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The guilty show no mercy (Chapters 11-15)
Malice Shaw

Chapter 11

"He's BACK?!"

"Well he HAS been back for well over a month now."

"I know but you mean HE'S really BACK?!"

Quistis removed the thin rimmed glasses from her face and pinched the bridge of her nose. Everyone at her table had taken the news with a little bit of shock and fear, as Rinoa went on babbling with Selphie about it. Selphie babbled on and on about it as well, talking and laughing about it, even i it wasn't a laughing matter. Squall nodded silently, and Irvine tipped his hat. But did Zell? No, Zell had to beg and plead with reality until he was blue in the face, and even after that continue to question it's judgement. Quistis looked up at him and groaned.

"Zell, for the last time YES his memories are back and NO I can't make them go away!" she hissed, putting her glasses back on her face.

"Awww come one Quisty I think you can and just won't! I'm SURE you have some sort of Mind Wipe power hidden in that blue magic of yours."

That brought orth a chuckle from everyone around, and Quistis replaced her glasses on her nose. "No, I don't, Zell, you used the Forget me not to upgrade your damned weapon."

Zell groaned and slammed a fist to the floor. Then he looked up with a confused look on his face. "What? Wait I never upgraded my weapon yet! Ergeiz is the most powerful glove so far!"

Quistis chuckled as everyone at the table laughed. "I know, I know. I can't make his mind faulter Zell. You know that."

Zell nodded and crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair. His eyes drifted towards the entrance as Seifer sauntered in, trailed by Fujin and Raijin. They were more then overjoyed to hear about his mind returning, and stead by fast next to him to continue the tradition as the disiplinary commitee who walked the halls and stalked the kids. Except now, even though Fujin and Raijin quickly trailed back into the old positions as Seifer's posse, Seifer himself seemed downcast and confused. He caught Quistis' gaze with his own eyes before she broke it, instead opting to toss a carrot into her mouth. Zell watched the whole scene, and noticed Seifer nudge his head towards the table, and Raijin and Fujin nod. Picking up their trays they made their way towards the table, standing behind Quistis. Seifer cleared his throat and she turned around, gazing up at him.

"Uhm.. May we join you guys?"

Quistis turned her head to everyone, even Zell. They all gave a nod and scooted around the table, making room. Irvine moved closer to Quistis, but not beore Fujin came up behind him and tapped him on the shouler.


Irvine tipped his hat and lashed another grin. "Sure thing."

He moved closer to Selphie, who giggled as she flung her arms around his neck. He smiled and pried her arms off him. Seifer and the posse placed their plates on the table and retrieved some chairs. Quistis stiffened as Seifer sat down next to her, and Fujin and Raijin took some respected seats next to the others. They began eating in silence, as Seifer picked up his sandwhich and took a bite. Squall cleared his throat and spoke. "Thank you."

Everyone looked at him in silence, as Seifer swallowed and put his sandwhich down. "For?"

"About a week ago. The Quad."

Seifer thought on it and nodded. "Yeah. Don't mention it Squall."

The younger man raised an eyebrow. "Squall?"

Seifer chomped again into his sandwhich and nodded. "Yeah. You went through puberty while I was away, so that wouldn't really fit anymore."

Squall nodded, and sipped his soda. Zell groaned as he looked back towards the cafeteria ladies. "Man, I don't believe it. OUT of hotdogs AGAIN. I can't believe it. I swear of all things..." He rambled on, crossing his arms. Raijin looked at Seifer and nodded, placing a napkin on Zell's empty plate and taking one of his hotdogs and putting it ontop. Zell smiled and picked it up, taking a bite. He gazed at Raijin with something close to love in his eyes. "Thanks man."

"Don't mention it ya know?"


Quistis nodded. "The SeeD test is tomorrow, isn't it? That's your big day Seifer."

He nodded, swallowing the last of his sandwhich. "Yeah. I just might make it before I'm forty."

"You can always aim for thirty you know."

"True, but I'm giving myself some credit with forty. So, who's going tomorrw?"

Quistis flipped through her ever present clipboard and sighed. "You, Fujin, Raijin, and a few others. Not sure if they know you, or you them. Remember to meet at the front gate okay?"

Seifer nodded, taking a gulp from his drink. "Got it Instructor. See ya then."

He leaned over to give her a kiss on the cheek, and laughed as her face flushed a brilliant crimson. "Where are you headed to?"

Seifer stretched. "Training center. Might as well prepare myself for tommorow. Later guys, and Zell, don't choke."

Zell mumbled a goodbye as he warfed down the rest of his hotdog in one bite. Fujin shook her head, a slight smile tracing her lips as she looked at Zell. "DISGUSTING."

Zell looked up from his contented self "What?!"

Everyone at the table had to laugh at that, and Squall cracked a smile. Shaking his head lightly he leaned over to Rinoa and kissed her temple, as Irvine did the same with Selphie. Fujin looked uneasy as she reached up and rubbed her neck. Zell saw that. "Hey Fuj, you okay?"

Fujin nodded and smiled. "FINE."

"Yeah, she's okay ya know? Just happy that Seifer's back with us now ya know?" Raijin piped in. He put a fry in his mouth and chewed noisily.

"Yeah. I still wonder what made him lose his mind anyways? And what roughed him up so bad." Selphie chimed in, her usual cheerful voice lower and worried.

Rinoa shook her head. "It doesn't really matter now, does it? I mean, he's back and there isn't much we can do about it."

"So what, Rinny? We forget about it? Squall deadpanned. Rinoa nodded her head, forking some of her salad into her mouth. Everyone silently agreed to wait until he himself remembers who hurt him and how before questioning it. Seifer was going through enough at the moment they didn't need to be adding onto it. The group continued on with their lunch until Quistis stood up and brushed off her dress. "I'm heading to the training center. I want to make sure he doesn't get in way over his head."

With the resounding good byes and nods from everyone, she turned up and headed towards the training center. Walking across the halls, her heels clicked and she heard the whispers of displeased Treppies. Word had spread that she was dating Seifer, and many of them, especially the males, were displeased. Most of them where more along the lines of angry and jealous, and then some more of the usual lost love whines. A few where happy that for once she chose someone to date, even if it was Seifer Almasy. They were just glad she was straight.

She rounded the corner to the training center and eyed Seifer fighting a T-Rexaur. She smiled, as she watched him dodge his attacks, and draw magic from the screeching beast. She leaned against a tree and enjoyed the view until, while attempting to cast Shiva, his hand faltered in mid air and he collapsted. Quistis' eyes went wide with fear, as she dove out form her hiding space and whipped at the T-Rexuar until he screamed back in pain. Quickly casting blind and sleep on him, she ran over to Seifer's side, kneeling down. He was gasping for breath, clawing at his head screaming. She brought her eyes upwards, to teh T-rexuar, who had just awakened. Brining herself up, she concentrated hard before initiating Degenerator on the angry lizard. A howl of pain was heard untill he vanished. Quistis turned her attention back to Seifer, pulling him up. "Seifer, are you alright? What happened?"

Seifer groaned in pain, gripping his head. "Quistis, I-I-I... ARGH..!!!"

He screamed in agony as Quistis kneeled away, scared. He bellowed in pain, then finally grief. He stopped his sheiking, shaking down into gasping sobs. Quistis leaned down, sheltering his body. Wiping the sweat that seemed to keep coming from his brow, she leaned forward to kiss his temple, and was shocked when he pulled away, shoving her to the side. He stood up slowly, wiping the tears from his eyes. His hand never let go of Hyperion. He began walking towards the exit of the training center, sniffling. Quistis stood up and ran towards him, grabbing his arm. "Seifer?"

He turned to her, his tears dry now. "What?"

"What happened?"

Seifer turned away from her now. "Quistis, I...I can't tell you this."

She pulled him to face her now. "Tell me what?"

