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Dragon Magic Spells

Welcome to the realm of Antarian dragon magic.Now here is a list of all spells.You must have the dragon magic points to cast any spell.You start with 20 dragon magic points.You get 10 points per level or age group there after.Now here is a list of the spells by level:

1st level

1.dragonfire one:this is a fire ball.this does 3 points damage per level.this takes 2 rounds to cast and 4 dragon magic points.

2.dragon armor one:this adds one point to defense power.this last 2 rounds per level of the user.this takes 2 rounds to cast, and five dragon magic points.

3.darpas production one:this produces 400 darpas.this can be used once per week real time.this takes 3 rounds to takes 6 dragon magic points.

4.heal one:this will restore 3 hitpoints per level of the user.this takes 2 rounds to cast and 5 dragon magic points.

5.force shield:this will protect the user from all normal missle attacks.this last 2 rounds per level of the user.this takes 2 rounds to cast and 5 dragon magic points.

2nd level

1.dragonfire two:this is a fireball.this does 4 points damage per level of the user.this takes 3 rounds to cast and 7 dragon magic points.

2.dragon armor two:this adds 2 points to defense power.this last 2 rounds per level of the user.this takes 3 rounds to cast and 8 dragon magic points/

3.darpas production two:this will produce 500 darpas once per week real time.this takes 4 rounds to cast and 9 dragon magic points.

4.heal two:this will restore 4 hitpoints per level of the user.this takes 3 rounds to cast and 9 dragon magic points.

5.mystical claw:this forms a mystical claw.this does 5 points damage per level of the user.this takes 3 rounds to cast and 9 dragon magic points.

3rd level

1.lightning bolt:this cast a bolt of lightning.this does 5 points damage per level of the user.this takes 3 rounds to cast and 10 dragon magic points.

2.dragon armor three:this adds 3 points to defense power.this takes 4 rounds to cast and 10 dragon magic points.

3.heal three:this will heal 5 hitpoints per level of the user.this takes 3 rounds to cast and 10 dragon magic points.

4.mystical mace:this forms a mystical does 6 points damage per level of the takes 4 rounds to cast and 10 magic base points.

5.dragon myst:this will form a thick myst that hides the dragon from last 3 rounds per level of the takes 4 rounds to cast and 11 dragon magic points.

4th level bolt:this cast a bolt of pure energy.this does 6 points damage per level of the user.this takes 4 rounds to cast and 12 dragon magic points.

2.heal four:this will heal 6 hitpoints per level of the user.this takes 4 rounds to cast and 12 dragon magic points.

3.dispel curse:this will dispel any curse from any object.this takes 5 rounds to cast and 13 dragon magic points.

4.protect from evil/good:this will protect the user from good or evil with in 20 feet of the user.this last 5 rounds per level of the user.this takes 5 rounds to cast and 14 dragon magic points.

5.teleport:this allows the user to teleport.this is 10 feet per level of user in distance.this takes 4 rounds to cast and 15 dragon magic points.

5th level

1.ion dagger:this will for a ion dagger.this is from ionized energy.this does 7 points damage per level of the user.this takes 5 rounds to cast and 15 dragon magic points.

2.heal five:this will heal seven hitpoints per level of the user.this takes 4 rounds to cast and 16 dragon magic points.

3.flame strike:this shoots a stream of flames.this does 7 points per every other level of the user.this takes 5 rounds to cast and 17 dragon magic points.

4.gust:this will form a strong gust of wind.this will knock oppenent down.this will make the opponent lose 2 points to defense power permenantly.this takes 6 rounds to cast and 18 dragon magic points.

5.darkness:this will form a shround of darkness with in 15 will hide the party that is around the user.this takes 4 rounds to summon and 19 dragon magic points.

6th level

1.hail one:this summons a hail storm.this does 8 points damage per level of the user.this takes 5 rounds to cast and 19 dragon magic points.

2.frost bite:this does 9 points damage per level of the user in frostbite damage.this takes 5 rounds to cast and 20 dragon magic points.

3.remove magic:this will remove magic from any object or such.this takes 7 rounds to cast and 22 dragon magic points.

4.find trap:this will allow the user to detect any trap.this takes 3 rounds to cast and 22 dragon magic points.

5.remove trap:this will allow the user to remove any trap.this takes 5 rounds to cast and 24 dragon magic points.

7th level

1.enchant item:this will allow the user to make any normal weapon.a plus one weapon this adds one point to attack power.this adds one point to can add one point to each per every 3 levels of the user.this takes 8 rounds to cast and 27 dragon magic points.

