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The guilty show no mercy (chapters 6 -10)
Malice Shaw

Chapter 6

"Hey! Wake up! Tch! Man, don't you know sleeping in is so out of style now?"

Zell pounded on Seifer's door, obviously irritated. He listened on the other side of the door, hoping to hear the subtle sounds of movement. Groaning when all he heard was silence, he pounded on the door again, bellowing at the top of his lungs. He kicked the door once more and then stood at it, giving the metal panel a glare.

"Piece of crap. Geezus this is the LAST time Quistis asks me to wake YOUR tired butt up! Wake up!"

"Zell is something the matter?"

"What?! Oh. Hi Quistis. I'm tryin' to wake up sleeping beauty in here." He jammed a thumb towards the door. "But he isn't exactly an early riser. And we start on the stinkin' Garden Festival stage in a half hour! Tch! Lazy bum!" Zell kicked the door again, and got a muffled growl from the other side. "Hey! I'm gettin' somewhere here."

Quistis lifted a delicate hand to her lips, smiling. Gently pushing Zell aside, she pulled out a key chain and tried one in the lock. Zell's eyes went wide and he gasped. "Hey! Where did you get that?!"

She smiled. "All instructors are given them. Of course, we don't usually need them incase of times like these." Twisting the lock into place, Quistis knocked on the door and called into the room. "Seifer, make yourself decent because I'm coming in."

Seifer was sitting in a chair, looking at a stack of files. Zell was about to speak, but his mouth just hung open. Seifer's brow was sweat soaked, and it didn't look like he had slept much. His sweat pants, the only thing he was wearing at the moment, where unwrinkled. The dark sagging bags underneath his eyes showed the proof, as he flipped through the last of the files. Throwing it on the bed he stood up, stretching his back, bringing his eyes to Quistis. "So, Miss Trepe, I understand how I was such a 'good student' now."

Quistis' faced burned red as she approached him and attempted to snatch back the file. He stood up, and held it above his head. She used his shoulder as leverage to boost herself up and grab it from his hand. Stepping away from his brooding form, Quistis turned to Zell. "Please, Zell, go. Seifer and I need to talk."

Seifer growled under his breath. "Yeah. Go, Chicken-Wuss. Go on."

Zell's face grew red and angry, and he positioned himself into his usual fighting stance. "WHAT?! WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!?"

Seifer looked at Zell, and slowly shook his head. "Zell Dincht. One of the SeeD candidates I lead to the communications tower, and almost killed when I ran off and didn't fight Eloveret, help you fight him, and almost got you, that scarred one, Squall, and Selphie Tillmut killed. Because I was an arrogant ass hole, I didn't help you fight the Black Widow. I took off by myself and didn't think of you guys." Seifer sat down on the bed and ran his hand through his blonde hair. "I thought of my pathetic ass, left you guys stranded to fight a monster, almost destroyed your own chances to be a SeeD, and took matters into my own hands that had no right being there."

Zell shook his head. "No, man, it wasn't like that! you screwed up the mission for yourself! We had to do almost all of it on our own! You-"

"Fucked you over. Royally. Right?" Seifer interrupted. Zell sputtered out a reply. "Y-Y-Yeah!"

Seifer pursed his lips together and sat back down, cradling his face in his hands. "Zell."

Zell, still piped up after Seifer called him the name he most hated, stopped his shadow dancing and stood still, crossing his arms over his chest. His face still held the disgust he felt. "Yeah?! What? Wanna make me feel worse now big guy? Huh?"

"No." Seifer looked up at the young blonde, and shook his head. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. I know it doesn't change a thing, but shit, Zell, we grew up together. According to these files Miss Trepe has so charmingly resurrected for my knowledge." He snatched the folder back from Quistis' hand. She stood back, crossing her arms over her chest. Seifer gazed at her, then turned his look back to Zell. "Look, can I ask you to leave? I need to talk to Miss Trepe here."

Zell's features softened just a bit, and with a curt nod, he left the room. Seifer turned his gaze back to Quistis and slammed the file down onto his bed. She jumped at the sound, like being slapped. He looked back up to her. "You."

She nodded. "I."

Seifer continued. "You LIED to me. You told me that I was forgiven, that I didn't put anyone in any REAL danger. I almost fucking KILLED him and those other two! How the hell could you keep something like this from me?!"

Quistis gulped and stood tall, trying to seem more confident then she felt. "For the simple matter that it was all in the past! It doesn't matter now! You're back, here, now. Seifer, just please, under-"

Seifer gripped her wrist and pulled her towards him. She felt as if she was rammed into a brick wall, his muscles were tensed that hard. "No. I WON'T understand. You told me I didn't do anything that was unforgivable. Betraying the Garden? Putting lives in danger? Acting the part of a total fuck up for no good reason? Gee, Miss Trepe, SOMEONE fucking forgot to include THAT."

Quistis looked up into his eyes and sighed, feeling the sour taste of defeat. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you were ready."

Seifer let go of her hand and crossed his arms over his broad chest. He looked away, out the window of his room and glared at the sun. Quistis put her hand on his shoulder and whispered. "I'm sorry." Seifer turned back to her, his features softened. Shaking his head his eyes drew themselves toward the ground, his fists clenching and unclenching. "I hate it."

Quistis drew her arms around his neck, bringing his face close to hers, trying to comfort him. For the first time, she saw the longing and suffering he was enduring, trying to find his way back from a road he didn't know he was on, and continuously finding out he was a screw up. His life, whatever it was, stolen from him by a freak accident, and even the new use of his legs couldn't help him see the bright side. He still had to take medication, blood thinners, watch what he ate so it didn't affect his medication, everything. He was so carefree, and now, he was.

"Useless, Instructor. Useless."

She drew his face closer to hers, in a way to comfort him, her blue eyes never leaving his. She turned her head slightly to the side, staring into his emerald pools. He took notice of her gazing, and spoke in a hushed whisper. "What? What is it?"

Quistis waited a moment before speaking. "Seifer, what color are your eyes?"


She smiled, slightly, the corners of her mouth tracing up beautifully. "Because I always figured them to be blue, but I now know I was wrong. Green?"

Seifer nodded dumbly, not willing to let his eyes leave her face. The light from the window traced her subtle features beautifully, highlighting each lovely soft line. She certainly wasn't absolutely gorgeous, but she definetly was beautiful. Beautiful not in the way of those fashion models you see in Timber Maniacs or Girl Next door, hell no, but beautiful in a soft, wonderful way, inviting. She had full lips, which rarely teased a smile, but when she allowed that to happen, her eyes closed half way, teasing her cheeks into a faint rosy glow, God she was breathlessly beautiful. He never saw that before, only noted her as the attractive wench who forced herself to teach him, but now..

"Quistis?" he breathed deeply, not knowing how haggard his breath was.

She still stared at him. Like he was, she was enthralled with his artistic features, his regal handsomeness. In the past she was too occupied with Squall to even take notice of Seifer. But now, as she gazed into his deep green eyes, she wondered, how she could have missed the poor little boy inside of him trying to be a man? But those eyes, they told something more. They weren't just green, but green with yellow golden flecks inside the iris, trailing deeply around the pupil to spreading out evenly over the rest of the iris. The rest of his face, now softened, was chiseled beautifully into the face of a man. She drew back slightly, when he spoke her name, and studied his features. How could she have not noticed? Was his arrogant additude clouding her judgement? He was handsome, and the innocence he had just accelerated it. SHe felt something, deep inside, as she stared at him, and to her shock, she liked it.

"Yes, Seifer?"

He brought a hand to her face, touching her cheek, and entoiled it in her hair, feeling its softness. It was a honey blond, no sign of darkness. Just pure honey, that fell from her head and framed her face, pinned up prettily at her crown in the back. Those cute horn rimmed glasses, she wears to look serious, just enhanced her features. And those steel like blue eyes, did they just mist over? He wondered what he was feeling. This woman was behind him, each step of the way. And damn, was she beautiful.

"I.. Quistis.."

She placed a gloved finger on his lips. "Shh.."

She brought her lips to his, gently as first. He yielded, his mind telling him not to believe it was happening, but his heart telling him it was right. He closed his eyes, letting the feeling of her soft lips seeking his own, as his heart responding with an urgency he felt deep inside. She leaned more into his body, seeking with her own urgent needs. Her hands wrapped tighter around his neck, pulling him into her soft pliant body, as his own shaking fingers traced her rib cage before wrapping fully around her back and waist. He stroked her back, easing into the kiss, as she had, gently, tracing her lips with his tongue, experimenting. He encased her mouth with his own, parting it slightly, letting her take control, not rushing, just enjoying it. He felt her tongue, soft, seek his, and found himself responding. A sot moan escaped her throat, and he began to shake, slightly, as he broke to kiss and gazed into her misty eyes. She stared up at him, slightly in a daze, her lips swollen with a sudden hint of arousal.

"Q...Quistis.. I..I think I have to get down to the quad.." He stammered, his breath hard.

Her lip trembled, slightly, and she let go of him, nodding. SHe walked towards the door, and stepped out, with the feeling of being high, with out the clouding haze. He watched her as she left, noting that not only was her face beautiful, but her body was second to none! And she was more then just looks, she was brains. She was Smart. She was funny. She was beautiful, artlessly beautiful in each and every way. She was perfect.

She was Quistis Trepe. Seifer shook his head from the clouds and grabbed his robe. If he didn't rush, he would be late.

Chapter 7

"The Garden festival?! That's not like him ya know?!"


Selphie held her head in her hands. Talking to these two were like talking to old friends who you don't remember being friends with, and having no recollection of them, but disliking them intensely any ways. She looked up from her hands into the two faces, and hulled in her breath, explaining again.