He shook his head, fast, his uncut hair sticking to his forhead with dried sweat. "Quistis, I..Look, we have to talk. Please?"

She nodded. "What's wrong?"

Seifer thought hard, his eyes closed. He willed himself to say what he didn't want to. "Quistis, we..I.. I can't see you anymore."

His heart broke at the sight of her face falling, falling, then dying. Her mouth opened with unasked questions, before she closed it, stuck out her chin and nodded. He threw down his Hyperion in anger, glaring down at her with his deep green eyes. "Aren't you going to even ask why?!"

Quistis turned her back to him and shook her head. "No. It doesn't matter anyways. Goodbye Seifer, be sure to get up early tomorrow." With that, her steps traded back towards the exit of the training center. Seifer stared after her, angry for what he had done. But he couldn't tell her what he saw, not now. She's think it was another way for him to attempt a Garden take over. Beside, his brain was possibly playing tricks on him, but to make sure, to kep her safe, she had to have nothing to do with him. He couldn't harm her. He couldn't. After sh was out of earshot, Seifer sighed and muttered to thin air.

"I just have to hurt the one I'm in love with, don't I?"

Leaning down to pick up his hyperion, his eyes found her old chain whip, the older one, the Red Scorpion, the one she used for practice. She must have dropped it in her rush to leave after he had broken her heart. Picking it up, he placed it in his inside coat pocket. He'll return it to her.



When he could find the time to stop his own chest from feeling like someone's fist was squeezing it until it bled ice.

Chapter 12

That was almost two months ago.

Seifer, Raijin, and Fujin all became SeeDs, with Fujin and Raijin having to tak another course for accidently messing up the first field mission. Seifer waited patiently for them on the bridge, waiting in his SeeD uniform. Fujin mumbled under her breath "DRAFTY" as she pulled at the hemline of her skirt. Raijin was actually silent for once, standing straight and tall filling out his SeeD uniform with perfect ease. He smiled as the Headmaster leaned forward to congratulate him, whispering "Good job Raijin, but being a follower is not as good as a leader." The headmaster leaned towards ujin now, congratulating her then leaning forward to whisper in her ear "Hold your temper in check, even when you feel like you're going to burst." and continued walking towards the other two graduates, offering them advice. Seifer smirked, the familiar grin crossing his lips. As Cid dismissed the graduates, he called Seifer to his side. "Seifer, please, have a seat. I would like a word with you."

Nodding, the blonde man sat down. "Yes Headmaster?"

Cid cleared his throat and smiled. Edea came to his side and laced a hand through his arm. "Seifer, I have heard that you and Quistis Trepe were an item am I correct?"

Seifer nodded, but then quickly shook his head. "We were, but not anymore. Why sir?"

Cid smiled and leaned against his desk. "Well, in the past, i'm sure you remember, you were always her favourite student, even when your words were harsh. She always believed in you."

Seifer nodded. He couldn't think up a snappy comment to that one. Cid continued on. "Miss Trepe was a well respected instructor here, until she got demoted. Purely because of you."

Seier looked up now, cofnusion laid in his face. Edea smiled at it. "Seifer, she spent more time on trying to get you to become a SeeD then with her other students. She played favorites, I guess you can call it."

Seifer shook his head. "No way. She preferred Squall. I was the biggest trouble maker around, and she had to have hated me every once in a while."

Edea smiled and sat down next to him. "She might have been frustrated with you. But hate is a strong word which she never uses."

Seifer nodded but he was still confused. Where were they trying to go with this? "I understand. But where is this going? Quistis is a great instructor. I know that, this Garden knows that, and every SeeD she's trained knows that."

Edea smiled then. Seifer didn't like that smile. It showed that she was hiding something. "Seifer, tell me, do you think she's pretty?"

Okay, that was unexpected. "Erm.. yes. I think she's one of the most beautiful creatures to grace this planet. Where is this heading?"

Edea nodded and smiled, as cid let out a polite laugh. he had a twinkle in his eyes that made Seifer suspicious. He wriggled in his seat, feeling like he was at an interrogation. And he didn't like it one bit. Cid smiled broader now, still staring at him. "We just need you to tell her that some time. She'll believe you, since you aren't one of her following puppy dogs. What do they call them Edea? Rabbits, since they hound her like hopping bunnies?"

"No. Treppies. Like that Star Trek thing." Seifer chimed in, sitting up straight. "From what she's told me, before, they can be a pain. She doesn't feel like she should be worshipped. Just respected is enough for her."

Edea sighed. "Everyone needs to be loved Seifer. And she has been feeling low for the past few weeks. So instead of avoiding her like a plague might you want to at least speak with her sometimes? Hmm?"

Seifer looked up. "Matron? How did you know?"

"How did I know you avoiding her since your initial break up? Quite easy my dear child. I saw you dive behind the plant bushs when she walked down the halls in your path a few days ago. It didn't take long to figure out that you didn't wish to speak to her, despite how close you two once where."

He pursed his lips together in frustration and slinked back low in his seat. Gee, if they knew then it had to be all over the Garden by now. He stood up and saluted them. "May I go now?"

Cid nodded and Seifer took off out the door fast. He made his way down to the dorms, his own private alcove of peace from the world. He stared down at his bed, then ran his fingers along the blanket. The black silk beneath his fingers felt rough, he thought, but the roughness smoothed itself out.He took of his SeeD uniform, and pulled back the sheets. He tried to go to sleep but something was knawing him on the inside. What was wrong with him now? Or was it something else? He groaned and turned on his side, but he couldn't shake the feeling. If something was wrong with...

He didn't have any more time to think as the pounding was at his door, and Raijin's bellowing that there was the SeeD ball that night and he had to get ready. Seifer groaned and pulled himself away from his bed. Grabbing his clothing from the closet, he muttered a curse as he began to change.

Quistis stood on her balconey over looking the landscape of Balamb Garden. The view was beautiful but not to her. During her time here, teaching, learning, forging out more and more SeeDs, she has had no regrets. But still, she wasn't happy. What was missing in her life? She leaned over the railing, and felt the breeze hit her face. She knew what was missing, and he had just flung her aside and avoided any contact her since then. She still felt horrible about it, even if it had been a few moths ago. She turned around and headed to her office, to think, she told herself. To think. Unlocking her door, she sat down, smoothing out her white silk dress she wore for the party that night. She looked over a few papers until the sudden feeling of...loss.. came over her. Something inside her was telling her to do it..do it.. but..do what?

She stared forward, a blank smile on her face.. oh.. do that.. okay..

Seifer tried to shake off the feeling that something was horribly wrong. After buckling the last strap on his coat, he looked at himself in the mirror and thought that, indeed, he did look good. He smirked. Raijin patted him on the back and gave him a huge white toothed grin. "Lookin' good ya know!"

Seifer smiled and nodded. "I can't tell you how good it feels to actually wear this uniform Raijin. Never actually thought that I'd become a SeeD. But.. Here I am."

Raijin nodded, his grin never fading. "Fujin's outside. Wanna get going?"

Seifer nodded and stepped out the door with Raijin in tow. Fujin was dressed in her SeeD uniform, her hair done nicely. Seifer had to admit, she looked nice. Fujin noticed his smirk and lowered her eyes to the floor. "GIRLY."

"Nah, Fuj, you look good girl. Congratulations."


"You changed your hair?"

Fujin ran a hand through her hair. "SELPHIE."

Seifer chuckled and shook his head. He should have known the little messenger girl wouldn't have let Fujin out of her sight unless Fujin's hair had been donned perfectly. Fujin had even left her sinister looking eye patch in her room, now sharing her different colored eyes for the world to see. He could see now why she wore it, since one of her eyes was a sinister looking red on back compared to the serene violet of her other one. But aside from that, she looked great Seifer had to admit. Holding out a folded elbow, he smirked. "Will the fair lady allow me the oppurtunity of her escort to the dance?"

