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Quatre Raberba Winner Data


Code Name: Quatre Raberba Winner
Real Name: Quatre Raberba Winner
Identity: MS Gundam Sandrock / Gundam Sandrock Custom pilot
Age: 15
Race: Arabian
Sex: Male
Origins: L4 colony
Family: His tribe and 29 sisters (each of different mothers)Has 40 assistants with Mobile Suits.
Height: 156 cm
Weight: 41 kg
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Platnium Gold

Special Characteristics: Beautiful, fair-haired young boy whose appearance shows that he comes from a good family.
Abilities: A genius in combat, he is the only one in his tribe whopilot a Gundam
Personality: Quiet but a genius when it comes to painting and music.
Past: Raised without hardship in the Winner family, who have been opposed to OZ. Highly trusted by his four servants.
Present: Using his family's Eastern domain as a base, he is on a mission to destroy OZ when he meets Trowa.

Noble in desert