2.disenchant item:this allows the user to drain all magic from an item.this takes 15 rounds to cast and 30 dragon magic points.this does not work on relics,artifacts or unique items.

3.level absorb:this will allow the user to absorb one level and take it for can take one level per every 10 levels of the user.this takes 8 rounds to cast and 33 dragon magic points.

4.enhance hitpoints:this will allow the user to add 20 hitpoints to any character once per character only.this takes 16 rounds to cast and 35 dragon magic points.

5.choking mist:this does 12 points per every other round in suffication damage.this takes 10 rounds to cast and 35 dragon magic points.

8th level

1.burning mist:this does 17 points damage every other level in burn takes 10 rounds to cast and 37 dragon magic points.

2.poison mist:this is at the poison strength of does 10 points per round of poison damage per round.until cured or victim is takes 11 rounds to cast and 39 dragon magic points.

3.acid bolt:this does 10 points damage in acid damage per level of the user.this takes 12 rounds to cast and 40 dragon magic points. bolt:this does 10 points fire damage per level of the user.this takes 10 rounds to cast and 40 dragon magic points.

5.water breathing:this allows the user to breath under water.this last 6 rounds per level of the user.this takes 12 rounds to cast and 40 dragon magic points.

9th level

1.dark hammer:this does 11 points damage per level of the user.this is a hammer made from the dark takes 12 rounds to cast and 42 dragon magic points.

2.mighty fist:this does 80 points forms a magic fist.this takes 13 rounds to summon and 42 dragon magic points.

3.mighty bite:this does 90 points is a mgic bite.this takes 13 rounds to cast and 44 dragon magic points.

4.ultimate darpa production:this will produce 3000 darpas once per week real time.this takes 15 rounds to cast and 44 dragon magic points.

5.portal:this opens a portal to your home.this is an escape spell.this takes 4 rounds to summon and 45 dragon magic points.

10th level

1.ultimate heal:this will restore 12 hitpoints to anyone per level.this takes 7 rounds to cast and 47 dragon magic points.

2.astral shift:

3.fear:this will instill fear into anyone.this will freeze them for 4 rounds per level if the user.this takes 10 rounds to cast and 48 dragon magic points.

4.dispel fear:this will dispel a fear spell.this takes 4 rounds to cast and 48 dragon magic points.

5.bravery:this will add 2 points to the attack power of a character.this can be cast on one character once.this takes 4 rounds to cast and 50 dragon magic points.

11th level

1.cower:this will instill fear in the user like the fear spell,but it will also make them lose 3 points to defense power permenantly.this takes 10 rounds to cast and 50 dragon magic points. shake:this will do 120 points damage.this takes 15 rounds to cast and 55 dragon magic points.

3.tornado:this does 12 points damage per level of the user.this goes up to 300 points in damage.this takes 16 rounds to cast and 55 dragon magic points.

4.hurricane:this does 12 points in damage.this goes up to 300 points in damage.this takes 8 rounds to cast and 55 dragon magic points.

5.tsunami:this takes 12 points per level of the user.this goes up to 300 points damage.this takes 8 rounds to cast and 55 dragon magic points.

12th level

1.ultimate hitpoints enhancement:this adds 60 hitpoints to any given character.this takes 9 rounds to cast and 60 dragon magic points.

2.ultimate dragonfire:this does 300 points damage.this takes 9 rounds to cast and 65 dragon magic points.

3.havoc:this allows the user to confuse the enemy.this last for 5 rounds per level of the user.this takes 10 rounds to cast and 65 dragon magic points.

4.frenzy:this allows the user to do double the damage with any weapon once per combat.this takes 10 rounds to cast and 65 dragon magic points.

5.force barrier:this allow the user to for a barrier between him and the enemy.this last 7 rounds per level of the user.this takes 10 rounds to cast and 65 dragon magic points.

13th level

1.sting vine:this does 20 points per every 3 levels of the user.this takes 12 rounds to cast and 67 dragon magic points.

2.cure disease:this will cure any disease.this takes 6 rounds to cast and 67 dragon magic points.

3.shock:this will doe 350 points in electrical damage.this takes 10 rounds to cast and 68 dragon magic points.

4.mystical sword:this does 15 points per level of the user.this forms a mystical sword.this takes 10 rounds to cast and 68 dragon magic points.