Fujin's eyes narrowed and she shook her head, jamming a thumb towards Raijin. "DATE."

Seiffer nodded and ribbed Raijin. "She's all yours. Too much woman for me."

They enjoyed a brief laugh until Fujin's pert hearing picked up heavy footsteps. She shushed the two boys and looked towards the door as Zell burst in. The tattooed wonder was gasping for breath, his fist gripped on his chest. He leaned against the doorframe, gasping for breath. He looked up and saw the Posse staring at him in wonder. Seifer walked towards him, pulling him to his feet. "Zell, what are you doing here? And why are you so out of breath? Too many hotdogs I'm assuming." He said with a smirk.

Zell shoved him off, growling at the hot dog remark. He shook his head, clearing his brain before answering. "Man I have been almost all over Garden and still no sign.."

Fujin stepped forward now, tilting her head to side in confusion. "PROBLEM?"

Zell gasped and sat down i a chair. Raijin came forward, with a glass of water, which Zell down almost immediatly. Groaning outloud, he wiped his lips with the back of his hand. "Uggh.. Thanks man. Anyways, have you guys seen Quistis? Man she wasn't where she promised Rinoa she'd be and no matter where we've searched, the girl ain't no where to be found!"

Seifer peered at the younger blonde. "What are you talking about? Why isn't she at the party yet?"

Zell just shrugged. "I dunno man. I mean we checked everywhere.. but her office.. Oh man ya think she's there?! Oh fuck she probably got carried away grading papers.."


"Fujin's right ya know? Instructor Trepe inished all her stuff earlier, she told us so. She Also said that she's been having a rough time too ya know?!"

"IDIOT!" Fujin screamed and slammed her foot into his leg. He yelped and fell to the floor gripping his calf. "Well she didn't actually say it ya know, but every time we saw her she looked like she was cryin' or something."

Seifer's face fell. The bad feeling inside him increased as he stepped outside. "Well let's go! Jesus Hyne do I have to do everything around here?!"

She felt along it's length. One of her old students had given it to her, out of appreciation, for his younger sister who died and he had given up on being a SeeD. He left her his weapon, a 9mm pistol, and with a sad note he left the Garden to be with his family. She had forgotten his name, is was well over four years ago, but she never forgot the weapon. The student was one of her best, and she was more then sorry to let him go. She had felt his loss at the time but now.. it was as if she had lost her own sister to death, and not him. Her body was wracked in emotional distress as her throat tore open in a scream on angst. But still she refused to let the tears fall. Something in her head told her to do it, and she didn't know what it was, only the sound of...reason.. She felt so lost now. So horridly angry with herself. Her failures, like losing her instructor's license, not having any leader's qualities, regaining back her license.. only, in her mind, to possibly lose it again. Her heart seemed to stop beating now, as it bled into her soul. The pain became unbearable now, as a lone tear slipped down a perfectly powdered cheek, leaving a line.

He ran. Fujin and Raijin had gone seperate ways, but he knew she'd be there. She had to be there. The others were searching as well, but they wouldn't find her beore he did. His foot steps seemed to be slower and slower still, even though he ran faster then his legs could take him. Instead of using his head, he let the beating muscle inside his chest lead his feet.

...her fingers traced the barrel again... it felt so smooth. It was able to end her pain..

His hands finally reached the smooth brass doorknob. His heart led him here, to her office. He turned the knob ferociously, almost making it come of in his hand.

...She lifted the barrel to her temple, feeling the cold metal freeze the skin right down to her skull...

He screamed her name, and shoulder rammed the door open. He stumbled inside, and looked upwards, at her shaking form. Why was she saluting him? or.. No...!



Her scream. It sounded much like a knife piercing the darkness. He was on the floor, he didn't know what to do.

The gunshot was loud enough to make even the people at the graduation dance stop in mid Fox trot, to stare up around them. It was only when the silence was broken by a silver haired SeeD breaking into the ball room did everyone begin to chatter and whisper.

Fujin climbed onto the podium, her eyes filled with fear.


Chapter 13

The silence was only broken by the subtle sounds of the heart monitor. Beep.

A strong firm hand held a weaker one in it's clasp, hard, praying. Beep.

Another hand came up, clasing over the weak one, in a praying gesture. Beep

A strong chin, lowering on those hands, hoping, doesn't look so strong now. Beep.

That chin quivers, just a bit, but then holds still, trying to be strong. Beep.

A pair of full lips, move now, in a silent prayer, or the fallen one. Beep.

Eyes, as clear as as water, now shining with unshed tears stared down. Beep.

Those tears fell now, falling on the weak, lifeless hand. Beep.


She brought her tear filled eyes upward. Fujin placed a calm hand on her shoulder. "Squall would like to see you. So you can explain."

The young blonde nodded, wiping the falling tears with her hand. She leaned over to kiss the sleeping Seifer on the forehead, and whisper words of encouragement in his ear. She stood up, stumbling a little bit as Fujin'a warm hands steadied her, then pulled her into a comforting embrace. Quistis wrapped her arms around the shorter girl's neck, burying her face in her neck. "I'm so sorry Fujin. I'm so sorry."

The silver haired girl nodded, and let a meloncholy smile drit to her lips. Taking Quistis gently by the arm, she led her out of the infirmery, not looking back. She was afraid that if she did, her own eyes would decieve her, and her eye patch would be soaked to the core. Beep.

Squall Leonhart, the commander of SeeD, the destroyer of evil sorceresses, the orphan of Centra, stood with his fellow friends in Cid's ofice. Edea was shedding silent tears in her husbands shoulder, while Irvine played silently with his gun. Selphie was behind him, rubbing his shoulders, while Zell and Amie where standing up, with Amie cradled in his arms. Rinoa was standing beside Squall, looking towards the floor, with no emotion. Just an arm, gripped tightly on Squall's, almost enough to cause pain. Edea snifled and lifted her head to Raijin, who was pacing back and forth, his heavy steps echoing. Kissing her husband, she stepped towards Raijin and held out her arms. He stopped pacing and looked at her confusion in his eyes, but Edea nodded, and wrapped her lithe arms around Raijin's huge body, barely reaching half way around his back. Raijin welcomed the comforing embrace and circled Edea in his arms.

Fujin walked in, holding a shaking Quistis. Lowering the blond girl in a chair, she eaned over and patted her shoulder beore announcing "QUISTIS."

Everyone turned to look at her. Their eyes held no accusing, no malice. Just sympathy, love and questions. Quistis leaned back in her chair and crossed her legs. Squall spoke up first, leaning down to her.

"Quisty, talk to us. You have to tell us what happened."

She shook her head and began to cry, the tears streaming down her face silently. She hated to cry, but it just felt so right now.

Edea stepped forth, behind Quistis, and hugged her. "Please, my sweet Quisty, my sweet child. Talk to me, talk to us, your friends."

Quistis's body shuddered as she leaned into Edea's embrace. "I-I-I nearly killed him!" she blubbered. Edea stroked her messy hair, and comforted her with soothing words. Disengaging her arms, the Matron gently moved Squall out of the way to sit next to Quistis, and pull her back into the embrace of her arms. "We need to help Seifer now. To do that, my sweet, we need to know the events of two days ago."

Quistis nodded in Edea's shoulder, her tears comming free now. "I-I W-Wanted t-t-to die, Matron. I couldn't live anymore. Something was telling me t-t-that I was w-w-worthless.. S-Something was telling me I wasn't a good teacher, that th-the Garden would be better off with out me. I'm so sorry.. Oh Hyne SEIFER!? Oh my God..." The tears cursed down her cheeks, as she cried now, loudly. Irvine looked up from his gun toying and gave her a sympathetic look. "Quisty, please, don't blame yourself." Selphie nodded, tears in her eyes as well.

Squall nodded. "Like Irvine said, it's not your fault Quisty. Now please, tell us what happened. How did Seifer get shot?"

