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Duo Maxwell Data


Code Name: Duo Maxwell 
Real Name: Duo Maxwell 
Identity: MS Deathscythe / Deathscythe Hell / Deathscythe Hell Custom Gundam pilot 
Age: 15 
Race: Caucasian American 
Sex: Male 
Origins: L2 colony 
Family: Space nomads "Sweeper Group" 
Height: 156 cm 
Weight: 43 kg 
Eye Color: Cobalt Blue 
Hair Color: Brown 


Special Characteristics: Long hair braided down to thighs. 
Personality: Bright, optimistic and cheerful, light hearted and talkative. He is so sociable that he oftens has to act as peacemaker and intermediary for friends. He has mixed feelings about war but never voices them. He has great fortitude though many will call it stubbornness. 
Past: As an orphan, he was raised as a Warrior by the Sweeper Group. 
Present: On a mission to destroy OZ, he meets Heero and gets interested in him. Uses a salvage ship as means of transportation. 

Death of Darkness