Race: Angelic Phoenix-Cheetah Katri--phoenix aspects appear to be falconian
Height: 5'3''
Eye Color: Deep Brown
Hair Color: Tawny Golden
Fur Color: Tawny Golden and White with Black spots
Description: A fairly small, scruffy looking cheetah-like Katri. She stands a few inches smaller than the average size for a female Katri which is around 5'10'' and has a long, slim frame with long limbs evidently designed for running. From her back sprout two slate grey and white falcon-like wings. Her body is covered in a pelt of fairly thin golden fur that changes to white on her throat, chest, belly, and the insides of her legs. The fur's speckled with black spots that change to bands on her tail and the classical cheetah 'tear stripes' running from the inner corners of her eyes to the ends of her mouth. For a Katri her ears are fairly small and rounded staying in the position of human ears. She has actual hair, like humans have, on top of her head. Bangs hang down in her face while the rest is spiked up somehow reminding everyone of a true cheetah's ruff. Kami's garb doesn't look much out of the ordinary, but it certainly distinguishes her as a pilot of sorts. Tight jeans, hiking boots, goggles, a leather jacket with a furry ruff and a low dip in the back for her wings, and a slightly tight white tee with the words 'I Bite And Scratch' on the front in red.
Personality: Well....Kamikaze's eccentric...to say the least! She seems to have a permenant case of PMS with a cynic disposition on her better days. Always loud, but has a definite sense of humor. Doesn't easily get depressed...in fact, if you ever get her depressed you might get a 'medal of valor' or something for it. She'd likely claw your eyes out first. Kami doesn't take others getting depressed lightly, either she'll make them feel worse with stupid comments (on accident) or her quirky sense of humor will cheer them up. She doesn't take any crap from anyone, either. If you're annoying her she'll let you know it. Whenever her top lip starts to twitch and she clenches her fists...I suggest you run!
A Short History
Not much is known about the Katri who calls herself Kamikaze, not many bounty hunters have a known history. She's said to work for an ethereal collector, though.