled as she stared into his sea green eyes. "I thought she
was dead."

Seifer sighed, and pursed his lips together. "I'm sorry, Pixie. I truely am."
Kneeling down next to her, he pulled her close as she gripped him tight. No
tears fell, her eyes staring into the darkness while the other SeeDs crowded
around her. Laguna motioned for Squall to help out, as he walked towards the
scared Instructor. Edea pushed past the crowd when Squall stood up, watching.
The Matron took her hands into her own and looked at Quistis, trying to calm
down her own quivering voice.

"My darling Quisty, please, don't be afraid. She cannot harm you now. Never
again." She spoke in a calming monotone, stroking the tops of her hands. Quistis
looked up at her, watching her, the Matron's face full of love.

"She can.. She will Matron. She hurt..She can hurt.." Quistis mumbled to the
Matron, her eyes wide with fear. As her body started to convulse slightly, she
quivered in Seifer's arms, holding onto him tight as he shifted positions to sit
indian style onto the floor. He lifted a hand to stroke her long blonde hair and
waited as Edea continued her talk.

"She cannot hurt you anymore, my sweet. You have overcome her, and grown strong
and beautiful with out her. She is but a shell of a woman while you are full.
You are nothing like her, and never will be. You are MY child, my Quisty, and
nothing will ever change that fact." Edea spoke, with encouragement.

Quistis looked up at the Matron and nodded, still in a state of shock.

Seifer pulled her hair out from covering her ears and whispered. "She isn't your
mother anymore, Quisty, she never was. You belong to NO ONE Pixie. She doesn't
own you, I don't own you, no one does. You are your own woman now. No one can
hurt you anymore."

Qusitis shook with fear and shock still, as Squall pushed back Edea gently, and
kneeled down by her. He tried hard, remembering the trick Quistis used to always
do to him when they were in the orphanage, after Sis left. "Quisty?"

She brought her eyes to him and stared. Her breathing was getting ragged now,
comming out in short breaths. His blue eyes were calm, as he took a hand into
his own. "Quisty, she isn't your family, your mother, nothing. She's just
another sorceress who has to go. Us, you, me, Seifer and all of us are going to
take care of her. When you fall, we'll be there to back you up, just like when
we were kids remember?"

She looked up at him, her shaking residing now, becomming slower and slower. Her
breathing remained the same, but the sight of her shaking stopping was enough to
pressure him to continue. "Remember? When Sis left, you promised us that you'd
become the 'new Sis' for everyone to depend on because you were 'Mighty Quisty'?
And we all said that was good, but you couldn't replace Sis because you were
Quisty, not Elle. You asked us why, and we told you what?"

She stammered out her next sentense. "Y..Y-y-you s-s-said th-that....th-that..."

Squall nodded, his eyes pleading with her to go on. He got on his knees and
remained calm, even though his insides where tearing him apart. "What did we

"That..Y-You...You loved m..m-me...as..Q-Quisty..N-not as Sis.."

Squall smiled warmly now, holding both her hands in his own. "Right. You can't
be anyone else, Quisty. We all love you, one more then the others." Squall
flashed a look to Seifer, who nodded at him. "And because of that, you did
eventually become Sissy Trepe, right?"

Her breathing was slowing down, she was relaxing a bit more. "Y-Yeah.."

"You're our sister, Quisty, and we all love you so much. We will never ever
allow anything to happen to you. But we need you Big Sissy, even though it
hurts. You told that to Zell, didn't you, when we wanted to play castle and he
skinned his knee?" Squall prayed this was working. It seemed to be, as Quistis'
eyes lighted up at the memories.

"I..I-I-I r-remember..." She gulped. "I..I asked him to play..castle..
b-b-because we n-needed another.."

"Yes..? What did we need Quisty?"

Quistis's eyes lighted up more now, and she smiled, very slightly, just the
corners of her purple tinged lips lifted. "A-A-Another h-h-horse.. We n-needed
another h-horse.. and his knee h-hurt...an' I..t-told him.. please.. i-i know

"Hurts..." Squall continued for her. "But we need you.."

"...Zell..We..W-We need you..Zell...Zell...."

Squall held her hand gently, as Irvine came up from behind him with a syringe.
Quistis never saw it, never felt as Squall rested one gloves hand on her face
and inserted the syringe into her wrist with the other. Soon her convulsing
stopped, her breath became deep as her eyes rolled back into her head and she
fell into a deep peaceful slumber. Squall stood up, handing the syringe to
Laguna who nodded, throwing it into the trash. Zell watched from far away,
nodding to himself as he rejoinced into the memory as well. Hell, he thought, I
still have the scar from the scab on my knee. Everyone watched as Seifer picked
up his sleeping Pixie into his arms, cradling her neck. Pushing her head against
his shoulder, he stood up, lifting her with his stride. Seifer looked at the
Matron, then at Squall and smiled. "Thank you Squall."

Squall saluted Seifer in the SeeD fashion, and smiled. "I love her too. She's my
big Sissy Trepe."

Seifer nodded, a smirk forming on his lips. "I love her more. So there."

Squall chuckled. "Look, put her in bed. The effects should last a few hours. She
needs the rest anyways. I'll get a detailed portfolio from my father to give to
her on the Ragnorok, if she's still up to going that is."