Quistis nodded, pulling away from Edea. "Okay.. I can talk now." She cleared her throat and stood up, walking to the water cooler. Taking a paper cup, she spoke as it started to fill. "He walked in on me, with the gun. He actually fell to the floor. I screamed as he kicked my ankles out from under me, it was all he could do, since he shoulder rammed into my office." The cup was over spilling now, as she stopped filling it and down it in one fell swoop. "I fell, the gun pointed at him.. and.. Fujin walked in.. he was bleeding from his chest.. near his shoulder.. and...Oh Hyne..." She dropped her cup then, and fell to her knees. The sobbing didn't stop as Irvine took off his coat and wrapped it around her, helping her up. He face dher towards the headmaster and kissed her on the temple, making sure she was alright. Quistis long blond hair fell about her face before she asked. "Headmaster... please.. may I..take a few days off..?"

Cid came forward, waving his hads. "Instructor Trepe, I think you need more then that. Take all the time you need. Edea will handle the classes and Squall will handle the training sessions. If Squall is on a mission, I will appoint myself."

Squall's lip twitched. "You, Headmaster?"

Cid nodded. "I was quite the hunter in my day, Squall. Don't knock these old people just yet!"

Quistis smiled, and looked up. "Headmaster, I'm really tired right now.. May I be excused?"

Cid nodded. "Yes, of course. But.."

"But what? Sir?"

He coughed lightly then. "I'm sending you to room with Selphie for now. If you don't mind. We would feel better if you and her were together for now, just to make sure that.."

Quistis nodded. "That I don't pull a stupid stunt like that again."

Cid nodded. "Your things have been moved there already, Selphie did it. So, Selphie, if you don't mind, Instructor Trepe is tired. Will you take her to her room?"

Selphie nodded, smiling. "Sure thing. Let's get going Quisty."

Quistis removed her jacket and handed it to Irvine, who smiled and to\ipped his hat. Zell came forward, holding hands with Amie and stepped infront of her. Sheepishly, he rubbed his neck and brought his dark eyes to her sky blue ones. "Y'see, Quisty, first I wanted to yell at you for trying to take yourself away from us, ya know? But hey, I'm sorry. Just want you to know that me and Amie here will be there for you, anytime."

Amie nodded and laced an arm around Zell's waist. "I know we don't know eachother too well, but like Zellie said, I'm here too Miss Trepe."

Quistis nodded. "Call me Quistis. Or Quisty. It's alright"

Amie smiled and Zell and her walked out to the elevator. Selphie and Quistis soon followed, Selphie never taking her hand off of Quistis' shoulder. Raijin and Fujin followed suit, walking heavy.

Irvine watched them leave. He slowly shook his head. Edea went back to her husband, wrapping a comforting arm around his waist. Rinoa looked at everyone, the blank stare still on her face, then she continued towards the elevator, going down. Squall sighed and sat down in a chair, trancing into his thinking pose. Irvine chuckled lightly, which brought stares at him.

"What? Why you all looking at me?"

"Just what's so funny Kinneas?!" Squall hissed, lookig up from his seated position.

Irvine shook his head, his face grim. "Don't you see it? Quisty, commiting suicide? It's not right. She's always had people around, to talk to her. And those students of hers, I know as well as you do that they mean more to her then her own life, she'd never leave them. And the gun. Simple. It was locked away. Why, if she wanted to kill herself, didn't she do it differently? She was on the balconey, she could have fallen. There was rope, she could have hanged. And she has access to Kadowaki's supply of medicine, and she could have OD'd. A gunshot woul have been too messy, Quistis is the neatest person we know. It don't seem right."

Squall listened closely to the gun man's words, nodding after each sentence. He was right. This wasn't like Instructor Trepe. "You don't think she tried because of Seifer, do you?"

Irvine shook his head. "No, she's been spurned before. And remember what she said? Something inside her head was telling her to do it. Quisty's neve said anything about thoughts in her head, she's the most out spoken girl we know." He walked over to the headmaster and Edea. "You guys as well as me and Squall know Quisty pretty well. All her life practically. I've even read her journal. She's never had thoughts of suicide, or anything. My view? Someone's been putting those thoughts in her head. I don't think it's Seifer, but maybe someone else.."

Squall shook his head and stod up. "Another sorceress? Only person I know of who can put thoughts in someone's head is Ellone. Well, sort of. Who else could take control of someone's mind when..it's...vulnerable..." Squall's face paled.

Irvine nodded. "Exactly. You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"

"Another sorceress? No way. We would have known, Irvine."

The gunman shook his head. "Only if the Sorceress is good at hiding. I mean, come on, we've fought three of the most powerful sorceress in the world, hell one wasn't even from this world. How could we even forget one?"

Irvine shrugged. "Hey it's possible. Seifer's head was taken control because he was scared of himself. Quistis is scared of failure, and that could be the point where this unknown sorcress took control. She must have fought it, though, and Seifer just happened to walk in on it. Think about it Squall. That's not our Quisty."

Squall nodded. It wasn't their Quistis alright. She would never do that. Never. She loved her students, even the treppies, too much to take herself away from them. And her Instructor's license, she was too proud of it to give it all up for a bullet to the head. Something was controlling her mind. But they should have seen it coming. If they did Seifer wouldn't have been shot, and Quistis wouldn't be blaming herself. That itself wasn't worth the loss. Squall stood up and was about to head to the elevator when it suddenly shot down, for the arrival of more students to the head office. He stepped back, waiting, as Fujin and Raijin ran into the office, smiled across their face. Raijin was jumping happily, and Fujin, minus her eye patch, (she decided that her red on black eye was just as beautiful as her normal one) grinned happily. "GOOD NEWS."

Squall nodded. "State your business."


"Seifer's awake now? is he ready to talk?" Squall asked, his tone almost begging.

Fujin nodded. "YES. WANTS TO SEE YOU."

Squall nodded, and saluted her. Fujin did the same, as Raijin, her, and Squall barreled into the elevator to the first floor. Irvine stayed behind with the relieved headmaster and headmistress, basking in their joy that one of Edea's children were alright. But the sorceress thing, it kept bugging him, making him think. Rinoa would never harm her friends, and Edea would never hurt her children. Irvine shook those thoughts from his head. Why on earth would he ever think those two would harm Quistis or Seifer?! They were sorceresses, maybe they could help find the one who was taking control of the best in Balamb Garden.

"Uugghhh...my head...."


A soft chuckle. "Yeah. It feels like it's filled iwth lead. Sure I wasn't shot up here?"



Squall entered in. Raijin was smiling, sitting down next to Seifer, pretending not to have been worried while Fujin was standing, straight up, next to her friends' bedside. Squall cleared his throat, and Raijin stood up to stand next to Fujin. They both gave him the salute, but Squall waved it off. "You're at ease. We're not in the office now."

Fujin and Raijin nodded, and noticably relaxed. Seifer looked up at Squall from his sitting position and smirked. "Hey. You're late. Don't make me go all DC on you."

Squall smiled, slightly, barely letting his lips twitch upwards. "Well, sorry. I came here to talk."

Seifer nodded and pointed to the seat next to the bed. His head was bandaged, as was his shoulder, above one muscular pec. He was leaning back, but exactly lying down, as the bed was lifted to suit his talking needs. "So, Commander, I need to get out of here so I can breath. Think you can get the good Doctor to release me?"

Squall shook his head. "Only to my custody, and I know you won't like that."

Seifer scoffed and smiled. "You reckon right. So, tell me what's up?"

Squall cleared his throat and leaned back in his chair, crossing one leg over his knee. "You do know Quistis shot you. You blacked out, not because opf the shot, that was pretty meaningless. Only in your shoulder, but the concussion was what caused the black out. Seem's like your fine. How do you feel?"

