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A fabulous first fic

Midnight.  It was raining.  Tiny silver drops coursed down the sides of Garden as it whirred through the thick, foggy air.  Irvine was alone again.  He rather liked these moments he had to himself.  They were precious, and few.

Lightning pulsed the sky, creating a frightening silhouette of the tall, lanky young man, as he lay stretched out on his dormitory bed.  His shirt was lying on the ground, he had gotten hot earlier, and his tan, well-muscled chest lay bare, open to the cold, empty air around him.  Cold.  He was used to feeling it.  After all, that’s what everyone thought he was, thought his heart was.

How wrong they all were.  He surrounded himself with women in hopes that maybe he’d forget his feelings and be happy.  But it never worked.  Frivolous…uncaring…that was the antithesis of his soul.  But what had happened to him?  Where was the real Irvine?  Lost over the years, filling the empty feeling in his heart with drinks, parties, fun…  Sure, he admitted, he was always up for a bit of play with a beautiful woman, but it never meant anything to him.

And after it was over, and he was lying alone in the hot, smoky, sweat-filled back room of the local bar, all he wanted to ask himself was why.  He didn’t need this.  But he was too far-gone to stop now.
Then there was her…Selphie.  So innocent, so pure…she fascinated him with her adorable smile and wide-eyed, naïve green eyes.  How could such a tiny girl be so sweet and full of life?  He found himself thinking of her constantly.  She accepted him the way he was.  She didn’t try to change him, never criticized.  No matter what he did, she welcomed him with open, forgiving arms, allowing him to touch her, worship her…  The unthinkable had happened.  Had charming, playboy Irvine Kinneas finally found love?
Thunder rumbled, shaking the floor.  Irvine stood up and walked to the window, his face grave.  Had he?  Great Hyne, how should he know?  Probably not.  Love was something incapable to the hearts of sharpshooters, he tried to assure himself.  But he couldn’t deny it.  There was something there…