"Day one--still in dino land, no sign of intelligent life though I know it's SOMEWHERE around here. After all, even a little kid should be able to figure out that life doesn't come from nothing. Who's going to tell some little three-year-old babies come from monkeys? They don't start with that crap until the kids are teenagers for heaven's sake!"Oh, back to the log. I know there's intelligent life somewhere around here. This is pre-Flood, after all. There should be rather technologically advanced humans around here SOMEWHERE! Hopefully they have a gas station, the GXT-950 is out of fuel...AGAIN! Maybe if I'm lucky they'll have some of those magic crystals then I won't need to keep stopping for fuel every 9000 years or so. I just wish they would wipe out these stupid giant lizard-things! I'm sick of coming across piles of crap that are ten feet high. Time-Jumper Kamikaze, over and out!" the cheetah/falcon Katri smirked as she put her handheld computer/recorder back in its case and returned it to her jacket pocket. Speaking of giant lizard-things, she was getting hungry. Perhaps it was time to see if they really tasted like chicken as everyone in the last time--the 21st century--she had visited had thought. Then again, 'tastes like chicken' seemed to be a phrase for something that was bland. Chicken sure was bland.
Kamikaze turned her gaze to the sky, and to the clouds beyond. That's all the sky seemed to be, clouds. This was pre-Flood, after all. From her view point, sitting on the top of the GXT-950's nose, the sky was a patch of grey and white surrounded by the green of trees. Ahhh, prehistoric times--nothing but big trees, giant lizards, giant lots of stuff, and decent technology. Almost seemed like paradise. Plenty of food, fair technology, and all the stuff to climb one could want. Well..not paradise for Kami. She was more or less a planes creature. As in the temporal plane known as "time". She hated to stay in one time for too long, but she'd been in "dino land" for nearly three months now. Evidently this was one of the "wild areas". Must be, she hadn't seen a single human in her entire time here.
The cheetah/falcon Katri gave a yawn and a rather catlike stretch causing her shirt to rise a bit higher than usual then let her arms flop back to her sides. She had hunting to do, if she got a big dinosaur it might provide her with enough provisions for the next three millenia or so. Wouldn't be too hard for a quick creature with a powerful shotgun that fires titanium shrapnel shells such as was Kamikaze. In fact, she probably wouldn't even have to bother with dressing the critter if she hit it in the stomach. BOOM! Heh heh...
Kami stretched again then strided off through the gigantic trees in search of quarry. Various birds chirped, a wolf howled, a lizard ran across her path, and somewhere in a nearby pond a bullfrog croaked. The Katri smirked to herself, and humans thought all of these creatures she was seeing came later! True, there were many many many extinct species of flora and fauna there, but there were animals that had lived on Earth until its destruction there as well. Kamikaze knew that somewhere even races which had 'contributed' to her existance existed on the planet. The sprinter cheetahs, the diving falcons... Angels, of course, but they weren't necessarily on Earth...or even in the temporal realm for that matter.
The phoenixes, however, she knew didn't exist yet. Nor did most types of dragons. The dragons, as most people thought of them, were originally genetically altered dinosaurs--reptilian, avian, mammalian, and human all rolled up into one. Light bones of a bird, construction somewhat like a lizard, wings like a bat, warm-blooded sentients. Those were dragons. Some had scales, some had hair or something like hair, some had hide, a lot had wings, most had magic, a few were decent-natured sentients, most were dumb beasts. All, even the phoenix, were rolled up into one category--'draconians'. The phoenixes, however, had a bit of a different origin. They were altered from something like a feathered prehistoric dino-bird with amazingly colorful plumage and a beak with teeth. Not all were sentient, but most were.
Soon Kami heard the sound of placid munching--a large, herbivoric dinosaur. Instinctively she dropped to a half-crouch and crept in closer until she could see the huge beast. It was a triceratops--the large, frill-necked quadruped dinosaur with two spear-like horns above the eyes and a stubby one on the tip of the nose. Not particular bright, but good eatin'. Fingerlickin' good! Tastes like veal.
Quietly, Kamikaze unholstered her weapon and took aim at the area between the dinosaur's ribs and hindlegs--the abdomen. She placed her finger on the trigger then clicked off the safety and--BANG! The dumb lizard never quite knew what hit it. It didn't even bellow or anything. Of course, it's hard to bellow when your innards have been blown out. Kami smirked again and stood, returning her rifle to its holster as she made her way over to the dead elephantine-sized animal. It was healthy, good red meat and she grabbed a piece of liver up to gnaw on. Kami took a knife from a different part of her weapon belt and set to work cutting through the tough hide then the muscle.
A T-rex, attracted by the smell of blood, happened upon the scene and let out a loud bellow of challenge. It could certainly beat the tiny creature that was crawling on top of the carcass to cut it into pieces! Kamikaze, however, didn't think so. Casually she drew her weapon, aimed backwards over her shoulder, and pulled the trigger. The T-rex went from having a brain about the size of a walnut to having no brain at all. It's not a good idea to mess with a moody cat-girl who has a rifle that could blow a hole in the side of an armored space ship.