The blonde cadet pulled her weight more firmly in his arms, and smiled down at
her peaceful face. "Oh. She will be. If I know her, she will be."

Squall nodded. "Good. We leave tomorrow then."

Seifer left the room, cradling his Pixie against his chest. He spoke a silent
prayer as he descended down the elevator, watching himself being lifted to the
1st floor. He walked steadfast, as SeeDs and Treppies alike stared at him,
wondering what he had done to their Goddess. Grrr.. He thought in his mind.
Don't bug me. Or I'll slice you up and feed you into that damned hot dog making
machine they have in the back. And then Zell will eat you. That itself is
punishment enough.

When he reached the dorms, he used his own set of keys Quistis gave him ("Just
incase you have to talk to me") to open her door. He gently pulled her over his
shoulder as he pulled the sheets from the well made bed, and placed her still
form underneath the covers. Pulling the dark magenta sheets up to her chest, he
let a hand flutter to stroke her cheek. She had beautiful, incredible features.
Like chisled marble. They were tight, and her skin was smooth, but if it wasn't
for that scar..

He still hated himself for what had happened to her. he secretly wished she
would blame him so she would at least stop blaming herself. Trailing a finger
down the length of the scar across her face, he sighed. Still have to be the
strong one, Pixie? Leaning down, he brushed her lips with his own and pulled
back, his heart pounding inside his chest. Stepping towards the dorm door, he
looked back on her peaceful form once again, before turning off the light and
locking the door.

"It's my fault." Rinoa whined, her eyes welling with tears. "If it wasn't for me

"Damn it, Rinny will you just shut UP about that already?! How many times do we
have to tell you, it's not your fault before you freakin' believe it?!" Selphie
screamed at her. Rinoa looked at her, eyes wide in disbelief. Selphie crawled
off of Irvine's lap and bounded towards her.

"Selphie?" Rinoa choked.

"Don't 'Selphie?' me, Rinoa! It's not your damned fault! Get over it already. it
was a mistake, albeit a horrible one, but a damned mistake. Accept it and get on
with your life!" The spunky brunette bellowed at her, her hands planted on her
hips in defiance. Irvine grinned while Squall nodded in agreement. He went to
Rinoa and spoke in a low voice.

"She's right. Stop blaming yourself, that won't do a damned bit of good. If you
want to make up for it, then help us take down Raquel Trepe before she hurts
anyone again. And do your mind exercises, for Hyne's sake. Just stop worrying
about Quistis until AFTER we finish off that bitch mother of hers."

Just then, the elevator rose, as Seifer came out from the slidded doors. He
smirked to the crowd and nodded, holding up a hand. "She's breathing fine, don't
worry, she's okay. Course, I had her whole damned fan club after me until I left
her dorm. Can you believe those guys? It's like a star trek convention out
there, except they worship the almighty Trepe."

Squall laughed slightly at the joke. "It got worse after you two started dating
didn't it?"

Seifer nodded. "Yeah. All of them, I swear, wanted me dead. Like I was taking
away their Goddess."

Squall shook his head. "Well, suit themselves."

"Squall, I wanted to say.. thanks. For Quistis. She never would have calmed down
if it wasn't for you and everyone's quick thinking." Seifer spoke seriously.

Squall nodded, giving him a salute. Seifer returned the favor and grinned at the
rest of the crowd. "Alright people. This is all of our vendetta's now. One of
our own has been hurt by this creature, and we have to take care of that. I just
ask one thing."

Everyone looked at him, awaiting his demand. "And that is..?" Zell spoke.

Seifer grinned, his cocky smirk encasing his face. it suddenly became sinister,
evil in a sense as he felt along his hip for Hyperion. "Either I.. or Quisty...
Give her the last blow."

Irvine came up to him, and nodded, pulling out a small box full of glowing
pellets. Seifer looked down at them, then back at Irvine. "Are these..?"

The cowboy nodded, tipping his hat and smirking. "Pulse ammo bud." irvine laid a
gloved hand on the Kngiht's shoulder and grinned. "Give it to her good."

Chapter 29

She had woken up alone. She half heartedly wondered who had brought her to her dorm, but then remembered the extra set of keys she had made, and who was in posession of them. Looking over the beautiful landscape, she let her mind drift as the effects of the drug were wearing off. Last she counted, she had slep arounf five hours, and even though her troubled state would usually have kept her from any enjoyable sequence of dreams, this time she had a plethora of them. She would never tell anyone about them. Except for maybe one..

"Hey." Seifer's voice was heard from behind.

"Hi." Quistis spoke, never moving.

His hand ran up her back to her hair, tangling itself in it's golden strands. He felt the nape of her neck, stroking it gently, before leaning over the railing with her, staring at the sight before him. He knew about the training center's 'secret area' before, but never bothered to come here until now. Finding out through Selphie that this was one of Quistis' favorite spots, he ventured to it, asking for Diablo to equip Enc-Non and trading Zell the Brothers for him. His hand traveled to her chin, lifting it gently to his lips. Kissing the corner of her mouth, she smiled as his hand traveled down her arm towards her hand, gripping it firm in his own. For a few moments he watched out the scenery. The blue lights, many of the shades mimicking the shades of her eyes, danced infront of them, creating a beautiful light show. Finally he turned to her. "Sleep well?"