"Look. It wasn't my idea! It was Quistis! She said that maybe if he helped at the Garden Festival in the quad then maybe it might help him recover. Now, if you want, you can help out too, we need all the able hands we can get.So i your done wasting my valuable time, get crackin'! Sheesh."

She turned around to check on the stage as Fujin and Rain whispered to one another. "Just not like him ya know?!"


"But hey we can talk to him while we're here ya know? Maybe get him to remember us!"


"Aww Fujin, you miss him too, ya know?" Fujin's face burned scarlet, with a mixture of rage and embarrassment. She fumbled for an answer and retaliated with her usual answer to everything. Lifting a steel toed boot she slammed her foot into Raijin's leg, as he screamed and yelped in pain. Growling out a loud "JACKASS" she folded her hands behind her back and sought out Selphie. Raijin nursed his leg and limped after her.


She turned around. "Yes? What can I help you with?"

Fujin relaxed a little and cleared her throat. "HELP."

Selphie's eyes widened. "You mean you wanna help with the Garden Festival?"

Raijin limped towards her and straightened his back. "Not just her ya know?!"

Selphie whooped with joy and pumped a fist in the air. "Yeah! Okay sure! Go ahead and start hammering the stage while I fix up some of the decorations. ALright, now we're going to make this the best Garden Festival ever!"

Fujin cleared her throat and faced Raijin. "TELL HER."

"Oh yeah! Hey Selphie, can we work with Seifer ya know?! We wanna see how he's doing and stuff ya know? We miss him lots and.."

Again, Fujin's foot reared out and planted in Raijin's shin. "ENOUGH."

"Oww! Okay! any ways, Selph, can we? it would mean a lot, ya know."

Selphie thought on it for a minute before slowly nodding her head, as the two smiled happily at her. "Alright. But don't let it get in the way of your work! Alright? This has to get done. And Seifer isn't here yet so I'll assign him to where you guys are at okay?"

Both of them nodded happily, and made their way towards the stage, picking up a box of nails and two hammers. Making themselves comfortable, they didn't notice through all their hammering as Seifer made his way down to the Quad. He was pulling on a black shirt over his broad chest. He sauntered over to Selphie and tapped her on the shoulder. He stepped back a bit as she whirled around, grinning from ear to ear. "Seifer! Hi! What's up?"

Seifer cleared his throat and cracked his neck, obviously uneasy. "Quistis signed me up for this didn't she?"

Selphie nodded, and grabbed his arm. "This way."

Seifer nodded and allowed her to drag him towards two other people where were remotely familiar to him. They were fussing over how to lay some boards right, how one side should be, how the nails where supposed to be positioned, everything. He groaned under his breath and pulled Selphie to his side. "Selphie Tillmut?"

She looked up at him, her head cocked to the side. "Uh, yeah. Why?"

His nod confused her. "Can we share a lunch together? Today if possible?"

Selphie's mouth hung open, her face showing shock. Nodding slightly, she waved towards Raijin and Fujinand walked of, as Seifer stood there blinking. He turned his body towards the two arguing people, and tapped the big one on the shoulder.

"Yeah?! Whatta ya want ya know?! Oh! Seifer!"

Fujin turned around and stood up, placing her hands behind her back in her usual fashion. "SEIFER?"

He nods, a sly smile coming into his face. "If I remember right, your.. Raijin? And you are Fujin."

They both nod, fast paced, and stand up before him, with the typical Balamb salute. "Disiplinary Commitee at your service!"

Seifer gave them a confused look. They gingerly put their hand down, resting their arms at their side. "SALUTE?"

Raijin piped in, a sad voice. "Nah, he don't remember, ya know?"

Fujin nodded and turned back to her work. Seifer leaned down next to her, picking up a hammer and placing a few nails in his mouth. In silence, they both worked, with Raijin and Fujin on either side of him, not saying a word. After hammering in the last nail he took from his mouth, over an hour's time, he stopped and leaned back on his heels. "Raijin, Fujin, thanks."

They both nodded, with Fujin's lips traveling upward in a slight smile while Raijin's went into a full blown grin. Seifer stood up, and stretched his back, walking backwards while Fujin and Raijin did the same. Their faces fell in an instant, as Seifer felt a new pair of eyes on him. He turned around, and came face to face with a pair of devastating blue eyes. They were cold, uncaring eyes, and they seemed to breath fire into his skull.


He nodded. Behind him where Rinoa, and the Headmasters, Cid and Edea Kramer. Seifer looked behind him and looked into the cold face of Rinoa and the calm caring ones of Cid and Edea, then turned his gaze back to Squall. Taking in a breath, he said in one line. "You and I. We need to talk sometime."

Squall's eyes narrowed at him, and his head nodded silently. Rinoa crept up behind him, lacing her arm through his. Seifer looked at her, and smiled, but soon it faltered as her eyebrows closed in on one another in a frown. Cid came from in front of them and placed a hand on his shoulder, a smile tracing his lips. Edea mimic's Rinoa, lacing a thin lithe arm through her husbands. Seifer stared at the couple, then back to Squall and felt a pang of jealousy. He thrust that emotion to the back of his head. "Good morning, Headmaster, Headmistress."

"Seifer, I see your doing fairly well here."

Seier nodded, lowering his head. "Yeah. Thanks to Miss Trepe."

Cid cleared his throat as Edea opened her delicate mouth to speak. "That is what we wanted to speak to you about. Starting tomorrow you begin your memory training with Xu."

That was a shock. Squall stepped back and planted a free hand on his hip. Rinoa remained unmoved, her face still holding the scowl she had produced earlier. Squall was rubbing of on her a bit too much. Seifer cleared his throat and brought his face upwards. Fujin and Raijin appeared by his side, and Squall's eyes hinted at the familiar sight. Turning to Edea and Cid, he croaked out one question. "Why?"

Edea stepped forward, retrieving her arm from her husband. "Quistis needs some down time right now. With her instructing and teaching, we're stretching her a bit thin."

Seifer slowly nodded. "Alright. When will this Xu and I get started?"

Edea smiled and crossed her hands behind her back. "This lunch. Will that be alright?"

Seifer shook his head. "No, I already made plans."

She smile and stepped back to lace her arm once again with her husbands. Squall came forward now, gently shrugging off Rinoa. He stood up to the older man, his eyes still filled with a cold glare. Seifer turned to him, feeling some what agitated at the young man. "What do you want?"

His cold blue eyes just burned on. With out moving a muscle he deadpanned. "You said we have to talk. What about."

He shrugged, not knowing what to say. "I thought it would be best if I apologized for what I did in the past. But now I see even if I tried, it would all fall in vain. I'm right, aren't I?"

Squall's eyes softened just a bit. he turned his head to the side and relaxed his body. "What about the rest? What about what you did to them?"

He remained unmoved. "What I did to them was unforgivable as well. But I can't just exactly take you all in a room and tell it once. It has to be said individually, to each person's life who I screwed up."

"Oh? And how do you know about these lives so soon? It was said that you would be given bits of information at a time, not a full fledged assault on your brain."

Seifer shrugged. "Miss Trepe left her notes and my file behind on an accident after talking to me, and I read it." Squall's eyes went wide. "Don't worry, it's alright. It took a while to accept but I did do those things.. didn't I?"

A confirming nod came from everyone in the little group. He continued on.

"So. I'm asking for you to forgive the unforgivable. So, are you ready to, Squall?" He extended a hand to him, hoping against hope he would take it.

He looked down at the white hand, eyeing it suspiciously. The scar between his eyes creased with a frown mark. His head snapped up as Seifer spoke again.

"I gave you that didn't I?"

A curt nod proved him right.

"I'm sorry."

Squall nodded. "We can't be friends. Not now anyway."

Seifer placed his hand at his side. "I'm not asking for your friendship. Maybe just a truce, for the time being. Just so I don't have to put up with your glaring for the rest of my...life."

Squall noted the stutter in his voice at the near end of his sentence. The rest of his life huh. It's possible Seifer could go on for the rest of his existence not knowing who he was or what he did. Maybe ten years from now he'll find himself, and wonder who he'll be, the man standing here and now or the ass hole who nearly got the whole garden killed? As if reading his thoughts, Edea placed a hand on Squall's shoulder. "Forgive him."

Squall threw her a look. "Why?"

Edea stepped in front o Squall, gazing up at Seifer. He took his hands into her own and smiled meekly. "Can you forgive me?"

Squall once again narrowed his eyes. "What? What does he need to forgive you for?"

Edea turned to Squall, a slight fury in her eyes. "Have you forgotten what I did to him? Have you forgotten who made him turn against you all? It was I, Squall. You can not have possibly forgotten so soon?"

Squall sputtered. "Matron, I didn't forget, you know that-"

She interrupted him by placing two slender fingers on his lips. "Hush. Please, Squall, if you can forgive me, please, forgive him."

Squall remained silent, as Rinoa gently moved him out of the way, to stand in front of Seifer. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes as she thrust a palm at him, silently begging him to take it. He looked down at it, and took the small hand in his larger one. Shaking it lightly, he turned it down wards and kissed the top, before letting her hand go. Rinoa smiled. She was cute, he had to admit. Maybe that's why they dated briefly a few years back, because at the moment he had no idea why he ever liked her. Try as he might he still could not remember. He turned back to Squall now, and once again put his hand forward. A leather clad hand shook as it inched towards his upturned palm, finally grasping it.


The SeeD nodded. "...truce."

Seifer breathed a sigh of relief as he checked the time. "Lunch time. I have an appointment to keep. Later." With that, he disappeared amongst the commotion. Squall finally allowed himself to breath. Turning around, he walked out of the quad with Rinoa in tow. Maybe this was a blessing in disguise, Seifer's amnesia. Maybe he can be molded into something better then he was? Squall snickered. Like that would be hard. Rinoa jabbed him lightly in the rib cage. "Whats so funny?"