Seifer shook his head. "Confused. I rammed the door in, and saw Quistis standing there with a gun to her head. I was on the ground because I tripped so I kicked her ankles out form under neath her. I stood up, but at the same time the gun went off and hit me. I felt like I was falling, then boom, out like a light. Where is she? Is she alright?"

Squall nodded. "Yeah. We talked to her. She'll be rooming with Selphie for a while. We just want to make sure she won't hurt herself. We all love her and need her. Hye, I wish I knew she was hurting so i could get her some help..." Squall looked at the ground in dismay.

Seifer spoke up now. "Ain't your fault. I shouldn't have broken up with her. I mean, I care a LOT about her. I just didn't want her to have another worry on her pretty little head. Man.." He leaned back, staring at the ceiling. "I didn't deserve her then, and I don't now. Where is she, can I talk to her?"


Raijin nodded. "Yeah, she's in the other room. We told her, and she was afraid to see you. Fujin'll go get her if ya want ya know?"

The lovely girl's eyes narrowed, and she let out with a sharp kick to his shin. "IDIOT."

Seifer smiled as Raijin yelped in pain. "Rai, you should know by now that Fujin doesn't like to be told what to do."

Squall stood up. "I'll go get her. Don't go anywhere."

Seifer scoffed at the retreating form of Squall. "Where am I gonna go Puberty boy?! Out to the cafeteria and steal Zell's hotdog?" Squall turned around and laughed at Seifer's smirk. "You're as unpredictable as they come, Seifer."

"Yeah. I like that."

Squall went to retrieve Quistis as Seifer looked at his Posse. "Hey Fuj, Raij, I love you guys dearly, but do me a favor?"


"Anything for you, ya know?"

Seifer nodded. "Let me talk to Quisty alone. It's sorta between the two of us, so can I?"

Raijin and Fujin both nodded, smiling. When Squall returned with Quistis, Raijin gave her a hug and made a beeline towards the door, followed by Fujin. The former patch eye gave Quistis a warm smile, and a slight hug, before turning to Squall. Pointing to the door, she said "COME."

Squall's face held confusion. "What? I have to take Qui-"

Fujin's eyes narrowed as she growled. "NEGATIVE. THEY DON'T WANT THREESOME. YOU PERVERT."

Squall's face burned red as Seifer's laughter filled the room. He sheepishly walked out the door with Fujin in tow, and shut it, but not before Fujin smiled warmly at the couple. Quistis sat down, next to his bed. Seifer glared at her. She gave him a questioning look before he patted his bed, silently asking her to sit next to him. On the bed. She nodded, and sat where he asked her to. No word was spoken until he reached up and took her chin in his hand. Her tear stained face, was like beautiful china, even though her eyes threatened to spill over with salty crystal like droplets. When they did, she refused to face him, forcing her eyes to the ground. He reached up to force her to face him, gently, whispering.


She faced him. Even with her matted hair, her tortured features, she was so beautiful. He was mentally kicking himself for letting her go. The tears, they fell like graceful raindrops, which he lifted a hand to catch. He fingered the smooth droplets in his hand, staring as he rubbed it into the rough skin of his fingers, the glistening dulling out. He looked back to her face, and she quickly turned away, sniffling. A smirk threatened to encase his lips as he reached up again, only to have her pull away.


No answer, just a slight nod of her beautiful head.

"Quistis, I love your tears, but I don't want to make you cry."

She turned to face him now, the look of pain still on her face. He continued on.

"Quistis. You don't think it's your fault do you? It was an accident. Plain and simple. You didn't mean to. But I would have let you shoot me straight in the head if it meant you'd miss your own."

Her eyes filled with tears again. Seifer reached up, groaning slightly, to put his hands on her shouders. Gently pulling her, he pulled her body close to his. He could feel her warmth, her compassion, her fear. But most of all he could feel her. She still felt so beautiful. With some resistance, he was able to bring her fully inside his arms. She leaned against his musclular frame, and finally let the sobbing unfold. He held her tightly, stroking her hair, every once in a while kissing her on the temple. She looked up at the last moment when he attempted another stolen kiss, and felt familiar lips on her own. He pulled away, ready to apologize, but not until she inched closer, bringing closure with her own mouth.

With out words, he had forgiven her, and with out a sound, she accepted.

Chapter 14


Rinoa ran around her room in a flurry of blue, with Squall behind her. She was chattering, as usual in her chirpy voice while Squall nodded and listened, hoisting Angelo off the bed into his Pet Pals official My Pet Buddy carrying case. The poor dog whimpered as Squall reached in the pat his head. "Don't worry guy, it's just for a little while."

Rinoa jumped up and down excitedly. "Oh Squall, I'm going HOME. Can you believe it? HOME. Well just for a little while. It's so nice just to make up with Daddy. How about you Squall? Talk to Laguna yet?"

Squall rubbed the back of his head, much like his father used to. "Yeah. I called him. He was happy I did too. Might as well stop bitching about the past."

Rinoa smiled. "This doesn't have anything to do with SEIFER making you cry like a baby in the quad does it?"

Squall glared at her. "No. I just.. I was mad. That's all. It doesn't matter now."

Rinoa nodded, letting the subject drop. She slipped back into her closet and brought out the infamous white dress. Giggling she tapped Squall on the shoulder. "Remember this?"

Squall's face brightened with a smile. "Yep. You were wearing it the first night we met."

She nodded. "Yep! I said.."

"You are the best looking guy here." Squall smirked. "Did you mean that?"

Rinoa grinned. "Of course. Silly man." She took his chin in her hands, gently kissing his lips. "You still are you know."

Squall wrapped his hands around her waist, deepening the kiss before pulling away to stare into her soulful eyes. "I'm gonna miss you."

Rinoa's smile faded slightly. "Yeah. I'll be gone for a while. This will be the first time we'll be away from one another in a long time huh?"

Squall rocked her gently, swaying side to side before laying his head on her shoulder. "Uh huh."

She turned her head to kiss his neck, breathing in his scent. She pulled away a little, pointing to his heart. "I'll be here, waiting.."

He looked into her eyes again. He loved those eyes. "Promise?"

Rinoa smiled, her white teeth brightening up her lovely face. "Of course. I love you, Squall Leonhart."

He looked at her, feigning surprise mixed with disappointment. "Aww STILL?"

She slapped his chest lightly, before pulling him closer as she held him close. "Always."

Squall looked at her, his eyes filled with laughter as a smile curved on his lips. Rinoa's eyes crinkled in delight as he took one of her hands and proceeded to dance aorund the room with her. Her sweet laughtr filled the room. "You understand, Miss Heartilly, that this young, fair, individual, Squall Leonhart, has done the devious, don't you?"

Rinoa sighed, her smile relaxed against her lips. "And what has this young man Squall done?"

Squall slowed the dance, just a tinge, as he spoke. "Well, Squall has done the impossible. Squall has.." He slowed his steps "..fallen..." slower, slower still "completly.." he stopped "in love with you."

Rinoa smiled, a pleasant look on her face as she reached upwards to pull him into a deep kiss. Before their lips met, she whispered into his ear, "Me too."

The day was windy, and the gusts of strength almost as bad as Pandemona's flew through her hair as she gripped the railing. The beachs' waters overlapped eachother in a frenzy as Quistis Trepe of Balamb Garden stared out into their hypnotizing sequence. Her cuttoffs and white t-shirt was as casual as she could get, during her time off. Seifer had forgiven her, and she accepted, as she stayed in his arms the whole day and that night. Was it a week ago? It felt like almost forever since she had last felt him. Was this like what Rinoa felt for Squall, or.. For Seifer, that summer with Rinoa a few years ago..? She shook out her bright blonde hair, the breeze catching every beautiful strand as she erased the thought of Seifer with anyone else. She tugged at her short shirt and continued her watch of the sea.

