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Chang Wufei Data 


Code Name: Chang Wufei 
Real Name: Chang Wufei 
Identity: MS Shenlong Gundam / Altron Gundam / Gundam Nataku pilot 
Age: 15 
Race: Chinese 
Sex: Male 
Origins: L5 colony 
Family: Unknown 
Height: 156 cm 
Weight: 46 kg 
Eye Color: Black 
Hair Color: Black 

Special Characteristics: White mao suit and ponytail. 
Abilities: As a New Type, he instinctively identifies people who have evil thoughts and attacks mercilessly immediately. 

Personality: Extremely proud of his ancestry and title, he will forgive no insult. He works alone for most of the time. In battle, he appears with the sun and fights with the courage of a messager of justice. When it comes to fighting, he prefers to fight bare handed unhesitatingly. Off battlefield, he is quiet, innocent and shy. His innocence have lead him to do things that result in the opposite of what he expects. 
Past: Directly descended from a line of ancient chinese warriors. Has a pure pedigree as a warrior. 
Present: On a mission to destroy OZ by himself, supplied by arms merchants. 

Solitary Dragon