Squall shook his head. "Nothing Rinoa. Nothing at all."

The cafeteria buzzed with the sounds of up and combing SeeDs talking about their lives, laughing off jokes, remembering the past. Seifer sat with Fujin and Raijin, across from Selphie's permanent place on Irvine's lap. She was giggling and laughing at a private joke Irvine whispered in her ear, as Fujin and Raijin dug into their food. Seifer had already spoken to Selphie and Irvine, and they've accepted his apology with some doubts, which he highly expected. I'll win them over. Or I can try, Seifer echoed in his mind.

"Earth to Seifer! Wakey Wakey!"

Seifer popped his head up from the clouds. "Yes?"


He shook his head. "No Fujin, I'm just thinking."

"About what, we might be able to help, ya know?"

Seifer smiled as an ethereal figure with golden hair figure appeared in the cafeteria.


Selphie's eyes went wide. "You mean QUISTY? Oh man serious?"

Seifer nodded. "I can't understand why I was switched to Xu for treatment, for lack of a better term. Quistis was doing well enough."

Selphie giggled as Irvine gently pushed her off his lap. "Well I might be able to shine a lil' light on the subject." He turned to Selphie. "Why don't you and the others snag something to eat while Seifer and I have a man to man?"

She giggled. "Alright! Lets go Fujin and Raijin."

"Hey! I'm a man ya know?!"


"Aww Fujin!"

Irvine smiled as the two left and leaned forward, to close in the space with Seifer. "So, tell me, is she a good kisser?"

Seifer's eyes went wide with shock. "How do you know about that?"

Irvine leaned back and tipped his hat forward, smirking. "I over heard Quistis tellin' the headmaster. That's why you were transferred to Xu. Seem's like Quistis is involving herself way too much in her student."

"It was just an innocent kiss. I don't know why she had to have me switched. It was nothing."

Irvine's smile grew deeper. "Maybe to you, but didja ever think of how it may have affected Quisty?"

Seifer shook his head. Irvine's smile never faltered. "So, ya see Seifer, the Ice Queen just may be fallin' for you."

Seifer looked up from the table to look at Irvine. "Not possible. She can't fall for someone she doesn't even know. Hell I don't even know who I am."

Irvine snickered and propped his feet up on the table. "Maybe that's why she fell for you. I ain't known you before hand, only heard of you. yep, you were one hell of a son of a bitch, but man you had a good heart. Hell you even broke out of restraints to get your butt to Timber to try and save everyone, try to make things easier on everyone. From what i hear, you were also one great gunblade specialist, one of only two here in Balamb Garden."

Seifer nodded. "Me and that other one, with the scar on his face like mine. Right?"

Irvine nodded again, bringing his hat lower on his face. "Right. See, what the people remember is all the shitty things you did, denouncing the Garden, going with the Sorceress, shit face additude, the works. But y'see, I don't. I read your file too, and I'm guessing the only reason you went with the Sorceress was 'cause she took over your mind. She hit you where it hurt, where you were afraid to let anyone in. I understand it all."

Seifer's eyes narrowed in disbelief. "How do you understand?"

Irvine leant close to Seifer, and said in a barely audible whisper. "When you went with Sorceress Edea, I was the one who was supposed to shoot her down. I choked. Also, there was one time when they were all thrown into prison, and I just saved Rinoa because her father wanted her, only her. Now when people talk about me, they don't talk about how I helped the SeeDs through the time compression, just those two events which I do regret. Now tell me, do I know how you feel or what?"

Seifer nodded. He had completely forgotten about that. Shaking his head he stood up asSelphie and the others came back, their arms full of food. Plopping down on Irvine's lap, Selphie smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "So, what did you guys talk about?"

Irvine snickered. "Just manly things. So how come you guys bought out half of the Garden here?"

Raijin looked up from his lunch and grinned. "Cause we're hungry ya know."


Seifer nodded, picking up a chicken sandwich from the pile. Munching on it, his eyes drifted towards another table, where Quistis sat at, as she silently graded papers and every once in a while took a bite from her sandwich. She is beautiful, he thought. She looked lonely, sad in a way, as a melancholy aura encased her. The rest of his comrades banter fluttered silently, until it died on his ears. He pulled himself out Rom his chair and stood up, as Selphie yelped. "Hey where you going Seifer?"

He smiled. "I'm going to go talk to Quistis. Maybe I can convince her to take me back."

Selphie giggled. "As in TAKE you back, or TAKE TAKE you back?"

Seifer glared at her. "See if she will continue helping me. I really don't want Xu."


Seifer shrugged. "For some reason I get the hint that Xu doesn't like me very much." He left it at that. He KNEW Xu didn't like him at all, he read her words in the file. 'Useless, arrogant, and never to excel as a SeeD' was her exact quote. Frankly, he did't have the strength to change her mind. Walking towards Quistis, she didn't notice him until he pulled a chair out from under the table, and sat down in it, crossing his arms across his chest. The shock made Quistis drop her pen, but she quickly picked it up, resuming her poker faced facade.

"Yes? What can I help you with Seifer?"

He simply stared at her with his emerald eyes, as his face darkened. "You can CONTINUE to help me."

She took her thin rimmed glasses off, placing them on the table. "I Don't think I'll get much of anywhere Seifer. Xu is more capable of-"

"Making me feel like shit. Making me regret my past even more then I already do. Yeah, sure, really gonna help me there, I can't wait." Seifer deadpanned. "Look, Quitis, I know what this is about."

An eyebrow lifted. "Do you?"

He nodded, a smirk tracing his lips. "It's about what happened in my room this morning."

Quistis remained unmoved. With a slight tilt of her head she pressured him to go on. Seifer cleared his throat before laying his arms on the table and closing the space between himself and Quistis. Placing a large hand over her small pale fingers he whispered. "I know. Look, we can say it was a mistake, say it wasn't meant about anything at all. But you have to know, since that's probably what your thinking, you're the only friend I've got in the place who's finally accepted the fact I'm not who I was. Literally.

She brought her blue eyes to his green ones, and sighed. "I'm sorry."

"What for?"

"For giving up. And for this morning. You just.. Looked helpless, and I wanted to make it all go away."

Seifer chuckled. "Like when we were kids? I read that you and I grew up together."

She smiled. "Up until we were around ten. Look, if you don't hate me, I'll have Xu transfer you back to me. On one condition?"


"You LISTEN to me. And don't get agitated about the information. Alright? Nothing I dislike more then trying to force feed information."

Seifer nodded, his cocky grin spreading onto his face. "Alright. Very well Instructor."

A slight smile played across her lips. "You look more and more like the old Seifer everyday."

"Is that a good thing or bad?"

She nodded slightly, thinking of her answer before standing up, and gathering her things. Throwing him one last glance, she spoke in a small voice that seemed to squeak. "Both."

He stood up and helped her gather her things. "Both?"

Quistis nodded. "The Seifer I knew had a beautiful heart of gold, but it was over shadowed with his arrogance, his lack of discipline. I'm hoping that maybe you, the new Seifer, might just let more of the gold show."

He nodded, and took some of her things. Following her out of the cafeteria he broke the silence. "So, I really was your favorite student."

She threw a smile at him. "Sometimes. Other times I wanted to get rid of you so bad I almost had you transferred."

"And you didn't because?"

"That I still don't know."

Seifer nodded, enjoying this conversation. "Maybe it was my dashing good looks department."

Quistis laughed, a full throaty laugh. Seifer spoke again. "Guess not."

She unlocked her office door, placing her things on the desk. "Oh Seifer, don't say that. You are a very handsome young man."

He followed suit, placing his armload next to hers. "I am, am I?"

She turned to look at him her gaze never faltering. "Yes. Yes you are."

He nodded, suddenly feeling a little uncomfortable. "So tell me then, why didn't I have a girlfriend at the time?"

Quistis sighed, looking downcast. "I really don't know how to answer that, because I don't know."

"How come you and I didn't get together?"

She stood back, shock draining her face. "What?"

Seifer shook his head. "Nothing. Never mind. So, about you teaching me? Same time, the usual, tomorrow?"

She nodded. "Yes. And don't be late."

He raised an eyebrow. "According to my file I'm punctual."

"You are, but it was just a warning."

He gripped his chest, feigning pain. "Why, Miss Trepe! You wound me! Please do not say that is a threat as well?"

She chuckled and slapped him in the shoulder, pushing him out the door. "It just may be."

He snickered and looked back. "So same time tomorrow?"


He crept a bit closer to her. "Understood Miss Trepe. See ya then."

With that he smiled, leaned over and gave her a small, lingering kiss on her cheek. It was meant in a friendly gesture, but that didn't keep her face from growing slightly flushed. Seifer didn't notice, instead, continued his walk down the halls. Quistis' eyes never left his form, even when it disappeared into the elevator. Shaking slightly, she returned to her office, silently praying that no matter how much of his past Seifer would eventually become to remember, maybe some how, he would remain this way.


The blade swung, but with no velocity, no heart. It cut the air again, but just barely hinting at any potential. Another swing, lacking even less ferocity, and soon the blade was thrown to the floor. A bullet shot and rang, embedding into a tree, as a disgruntled young man sat down on a fallen log, cradling his forehead in his hands.

"It's no good."

"Yes it is."

"No, I can't do it!"

The Revolver style gunblade was thrown at him, again. The blunt side of the blade slammed into his knees, causing him to grunt in slight pain. He brought green eyes filled with rage to meet serene blue ones. "What the hell was that for?!" He spat.

Quistis walked towards him, pulling Save the Queen from her side. With a flip of her wrist and a snap of her elbow, she whipped up a dust cloud by his feet, narrowly missing his leg. He stood up, kicking at her whip, and grunted in disgust. "What the hell was that for Quistis?!"