He watched her, enjoying each moment of her relaxed disposition. He wasn't even five feet away, she was so intuned with the ocean's trance. His worn in jeans and black shirt, the same outfit he wore when his return to the Garden, seemed the only thing to wear at the moment. The trenchcoat, the vest, the leather pants, seemed too out worldly for a nice quiet down time with a woman he never even knew he was in love with. Not that he'd tell her, not yet. He had to be sure she felt the same. He wouldn't let her know his only weakness was her. The railing was near him, now, and he was about to kneel on it, inch closer to her, until someone came up to him, and prodded his side.


Seifer looked at the greasy haired young man, too arrogant for his own good, as the younger man stared at the vision of beauty infront of his eyes. Seifer was slightly annoyed, bring brought out of his trance. "Yeah? What do you want?"

The greasy haired individual eyed Quistis, the look of arrogant hunger in his eyes. He licked his lips before answering. "Are you with the lady?"

Seifer blinked. "What?"

The younger man sneered up at him, showing a yellowed grin. "I mean, are you WITH the lady?"

Seifer pursed his lips together and shook his head. "No, not my type."

The stranger smiled big now, hopeul lust in his eyes. He walked towards Quistis, running a hand through his oil rag of a mess on his head, then Seifer ran up infront of him, grinning. "But YOU might be."

Seifer winked. The stranger's face grew fearful before he suddenly vanished. Seifer chuckled to himself before turning his attention back to the blond beauty before him. He was mildly shocked when he saw her regaly arched brow rise in surprise, her lips held together holding back a laugh. He sheepishly smiled and came behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist. She sighed in content as she leaned her back against his chest, tracing her eyes back towards the ocean again. They were together again, now, it happened the night he was shot. Purely accidental, he had all but begged her to come back, stating that she should have shot him through the heart "since it practically belonged to her anyways." His hands tailed her waist, her hips, feeling their smoothness, the delicate roundness that only this woman's curves could hold. Quistis felt him tracing her body and mumbled to him "What are you doing?"

She heard him smicker. "Memorizing the most beautiful shape in the world, my dear instructor."

Her lips parted in reply, but she only leaned backwards into his body, her fingers slippng into his. He breathed in the scent of her hair, smelling it, like a roses dew. She was lost in the moment until his hands went higher, and higher still, rounding her ribcage to feel the fullness of her firm breasts, gently cupping them through the thin fabric of her shirt. It was the first time anyone had ever touched her so intimately, and she gasped slightly, in surprise. He waited for her resistance, in the form of picking him up and throwing him over the railing to the sandy beach below. But when none came, he continued on with his venture, gently, carefully, squeezing her breasts with his hands, feeling the weight of them, their smooth soft yet firmness. Her body stiffened, slightly, in arousal, her nipples hardening in his palms. He could feel them, now, pointing out, and he caught his mind wondering what she would look like, laying next to him, after a long night.. nude. Her golden honey like hair plastered to her forhead with sweat. The thought turned him on immensly, as his fingers searched the roundness of her chest, gently, slightly squeezing her nipples..

Quistis gasped loudly and pulled away from his warm body, the cold air freezing her. She turned away from him, unable to face him after such an intamate contact. Seifer stood there, staring, beore reaching an arm out to her. "Quisty, what's wrong?"

"I-I-I n-nothing. Just.. nothing." She stammered out a reply.

Seifer shook his head as he stepped closer to her. "Don't lie to me. I can see it. Did I do something wrong?"

She shook her head fiercly. "It's not you, Seifer, it's me. I..I just..I've never..."

"Whoa wait, hold on Quistis, it's okay. Just calm down It's alright." He came up to her now, taking both of her hands into his own. "It's okay, I know, you haven't been in a relationship that's gone this far before, right?"

She nodded, unable to tell him the full truth just yet. It was close to the truth anyways. "Yes. I don't know if I'm ready..for.."

Seifer nodded, hushing her sentence with his lips. Pulling back to stare into her serene blue eyes, he nodded. "If it makes you feel any better, I'm the same way."

Her eyes narrowed, not really believing him. "You mean you've never...?"

He smirked, but not the usual cocky one he almost always held on his face. no, this smirk was the smirk of being 'caught' in a sense. "No, Miss Trepe. I've never been with a woman. I was always too mistrustful of anyone to ever do that. Always striving to better myself and not disappoint to have a serious relationship."

"What about Rinoa?" She practically blurted out. Seifer blinked, then nodded.

"What about her? Yeah, sure, we were together that summer. But not seriously. She just wanted to be with me, and convinced herself enough to think she was in love with me, but I wanted to just be her protective older brother. Sort of what you did with everoyne else at the orphanage after Ellone left. Rinoa's relationship with her father was so strained at the time she felt like if I didn't love her the way she needed love then she'd never find it. That's how the summer went."

Quistis nodded slowly. "So you guys never..?"

That smirk again. "No. No sex. There, I said it, alright? As far as it went, I only kissed her one night. That's when I realized that she just wasn't right for me." He laughed lightly then, a glint in his eye. "Between you and I, that girl was just too annoying. Every time she planted those damned hands on her hips and called me meanie I just wanted to decapitate her and feed her to a Bememoth."

Quistis laughed out loud now, wrapping her ownSeifer's waist. "I have to agree with you."

Seifer shook his head, his eyes wide. "Nooo no no no. You don't know it Quistis." He wrapped his own hands around her waist. "Oh Hyne, it was SO much worse back then. You think she's bad now? oh man that summer was the worst summer of my life with her annoying self there..."

Quistis laughed outloud, a rich throaty laugh. He loved that sound. "Come on, Seifer, speaking of which, we have to see her off. Let's go."

He nodded, but before they went he pulled her aside. "Quisty.."

She nodded up at him. "Yes?"

He was serious now, the glint gone. "I know something else is wrong. I know it's not just your scared. Whatever it is, you can tell me. Alright?"

She nodded, dumbfounded. He knew. He knew...

.......12 years earlier........

"QUISTIS you filthy little WHORE."

The drunk call of her foster parents, the ones who adopted her from the orphanage. That was her mother now, drunk, nearly going to pass out. Good. No more beatings. At least until the next day. A seven year old Quistis Trepe washed the last dish as she fished another beer from the fridge, taking it to the drunken wench in the living room. The old bitch snatched the bottle out of her hand, opening it and almost downing it. Quistis walked back towards the kitchen, dodging the half full bottle that was thrown at her. A loud belch was heard, followed by the sounds of a snoring woman. The TV was left on. She didn't dare turn it off. The foster father was going to be home soon, and if she didn't have dinner on the table she would have to...

"HEY... Wheres my supper?! Quistis, you screw up get over here NOW."

...he was home now.

The timid young blonde stepped forward, a pot of chili in her hands. She stammered out a response, an apology before a stinging slap to her face made her drop the pot, it's contents spilling endlessly.

A slap to her face. She remained silent. Her body being lifted and thrown on a bed. She remained silent. The sound of his zipper being pulled down in a hurried rush, and her hands being forced to grip it.. touch it.. it's slimy being.. the smell.. She wanted to die.

"Taste it, bitch or I'll fucking kill you!"

It was forced into her moutch, the sides of her small lips tearing, bleeding. The groaning sounds he made, made her sick. The salty taste made her gag, as he slapped her across the face, screaming to suck. She did so, until her mouth filled with the sour disgusting foul taste, a disturbing liquid. A hand clamped over her lips, forcing her to swallow. And she did.

When it was over, more foul words bled into her soul, as her face was smacked hard. She fell back as he left, daring not to shed a tear in his presense. The zip of the zipper. The slam of a door. he was gone.

........The present.......

She had blacked out most of the memories. But if Seifer ever found out, he would hate her. He would view her as disgusting, dirty. He wouldn't want her anymore, when he could have a clean, young, beautiful girl. Not this dirty little whore. Her eyes filled with tears as she walked hand in hand with him, back to Balamb, to see Rinoa off on to a safe journey, but as always, she didn't let them show. She knew now that she was falling in love with him, and to have this..love.. taken away so suddenly..

