"On the hunt... Urgh! Stupid trees and clouds! It's friggin hot, feels like a greenhouse! D*mn! I hate jungles, where are those stupid dinosaurs!? I want to get out of this hellhole!" Kami clipped the recorder to her belt loop, taking a short pause from following the raptor tracks through the jungle. She'd already removed her jacket and left it along the path. It probably wouldn't be there when she came back, but oh well. Better lose it than turn into a crispy critter in it!

The trail had been frequently used, it was mostly clear and covered in pawprints. Soon it opened up into a slight clearing and Kami grinned. Nests littered the floor of the clearing, full of eggs. She bent down and scooped one of the eggs up, lowering her guard.

Sharp claws sank into the Katri's back andshe yelped in pain spinning to fling the raptor off. The babysitter hissed angrilly, moving forward.Kami glared at it, wincing from the wounds on her back. The raptor circled around like a shark, attempting to organize an attack from behind. It lept expecting to sink its claws and fangs into her front--but found a set of bolas entangling its limbs and swinging hard against its back. The overgrown lizard fell to the ground with a shriek.

Kamikaze took aim at its neck and fired a dart. Slowly, its movements ceased as it slipped into unconsciousness. With a smirk, she knelt and grabbed the raptor slinging it up over her back--then quickly regretted doing so. A spasm of pain went through what seemed like every nerve in her body came alive with the hurt when the dinosaur's head hit against her claw wounds. Cursing so loudly birds took flight to get away, she meandered back to the GXT-950.

The raptor was placed in a decent-sized cage, and the raptor egg in an incubator. Still cursing, Kami repaired all but her slightly wounded pride with the first-aid kit. The claws had gone deep, but luckily it was just a flesh wound. Nothing fatal. She woke up the entire jungle when she applied alcohol to the wounds, though.

Wounds dressed, she went out into the jungle taking only the net. First she'd find her jacket, then she'd catch one of those chicken-headed compies. The sun was just beginning to set, gracing the clouds with beautiful colors and covering the Earth in a slight veil of darkness. Durn it! She'd wanted to be out of Dinosaur Land by sunset! No chance of that now. Well, she'd just find her jacket and then--there it was! And look what was with it...

Two compsognathus pecked and nipped at Kami's ruffed leather jacket tearing small pieces off it. She'd forgotten to take that jerky out of her pocket. With a malicious/delighted grin she snuck towards the creatures, paused..... then lept!

Kami managed to sweep one of the compies up into the net, the other ran off squawking startledly. The Katri grinned and swept up her jacket, whistling a tune to herself as she went back to the TGX-950. Time to split!