Quistis nodded, not moving her stare from the lights. "Yes. Thank you."


"Taking me back to my dorm.. trying to calm me down. I'm sorry about the way I acted." She sighed, lowering her fox chin down.

Seifer shook his head. "No, it's not your fault. But we still..."

"..need me?"


She nodded, staring back at the landscape. Seifer watched her profile from the side, and smiled. Her skin was tinged blue, her hair a sheenery silver because of the lights. She looked untouchable. Perfect. Serene. A lot like her favorite Guardian force, Shiva. Except she wasn't a guardian force. She was Quistis Trepe. He must have made a sound because she looked at him with curiosity in her eyes. "What was that?"

"I was just wondering." He spoke.


He took her hand in his, and removed the glove. She was still wearing the hawk ring. "What would the Treppies call themselves if you changed your name..?"

Quistis raised a regal eyebrow. "Explain?"

Seifer let his fingers drift to the ring, moving it around just slightly. His eyes ran along her fingers, they were perfectly formed. A slight scar on her thumb from an accident with her whip when it snapped back. Her nails were manicured to perfection, not to long, just barely seeping out of the tip. The skin, pale like the rest of her, also airated the beautiful blue glow, her forearm escalated into a muscular feminine bicep. Seifer smiled before he continued. "What would they name theirselves, if you became Quistis Trepe Almasy?"

Her chuckled filled the quiet air. "Probably not the Almies."

Seifer ran the name through his head, over and over again, and decided. "I like the sound of it."

"So do I."

Tilting his chin upwards to meet her eyes, he moved closer to her. "Wanna make it happen?"

Quistis sighed, smiling. "How long have I been wearing this promise ring?"

Thinking back, Seifer nodded. "About a week."

Smiling, she lifted he other hand to his, fingering the one on his hand. She ran her finger along the cool leng of it, and smiled as it reflected the bouncing lights. She moved her own next to it, and enjoyed the sight of the twin bands winking in the blue rays. Quistis looked up at him and grinned. "You think..?"

"That it's been long enough? I think so." Seifer smiled at her, wrapping an arm around her waist.

Quistis leaned against his form. "You know, I had a dream.."

His hands trailed her back, feeling her form. "Share it."

She rested her chin on one firm shoulder, murmering. "It was us.. later on.. the future. With eachother. Together.."

"Mm hmm.." he murmered into her hair. "Did you like that dream?"

Her mumbled "Yes" was heard as she brought her arms around his shoulders.

"Then marry me." He whsipered. Quistis pulled back, her look confused.

"Are..Are you serious?" She asked, her bottom lip quivering. He had studied her looks enough to know that this meant she was afraid to believe the reality before her. Seifer reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small black velvet box, and thrust it into her hands.

"Yeah.. I am."

Seifer Almasy was not good at asking a girl to marry him. Hell, it's not like he had practice. He was twenty, going on twenty one, and already he had found the one woman in his life he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Having no idea on romance, or being the best for her, all he knew was that this was the one he wanted to be by, wanted on his side for the rest of his eternity.

"Quistis," He spoke, in almost a whisper. "I'm no Prince Charming. I don't have a kingdom, a squad, I'm just a SeeD. I might never make it to Commander like Puberty boy, or high ranking like Chicken-Wuss, and I know you're the Instructor. I don't know the future. What I do know is that I want to go on this promise that I gave you a week ago. I also know, that I don't want this to end. Ever. I want to marry you. Will you marry me?"

Quistis stammered unintelligably, blinking her eyes as she stood there, stunned. Seifer got the wrong message and groaned, finally shifting to one knee. "Is this better, Pixie?"

Quistis smiled, her features contorting beautifully. "..This is going to disappoint a lot of the classmen.."

Seifer raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Does this mean what I think it does?"

She nodded, smiling. "Y-Yes.."

Seifer grinned. "Yes, I can get up or Yes, you'll marry me?"

Quistis laughed, and slapped his shoulder as he rose up. He held her flailing wrists, and pulled her close, hugging her hard. Quistis gripping his hand with her arms, burying her face in his chest, smelling the familiar smell of his cologn and aftershave mix, along with the musky scent of his skin. She was crushed slightly when he pulled away, taking her hand which held the box and opened it, revealing a simple gold band adorned with a beautiful white diamond that glinted in the blue light.

"Here.. I.. hmm. Take off that other one. Sheesh." He said, back to his usual self.

Quistis grinned, taking off the hawk ring and putting it on her other hand. Seifer lifted the band from the velvet box, and placed it on her hand. Removing his own ring, he replaced it with a simple golden band, and put his other ring on the same finger as Quistis did hers. Seifer stared down at her, a smile tracing his lips and she thrust herself into him, holding him, hugging him, feeling his hand stroke her hair and the tears ran down her cheeks silently in celebration.

"Yippee! I fly I fly!" Selphie yelped in her usual happy tone as she strode towards the plane, grinning from ear to ear. Irvine trailed behind her, reloading his Exeter while Zell tightened his gloves. Squall and Rinoa walked hand in hand, speaking in silent tones, and behind them Seifer and Quistis speaking to one another and comparing rings. Selphie looked back at the crowd, and signaled out on pony tailed figure running towards them.

