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Just found out

Go to Satsuki's author profile here

A short little heart warming fic ^_^

"I’m sorry, Squall," Rinoa looked worriedly at Xu, who she was standing beside. Squall stared at the two women bewildered. It was a dramatic pause. "I just found out that I’m gay."

"A lesbian," Xu corrected mildly.

"I mean, a lesbian," Rinoa repeated.

"WHAT?!" Squall glared at Xu, "What have you done to her! You’ll pay for this Xu!"

"Squall, calm down, I didn’t force her into any decision," Xu smirked at him.

"Yuppers!" Rinoa was in her cheery-yet-not-so-bright self again.

"This is a joke," Squall narrowed his eyes, "This is a sick joke."

"Squall, I’m rather offended. Same sex relationships are not sick. They’re perfectly normal," Xu scowled at him. "Come on, Rinny. Let’s go somewhere else."

"Rinny?" Squall just stood with his jaw gaping slightly as they departed--hands around each others’ waists.

‘This is not happening to me...‘

Squall wandered to the cafeteria--still not sure what had happened and much less sure why. As he entered the cafeteria he saw there was only two other people also in the room. It was Rinoa and Xu. Rinoa was happily chatting to her hotdog as Xu sat rejected and disgusted a few tables away. Squall leaned closer to hear what she was saying to the hotdog.

"I’m sorry, Hotdog. I just found out I’m a vegetarian."


Author's Note: Told you. I’m in a great mood, so a really short half-baked humor is the result. ^_^ Give me a break.