5.hinder:this will stop a enemy and hold them.this last 8 rounds per level of the user.this takes 7 rounds to cast and 68 dragon magic points.

14th level

1.multiple flame strike:this will allow the user to hit 3 enemies.with 8 points damage per level of the take 8 rounds to cast and 70 dragon magic points.

2.multiple lightning bolt:this will allow the user to hit 3 enemies.with 8 points damage per level of the take 8 rounds to cast and 70 dragon magic points.

3.lightning strike:this will allow the user to hit 3 enemies.with 8 points damage per level of the take 8 rounds to cast and 70 dragon magic points.

4.multiple fireballs:this will allow the user to hit 3 enemies.with 8 points damage per level of the take 8 rounds to cast and 70 dragon magic points.

5.mulitple heal spell:this will allow the user to hit 3 enemies.with 8 points damage per level of the take 8 rounds to cast and 70 dragon magic points.

15th level storm:this will allow the user to hit 3 enemies.with 8 points damage per level of the take 8 rounds to cast and 70 dragon magic points. storm:this will allow the user to hit 3 enemies.with 8 points damage per level of the take 8 rounds to cast and 70 dragon magic points.

3.acid rain:this will allow the user to hit 3 enemies.with 8 points damage per level of the take 8 rounds to cast and 70 dragon magic points.

4.flood:this will allow the user to hit 3 enemies.with 8 points damage per level of the take 8 rounds to cast and 70 dragon magic points.

5.tidal wave:this will allow the user to hit 3 enemies.with 8 points damage per level of the take 8 rounds to cast and 70 dragon magic points.

16th level

1.Ultimate Dragon armor:this adds 100 points to the dragons natural defense power.this is permenant,but this can only be used once per dragon.this cost 80 magic base points.

2.Omega Blast:this releases a ball of intense energy.this spell will do 15 points damage per level of the user.this cost 80 magic base points.

3.Magic draining touch:this will allow the user to drain 25 points from any magic weapon,armor,or item.this is per touch.this cost 80 magic base points each time this is summoned.this last one round per summoning.

4.level draining:this allows the caster to drain one level from the victim.this gives the level to the caster.this last one round each time this is summoned.this cost 85 dragon magic points.

17th level

1.summon dragonknight:this allows the user to summon a dragon knight to his aid.the dragon knight be of the same color of the dragon.the dragon knight will be of one level in power per every other level of the dragon.this cost 90 dragon magic point to summon.

2.holy water:this will allow the dragon to bless up to 12 vials of water ,and this will make it holy water.this will do 100 points damage per vial.this is to any evil creature,vampire,werekind etc.this cost 90 dragon magic points.

3.holy seal:this allows the user to form a holy seal to his entrance of his home.this will keep all evil things out of his home.this will do 200 points damage to all evil things that are with in 20 feet of the seal.this cost 90 dragon magic points.

4.dragons horde:this will allow the dragon to form 235,000 darpas per time this is used.this takes 100 dragon magic points to summon.

5.calling of the clan:this will allow the dragon to summon 4 of his clan members to his aid.this cost 100 dragon magic points.

18th level

1.unseen:this will allow the user to hide for 1 round per level of the user.this is to turn invisible from even infravision.this cost 100 dragon magic points.

2.dragon storm:this will allow the user to hit 3 enemies.with 12 points damage per level of the take 8 rounds to cast and 100 dragon magic points.this creates a dragon tornado of imense energy.

3.dragon fury:this will allow the user to hit 3 enemies.with 13 points damage per level of the take 8 rounds to cast and 100 dragon magic points.this will allow the dragon to form a fire storm.this is of intense fire. of the dragon:this will allow the user to call 12 dragons to his aid.they will either be of the same type of dragon,or they will be of those who are friendly to the dragon.this cost 100 dragon magic points.

19th level

1.sign of the dragon lords:this will protect the dragon from 2000 points damage .this will happen for 1 round for ever 5 levels of the cost 125 dragon magic points.

2.death gaze:this will take 130 dragon magic points to cast.this does 25 points per level of the user up to 2800 points damage.

20th level

1.diamondra,s vengence:take 140 dmp .does 30 points per level.

2.diamondra's fury:takes 150 dmp.does 33 points damage per level.

3.diamondra fire:takes 125 magic points.does 25 points per level.

4.dragonlord's vengence:takes 190 dmp.does 35 points damage per level.

5.dragonlord's fury:takes 190 damp to cast.does 36 points per level.

6.restoration:see healer

7.ressurrection:see healer.

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