"Zell! Amie's here! Tell her to get her butt back to Garden so we can start kickin' the Ragnarok into gear!" She shouted good naturedly.

Zell turned his hed towards the young brunette running towards him smiling. She caught up to him, out of breath, a small trinket in her hand. Zell put his hands on her shoulders and steadied her, smiling. "Amie, whatcha doin' here girl?"

The younger petite woman smiled, catching her breath. "I..I brought you.. this." She said, as she pushed the trinket in his hand.He looked down at the sachet, and pulled the strings apart to reveal a clawed fighting ring, one of the best and most expensive around. Also, incredibly rare. His eyes widened at the sight, it's silvery gleam winking in the sunlight. With his mouth gaping open, Amie leaned upwards to his face and kissed him, hard, on the mouth, pulling away to kiss him softly as well. "For luck, Zell."

Zell finally snapped out of his shock. "Where.. Where did you get this?"

Amie grinned, her cheeks dimpling beautifully. "Your mom dropped it off about ten minutes ago. She wanted to give it to you for your birthday in a few days, but didn't want to wait. So she asked me to give it to you. And to kiss you good luck." One again Amie leaned forward to kiss him, hard, hugging his broad shoulders to her petite form before pulling away. Selphie's voice chimed again, screaming to either rent a room and hurry up or get on the plane. Zell opted for the latter, kissing Amie on the cheek before saying his good byes. Running towards the starting plane, he jumped up into the cock pick and sat down, co-piloting with Selphie. He placed the ring on his right index finger and hooked it on, admiring it. Irvine wolf whistled at the gleaming silver claw.

"Present from Amie? It's niiiiiiiice!"

Zell nodded, not saying a word. Irvine took the cue to kiss his girlfriend and adjourn where the other couples rested in the Ragnarok. Quistis and Seifer sat togehter, whispering to one another and chuckling while Squall and Rinoa smiled at one another, and talked together. Irvine sat behind Squall and kicked the back of his chair lightly, to get his attention. "Hey. Lookit those two." He motioned towards the other couple. they where chatting to one another, whispering in eachother's ears words of love and wisdom, and staring at their hands. Squall took notice of this and nodded, while Rinoa tilted her head in interest. "So? What's your point Irvine?" The commander asked.

The cowboy chuckled, lowering his hat over his eyes. "I think he finally popped the question. Well, I wouldn't call it finally. But maybe he did it."

Rinoa grinned, her eyes lighting up. "You think so..?? Oh! Quisty! Seifer! I'm so happy for you!" She bounded from her seat towards them, sitting behind them to engulf them in a bear hug. The two shocked blondes looked up at her with confusion before Seifer grinned and said "How did you know?"

Rinoa chuckled and sat behind them. "Irvine sort of picked it up. Ohhh Selphie is gonna be SOO miffed that I knew before her!" Rinoa cackled sweetly, standing up. "Can I tell her?"

Seifer looked at Quistis, as the Instructor nodded, smiling. "Yes. Go on."

The young brunete squealed with joy, hugging the couple once again before bounding towards the lift. Irvine and Squall took this notion to sit by the pair, and send their congratulations. Irvine chuckled "So, you two FINALLY are getting hitched! 'Bout time."

Squall smirked. "Hush Irvine." He turned to the blonde pair. "You two.. I never would have thought it. But congratulations. Rinoa and I are happy for you."

Seifer smirked. "Obviously Rinoa. I wonder how Selphie is going to take the fact she wasn't told fir-"

As if on cue, the plane lurched forward, causing most of the people in the room to fall. Squall and Irvine steadied themselves in the seats while Seifer and Quistis fell on top of one another onto the floor. Their gasps of surprise and a flitting moment of fear was demolished as the spunky brunette's voice was heard over the loud speaker.

"All right! That's it! I'm gonna drop you two on the Island Closest to HELL and leave you there! How dare you not tell me! Hmph!"

A loud clanging was heard before Zell took the hold of the mic. "She's just kidding folks. What she really means is congratulations Quisty and Seifer! Here's a song just for you! Squall, Irvine, hit it!"

The group looked above as the familiar notes of Right said Fred. Their theme song blared on the radio as Squall and Irvine's faces burned a deep crimson, as they hastily made their way back to their seats, not looking at one another. Quistis looked at them, her eyes narrowed in at their somber mood, and gave Seifer a questioning glance. Her fiance just shrugged, but decided that pressing the matter would be the cause of death to them both.

Seifer smiled, turning his face to the floor, mumbling to himself.. "....an' i do my little turn on the catwalk..."

They landed not far from Tear's point. Quistis had read up on the portfolio enough to know when, where, and how to advance. Climbing from the plane, the SeeD's saluted Squall as he led them, lining in a straight line, readying themselves for the attack.

"Alright everyone. We all know what is at stake here. What we need, is to push ourselves into completing this task. Right?"

The group nodded, waiting.

"Now, I know this is unorthadox, but.. There has been a request from high rank SeeD Almasy that he should be the one to deliver the last blow. Him or Instructer SeeD Trepe. I ask that you comply if this opertunity comes forth to let this request go forward."

