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Tiburon's Notes

Chapter 1 Timothy

The sun slowly rises over the horizon sending a lancet of brilliant sunlight into the snoozing vulpine's half open eyes. The beam of light spears in through the fog of sleep sending the vulpine tumbling from his rest to come crashing to the floor.

A slender boyish looking fur the vulpine is just about to turn twenty yet looks hardly more then 13 or 14 at most. He climbs to his feet trying vainly to right the tousled mess his fur has become in sleep. Giving up on the tangled mess he pads to the shower to turn on the water and give it a chance to warm up before stepping in. He picks up his tooth brush and placing the paste on it looks in the mirror at his reflection..."Well Timothy this is your last chance to loose your virginity before you are beyond your teenage years." He shakes his head at the impossibility of the task. After all he has been trying for almost 14 of his twenty years. What can he do in one day that he couldn’t in all that time?

After brushing his pearly white teeth for two minutes just like every morning and flossing every crevice he strips from his sleeping shorts. His body is small but well muscled. His every movement sets off a rippling of muscle beneath taunt fur. Timothy takes a step back looking at him-self full length in the mirror. His sheath bulges nicely from his pelvis and his balls swing freely in the air. His fur is a uniform red with out any identifying marks no scars his small form is pristine untouched. "I don't Think I am ugly... so why can't I find any one" Frustrated he sighs and steps into the showers steaming hot stream. He simply lets the heat soak into his weary flesh turning this way and that his fur turning dark with the water better revealing his frame yet if anything making him appear smaller.

Grabbing up a bar of soap he works it between strong slender hands forming a thick lather. He begins by lifting one foot to rest on the edge of the tub/shower combination leaning over to scrub his foot and slowly working the lather up his leg. He stops short of his crotch a guilty flash crosses his eyes for even thinking of playing in the shower with his family waiting to use it. Changing legs he lathers that one up as well stroking his muscular calves and thighs working out the knots in the fur and the kinks in his muscles.

He starts slowly rubbing the lather over his arms enjoying the feel of the soap cleansing his sleep-ruffled fur and setting it in order. Working over his muscled chest he can't help reacting to the feeling of his palms rubbing over sensitive nipples. He slowly starts to protrude from his sheath a guilty flush hidden by his fur as he begins to give into temptation.

Oh so lightly, he begins to stroke the base of his shaft. His furred digits run up the dripping wet shaft to trace the thick mushroom head. Even this slight touch is enough to make him moan with pleasure. His eyes slowly drift closed and his mind runs wild transporting him in spirit to another place where he is with one who cares.

He feels the warmth of the water fade to become almost but not quite uncomfortably cool. He mumbles aloud, “who is using the hot water…” His eyes slowly open on a scene straight from his imagination. His sweet mouth drops open in shock as the cool pure water from the tropical waterfall cascades around him. He looks down past his soft wet form to the rock ledge he is standing on. Stamping his foot a bit to make sure its real feeling the rough surface, where moments before had been smooth tile. He lets his eyes wonder while his mind struggles to take in the reality of this strange change in location. A deep blue pool of water turned white in the center where the waterfall spends its turbulent wrath. The beautiful pool is surrounded by a thin white ribbon of sand that is quickly devoured by a multitude of green plants splashed with vibrantly colored flowers .

His mind finally begins to clear as he convinces himself that this must be a dream. He must have fallen in the shower and this is just a dazed delusion. Deciding to test this theory he dives from his ledge into the pool below surely he will wake before he hits like in all his prior dreams.

The shock of hitting the water drives his breath from his lungs in a shimmering curtain of bubbles racing each other to the surface. Gasping for breath in panic he takes a breath of water choking and trying to cough out the water only taking more fluid into his oxygen starved lungs. Slowly the panic fades and his mind begins to cloud its almost pleasant really the chill of the water forgotten as his sight begins to dim.

Just before he looses consciousness he feels strong hands wrap around his waist and drag him towards the surface. Disappointment fills his heart that this delightful feeling might end to soon, it would be a fitting end for the little fox no one wanted to die alone far from home. The hands forgotten he sinks into the dark void of sleep…

Chapter 2 Agai

The sun warm on his wet fur the chubby otter sighs to himself lonely since his decision to leave his family in search of a mate. There were no others in his old home pool who shared his… interests he was always alone every since as a young pup his orientation came to light…. Tiburon Wink