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the dragon types

welcome to the world of antaria .that contains all of the dragon types as follows:

they dragon types:


this is a dragon who has diamonds for its scales.this is one of the largest most powerful of all the dragons.they get a plus five points to their defense power to start.due to the fact that they do not where armor .they get 3 points to their defense power per level of the dragon.this is different then the standard one point.they have the following abilities:

1.claws:they do 10 points per level of the dragon.this is in damage per level they can do with them.

2.bite:they get 11 points to the damage per level of this dragon per level of the diamond dragon.

3.tail strike:this allows them to do 12 points per level of the dragon per tail strike.this is damage with tail the can do per level.

4.breathe weapon:they breathe a cone of pure diamonds.this does 16 points damage per level of the dragon.they can use this every 3rd rounds it takes a dragon to rounds to recharge.

5.they get one level per level of advancement of the dragon magic.this is until they have all of the levels of the spells.then they just gain more power to use them.

6.they can swollow a human size creature of 8 levels or less per level of the dragon.this can be attmepted once per combat.

7.dragon lore:they can learn one dragon legend per level of the dragon up to 125 legends in a life time.

they live in large cities that are built of the diamond dragons.this is with in the caverns that have the diamond deposits so sometimes this can be a hazzard to the miners.they lay 3 to 12 eggs.the femals do that are of diamond shell.these eggs for for 12,000 to 25,000 darpas per egg.they stand for feet to head about 55 feet.they stand from head to tail about 90 feet.they weight between 800 to 1400 pounds.


this is a dragon whose scales are made of pure emeralds.this adds 4 points to defense power to start.they get 3 points to defense power per level of the dragon.since dragons do not were armor.they get the following abilities:

1.claws:tehy do 8 points per level of the dragon.

2.bite:they do 9 points per level of the dragon.

3.tail:they do 10 points per level of the dragon.

4.breathe weapon:this is a cone of solid emeralds.this does 14 points damage per level of the dragon.

5.dragon magic:they get one level per level of the user.this is up to the last level of spells.then they only make it stronger in magic per level of the dragon.

6.dragonlore:they can learn one dragon legend per level up to 120.

swollowing:they can swollow one humn sized or smaller of 8 hitpoints or less per level of the dragon.this can be attempted once per combat.

they are of emerald scales.they stand about 45 feet from feet to head.they are of 75 feet from head to tail.they live with in the emerald cavern cities of the emerald dragon cities.they females have emerald shelled eggs.they go for 10,000 to 22,000 darpas.they weight between 750 to 1350 pounds.


the ruby dragon is that of a dragon.that has rubies for scales.they are about 40 feet from head to feet,and they are about 70 feet from head to tail..they weight between 700 to 1300 pounds.they live with in the ruby caverns.they have ruby shelled eggs that go for 9,000 to 18,000 darpas per egg.they have about 2 to 10 eggs per female dragon in one birthing.they have all the dragon abilities of that set at the emerald dragons in points and such per level.


the opal dragon.they are of opal gems for there scales.they are mean and nasty.they are the most feared of all dragons.they hate all dragons who are not evil or of the opal type.they have the same abilities of the of the emerald dragon.they are about 37 feet from feet to head.thay are about 68 feet from feet to tail.they as femals have 4 to 16 opal shelled eggs.valued at 7,000 to 17,000 in darpas per egg.they weight between 680 to 1290 pounds.they live with in the opal vallies of the antarian world.


the shapphire dragon.they have shapphire gems for there skin and scales.they have all of the abilities of the dragon set of that of a emerald dragon.they as females lay 3 to 13 eggs.these are shappire shelled eggs.they go for 8,000 to 20,000 in darpas per egg.they stand at 44 feet from head to feet.they are of 73 feet from head to tail.they live with in the shapphire vallies of the antarian world.they live with in great shapphire dragon cities.they are very bright and wise dragons.they weight between 795 to 1345 pounds.


these dragons are of that of the topaz covered scalls.they get the same abilities of the emerald dragon set at the same of an emerald dragon.they are of the same size and weight of that of a shapphire dragon.there eggs value between 3,000 and 14,000 darpas per egg.they live with in the topaz vallies.they live with in the great topaz dragon cities.