Quistis narrowed her eyes at the blonde by her side. He looked down at her and nodded, silently asking her to let this request be real. Her lips pursed together as she nodde,d bringing her attention back towards the Commander.

"Now. The teams are this. Rinoa, you will be one Squad A, because you're a projectile specialist. That leaves Irvine, our other long range attacker, on Squad B. Zell, you're a close range attack, so you will be with Rinoa on Squad A, while Seifer will be on Squad B. Medium range attackers, Selphie and Quistis, Selphie, Squad A, Quistis, Squad B. That leaves me..."

Before he could answer, Seifer came forward, planting a hand on his tensed shoulder. "You. Squad A. We're both gunblade perfectionists here. 'Sides.." He whispered. "Go with Rinoa."

Squall nodded, silently pleased someone had made his instincts known. Seifer trecked back to his Squad, as Squall pinpointed the leaders; Himself and Seifer. He voiced concern to Quistis as her face fell over being not chosen, but she silently understood. They made their way towards the point, weapons ready, Guardian forces equipped. Irvine chuckled loudly, as everyone looked back at him.

"What's up Kinneas?" Zell asked.

Irvine just shook his head. "It's too quiet here. Something is about to give up."

The air became too heavy to bear at that moment. Everyone looked around, their instincts frozen in wonder and fear. The only sound that was made was a slight crack and a body falling to their knees..

"Rinoa?!" Squall screached, watching the blue clad angel fall to her knees, clutching her throat. When she lifted her hands away, blood poured from her throat, yet she didn't seem like she was dying. A black and megenta aura of smoke poured from the necklace, forming into a beast. Paying no heed, Selphie ran towards her, screaming "Full Cure!" to the fallen woman. The wounds on her neck healed almost instantly, as she stood up, scared.

The necklace cracked again, falling to her feet. She squeeked out a sound, stepping away from it as it emmited a foul stench of smoke, blowing into the winds. Squall ran to her, wrapping his arms around her shaking body, pulling her away from the billowy and angry looking clouds.

The skies darkened as a shrill shriek of an angry God formed, screaming into their minds. No one recognized the sound, aside from Quistis, who fell to her knees, muttering. "No..No..oh Hyne NO..."

(You've grown up so well, my dear..)

"No! Get outta my head!"

"Quistis? Pixie?" She heard him, Seifer, from far off, calling her name,. but he was right there.. right there..

(Shame I have to kill you...)

"AHHH!!" She screamed, hearing her enter her mind. She opened her eyes to see everyone crowding around her, except.. they were.. swirled?

Like the swirls on her mother's dress, or favorite swirled earrings, her swirly pendant..

The swirls on the ceiling in the Infirmary, swirly swirly..

Spinning, Spinning..



Before it all went black..then white.. then nothing..

Chapter 30

They stood there as the ground shook. Selphie cried out, loosing her footing and falling back. Zell grabbed onto one of the delicately made statues, and glared up at the rising demon and Squall, Rinoa, and Irvine stood their footing, throwing float on themselves before they fell down. Seifer tended to the blacked out Quistis, easing her awake as she groaned, gripping his black coat tight with her gloved hand. Her eyes widened at the sight of yet another sorceress junctioned unto Griever.

Throwing float on both her and Seifer, Quistis unleashed her whip, standing up and running to stand aside Irvine. Irvine cocked the Exeter forward and fired a shot into Griever the damage resulting in almost near nothing. The cowboy groaned, reloading his weapon. "Damn useless regular ammo! Zell! Refine that energy crystal you got!"

Zell nodded, fishing it out of his pocket. Seifer yelped as the Griever creature slammed into his body with it's tail throwing him far back enough into a statue. He groaned as he slid down, collapsing to his hands and knees. Quistis shrieked, and ran at the Griever with her whip in hand. Squall shouted at her but it was too late. The Griever creature picked her up and squeezed her around the midsection, the face glowering at her.

"You've grown up to be so beautiful Quisty. Pathetic little whore. You stole my husband!"

Quistis squirmed in her grasp, gasping as the claws bore into the side of her skin. "You..You..BITCH! I didn't want him! he raped..ME! AHHHHH!" Her scream echoed across tears point, as Griever's claw drove into her side. Squall sat back in fear, as Rinoa lifted her weapon to fire. Zell grabbed her around the wrist "No! You'll hit Quistis! That bitch is using her like a sheild. use your brain Heartilly!"

Rinoa lowered her weapon in fear. "Oh Hyne.. Quistis?!"

The blonde instructor was near passing out, the Sorceress digging her thumb claw into her stomach. Crimson was now staining the earth in big droplets as they soaked through her vest. The griever concoction brought Quistis close to her now, glaring deep into her eyes.


Quistis opened her tired blue eyes at her and glared. "Bullshit.. you where just a lazy drunk pathetic gnat to him, and me.. i didn't want him... let me GO..."

Seifer stood up now, glaring at the shedevil. "You're doing this because of Angustus Trepe?!" He stumbled towards the creature, brandishing his weapon. "He raped and molested your little girl, and all you can think of is how he chose her over YOU?!" Leaning on Hyperion, he glowered up at the floating lion. "You are the most pathetic sorceress I've ever heard of."