She knew that if it came down to it, she would make damned sure that this time no one would walk in, and damn sure she didn't miss.

Chapter 15


They watched as the Ragnorok hitailed it from the plains. Squall had offered to drive her there, but Rinoa told him not to waste any time. Everyone knew it would be hard on him. She said the least she'll be gone was a month, only a matter of weeks to everyone else but an eternity for Squall. Selphie was flying her there, and would return in a matter of hours with the red plane, as Irvine tipped his hat to watch it soar. Zell waved long past until it had faded into the clouds, as Seifer and Quistis waved with their free hands, the others being clasped closely together. Amie came out of the Garden and latched an arm on Zell, dragging him back to the library where he had promised her he'd help with her book sorting. Irvine snickered, calling him a whipped puppy, and Zell's face grew red with anger before softening and stating "Hey I'd rather be whipped by her then anyone else." Amie just beamed.

After everyone had retreated to the Garden cafeteria, where Seifer led Quistis to a table alone. Holding her hand with one of his own, he dug into his usual substance of a chicken sandwich and a side of fries. She ate the same, except with a salad and a cup of coffee. After he swallowed his first bite, Quistis spoke up. "Why aren't we sitting with everyone else?"

He took another bite before answering. "I want to be alone with you. I have something important to tell you."

Her face paled. If he noticed he didn't let on that he did. Instead he continued on. "Quistis, we can't go on like this."

Quistis' face fell. "Don't tell me we're breaking up again?"

Seifer shrugged. "That depends on your answer to my next question."

She nodded, urging him to continue. He took a gulp from his soda, and leaned in close, setting the glass down and taking her hands into his own. "Quistis.."


"I need to tell you this. Or it'll rip me apart, but, Quisty, I..erm.. I love.." He tried to speak but kept stammering. Blinking a few times, he stared her straight on in the eyes. "Instructor Trepe."

She nodded, confused. He almost never called her instructor Trepe anymore. "Instructor Trepe, I have to put on this facade to just make me spill it out because I've never said these words to anyone else before in my life. If I go into serious mode, I can say anything, but..Oh Hyne.."

She smiled at him now, encasing his hand with both of hers. "Seifer, you can tell me anything. Please, just say it."

He looked up at her now. God, she is so beautiful, was all his mind could configure. "Instructor Trepe. I, Seifer Almasy, SeeD rank eight teen, doesn't have a crush on his teacher."

She blinked now. "Seifer, where is this going?"

He took a deep breath before continuing. "Instructor, I..Quistis.. Hrm.. Okay I'll just say it. Quistis, I've fallen in love with you. I've fallen so hard I've lost any chance to dig myself out. A chance that lasted about an hour after seeing you again."

She opened her mouth to speak but he hushed her with two fingers. "Let me finish. You need to know that I'm in love with you. And I'm bloody sure of it. I know it's not the usual Treppie love syndrome most of the Garden has for you, I know, because I've analyzed it since forever. But if the feelings aren't the same, then we can't be together. Because I want this to be mutual.If it ain't, then we have got to stop here, and now."

Seifer closed his eyes, readying him for the assault on his heart. But when he received none, he looked up at her. She was smiling, and she had tears in her eyes. Tears? oh crap. "Qusity, damn, I told you I didn't want to be the cause of you crying. Sheesh I'm sorry, but it's how I fe-"

"Me too."


Quistis tilted her head to the side, her honey locks fanning over a beautifully shaped shoulder. She had such a beautiful innocent smile that made his heart thrust to his throat. "I said, Seifer Almasy, I've fallen in love with you too."

He blinked in surprise. "Since when?"

She chuckled lightly, leaning towards him from across the table. "Since you came back. Since you showed me the real you. Since I started denying the fact I wanted to see you every day.."

He nodded, a smirk appearing on his handsome face, heightening his chiseled features. "Since I felt empty if your hand wasn't in mine. Right?"

"Yes." She grinned.

Seifer stood up, crossing the space between them in two quick strides. He kneeled down to pick her up, ignoring her laughing cries of protest, and hugged her close, spinning her around twice before setting her down and kissing her, hard, full on her silky lips. He felt her soft moan vibrate against his lips, and she felt his own curl in a smile. He set her down on the ground, never breaking the kiss. Their jubilant private party had engrossed many onlookers in the cafeteria, especially one table set close by. They took a special interest in them, as Seifer broke the kiss and hugged his blond goddess close to his body. Quistis noticed the stares first and tapped him on the shoulder, pointing towards their friends at the nearby table. He smirked, happily and pointed to her, smiling to the gasping onlookers and the friendly stares. Grasping her hand in his own, he brought her towards the table where Squall, Irvine, Zell and Amie where. Irvine's face held a sweet smirk as Squall raised a curious eyebrow. Zell and Amie held serious smiles as Seifer wrapped an arm around Quistis's waist, kissing her on the cheek. Grinning, he spoke through his huge smile.

"Guys, she loves me. She is in SERIOUS fucking love with me."

Quistis chuckled and pulled him close to her. "And you aren't?"

His eyebrows raised and he nodded. "I thought I didn't have to say that I was in love with you. Everyone knows THAT already!"

Her eyes brows raised now. "And how did they know before me?"

Seifer faced her, pressing his nose against hers in a sweet Eskimo kiss. "Because they saw it every time I smiled when you walked in the room. How every time you smiled I nearly died with delight. And how I told them my romantic dream had finally come true."

Squall smiled now. "Seifer. Please, you and Quisty, sit down. You're making a scene here."

The happy pair complied as the others said their congratulations. Zell lightly punched Seifer in the arm and proclaimed "Finally man, you get the second best girl in all of Balamb. Sorry, but I got the first." He stared longingly at Amie while she kissed him sweetly on his tattooed cheek. Zell actually blushed before turning to face her, planting a big one on her mouth. Squall smiled, slightly. Everyone could tell that he missed Rinoa intensely. Irvine smiled at the newest couple of Balamb Garden and tipped his hat once again. "So you two, I gotta say, I'm happy for you both. Quisty, for finally finding someone to love, and Seifer, for being one of the luckiest men in Balamb Garden."

Quistis smiled at him. This was going to be a good day.

Later on in the evening, they walked. Silently, hand in hand, no words needed to be said. Quistis looked up at him and smiled as he returned her look with a confident smirk. He was always so confidant..



She pulled on his arm, gently. "Let's go to my room. I moved out of Selphies a few days ago. We need to talk."

He nodded and let her drag him to her dorm. It was nearing six in the evening now, and neither of them had any plans, with Seifer on leave for another two weeks and Quistis taking time off. She unlocked her door and opened it, allowing him to follow after her. He shut the door behind him, locking it, noticing how nervous she was. Her body language told him she was more scared then nervous, as she fiddled with a stuffed rabbit that she had placed on her well made bed. Gesturing for him to sit down, he leaned down on the edge of her bed, his muscular form taking up half of the room on the Queen sized bed. She leaned back against the wall, eyeing him. The way he was casually leaning against her bed, just relaxed, Selphie would have labeled him one "hell of a hottie!" since that was, well, now she could admit it. That was how he looked. Like one hell of a hottie. He hadn't bothered to cut his hair, as it dangled in front of his eyes, hiding the extended scar that reached his hair line. Quistis ventured that he had almost a perfect face. Handsome, chiseled, and that god loving smirk just felt so right on him. Except for that huge scar, he was absolutely gorgeous. But the scar gave him character, and if she had her way, it would be there since his birth. She liked it. A lot. And it didn't seem to bother him. She wondered why sometimes.


She blinked. "Yes?"

He smirked. "You wanted to say something?"

Quistis nodded, sitting next to him on the bed. "I wanted to talk to you about.. why.."

He shook his head, pressing two fingers to shush her. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to Quistis."