Flipping a blond lock behind her ear, her eyes remained serene and cold as once again she cracked the whip at him, making sure she didn't miss. He yelped in pain as the whip made contact with his leg, slicing open a hole in his jeans. He stepped back, looking for a place to hide when a blast of leather and malboro tentacle ripped through the air, cutting the corner of his lip with the tip. Blood dripped as he brought a hand to it, tasting the red. Sucking it of his finger, he backed up again, glaring at her through angry emerald eyes. "I should report you-"

Quistis glared at him, snapping the whip on the floor again. "To who? The Disiplinary Commitee?"

"Y-Yeah! I should report you to the head of them!" he sputtered, spitting out blood.

Her laugh caught him off guard. "You can't do that!"

"And why not?"

She went towards the box she had brought with her, and sifted through the failed brands of Gunblades. The Revolver, the most simple of all gunblades, he had no talent with. From the Flame Sabre to the Twin lance, the Lionhart which Squall neglected to let her borrow and she only achieved through begging and Rinoa's help. She felt along the glowing blue blade, and sighed. Only one left. And it was one of the most dangerous of all.

Again, he asked "And why can't I report you to the head of the-"

"Because YOU'RE the head of the Disiplinary Commitee!" She spat, with out facing him. She waited for his snotty remark, but none came.

Quistis picked the remaining blade up, it's weight heavy in her arms. Testing it, she made an attempt to swing it in her arms, but the weight of it flung her slightly forward, catching her off guard and bringing her to one knee. Grunting, she pulled herself upward, as Seifer's calming hands helped her to her feet. The blade weighed down her arm, and she had to use two hand to thrust it against his chest. His eyes went wide as he looked it over.

"What's this?"

She coughed and flipped back her hair again. "It's yours. I thought we would have to first train you with the simple Revolver, starting from the beginning. But I should have remembered that you lacked patience with it, and went with this one."

Shoving the blade towards his chest, she stepped back, crossing her arms about her waist. He held the blade to his chest, staring down at it, feeling along it's familiar form. He traced his fingers to the handle, and felt the grooves fit his hand perfectly, like a lost friend. Lifting the blade to is eyes, he noticed, the engraving in it, a cross. No, a fire cross, with a hawk standing atop it. The blade, long, and coming into a point, seemed to shine, winking in the dim light of the training center. Familiarity indulged his eyes, shining them into a glittering emerald green. With one hand he pointed the blade at her, a familiar smirk encasing his bloody lips.

"Feeling lucky, Instructor?"

A smile mimicking his own formed on her face. Cracking her whip, she advanced towards him. "Depends if your feeling like yourself."

He swung the Hyperion blade at her whip. With a flick of her wrist her brought it back. "Like myself? Or like my old self?"

She cracked the whip, towards him, as he clumsily rolled out of the way. "Maybe both."

Quistis advanced towards him, running forward, and cracked her whip towards his blade. Seifer flung his Hyperion at it, blocking it from hitting his face. He pulled away sharply, as she jumped, high above the swing of his blade. He tried for a low blow, as he fell forward, into the dirt, she jumped behind him. She heard him curse under his breath, about still being too weak, but still didn't let up. She walked towards him, seeing him on his hands and knees, and brought the whip high above her head, ready to crack down. Seifer swung his leg out, kicking at her ankles. She screamed, and fell flat on her behind. She heard Seier laugh as he flipped to his feet, taking a step back. The mean glint was back in his eyes that she remembered, when he only felt alive in battle. Cursing, she searched her mind for a spell, any spell, and found Float. Throwing her arms out in front of her, she cast it upon him, and chuckled softly as he stumbled backwards, bracing himself for a fall that never came. She smiled, walking towards his floating form, seeing the semi panic and amusement curse through his eyes. He tried swinging at her, and she jumped back, carefully. "Give up, Almasy?"

He looked above him, and then below him, and smiled. "Not just yet, Miss Trepe. I learned more then one thing while in Esthar."

Quistis' eyes narrowed as she watched him, search his mind, his eyes closed, then opening them, as they glittered an eerie blue, much like her own, a contrast to his usual green. She stepped back, as he held a gloved palm out, facing her, and screamed out "Draw, cast, EARTHQUAKE!"

The earth moved around her and him, and she lost her footing and fell to her knees. Seifer floated above her, laughing, unharmed due to his floating. Quistis' shrill sheik shook the earth, as it bounced her around roughly, causing her to slam into everything around her. Seifer watched as she was roughed up, and when the earth finally stopped it's shaking he pulled himself to the ground, going near her crouching body. She rubbed the dirt out of her eyes, and prepared to cast a curaga spell, but looked up in time to see Seifer raise his sword above his head. Mustering what strength she had, she rolled out of the way in time or his blade to hit the floor. Pulling herself up, Quistis searched her brain frantically for one of her limit breaks. As soon as he came forward, Hyperion in hand, Quistis shot forth with Bad Breath, causing him to blind out and stumble backwards, rubbing his eyes screaming. He began swinging blindly, confusion already setting in. Quickly casting Curaga on herself, she ran forward, and wrapped her whip about his ankles, pulling sharply to bring him to the floor. Seifer felt himself fall hard, and gasped as he felt her boot embed into his neck. Hearing her shout Esuna, and feeling his head clear, he blinked back eye clearing tears and looked up at the statuesque figure, holding her Save the Queen, ready to strike. Her smile broke into a grin as she spoke. "It's over. You lose."

Seifer snickered and lay back on the ground, his usual cocky grin showing. "It's alright. I love how you show your favorite student's a good time."

She leant forward again, glaring down. "What's that supposed to mean?" Irritation showed in her voice.

That damned cocky grin. "Let's just say I didn't know you were into such lacy black thongs."

Her eyes went wide as she took her foot off his neck, and he broke into a laugh. Puling himself off the ground, he stretched his back, picking up his gunblade afterwards. He felt along the lines again, nodding to himself. Seifer brought his gaze to Quistis and spoke in a low voice.

"What? Speak up Seifer I can't hear you."

Clearing his throat, he asked again, "Can I keep it?"

Quistis nodded. "It's yours, so I don't see why not.

He tested it on the ground, and limped towards her, extending a hand. "Thanks."


Seifer shrugged, and using the gunblade as a cane, limped past her. "Just for being there."

She smiled and caught up with him. Placing a hand on his shoulder, he stopped and turned around, looking at her. Quistis smiled a big grin and shook her head. "It's alright. I was glad to do it."

He peered at her, and her smile faded. "What? What is it?"

He patted her hand. "How long have you been teaching me?"

Quistis blinked. "Which time?"

"Starting from my return. I mean, It's been what, three weeks? I know I don't have to take those blasted horse pills anymore." Quistis thought a moment, thinking back on the date. "No, it'll be a month in two days. Why?"

He shrugged and continued down the halls with her in tow. "Just curious."

Quistis grabbed his arm playfully, smiling again. "No, tell me. What's on your mind Seifer?"

He turned to her, his face serious with unblinking eyes. He hesitated before speaking. "I liked it."

Quistis blinked. "The battle? I understand. Before you loved fighting."

He groaned and shrugged her soft hands of of him. Muttering a "Nevermind forget it" he limped faster now, towards his dorm. Quistis didn't let up, instead, succeeded in passing in front of him. Blocking his path, she moved in front of him every time he tried walking past her, Glowering at her, he spat out "What?! What's your problem?"

Quistis grew angry now, red flushing into her cheeks "What's MY problem? You mean what's YOUR problem! You keep asking me things and blowing off my answers, and every time you bring up this subject you get even more angry with me when I don't know the answer! So, elaborate already, just WHAT did you like so much that you're afraid to tell me?"

Seifer shrugged her off. "You wouldn't understand."

Quistis didn't relent. "Try me."

Grunting, Seifer shifted his weight on his better leg. "Fine. Remember in my room a few days ago?"

Her form grew rigid, he noticed. She nodded, never taking her eyes from his.

"Well, you kissed me, and I liked it. That's what I've been trying to tell you for almost a week now. Maybe it's because I don't remember my first kiss, or whatever, but when you did that it made me feel alive. It gave me subtle hope for myself, better then I've ever felt before. And even though 'before' doesn't really count now, since I don't actually have a before anymore, I just wanted to know if you felt the same. It's obvious you don't so just forget it and leave me the hell alone."

He walked away now, faster, and half hoped she would come after him. When she didn't, his heart fell as he closed his door, the lock clicking in place. he had to shower now, change, into something other than his usual decor of a black shirt and blue jeans. Kicking his boots off, he checked the closet and was astounded at how many clothes he had left at the Garden before his first departure. One thing caught his eye, a light grey trench coat? No, not a trench coat, no belt or belt loops. He pulled it out, staring at it. It's sleeves were adorned with a red Firecross on each side. Much like his Gunblade, except there wasn't a hawk. He threw it on his bed, and sifted through the rest of the clothing. He had received it a few hours ago, after that patch eye'd girl, Fujin and her friend, Raijin, sifted through the Lost and Found and found them, packed away. He pulled out a blue velvet vest, adorned with a white fire cross across the chest. He liked the design immensely, and the feeling of the well worn in vest as well. He tossed that on his bed as well. Sifting through the clothes again, he pulled out a pair of plain leather black pants, and nonchalantly tossed them with the rest of the clothing. Closing the closet door, he turned his body back to the ensemble he created, and smiled. He liked this set. It was familiar to him. Anything familiar to him lately was a blessing,

After his shower, Seifer sat on the bed, and thought long and hard like he did everyday since he came out of the coma. Who was he? Where was he from? His parents died in the Sorceress war and he was a orphan, but he didn't remember being raised with the others. Why was he so cruel to them when he was younger? Standing up, he washed those thoughts out of his head and took of his shirt, pulling the vest over his chest. He turned around to look into the mirror, and actually liked what he saw. The vest was well worn to his form, and fit like the gunblade in his hand, an old friend. Unzipping his jeans he threw them off and replaced them with the leather pants. He looked back towards the bed and saw his coat. It was a bit too hot to wear it today. What was today? He knew it was some sort of special.. Oh shit. He hissed through his teeth to no one in particular "The Garden Festival! It's today!" and grabbed his coat on his way out the door. He had promised Selphie that they would all be there to witness their accomplishments.