Raquel screamed and threw Quistis towards him. He flung his Hyperion to the side and opened his arms to her falling body, softening her fall. The landed into him with a thud, throwing both bodies back. Selphie ran towards the fallen pair, and quickly attempted a Full Cure on them. Squall stood forward to her, glaring with Rinoa behind him. Zell came forward as well, and the two stood in a three man line formation, preparing to strike.

Squall raised his Lionhart, and pointed to the beasts' heart. "I'm gonna make you pay for what you did to Sissy Trepe and Rinoa." He snarled angrily, as Zell pumped his fists together. Rinoa threw back her long hair and glared.

The being just laughed at them, and smirked. "YOU DON'T STAND A CHANCE AGAINST ME, PATHETIC SEEDS.. I'LL TAKE THE WHOLE LOT OF YOU OUT.."

Seifer groaned, with the help of Irvine, and stood to his feet, and soon the battle insued. Selphie proclaimed the roll as a healer and stood in the back and Seifer and Squall screamed orders. Rinoa hooked Pain into her weapon and groaned, holding it up and aiming for Raquel's head, only to miss when the earth crumbled at her feet. She yelped in surprise as Squall grabbed her hand and steadied her on her feet, only to be taken aback by her shove and yelp as she lifted her arm upwards to catch the Angel Wing back on it's resting place.

"Irvine! Take the back road! Quistis, come on, we need some of your Blue!" Seifer screamed above the ruckus. Irvine nodded to him and cocked Exeter, aiming for the beastly Griever/Raquel. Fireing off shot after shot of Pulse Ammo did some damage, but just barely caused any bleeding. Irvine groaned, and reloaded his gun with Dark Ammo, and attempted another max anmount of shots. He was thrown off his feet then, as the world upturned from his feet, and the bullet hit Quistis in the arm. She screamed in agony as her eyes clouded with over with darkness and she fell to her knees.

Seifer ran towards her, preparing to remedy her with some eye drops he had purchased before this fight. She was fighting, hard, and he yelled at her to hold still. Only when he poured the eye drops in her eyes with much difficulty did she calm down, her blue eyes teared up and wide. He searched her face, before speaking. "You alright? What do you need?"

Quistis opened her mouth to talk, but no sound came out. She gripped her throat and pointed, almost breaking into a sweat. Seifer nodded, and pulled out an Echo Screen, letting her drink it down. She coughed, groaning, her voice returning. "Se..Seifer...?!"

Seifer nodded. "Cast Aura on yourself, and call Cerberus. All of us are gonna need it."

Quistis nodded, steadying herself to her feet. The gunshot wound from Irvine was still bleeding, but a quick Cura fixed it. She stood to her feet, and concentrated, closing her eyes and thrusting her arms infront of her. The gates of Hell crashed open, as the furious three headed dog bared it's fangs. He concentrated, hard, now that he realized that there where more, and shot up seven beams of double and triple to the group above. They all saw the glow, surrounding their bodies, and Seifer let out a snickering grin.

Working her magic to the bone, Selphie stood mostly in the background, hitting the demoness every once in a while as she healed everyone immensly. it was needed, bad, as when Confusion was set in, thus causing Rinoa to throw her own bladed projectile in the path of Squall. He was only saved when Irvine rushed over and threw him to the grouned, losing half his coat in the process at it flutted above in the way of the projectile. Squall saw the tattered piece of clothing rip down to the floor and nodded his thanks to the cowboy. Irvine grinned and stood up, picking up his exeter and fixing his hat.

Zell cast an aura on himself, Quistis, and Seifer. He kicked his motions into high gear and ran towards the beast, hitting Raquel with his Different Beat, then finishing it off with the Final heaven. He fell the ground and looked up at the battered Raquel, expecting to see some sort of pain in her eyes, but was shocked when all he saw was a mocking laughter. Zell screamed in agony as he once again attacked the screeching beast, his skills lifting his feet into the air with the powers of the Earth and sea. During his last attack at Different Beat, though, Raquel slapped him away, like a bothersome fly, and he flew threw the air until Quistis caught him in a Mighty Guard, softening his thudding land to the ground, his silver claw breaking from his glove.

Seifer breathed deep, and pointed a palm at Raquel. Muttering out "Fire Cross!" he blasted the beast with a spur of fire, followed by his spinning gunblade, slicing across her chest. The wound hurt her, he noticed, but the wound healed almost immediately. Seifer groaned in frustration as he attempted Demon Slice, and suceeded in throwing her high into the air, only to have her fall back to the ground. Pulling back, he grabbed Quistis by the arm, and asked "How the fuck do you get control of that thing?!"

Quistis caught her breath, looking at him in confusion. "What? What.. are you talking about?"

Seifer blinked, swearing under his breath. "There has to be a way to control the Griever. We're fighting a losing battle, Quistis. we have to.. WHOA!! QUISTIS?!"