She shook her head, facing him with stern eyes. "You deserve to know."

He let go of his breath and nodded, leaning back. Wrapping two hands around the back of his head, he leaned backwards, resting his feet on the floor while he laid down. He flashed her a smile. "So, I'm ready Instructor Trepe. Lay it on me."

Quistis noticeably stiffened, as she turned away. His smile left his face as he looked at her. "Quistis? Talk to me."

She shook her head. When he leaned up, he saw her eyes filled with tears. He put a hand on her shoulder, and turned her to face him. "That bad?"

Quistis nodded, bringing a clenched fist to her trembling lips. Seifer stood up, and traced his steps to the light switch, flicking it off. He felt her confused eyes on him, even in the darkness. He stumbled back towards the bed, feeling his way, and cursed when his foot hit her dresser. He felt along the bedpost, and when he reached her arm, he nodded to himself, feeling around to the other side of her. Finding his spot, He sat down gingerly, resuming his laying down position.

"Why did you do that?" Quistis spoke, with just a hint of annoyance in her voice.

Seifer grunted. "Well, you couldn't tell me when you could see me, so I figured if you didn't see me you might be able to talk to me."

"That has to be the most unorthodox method I've ever heard."

She felt him rustling next to her. "Well is there any other way?"

Quistis took a deep breath and let it out. He heard her tensing, just a bit more. Maybe turning out the lights was a bad idea, he thought. He was about to lift his body upwards until he heard her talk.

"Things didn't work out too well in my new home... That's what I told everyone..."

Seifer nodded in silence. He knew she couldn't see him, but he had to, out assurance to himself.

"They didn't work out..because..Every time I did something wrong.. or something not good enough...I'd get hit.. beaten.. and that was from just the mother.."

Now it was Seifer's turn to stiffen. He did not like where this was going at all.

"...When the father came home..He...He-He would..make me..."

Oh my God no.

"..I..I-I..Would have to...Sometimes...on my knees...then..when that wasn't enough... he'd take off..my.. pants.. or just rip my skirt up...I was eight at the time..six when it first started...a week after I was brought home by them..."

Damn it! He remembered when she was taken. He remembered standing at the window, looking outside as a calm but scared Boddy little Quisty was gently put in a car and driven away from the orphanage.. from him.

"...I looked back...in the car. And saw you at the window. I waved, or tried to, but they took my hand in their own and slapped me... the mother told me never to wave, it was bad..especially waving to boys..."

He felt for her hand, and was surprised when she took it. She had a strong grip, he had to admit. Her voice was getting stronger now, as each word escaped her lips. In the dark.

"...They hurt me....like that....for two years... until Cid and Edea came by, Edea to check on her children. When they saw what was going on, Edea tore up the contract they had written for me and took me into her arms... Cid, having the mother arrested...the Father, he knew they were there, and took off straight from work..I was ten then.. I started working to be a SeeD when I was twelve... Made it when I was 15.. got my Instructor's license when I was 17.."

Seifer squeezed her hand, his other arm still comfortably holding the back of his head. His eyes stared into the darkness. He wished he could see her.

"...it was hard work but it was worth...it. You and Squall came to the garden three years after I did... and..well.. you know that part..."

He nodded, squeezing her hand again. Quistis was eerily calm now, quiet, even in the dark. Seifer sat up slowly, as if not to scare her, and placed a large hand on her shoulder.

Quistis reached across his lap to turn on the small lamp she kept by her bedside. She couldn't face him, but she didn't have to for him to notice the tears streaming down her beautiful face.

Seifer turned her face to his when she resumed sitting. "Quisty..I.."

Quistis shook her head. "No. I know. You want to leave me now."

"Excuse me?"

She turned her body away, crossing her arms over her chest. "I know." She turned her face away, she couldn't stand looking into those beautiful eyes, smokey green due to the lack of light. "You think I'm dirty now don't you? You think I'm ugly now. A disgusting whore, that I should be selling my body on the corner like they do in Deiling. That's it, isn't it?"

Seifer narrowed his eyes. "Look at me, Quistis Trepe."

He didn't continue until she did. Her tears where dry on her face now. "Quistis. The only time you could be dirty is if you hadn't bathed in a week. There isn't a man alive that would ever call you ugly, and about whoring yourself in Deiling? Don't you ever think about that again."

She tilted her head to the side, gazing into his smokey eyes. "Why?"

"Why what?"

She sniffled. "Why don't you think I'm dirty? I was having sex with my fa-"

"NO. You weren't having SEX, Quistis. You were being RAPED. There is a difference. A big one." He took her beautiful face in his hands, gently kissing her lips. "Someday, Instructor, I'm going to show you how beautiful you are. In every way I can think of. If you let me."

Quistis gazed into his eyes. A slight smile traced her lovely lips as Seifer's hands saught her own, bringing their fists to his heart. The tears came freely now, and he reached for a napkin from the stack she kept by her bedside. Bringing it to her eyes, he gently dapped her cheek to sap up the tears that fell freely from her face now. A slight smile played on her lips as her serene damp eyes traced each feature on his face. To the scar, to the dark eyebrows, those beautiful smokey eyes that had gold flecks imbedded in them. Some would call him dreamy. Others woud call him cute, good looking, handsome. But to Quistis, here at this moment, she could have called him all of those and nothing would describe how he looked. The light shining from behind him, catching his high cheekbones perfectly, seemingly making him look like the Hyne Himself. His light blonde hair, still uncut, hung unusually in his face. The moment, this beautiful moment could have lasted forever as he reached up to gently, silently, run a smoother hand through her honey gold hair. He stopped at her chin now, instead feeling her hair like feeling a precious fabric. At that moment, she felt beautiful, even in this time of pain.

"Seifer.." It was more like a whisper.

Seifer nodded, not daring to speak. Quistis gulped down her fear before speaking again, still in a whisper.


"Hmm? What?"

She took a breath, and spoke in a hushed whisper. "Please..now.."

Seifer stood up a little straighter now, his eyes widening just a bit. "You mean..?"

Quistis nodded, chewing on her bottom lip. He still held their hands now, and she pulled them to her chest. Seperating his hands from her own, she pulled him closer, now, as she placed a hand on each of her breasts. Seifer looked down at her and put his hands on her shoulders. "Quistis, you're vulnerable now. You don't mean what you're saying."

She shook her head, scooting closer to him now. "I mean it. I need to know.."

"Need to know what?"

She tilted her head to the side now, her eyes pleading. "I need to know..how it f-f-feels.. It's different, I know that.. But I need to know how it feels..to be with someone I love.."

Seifer shook his head still. "No. I don't want to hurt you, Quistis. I love you."

Quistis nodded, covering his hands with her own. "Seifer...I love you too.. I just need to know.. I don't want this moment to end.."

She brought her face close to his now, and as he was about to speak she silenced him with a finger. "No.. don't.. just... please.."

His breath became haggard now, she felt it hitting her face. It's warmth inviting, she leaned into him, her kiss light at first, until it became deeper, with more meaning. She pulled away, yet still remaining close. She opened her swollen lips to ask, just one more time, to have him. "Seifer please.. Just..make.."

His breathing, now, more forced out, came in deep breaths. he could feel his chest expand. He flipped his palms over, taking her hands into his own, lifting them to his lips. Kissing her fingertips, softly, he gazed into her eyes, his own misting over with a desire he felt for her since the day he came back. "Whenever.. Whenever you want to stop.. Just talk to me.. just say it. And it'll happen. We'll stop. Alright?"

Quistis took a deep breath, and nodded. "Just..please.. Show me. Show me love..."

He pulled her in, softly, bringing her lips to his with a deep kiss, a meaningful gesture of safety. Shaking, he leaned back, pulling her down with him. The last movement was of his hand, filtering through the dim light towards the lamp.. and hers, reaching forward to stop it, shaking her head, with out a sound, telling him to leave it on...