"Ahhhhh....Halloween! One of my favorite times of the year. Then I can walk around normal among humans and scare the crap out of everyone when they realize that my face isn't a mask!" the cheetah/falcon Katri grinned to herself flopping back on her bed at the Ring of Fire.

That sounds fun, can I help? Terimath sounded malicious, and Kamikaze herself had been feeling a little more snide than usual and not as eager to help the depressed.

The Katri flipped over onto her stomach, tail lashing in the air. "Sure, I'm certain you could scare up some fun seeing as you're a dragon and all. This is going to be great!"

Maybe also a little...other sort of fun? You've mated several times, but you've yet to have kits... the black-green dragoness was hinting at something, Kami knew it...but she couldn't place her claw on it yet.

So she merely snorted. "What are you getting at, Terimath? I don't want no stinkin' kits!"

I want to fly! Sanrix Azon is having a....dark clutch. For Halloween, no less. We could take some time to scare the crap out of people then finish the night off with a bang! Terimath seemed quite happy about the idea. Kamikaze had always known the little dragon had a weird attitude and way of talking which she'd never lost; though it was rare to see her with as much (if not more than) sarcasm as her rider.

"Hmmm... a flight, and finishing off a good night of scaring with a bang. I like your thinking, Teri! I could get used to you acting strange..."

The dragoness just grinned in response.