Griever bellowed out an angry shout, calling upon the power of the shockwave pulsar. The whole group lifted into the air, suspended in animation by glowing silver balls of light, circling around a huge black core. Seifer bellowed out in an angry shout, banging on the orb he was inside as the others remained as helpless as he was. The black core seemed to draw them in, then spit them back out, chewed up and in pain. Seifer collapsed to his knees, and looked around, noticing a lot of his fallen team mates. Only Rinoa, Quistis, and himself where up. Irvine, Squall, Selphie and Zell had fallen, passed out cold due to the affects of Shock Wave Pulsar. Quistis looked at them, and sighed, bringing her hands to her pocket, pulling out a phoenix Pinion. and crashing it to the floor while Seifer dragged Rinoa aside. He shook her lightly, his hands on her shoulders as beside them, a bursting flurry of fire and life scorched Raquel, and brought to life the fallen SeeDs.

"Rinoa? Rin, you've got to think, how can we defeat this thing?"

Rinoa shook her head, mumbling out "I-I-I don't know!"

Seifer groaned and looked at the floor, his hands on Rinoa's shoulders. Something glittery brought his gaze to the floor before he instantly recognized it. The Griever ring?

He picked it up, and hissed as it burned his hand. Dropping it back to the floor, he looked at Rinoa and pursed his lips. "Rinoa. You have to resummon Griever. Back into the ring. Do it, Rinoa, save Squall and the others!"

Rinoa gasped, and nodded, leaning down to pick up the ring. Holding it close to her heart, she kneeled down, and prayed, the ring glowing an eery blue sheen. She lifted it towards the Griever, as the power slowly regenerated into her body, lifting her hair into the air. The griever creature stopped fighting now, and looked back on at the girl, while inside it's body Raquel screamed in anger and hatred, spewing out curses and shouts whilst her Guardian Force body suddenly began to obey another source.

White light engulfed her form, as Rinoa pressured into the ring, her angel wings forming across her back, spreading like an angel's lyre. Her eyes glowed a mysterious white, billowing her hair out as she brought her face towards the griever and walked towards him, letting her hand command her way.

"Heaven's Lion.." She whispered. The Griever stared at her, suddenly under her trace. The fighting stopped, and everyone fell to their needs in relief, just watching as Rinoa commenced control over Griever.

Raquel screamed in agony, as the Guardian force ripped it's way from her mind. They realized now, why Griever was an important part of her. As Rinoa ripped away the Guardian force from Raquel's mind, Raquel's life force came with it, making Rinoa's angelic wings glow brighter and even more beautiful. The same spirited ghost like apparition of of the beggining of Griever worked it's way up, dissolving into the silver ring. Quistis stood up, her whip in hand, and watched as Raquel fell from where she was, landing hard onto the ground, becomming a broken and battered woman. Seifer followed suit, both of them angry as hell, with the rage of the seas flashing in their eyes.

"You.." Quistis spoke, her tone completly angryand filled with hate and angst. "You... You knew it was wrong.. You let him hurt me.. " She wiped away her tears with a free hand, and walked towards her foster mother as the fallen sorceress scrambled to get away. "Now I've got a permanant reminder of what he did to me.. WRITTEN ACROSS MY FACE!"

She lifted her whip to give the killing blow, until Raquel reached out and seized the poor girl's mind. Quistis screamed, gripping her forehead, as Seifer screamed her name and ran up to Raquel.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" His voice bellowed out, bringing his gunblade high. Quistis fell to the ground, her brain burning under Raquel's grip. The sorceress laughed, as the world started to shake and crack open. Squall looked around himself, bringing himself to his feet. he felt a breeze past him, but he paid no mind to anything except his comrades rising up, and looking at their surroundings. Then it hit him; Oh dear Hyne..

"EVERYONE! GET TO THE RAGNAROK! The earth is swallowing Tear's Point!"

Selphie Rinoa, and Zell nodded, picking up their weapons and running towards the plane. Irvine looked back, seeing Quistis and Seifer, and was about to turn back but he felt Squall's hand shoving him forward towards the plane.

"Squall! let me help them! Damn it!" Irivne pleaded. Squall shook his head, and over the ruckus of falling debris and dirt Seifer was heard shouting out to him, to Irivne, to get the hell out that he would return soon. Irvine nodded, and ran after the disappearing forms of Selphie and Zell.

"Seifer! Quistis!" Squall shouted, sheilding his eyes from the debris. "Come on, it's OVER! Let's go!"

Seifer nodded, and grabbed Quistis's hand, pulling her away. She ran with him, for a few steps before screaming for him to stop. "Seifer, wait! Please!"

Seifer halted, sheilding his eyes as well. "What?! Now what?!"

Quistis ran back, towards the fallen body and picked up a shiny silver metal. She threw it to Seifer, and he put it in his coat pocket. She smiled, and started walking towards him, until..


Quistis turned around, and fell backwards as the hand of her foster mother gripped her ankle. Screeching, she started dragging the young blonde down into a dark crevice in the earth, laughing in her horrid sound..

"No! Help! Seifer! oh HYNE..." Quistis struggled hard against the iron grip, but to no avail.

"QUISTIS?! NO I WON'T-" Seifer screamed in rage, running towards the instructor who was seeping deeper and deeper still into the dark abyss with the tyrant of a Sorceress, Raquel. His Hyperion Gunblade poised high into the air, he swung it down hard, pulling the trigger at just the right time. The pulse ammo exploded in her face, causing the Raquel creature to lash out in a last ditch effort, and blow him backwards. His scream tore through the air as his body did the same. His flight was stopped as his back cracked sideways, onto the jagged edge of a broken statue. The break was inevitable, the loud cracking sounds heard even over the fall of Tear's Point. Falling face forward, he was surprised to see he wasn't more then three feet away from Quistis.