Quistis neared the elevator and pressed the button for the first floor. Dressed in the usual SeeD uniform, she had all but forgotten the confrontation with her 'favorite student' but a mere hour or so ago. She heard heavy footsteps behind her. With out turning around, the elevator pinged and the doors slide open. She waited until those footsteps came closer and stepped inside the elevator with her. She cleared her throat and breathed in the musky smell of Seifer's usual cologne. Speaking with out moving, she told him "I see your coat still has the same scent you used to wear."

"I like it." He deadpanned.

She nodded.

They waited in silence as the elevator came to it's stop. Raising an arm to let her go before him, she nodded primly and walked ahead of him to the Quad. The silence was awkward, they both felt it, as the festivities of the night showered upon them. Basked in the light and the celebration o the festival, Seifer turned his head to Quistis and muttered under his breath. She looked back at him, and arched a regal brow. "You mutter things too much."

"I said, I'm sorry."

"So am I."

He extended a gloved hand. "Friends?"

Quistis looked down at the soft leather and smiled. Placing her small palm in it, she shook his hand in a friendly gesture. He turned his head to the side, staring at her. "W-What? What is it?" She inquired nervously.

"You look different."

"I always wear this, except in battle."

He shook his head. "No, I mean your hair. It's down all the way for once. And your not wearing your glasses. You look different."

She raised her eyebrow. "In a good way or a bad way?"

He thought for a moment. "Eh, neither. You look horrible. Like a dead grog. Or a drowned cat. More like a Demon. Yeah a demon!"

She swatted at him as he laughed, fending off her stinking slaps. "Hold on, hold it of there, lady, I was kidding. You look beautiful. More relaxed. You should keep your hair down more often."

Shaking her head she smiled and thanked him for his comment. He replied by stating that he meant it, as they left to enjoy the festivities for a while. It was a matter of hours until Selphie stepped up to interrupt the band and tap the microphone, testing it. "Excuse me? Everyone? I SAID HEY SHUT UP!"

Everyone stopped their partying and looked upwards at Selphie, "Silence, Silence, everyone, hush hush! Does anyone but me remember what today is?"

The crowd looked up at her in confusion. Sensing their plight, she continued on. "Today is the official twenty year anniversary of the building of Balamb Garden!" She pumped a fist into the air as the crowd cheered. "Now, everyone, grab someone close, and give them a big kiss, since this is our official New Year celebration! Irvy, start the count down!"

With that, the sharpshooter stepped up on stage and bellowed out the countdown, starting at twenty. Seifer turned to Quistis as she turned to him, their eyes wide. Quistis stammered out a "I'm sorry, I didn't know?"

"Neither did I?"

The count down was now at ten, and stepping towards one. Seifer cleared his throat and told her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Well, you might as well go make one of the classmen happy."

She nodded, and brought her eyes up towards Irvine, who had placed an arm around Selphie. As soon as his voice rang out "ONE!" He dipped her back and kissed her, holding onto his cowboy hat with one arm. Selphie's muffled sounds of protest stifled in her throat as she brought her own arms around Irvine's neck. Quistis panged with jealousy, watching the happy couple embrace a new year at Garden with their love. Her eyes drifted upwards towards Seifer's upturned head, His emerald eyes never left the kissing couple on stage, even as hordes of people around them embraced into tradition. She whispered his name, and he brought his face down to hers.


Without realizing her actions, she brought his lips down to hers. His initial shock and resistance wore down as she held him, tightly, in her arms. He wrapped his arms possessively around her shoulders and waist, pulling her close, then closer. Quistis ran her hands through his hair, pulling his head tighter, closer still, until she finally broke the kiss. Gasping for air, she made no qualms about getting out of his arms, and he made no motion of pulling away. Bringing her blue misty eyes upward, she gazed into his emerald eyes, sighing. A smile played on his lips and he began to massage her back, gently, careful not to frighten her away. "Instructor, you can't escape now."

She had a lazy smile plastered on her face. "I know. And to answer your question from before, I liked it too."

He tilted his head to the side, closing her tighter in his arms. "I figured. Happy new year."

"Same to you."

Rinoa and Squall watched the festivities from the sidelines. His hand held a permanent place at her waist, as she leaned into his body. He lifted her soft fingers to his lips and kissed the tips, an action which brought a smile to her lips as she looked up at him. He brought his face down to hers, and she pulled it down closer, bringing his lips to hers. Pulling back, he wrapped both arms about her waist and rested his head on her shoulder. "Rinoa."

"Yes Squall?"

"Happy new year."

"Back at you good looking."

He chuckled into her hair and tickled her sides. "Don't lie to a fellow like that."

He laughed and slapped his hands away, opting to open up his arms. Pulling her close to his body, she sighed and rested her head against his shoulder. "Squall?"


"You think those two..?"

"...Yeah. I do. Amazing isn't it?"

He felt her nod her head. Pulling her closer, they let the festival surround them in serene bliss as the night carried on into day.

Chapter 9

Two days after the Garden Festival everything remained it's typical normal. With the up and coming SeeDs worried about their lives' trails, where they were going, how they would get there, the works. Squall was resting his head on Rinoa's shoulder and his arms about her waist as Irvine carried on about his new Exeter Ten Twelve, already being shipped through the mail, here in 2 days or money back guarantee. They both laughed as he danced around in front of the training centre, pretend shooting the air, anything annoying, and the belts off a pretty girl's skirt. Seifer came walking by and Irvine called him over, before Squall had the chance to hush him.

"Hey! Amnesia Lad! get on over here!"

Rinoa squeaked in pain as Squall's arms closed tighter around her waist. Slapping his hands loose, she smiled at Seifer. "So, you got your new clothes I see?"

Seifer shifted un easily in his vest. "I wouldn't say 'new.' I'm surprised I left this much here."

Squall cleared his throat. "Well. You left in one hell of a hurry."

The blond man nodded, silently taking in Squall's tone. Sniffing, he wiped his nose and rubbed his eyes. "Ugh."

"What's wrong?" Rinoa piped in, leaning back into Squall's arms. Seifer groaned again.

He wiped a tear from his right eye. "Nothing I can't handle. Oh, Squall, I have a message for you. President Loire asked for you, he's in the Headmaster's office."

Squall stiffened. "You're sure?"

"Positive. Don't know why they didn't call you over the intercom."

Squall lifted his head from Rinoa's shoulder. "The policy states that private matters that are not entirely related to the Garden are sent by a messenger. Did Quistis send you?"

Seifer nodded. "Yeah. Well anyways, I'm gonna go lay down for a few minutes. Seeya then."

Squall let go of Rinoa and whispered in her ear that he'd be back soon. He made his way to the elevator, and was sidelined by Quistis. "Hello Squall."

He nodded towards her and pressed the button. "So, any idea why Laguna want's me?" He eyed her suspiciously.

Quistis only shrugged. "What I do know is that it's possibly very important."

He sighed as the elevator pinged and he stepped aboard, allowing her to come in after him. "Why didn't they contact me on the intercom like they did when you had to go to Esthar?"

Her hesitation didn't go unnoticed. "Quistis?"

She shook her head. "Garden matters are the only things the intercom is used for. Personal matters, no."

The elevator reached the last floor, and Squall's eyes went wide. "Y-You think something could have happened to Ellone?"

She shook her head. "No, or everyone would have been called up. Now go on, don't delay the inevitable."

Stepping forward into the Headmaster's room, Squall looked around to see Laguna sitting in a chair, thumbing through a magazine as the Headmaster and Edea chuckled in a private joke to one another. He stood at attention, as Quistis did, giving the traditional SeeD salute. Cid's eyes caught Squall, and he gently nudged Edea. She lifted her black head towards him and smiled warmly, clearing her throat as Laguna looked up as well. His eyes shone brightly as he looked Squall up and down in his seat, admiring the view. Feeling as if he were under a microscope, Squall placed a hand on his hip and stared down at the floor, letting go of the traditional salute. The lady at his side did the same, resting her palms together. Cid came forward and motioned for them to take a seat. While Quistis did so, Squall decided to stand.

Cid cleared his throat in a warning tone. "Squall, I do believe you should be sitting down for this."

Quistis reached up and snatched his hand, dragging him into a seat next to her, hissing "Sit!"

Squall grunted and adjusted himself in his seat. For some reason, he didn't like where this was going. "Well, what's the problem?"

"That depends on if you think it's a problem." Laguna piped up from his seat. Placing the magazine on Cid's desk, he stood up, and started to slowly pace the room.

Squall grunted and muttered "Can we please get on with this?"

The room shot him a glare, so he muttered. "I'm sorry. Go on. Please."

Laguna stood up and breathed in a deep breath. He faced Squall, running a hand through his long dark hair. "Squall. I... EGADS my LEG!!!" Laguna's leg seemed to crimp in pain as he gripped it, massaging the tensed muscles. Cid and Edea came to him, concern tracing their eyes. He gasped for them to back of, that it was Okay. Squall remained unmoved. "No, No, Kramers, it's alright, it only happens when I'm-"

"Nervous... Just what is so nervewracking you have to tell me? After Time Compression nothing should phaze me anymore." Squall finished for him. Laguna stomped on the ground, and leaned up against the big oak desk and coughed. "I just have to get it out. Just get it out, fast. Squall, ahh.. Wait, when you were captured, thrown in prison, did you happen to meet up with a Moomba?"

