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"A lot of people go to school for seven years."
"Yeah, they're called doctors."


Well, I just added about 15 new links on my Links page, I hope that you check those out. As for now, I'm going to bed because I'm tired. Wish me luck this weekend as I row hard in Indianapolis. Should be a good time. Also, let me know if those new dividers are too annoying to look at. I almost think they are, and I'll probably end up changing them sometime.

Fairwell, goodnight, last one up turn out the light.

Quote of the Week
(As seen in my Freshman Planner)

"My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure." --Abraham Lincoln

Explained for the "below average" person: "If you work hard and don't succeed, you should be satisfied that you have worked that hard, and feel good about your progress."

My insight, applied as I see fit: If you try to do something, but it doesn't work out, you should be able to tell yourself it's ok, because at least you've done your best.

Click for Cincinnati, Ohio Forecast

Counter installed on August 13, 2000

Comments? Ideas? Drop me a line:

Page last updated: 10/18/01 (A ton of fun with more links)

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