Raquel leached forward with her other hand, gripping her daughter's other leg, pulling her down harder. Quistis screamed, holding onto what little land she could to keep herself from being swallowed by the earth with the woman she hated most in the world. Her hands were growing raw, even through the gloves she wore, and she cried out once again in pain as Raquel slid a sharpened finger down her thigh.

"You..and me.. together..in eternity..."

His hands felt hers, and she begged him to let her go, save himself. But he refused to, instead opting to pull her hands more deeply into his own.


She cried out to him. "No, Seifer, please! Just save yourself! Go!"

He gripped her hands harder, grimacing as he felt the pain in his back sear. "NO!! I won't leave you..!"

Her firm grip was slipping. "Go, Seifer, save yourself.." She almost whispered. He looked into her eyes, and stared into those beautiful blue orbs..

"I..Can't! Just hold on, Pixie, I'll save you!" The area around them was fading now, bigger debris falling harder. He stared into her blood laden face, and felt her slipping still. yet everytime he attempted to reach her, she didn't try to help.

"Save your own life, Seifer.. P-Please.." She begged, and pulled her loose hand away. He gripped her other arm hard, with both hands, as she swung there, the tears now falling out and dripping downwards. Raquel laughed, an evil laughter, her hands now pulling down at Quistis' waist.

"Damn you, Pixie, don't you know that with out you I don't HAVE a life?!" He cried. "Quistis, please! Let me help you!"

Raquel bellowed out in another laughter, pulling hard at Quistis' body. The instructor looked down at Raquel, and knew her fate was sealed. Raquel was already attempting to osmose with her, and the gash in her thigh was the right place to do it. The evil Sorcereses' hand held onto the bloody wound, making it glow an eery black and blue, as she attempted asmosis with her foster daughter.

Seifer was being pulled down with her now, and he let go of her hand, holding her up with one of his own while trying to keep his body steady. Quistis looked back up to him, and saw how his struggles were bringing him to his own doom. Her lips quivered, and his body lurched forward again, almost to the point of falling over into the darkened hole.

Squall ran forward to them now, and leaned forward, holding his hand out to her. She looked at it and gripped it, hard, as he too attempted to pull her out of the hole. Raquel held fast onto her body, and through the debris they couldn't see where her body started, and Raquel's began. it was as if, through the gast in Qusitis' leg, she was attemtping to take control of her body?

Squall and Seifer both pulled Quistis up, hard, but it was too late. Raquel shrieked with laughter, and bellowed out "If you take the bitch with you, you have to take me! I win this fight!"

Quistis pulled herself upwards, and latched onto Seifer's neck, staring into his deep green eyes. Raquel's voice doomed over them once again. "You'd never leave your precious Instructor, never! I'll mess with you for the rest of your lives!"

Seifer stared into her eyes, unsure of the next actions as she supposrted herself on the ledge, her arms around his neck. Her next actions shocked him and Squall, as she planted her lips hard ontop of his, kissing him deeply. She whispered into his mouth, "I love you," before pulling away, still cradling his face in her hands.

"Please, forgive me." She said, taking off a glove, and removing her ring, and thrusting it down into his glove.

"Quistis? What? QUISTIS?! NO!"

He attempted to catch her. But he was too late. Using what little strength she had left in her arms, she pushed herself away from the ledge, falling deeply, into the abyss below. Raquel screamed, begging the eternal Lords to save her, but it was of no use. Seifer's screams echoed out after her, his cries of anguish filling in the black void in which she fell. The last look in her eyes, her last words to him, as she fell, rang in his ears. "I love you...forgive...me...goodbye"

"NOOOO!!!!!!!!!" He screamed, almost falling in after her. He felt Squall's arms hold him back, along with antoher pair of arms, lifting him to his dead feet. He tried shaking them off, but to no avail. Irvine slapped him across the face, shouting into his ears "Stop it! Leave it! it's done! We have to get the fuck outta here!"

"No.. Quistis.. Oh my GOD NO..."

Squall grunted, trying to pull him to his feet. "Seifer.. Damn it.. Can you walk?!"

He tried, but felt nothing in his legs. He looked up meekly at Squall, who nodded and asked Irvine to help support him. They made their way back to the Ragnarok, which Selphie had started running the instant she fell into the driver's seat. As they plopped down inside of it, throwing one another on board. Squall pushed Seifer down on a board, and yelled at him not to move. The plane burst into the air, screaming, ripping the skies apart while Tear's Point fell, drowing into the earth. Irvine sat down, still in shock, as Squall checked over Seifer's body. Curaga would have been too late for him now, Squall thought.

"Seifer.. what's wrong?" Squall begged. "Physically, what's wrong with your body?!"

Seifer stared into the ceiling of the Ragnarok, watching the metal paneling shift slightly as the plane moved. Openeing chapped lips, he spoke, in a mumbled tone, before collapsing into blissful sleep.

"I...I..I can't...feel..my..legs..."