Squall nodded, his blue eyes remaining sharp. "Yes. They kept callng me Laguna when I was being tortured."

Laguna's eyes went wide. "TORTURED?!?! Did they hurt you?! If so I'll kill each and every one of-"

"Hey hey wait a minute, what about Moomba's?" Squall interrupted.

Laguna cleared his throat again, his hand going to his hair. His leg was twitching slightly. "Squall, did they lick your blood?"

Squall nodded. "Yeah. They did. They kept calling me Laguna though. Which I thought was weird, since obviously I'm not you."

"Well... not fully." Laguna whispered under his breath. His leg began to throb now. Almost all control he had was lost. His leg started to noticeably twitch and he stifled a groan before lowering his hands and gripping the limb again.

Squall sat unmoved. Whatever emotion, even irritation, was devoid of his face. Quistis looked at his hands, and noced they gripped the leather seat hard enough to show white knuckles through black leather gloves. If she could hear, she probably would have heard his teeth gritting beneath his lips. "So. What are you getting at.?”

Laguna coughed and propped himself on the oak desk. "Squall.. I'm your father. Raine is...was...your mother."

Laguna expected one of two reactions. One, being the most obvious one, Squall's anger. Him asking questions, begging, pleading, yelling, screaming, tears. Another, the more hopeful one but probably the most unreliable one, where Squall would smile, and be his son. His SON. He stared at the calmed youth. He didn't seem phazed at all. Coughing, he stood up, and wlaked towards him. "Squall?"

Squall stood up and extended a hand to Laguna. Hesitantly, Laguna shook his hand and a smile crossed his lips. Squall nodded, saluted Cid and Edea, and turned his body towards the elevator. Quistis stood up. "Squall, where are you going?"

"I told Rinoa I'd be back soon."

Quistis's voice broke into an angry tone. "Squall, this is more important!"

Squall turned around and faced her, his face a mask of pain and fury. "Says WHO!? You!? Him?! Cid? Edea? Who, Quisty, WHO?"

Quistis stood back, as he threw his arm to each face in the room. Stepping forward, any attempt to calm her down knocked her back to the shock of everyone in the office. Cid yelled for him to stop, and Squall complied by runnign to the elevator and slamming on the button. In his fury, he said no word as he climbed into the lift and slammed down on the button, carrying him to the 1st floor before anyone could stop him. Laguna made an attempt to go after him, waiting for the elevator to come back, but Edea grabbed his arm. "No, let him be. It must sink in first before he can come to terms with it."

"He's my son, and he needs me!" Laguna whined. His face fell even further when Edea still shook her head no. "But Mrs Kramer..!"

Quistis came forward. "Laguna, try talking to him in a few hours. Or maybe tomorrow. I'll set you up in a dorm for the night. But for now, let Squall come to terms with himself."

Seifer walked around the halls, his coat slung over his shoulder. It was much too hot that day to wear it on his own, but for some reason he felt uncomfertable with out it. His headache was gone, his body refused to let him sleep, so strolling around the Garden seemed the most plausible answer. Walk enough to get fatigued, then lay down and sleep. At least in sleep his headaches didn't hurt.

He felt a breeze of leather before a hard shoulder shoved him out of the way. Muttering a curse under his breath, he prepared to advance after the figure before looking and seeing that it was Squall. Squall made a sharp turn towards the Quad before disappearing behind the corner. Confused, Seifer decided to follow him. Keeping a short distance away, he ound him, leaning over the railing on the Quad. The group of people were keeping a silent distance away, making sure not to be more then ten feet closer to his shaking form. Creeping up closer, Seifer put a hand on his shoulder, only to feel it swatted off. "Hey, what's your problem?"

Squall turned around and spat. "Nothing. Now get lost."

Seifer opted instead to lean on the railing next to him. "Make me."

Squall groaned and turned around, leaning his back on the railing. "Why are you here?"

"Simple. I saw you run-"

"No, I mean, WHY are you here on this fucking planet?"

Seifer grunted and loosened his collar. "Uhm, shouldn't you be asking Dr. Kadowaki about this?"

Squall clicked his tongue and his face fell. "No. I don't mean that bullshit. I know where babies come from."

"Then what are you asking me about?"

It was a few minutes before Squall spoke. "I mean, hmm. Have you ever wondered about your parents? Shit like that."

Seifer's confusion was showing now. "Well.. maybe before.. but not anymore.. now that you mention it. Why?"

Squall cleared his throat and lifted his face to the skies. "Every orphan's fucking dream is that their mother and father will burst through the doors of the orphanage, screaming that it was a mix up, that they are your true parents, that love you, care for you, are there for you. But that dream only lasts until the poor kid's about seven. That's when they give up fucking hope of that happening."

Seifer grunted, and crossed his arms about his chest. "Where is this leading, Squall?"

Squall pulled away from the railing and started walking away, muttering "Nevermind" under his breath. The last thing he heard was Seifer chuckling, and then the call of "It's Laguna, isn't it?"

He turned sharply, glaring long and hard at Seifer. He advanced towards the older man, and unsheathed his gunblade. A cruel smile grew over Seifer's lips as he threw his head back and laughed, hard at him. Squall's eyes widened at the sound. It was like a grating fingernail, on a chalkboard, hitting him where it hurts. Wincing, he stood still as Seifer continued.

"So, your daddy's Laguna eh? Pathetic. Now I know exactly where your Puberty Boyish charms come from. From some laid back moron who had everything handed to him, even a kid he didn't want."

Squall's eyes flared with sapphire fire, and his lips curled back in a snarl. It was taking all he could to keep his tempter in check as Seifer continued his insult. "Yeah, Squall, pathetic little carred son of a bitch. Your mother was a fucking slut, so maybe Laguna isn't your daddy? Who knows, I mean she worked in a bar, hell she owned it, and probably pimped little Ellone. Haha, three year old pussy for hire, oh that's rich. Maybe if she didn't die so soon you could become a man whore just like her no?"

He looked towards the floor, his teeth grating. He nearly had total control when...

"Ha, I can see it now, Squall, Laguna's little boy, the fucker of Rinoa, man, once she finds out she'll dump your pathetic ass. I'm telling you man cut off your dick so you won't have any more mini Laguna's around. Pathetic puberty ridden scrap of shit."

Rinoa. He started bagging on the wrong thing. Squall ripped his Lionheart from his side and screamed, flashing a palm outward "AURA!" Seifer's grin never faltered, he just nodded, slowly, and unsheathed Hyperion. Squall came at him, fast now, faster still, screaming in anger and rage. Seifer saw it all in Squall's eyes, the rage, anger, and also, the fear. It was overwhelming. Seifer waited, for the perfect moment. Squall's rage would blind him, he figured, and it did, as Seifer jumped out of the way and screamed in pain as Squall hit nothing but air. The younger man stood there, staring, as Seifer crept up from behind and wrapped two arms underneath him, growling in agony as his lame leg pleaded for rest. Squall dropped his Lionheart, and struggled with Seifer in vain bringing himself to his knees, Seifer dragged Squall to the floor as they attracted more and more students to watch. Squall's struggling seemed to cease as his body started shaking. Seifer, behind him on his knees, hissed as his knee pleaded for rest.

"Squall! Squall! Shut up! Shut up and listen to me! Listen to me boy!"

Squall let out what sounded like an anguished cry, and Seifer felt even more sorry for him. Throwing him to the ground, Squall's body shook hard, and refused to get up. Crawling around to his head, Seifer knelt lower, and picked him up by the shoulders. Squall's eyes were watering, even though he was trying to hold it in. Sitting on his knees, he pulled the younger boy into an upright sitting position, and pulled him close. "Squall, man, I'm sorry but I had to do it, you have to cry. Stop being the strong one for once, stop caring about what other people think. Just cry, dammit, just CRY." Seifer looked upwards at the crowd of people and picked up his blade swinging it. "Get outta here! There's nothing here! Get the hell outta here! What is this, some kind of circus show?!" The crowd of people dispersed, tending to their own business, and Seifer pulled Squall's body closer to his own.

"Leonhart, come on, Squall. Let it out. Just let it out buddy. Don't bottle it up inside anymore. Just let it go...that's it. Just cry.."

Seifer pulled Squall into a tight embrace, not letting go, until Squall's struggling stopped and his shaking body turned into a mountain of sobbing. His body convulsed in Seifer's arms, but he didn't let go. The blonde man held Squall still as the sobs tore through his body. He could feel what was going on inside his body. The feelings of being no one's child, the torment of not being able to call anyone mommy, or daddy, throw a ball to anyone. Then out of the blue someone people hail as a hero but in your eyes you see as a complete and total mess up says he's your father and your mother is dead, the emotional stress of not being able to let it go is just too much. Seifer laid his head on top of Squalls, feeling his pain. Squall clawed at Seifer's arm in angst, but Seifer ignored the pain in his bicep. His tight grip on Squall never loosened, as Squall's choked cries filled his ears. His vest was getting soaked now; Squall's tears wetted it down to the core. He waited there, until he felt the sobs lighting up before pulling Squall away from him. "You okay now?"

Squall wiped his nose, keeping his head down. A slight nod comfirmed Seifer's thoughts. "Good. Now you have to do me a favor."

The brown head lifted up to meet green eyes. "What?"

Seifer's face cringed in slight pain. "Help me. I've fallen and I can't get up."