they are of black oynx scales.they get the same abilities of that of a emerald dragon,and they are as evil as the opal dragons are.they are the same size of the opal dragons.their eggs are valued at that of the opal dragons eggs per egg.they live with in the oynx vallies of the antarian world.they live in great oynx dragon cities.


these are of platinum covered scales and skin.they get a plus 2 to there defense power.they get 2 points per level of advancment.they get the same abilities other wise then the emerald dragons of the antarian world.they live with in the platinum caverns of the antarian world.they have platinum plated eggs that are worth about 7,000 darpas in platinum per egg.they live with in the great platinum cities of the antarian world,and they are about the same size as the emerald dragons.they are about the same weight as the emerald dragon.they are of a good nature.


these are copper color in scales and skin.they are of the same stats and the abilities of that of the emerald dragon but they get a plus 2 to the defense power to start.they they live with in the copper mine networks that are upon the antarian world.they they live with in the great copper dragon cities.they have abou 2 to 8 eggs they are worth about 3,000 darpas each.they are of a evil nature.


these are of silver in scales and skin.they have the same abilities and such of the copper dragon.they live with in the silver mines and caverns of the antarian world.they are of the same size as copper dragons.they are of a good nature.ttheir eggs go for about 5,000 darpas per egg.


they are of gold color in skin.they are of a good nature.they live with in the gold mines and such of the antarian world.they live with in great gold dragon cities.they have the same stats and abilities set at that of the platinum dragon.their eggs go for about 9,000 darpas each.


these are of purple color in scales.they are of the smae height and weight of the emerald dragon.they get the same stats and abilities of that of the platinum dragon.they live with in the pairies of the antarian world.they use acid as a breathe weapon.they have a nasty temperment,but they are of neutral nature.their eggs go for 800 darpas.they have 2 to 24 eggs.they live in there own great cities.


they are of a forest green color in skin and scales.they have the same stats and abilities of the of the platinum dragon.they are live with in the forest region of antaria in caves.they are of a friendly


the earth dragons these are a earth tone in color in skin,and in the scale colors.they get a plus two to defense power.then they get 3 points to defense power per level of the dragon.they get the same abilities at the same setting as the platinum dragon.they are of a neutral nature.they live with in earth dragon colonies,and great cities.their eggs are worth about 750 darpas.they have about 3 to 30 eggs.they are about the same size as the platinum dragons.they get the following two special abilities only to this type:

1.earthquake:this allows them to cause an earthquake.this does 4 points per level of the dragon to all with in a 12 feet radius.this can be done once per combat.

2.dust storm:this allows the dragon to form a dust storm .this will do 4 points to all with in 12 feet.this is 4 points damage per level of the dragon.this can be used once per combat.there breath weapon is a sand blast.


welcome to the antarian water dragon.these live with in the oceans rivers and streams lakes as well.they live in large underwater kingdoms and cities.they are of a neutral nature.they are most intelligence.they will sink war vessels for they are against war of any kind.they are a blue greenish color.they have eggs that are worth 800 darpas.they have large sacs in there head that allow them to breathe underwater.they are the same size and have the same abilities of that of a platinum dragon.they get the following 3 special abilities:

1.tidal wave:they can summon or cause a tidal wave that does 4 points per level of the dragon in water damage to all with in 20 feet.they can use this once per combat.

2.hurricane:they can summon a hurricane.this will do 5 points per level of the dragon in water damage.this has a 22 feet area effect.this can be used once per day.

