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Dragon World

Welcome to the world of the antarian dragons the oldest of all the dragons of any of the realms. They were created first on the world of antaria then on other worlds. They are the creator of the toehr dragon races of other realms. As diamondra is the queen of all dragons. The dragons grow in power by age. Here as add 3 points to all there stats per year. They start out as a 50 year old dragons as follows.

50 year old dragon: str:12 int:12 wis:12 con:12 end:12 dex:12 speed:10 stamina:24 reisistence:4 then 2 points to this per year.

Hitpoints: 20 then you add 12 per 50 year of the dragon in age.

Attack/defense powers:10/10 then you add 3 to this per year of the dragon.

mental points: 20 then you add 15 per year of the dragon in age.

Mental abilities: They get one one and one in all 3 catagories.

Then they get one every 200 years up to 5 in each.

Special ability points: 20 then 15 per year of the dragon life.

Special abilities: They get one to start then they get one every 150 years.

This is up to five in this per dragon.

Magic attack/defense powers: 24 then they get 4 points to this per year of the dragon.

Evade power: They start out with 20 then they get 3 points to this per 50 years.

Blocking power: They start out with 20 points to this. Then they get 3 points to this per year.

Magic base points or dark magic points: They start out with 50 points to this then get 15 per 50 years.

To gain 50 years in advancement the dragon as to stay active and alive for 2 months realm time.

Dragon points: They start out with 20 then they get 2 points per 50 years of the dragon.

the dragon gets the following dragon abilities:

flight this is a natural function to them this cost no dragon points.

Energy burst: This allows the dragon to cast a burst of pure dragon energy. This does 6 points damage per year of the dragon. This cost 10 dragon points.

Regenerate: This allows the user to heal themselves after a combat for 7 hitpoints per year of the dragon. This cost 8 dragon points.

Engulf: This allows the dragon to swallow a man sized or smaller being in on chomp. This is successful if the dragon is 4 years older then they character is in 600 year old dragon vs.a 10 level warrior. This will instantly kill the one being eaten armor and all. This cost 50 dragon points.

Dragonstorm: This allows the user to create a vortex that does 12 points damage to the victim per year of the dragon in age. This cost 30 dragon points.

They dragon acts as a 1st level warrior in fighting ability as per year of the dragon.

The dragons act as a 1st level spellcaster or arcane mage one level advancement per year of the dragon in age.

There are several colors of dragon or types and the types are as follows for the player character dragons:

Diamond dragon: They get a plus one to defense power over the other dragons per year. They get a plus one to attack power per year over the other dragons. They are of neutral nature.

Ruby dragons: They get a plus one to wisdom over the other dragons per year. They are of neutral nature.

The opal dragons: They get a plus one to magic attack power per year over the other dragons.they are of evil nature.

silverdragons:they are of evil nature.electricity breathe weapon.

copper dragons:they are of good nature.acid breathe weapon.

Purple dragons: They are of good nauture. Clorine breathe weapon.

Bronze dragon: They are of various nature. Steam breathe weapon.

Gold dragon: They are of neutral nature. Hot vapor breathe weapon.

Blue dragons: They are of evil nature. Cone of cold as a breathe weapon.

Red dragon: They are of evil nature. Fire as a breather weapon.

Brown dragon: They are of good nature. Poisonous vapor as a breathe weapon.

Emerald dragon:they get a plus one to speed and dexterity over all of the other dragons per year. They are of good nature.

These are the dragons in color so far. These are the dragons of the antarian world as they stand right now for they are a very powerful type race of the antarian world. They are very highly respected as foes or as friends they are go to have on your side. And it is a bad thing to have them against you. They do have dragon clans.and the leader is usually the oldest wisest and most powerful of the dragon clan. They must go by antarian combat rules as the combat is set. They just advance differently then the other races.

dragon character sheet










attack power:

defense power:

dragon magic points:

magic attack power:

magic defense power:





bite damage:

claw damage:

tail damage:

breathe weapon damage:









experience points:


mental points:

special ability points:

dragon points:




magic weapons:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

magic armor:____________________________________________________________________________________________________.

magic items:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

mental abilities:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

special abilities:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

dragon abilities:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.


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