Quistis watched the display from the top of th Quad. After she had seen Seifer chase after Squall, she had run after them, keeping a safe distance away. Her breath had caught in her throat more than once, when Seifer chanted out to him, and Squall's blue Lionhart flashed. Tears formed in her eyes as Seifer rocked Squall in his arms, like a father consoling his child. More then once she had attempted to go down, to stop them, but inside she knew it was right. Again, she feverishly hoped that at least this part of Seifer Almasy remained when the old Sorceress' Knight returned. If he did.

Chapter 10

The Balamb beaches. The sand was near white, the ocean always retained the beautiful clean smell of salt, and the air was always crisp. Seifer sat back into a little sand pile, and just let it wash over him. He needed to get away. Even if it was just for a little while. That stunt he pulled with Squall was enough to show he still had at least a small part of himself. A small part, but at least it was the beginning. He felt clumsy footsteps in the sand behind him, and turned around to face the one who dared to intrude on his desolation.

"Hey there."

A nod was his only response.

"How's the leg?"

Seifer stomped on the ground to show just how good his leg was. Laguna nodded and sat down next to him. Pulling a small package out of his shirt pocket, he flicked a match with his thumb and pulled a cigarette out, breathing in the smoke. Seifer eye'd him in disgust. "You smoke?"

Laguna nodded, taking a long drag from the filter. Blowing the smoke to the wind he turned to face the younger man beside him. "I heard. About yesterday. Heh."

Seifer only nodded. Laguna took another drag off his cigarette and stared out into the ocean. He looked a million years older then, there. he silently shook his head, as Laguna turned to speak at him, but only resounded with "What? What is it?"

"Man. You looked like a statue there."

"Excuse me?"

Seifer sniffed, and wiped his nose with the back of his hand. "Don't worry about Squall."

"What makes you think I'm worried about my boy? He can handle it."

Seifer chuckled under his breath, and let a thin smile trace his lips. "He'd die if he heard you call him 'my boy' Laguna."

Laguna nodded, and flicked his cigarette ash into the sand. Pulling another drag off the paper stick, he leaned back. "You are right. I'm here to talk about him."

"So. Talk."

Laguna stared up into the dusky skies. "He just walked out. I told him, and he just walked out of the office. When we tried to stop him, he just exploded, saying that it wasn't important. I don't know why he's angry. Well I do, I have a lot of notions, but man, he's had a better life here at the Garden then he ever could with me. You get my drift Seifer?"

He nodded. He sure as hell did get the drift. "Maybe. But you were wrong."

Laguna sat up, and stared. "How was I wrong? For wanting a better life for my son?"

Seifer shook his head and exhaled a long breat. "Maybe I phrased it wrong. Or something. But Squall never knew you were his father. He had notions, and maybe never admitted to them. Catch my wave?"

Laguna shook his head. Seifer sighed and brought himself to his knees. "Okay. Look. Squall's been a loner all his life. From what I read, he was cool until Ellone left, then he just froze up. And that's how he remained, impregnable. Until Rinoa came into his life and shed some light on it, and when I let, he felt things where perfect. When I came back, I guess he hated me for what I did, and I don't blame him, but when I returned, it was just sort of the piece o the puzzle that he's been trying to put together, the last piece is lost. That's where you come in."

Laguna sat up and snubbed out his cigarette, sifted the smooth sand with his fingers. He picked up a fistful and buried the butt under it, letting it drift through his fingers. He nodded, urging Seifer to go on.

"Well, it's like that. Sorta. Except maybe for Squall, it's more along the lines of finding the pieces to the puzzle, but not making them fit. You're one of those pieces, and even though he needs that piece, he's just frustrated with the whole damned situation it's making him feel like shit. Mostly 'cause he doesn't know how to handle it anymore. And that holding it all inside bullshit, that had to go. So I had to bring it out of him. He had to cry. Some way. So, to make him cry I dissed you to an ultimate degree, capped on Rinoa, and said a bunch of crap about Raine. Not that I meant it, but the boy had to freakin' cry."

Laguna nodded, taking it all in. He was tempted to pull out another cigarette but decided against it, instead leaning back to enjoy the view. "I had to know if Squall was my boy, Almasy."

Seifer nodded. "Of course. And eventually he'd have to know who his dad is. At least before he died of black lung disease."

"I only smoke when I'm nervous, it usually keeps my leg from cramping." Laguna hissed, while pulling out another cigarette.

"Are you nervous now?"

"Not really. Why?"

"Because I want you to get that thing away from me, it's seriously giving me a migraine."

Laguna nodded, replacing the cancer stick back into it's holding. "Seifer, what about those headaches? Quistis noticed it too, everytime one of us see you you're holding your head like it's gonna explode."

Seifer shrugged. "I just get headaches now and then. Happens every once in a while."

"They getting better or worse?"

"Better." He lied. "Maybe it's just the stress."

Laguna nodded. "Maybe."

Seifer and Laguna stared at the crashing waters in silence. No more needed to be said. The crisp sea air and the sound of the ocean was soothing, to say the least, as their tired nerves relaxed in the soft sand. Seifer eyed the children, running around happily, He envied their innocence, their care free attitudes towards life. He watched as a young blond with shaggy hair threw sand in his sister's face, she screamed and began hauling him into the water. A soft chuckle escaped Laguna's lips as the event occurred. and he leaned back, more comfortable now. Seifer sighed and shook his head, bringing himself up from the ground. He brushed the sand from his pants and nodded at Laguna.

"I promised Quistis I'd join her for lunch. Joining?"

Laguna shook his head, staying where he lay. "Nah, go on ahead. These tired old bones need to think some more. Have fun."

Seifer nodded and climbed the steps towards the Balamb Family Diner. Stepping inside, he breathed out the sea air from his lung as his nostrils were bombarded with the rich smell of coffee and cooking food. He eyed the booths, searching for one, until he felt familiar lithe hands creep around his waist. He turned sharply almost knocking Quistis' glasses off. She smiled up at him, adjusting her glasses on her face. "Surprised to see me?"

"Nah, just shocked. So where do you want to sit?"

Quistis took his arm and led him towards a comfortable private booth, where she sat down across from him. Seifer leaned back into the leather seat, adjusting it to mould into the muscles of his back. Quistis smiled at him from across the table, and lifted her menu. He did the same, as a pretty young hippy waitress sauntered over. She smiled at Seifer and cracked her gum, pulling out her tablet and and a pencil from behind her ear.

"What can I getcha handsome?"

Seifer studied the menu before answering. "Umm.. How about the special? Hmmm.. Chuck Balamb fish with a side of rice. I'll have a coke to go with that." He closed his menu and handed it to her.

The waitress nodded and turned to Quistis. "You?"

Quistis nodded. "That sounds fair. I'll have the same, except I'll take a cup of coffee instead."

The waitress cracked her gum and took the menu out of her hand. "I'm Celia. Call on me if you need anything. I'll be back with your order soon!"

Seifer watched as the waitress sauntered away and turned his gaze towards Quistis. She lifted a muscular arm up to her golden hair and let it down from it's usual clip, flufing it to make it cascade in a blanket of honey scross her shoulders. She was dressed casually, as well. Seifer didn't know of any other woman who could make white jeans and a pink tank top look so good. He felt her cross her legs under the table, her calf brushing his, and she took her glasses off. She looked so beautiful there. He reached over and cupped a hand over her small one, stroking her fingers. She looked up from her thinking and brought her eyes to his, holding the stare. Her cute smile made her seem young and vibrant, not like the stuffy teacher and instructor of Balamb Garden.

"Anyone ever tell you how beautiful you are Quistis Trepe?"

Her smile turned coy as she shook her head. "Nope. Not to my face anyways."

"Can I be the first?"

Her smile turned into a full grin, showing rows of beautiful pearl white teeth. She tilted her head to the side with another coy smile. "Please be?"

He tilted his head to match hers. "Will you pay for lunch?"

Her mouth formed a perfect O shape as she yanked her hand away and crossed her arms. She glared at him as he began to laugh, and frowned as his familiar smirk came into view, except now it had a different glow. Seifer stood up and reached over, prying her hand from her arms. She still had the sour look on her face as he kissed her fingertips and sat back down, not allowing her the freedom of her hand. Pulling it to his chin, he tilted his head and gave her the most honest look he could muster. "You are so beautiful Quistis."

The slight blush in her cheeks rose from her neck as she looked downward, unable to hide the smile that forced it's way to her lips. She giggled like a school girl, a snort coming into her laugh. her eyes widened in embarrassment as she brought a hand to her mouth. Seifer smiled and chuckled, never letting go of her wrist. "That was cute."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to." She pushed at her nose with the side of her other hand.

Seifer reached up and grabbed both of those hands and cradled them in his own. "Hey I said it was cute didn't I?"

"Haha, but you were only trying to be nice, Mr. Almasy."

"What? Me? Never!"

She laughed again, minus the snort, as Celia traced back with their food. She flung Seifer a smile and a glance at Quistis as she scurried on her way. Seifer dove right in as Quistis began cutting her fish. They ate in silence, for a while, until he swallowed before speaking again. "So, why did you need to talk to me?"

She swallowed a bite and took a sip of her coffee before answering. "Well, the new SeeD test is coming up and.."

"You want me to make an attempt at it?"

"In that manner of speaking, yes."

"Oh. Alright. It's next week isn't it?"

Quistis nodded, forking another helping into her mouth. "Mmm Hmm.. I'll help you through the basics if you'd like."

"No, that's alright. One question though. Is it because of my former training that I'm allowed to continue so soon?"

"Yes. Cid has faith in you, Seifer."

Seifer shoved another mouthful, swallowed, and continued. "Faith. It's a pretty word. I hope I can live up to it."

Quistis smiled. "I'm pretty sure you will."