3.ram:this will allow the dragon to ram a sea vessel for 20 points damage per level.this is to sink ships and such.they can do this once per combat.there breath weapon is chlorine gas.


this is the artic dragons of the antarian world.they are of an ice blue in color.they have the same abilities of the platinum dragon,they are about the same size and weight as the platinum dragon as well.they are of a neutral nature.they have 2 to 20 eggs.they are worth 650 darpas per egg.they live in large ice dragon cities.they have there own culture and such.they get the following 2 special abilities:

1.hail storm:they can cause a hail storm that will do 5 points damage per level of the dragon in hail storm damage.this is to all with in a 22 feet radius.this can be used once per day. blast:this will do 8 points per level to the person it is cast at.this is 8 points in cold damage.this can be used once per combat.

their breath weapon is that of a stream of cold.


they are of that of the same abilities and size of the gold dragon.they are of a neutral nature.they have the live with in the swamps of the antarian world.they use burning myst as there breath weapon,they can also takes the form of a myst cloud this protects it from all physical attacks.this cloud last 2 rounds per level of the dragon.


these live in and around the swamplands of the antarian world.they are brown in color.they are of a good nature,they hate all evil things.they have the same abilities that are set of that as the platinum dragon,they are the same size as the gold dragon,there breath weapon is hot mist cloud.


they are of a grey scal color.they live with in the grass land of the antarian world.they are of a untrusting neutral nature,they are the same size and weight of that of the gold dragon.they have the same setting of the abilities of the gold dragon,they use lightning as their breathe weapon.


they are of a dark red color.they are of a vecious evil nature.they are bout that of the gold dragon in size.they live with in caves of the antarian world.they use fire as there breath weapon.


they are of the same size and weight of the gold dragon.they use lightning as a breath weapon.they have the same setting of all abilities to all dragons of that of the antarian platinum dragon.they are of a evil nature.they are wanderers they will live just about anywhere.they are of a dark blue color.


they are of jet black in color.they have the same abilities and size of that of a platinum dragon.they are the evil ones as well.they use acid for there breath weapon.they live within large cave scattered accross the antarian world.they are a common dragon which means there are many of them.


these are of a pure white color.they have the abilities and size of a platinum dragon.they use acid as there breath weapon.they hate the black dragons for they are there sworn enemy.these are of pure good in nature.they are also that of a common type dragon.they will protect the innocent.they are very very intelligent.


these are of orangish in scale color.they live in the hot dry regions of the antarian world.they get the same abilitie of that of a platinum dragon,they are the same size of the platinum dragon,they are mean and nasty they are very evil in nature.there breathe weapon is fire.

the twelve rites of the dragon.these are rune type dragon rites.these are given to them at a certain level.

the rites against good/evil:this will protect the dragon from good or evil.depending on there nature.this will protect them up to 120 feet.this does 7 points per level of the dragon.this is in damage to the one they are protecting from.this they get at a 1st level dragon. protection:this will protect the dragon from fire damage .this will protect them for 4 points per level of the dragon.they get this at 3 level.

3.acid protection:this allows the dragon to protect themselves against 5 points damage in acid damage per level of the dragon.they get this at 5th level.

4.lightning protection:this will allow the dragon to protect themselves from electrical damage for 5 points damage per level of the dragon.this you get at the 7th level.

5.magic bolt:this will allow the dragon to invoke a bolt of pure magic.this does 6 points per level of the dragon in magic damage.they get this at 9th level of dragon.

6.enhance defense power:this allows the user to add 2 extra points to defense power per level of the dragon for 2 rounds per level of the get this at the 11th level.

7.rite of healing:this allows the dragon to heal 12 points per level of the dragon to themselves or another.this can be used once per day real time.this you get at the 13th level.

8.rite of wounding:this is allows the dragon to invoke the rite of wounding.this does 12 points per level of the dragon per round.this can be used once per day real time.this they get at the 15th level.

9.rite of gaurding:this will allow the user to do 200 points damage to anything that comes with in 20 feet of him or the party anything with hostile intent.this can be used once per every other day real time.this they get at the 17th level.

10.rite of death:this will allow the dragon to do 300 points damage to its intended victim.this is 300 points per level 5 levels of advancment.this can be used once per every 3 days real time.this they get at the 20th level.

11.rite of ressurection and restoration:this allows the dragon the ressurect and restore anyone who has lost their life.this can be done once every other day.this they get at the 25th level.

12.rite of level enchancement:this will allow the dragon to add 1 level to himself one shot deal.then they lose it.then after 8 levels of advancement they get it again,then they lose it then so on.they get this at 30th level.

note:once you recieve a right that has a per level deal.if it is at 25th level when you get it for example it is like it is that of the first level.

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