He leaned back, pushing his empty plate away. Quistis did the same as he motioned for the check. She stood up, stretching her arms over her head as Celia bounded over with the ceck. Quistis heard Seifer's wolf whistle and she lowered her arms to her side, glaring at Seifer's cocky grin. Her features softened as he stood up, paid the bill and wrapped an arm about her waist. She leaned up against his shoulder, and turned her eyes towards Celia, who was giving her one hell of a bad look. "I wonder why she's looking at me like that."

"Because you're one of the most beautiful women in Balamb?"

She chuckled warmly. "Probably not, but at least you think I am."

He smiled and wrapped both arms around her waist, pulling her to face him. "Miss Trepe, are we dating now?"

She tilted her head and smiled. "Well, that depends, are we?"

"I'd like to think so."

She smiled and buried her face in his chest, feeling his arms wrap around her. She felt reedom, for once, not the cooped up office or the fear of a battle, or the seldom thought that this would end. Quistis pulled away and looked up at him, her face changing to a frown. Seifer's face mimicked hers in confusion. "What? What's wrong?"

Quistis pulled him to a bench in front of the weapons shop and took both his hands. "I wanted to ask you about those headaches you've been having. What happens when you do? Does anything influence them?"

Seifer pulled away, opting towards leaning back on the bench. "I wouldn't call them headaches, more likely. Just.. Painful flashbacks. Each time I begin to think that they're over, they get stronger, and the visions keep getting worse."

Quistis leaned closer. "Visions?"

He nodded. "Yep. One of them is fucking weird I tell you. I'm holding this dark haired girl, she's screaming, and I've got that blade you gave me at her neck. I'm screamin' at her to shut the hell up, and I throw her to this.. flame haired demon. The girl starts crying, I can only hear her crying I don't see her, but this flame headed demon picks up up, and pretty much opens up it's chest, and practically devours her whole. Well not whole. just most of her. I can't see the girl's face, but I know she's blacked out, almost dead. It's fucking scary, Quistis, because I KNOW it's wrong, but whenever I step into those shoes in my, visions, I guess, I can feel like there’s no way out of it. Just no way."

He relaxed after telling her, and faced her. His eyes went wide at her ashen face, and her dull blue eyes that where once so glittery. He narrowed his eyes and brought a hand to her face. She pulled back abruptly, crossing her arms.


She shook her head. "I don't think we should tell anyone about this."

"Why not?"

"Because it's not a vision."

"Then what is it?"

She leaned back and sputtered. "It's the truth. You did do that."

He sounded dejected. "Figures."


He groaned, and shifted positions, sitting so his body faced hers. "It's like this. I try to think of something positive about my life, and then something comes up and busts it in two. Next you're going to tell me you're a lesbian."

She let out a disgusted laugh. "I don't think so. If that were so I'd disappoint a few of the class men."

"Or seriously please a few of the class women." He thoughtfully stroked his chin. "Then again, that might be nice..."

Quistis slapped him playfully in the arm. "Oh shut up. Stop being so rude."

He fended off her slaps with a smile. When she stopped he leaned over and put an arm around her shoulders. Folding her body into his side, she sighed. and yawned. "Do you think we're rushing into this?"

He thought on that before answering "Not really. I've known you or years. Haven't I? Didn't we grow up together?"

He felt her nod against his chest. "Well then that should answer your question. If you think we're rushing into this then we'll cool it off for a while. But personally? I don't wanna do that."

"And why not?" She asked, yawning.

He laughed out loud now. "I dunno, maybe because I might be falling for you?"

"Mm hmm.." She huddled closer to him now.

"Quistis, I was a total asshole. I can see that now. But just because of what happened in the past, don't let it affect our future. Quistis? Quistis?"

Seifer looked down, to see her silently asleep on his side with his arm wrapped about her shoulders. He smiled, enjoying the peacefulness that encased her beauty. Then something made him frown. her, sleeping in the middle of the day like this? No something was definitely not right. His head snapped up and he looked around him, around Balamb. The town had grown quiet, too quiet, and everyone else was.. Asleep?! He lifted Quistis in his arms and gently slapped her face, whispering her name. When she refused to awaken, he laid her gently down on the bench, kissing two fingers and tapping them once on her still lips. He checked once more, to see if she was breathing. When relieved that she was, he stood up and watched around him as a fog ensued. He prayed for his Hyperion to magically appear at his side now, but when he reached for his hip, he felt nothing. Except for his muscles, skin and sinew, freezing, becoming solid, becoming cold, immobile. He felt his cold arms thrust out, as if being crucified on the cross, spread eagled. He could hear a voice, hissing into his brain. It was so familiar...


"What? Who are you?! The fucking HELL...?"


"Hide? Go away! Leave me alone!"


"Stop.. LAUGHING...at...ME!"


"What? What the hell...?"

He froze now, his voice caught up into the coldness of his body. His eyes closed now, against a bright light, which shined into his face, blinding him. He finally let out a scream, not in pain, but more in the line of grief, before the world set into a black haze. His body relapsed and he felt his heart stop beating, slowly, beat by beat, until he could no longer feel the blood pulse through his veins. But by then he didn't care as the flood of memories and thoughts coursed between his ears, in such a painful rush, he felt the dark blood drain down his cheek to his neck.....

"Stand back, he's breathing!"

"Oh dear lawd is he alraht?"

"I t'ink so. Le'see"

"No! Just stand back! He's alright now. Seifer, honey, please get up!"

Seifer groaned, opening his eyes. They blurred, and cleared, as he blinked back tears. he saw.. Quistis? and a crowd. She was smiling, her eyes filled with hope. She leaned forward now, to support him in her strong arms. His head lolled back before he brought it upwards, to face her. She grinned now, happy with relief. "Oh, Seifer, are you alright?"

He lifted a hand to her cheek, and marvelled as she leaned towards it, letting him caress the silky skin. "Instructor, have you ever felt this smooth?"

Her eyes widened and the grin faded from her face. "What?"

He lifted himself up, removing his hand from her face to feel his neck. No blood?

"Thank you for your concern, but save it for a student who needs it." He hissed, lifting himself to his feet. The crowds around them dispersed, leaving the two of them alone. Seifer groaned and cracked his stiff neck, noticing Quistis wince. She was still on her knees. Mumbling, he thrust a hand down to help her up. She gingerly put her hand in it, and gasped as he pulled her up roughly. He brushed his hands together in a sour mood, still glaring outwards. Quistis blinked a few times before he turned around and faced her. "Now what?"

She shook her head. "What'd gotten into you? You pass out and now you're..?"

"I'm what?!" He snapped. He brought his hands up to his forehead and groaned. "I'm normal. That's it. I'm normal.. now."

Quistis blinked pressed her lips together. She slowly shook her head. "It's really you, isn't it."

He shook his head, and that cocky grin she fell for traced his lips. "Yeah. It is. I'm back." he peered at her. "Instructor, what's with your hair?"

She shook her head and closed her eyes. "We..We have to get going. Back to Garden."

He nodded. "Yeah, can't worry puberty too much he just might get pimples then what will he do about the prom tonight?" Seifer laughed softly at his own joke. Quistis spun around and glared at him, her eyes seething. Seifer felt bad about the remark, something he never felt before. "Wait, don't we meet Chicken-Wuss and... and... Amie? Yeah that's her name. Don't we meet Chick...ken.. Zell. We meet them tonight don't we?"

"Why? You wanna go and insult them now too?!" She snapped at him, her eyes glaring daggers.

"Hey! What's gotten into you now Instructor?" He raised his hands in defence.

Quistis clicked her tongue and continued on the road towards the Garden. "Nothing. Let's go." She snapped. Seifer shrugged and grabbed her arm roughly pulling her to him. "You're not getting away that easily Instructor Trepe. Explain to me why you're being such a bitch now?"

"Oh as if you didn't know!"

"No! I don't! So talk!" He let his hand off her now, resting it to his side.

She sighed, and spoke in one breath. "You're back, that's that, it's over now, and now we see what happened to take you away. You're back to being good ol' bitter Seifer, who hates everyone and despises anything that doesn't resemble his perfect self's image." She took another deep breath. "Now let's get going."

"Hold it hold it wait wait wait a damned minute Instructor. What makes you think I'm totally back to my former self? What makes you think you're newest teachings didn't actually rub off on me?" He crossed his arms, and blocked her path each time she made an attempt to step around him. "No avoiding me now, Instructor. Answer the question."

She glared up at him and mimicked his stance. "Quite simple. 'Puberty boy' 'Chicken-Wuss' those are now back in your vocabulary."

Seifer grunted. "Well my apologies Instructor, it was out of habit. Just for your information, I have yet to have forgotten your teachings. And how you've helped me."

Quistis' curt nod was all the reply he needed. "It's true, Quistis. I haven't. Just because I've gotten my identity back doesn't mean I won't give credit where it's due."

"Whatever Seifer. Now let's go."


"Excuse me?"

"I said no. Look, I'm sorry for how I acted back there okay? But you try getting blasted with your whole life story in a matter of seconds, reliving the failure you are over and over again and try being civil to the one woman you possibly think to care about. I can tell you, it ain't easy.

" Quistis shook her head, letting her guard down. Seifer's body shook with fury, but she sensed it wasn't directed towards her. Carefully, she stepped towards him, her feet inching closer to him. Now that he remembered who he was, he seemed untouchable now. His head snapped up, and when he saw her, he let his eatures soften, just a bit. Holding out a hand, he urged her to place her palm into his. When she did, he gently pulled her closer to him, his frown never fading. Leaning down gently, he kissed her softly, carefully, making sure she didn't pull away. When he felt no resistance, he delved just a bit deeper, gently, before pulling away. Lifting his head, his lips curved into a cocky grin, one full of self assurance. He nodded his head slowly as he gazed into her misty eyes.

"Yep. I do still like it. Okay." He pulled away slowly now, still holding her hand. "Let's go."